资历架构级别: 4
资历名册登记号码: 13/000237/L4
登记有效期: 02/05/2013 至 登记持续有效
Application Code 报名编号 : HD122
BA (Hons) Digital Media
BA (Hons) Visual Studies
香港大学专业进修学院 - 国际学院
爱丁堡龙比亚大学 (Edinburgh Napier University)
伦敦艺术大学 (University of the Arts London)
西英格兰大学 (University of the West of England, Bristol)
赫尔大学 (University of Hull)
密德萨斯大学 (Middlesex University London)
- 客户服务主任/经理(新媒体)
- 数字媒体经理
- 内容营销主任/经理
- 媒体制作/编辑
- 跨媒体设计师
- 社交媒体主任/经理
- 营销及公共关系经理
* 以上列表只提供部份升学例子以作参考。
通用技能 |
专门知识 |
Year 1
3位新媒体与传播高级文凭的同学凭着创意,赢得FX Creations广告创作比赛亚军,恭喜Charles, Harry及Calvin (当日Calvin有事未能出席颁奖典礼)!
日期: 2016年4月11日
参观Canon Pro Solution Hub
日期: 2015年5月22日
参观Samsung D'Ling Experience New Media Digital World
日期: 2016年5月25日
参观KOFIC南杨州综合摄影所 (韩国)
日期: 2016年5月26日
日期: 2016年6月7日
日期: 2016年6月7日
参观YTN (韩国)
日期: 2016年5月25日
Screen Capture of Student Assignment in Motion Graphics
Screen Capture of Student Assignment in Storytelling
1st runner up of the FX Creations Advertisement Competition

- 2021-23 Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
- 2023-24 Student of Hong Kong Baptist University, Bachelor of Communication (Hons) in Film (Film and Television Concentration) (Year 3)
因为对剪片感兴趣,所以选择了 NMC,入读了这科才发现 Media 不单单是影片剪接,还有很多其他的范畴。虽然我只接触过简单剪接,但是对于其他新的知识,例如动画制作、影片制作、网页设计、声音设计等等都因为导师们由浅入深的教导而能够好好掌握。记得当时Year 1 完结,我的感想是“今年学咗好多嘢”。

- 2021-23 Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
- 2023-24 Student of City University of Hong Kong (CityU), School of Creative Media
NMC offers a diverse range of courses that go beyond just photography and videography. It also includes various other courses such as animation, where students learn how to create animated content that can be applied in video editing. These practical courses provide a solid foundation and serve as a starting point to develop my skills. The course structure is practical and hands-on. The teaching quality of this course is excellent.

- 2020-22 Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication

- 2020-22 Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
- 2022-23 Student of Hong Kong Baptist University, Bachelor of Communication (Hons) in Film (Animation and Media Arts Concentration) (Year 3)
I equipped myself with storytelling skills, software and digital marketing knowledge during the past 2 years. The pandemic has changed our school life, with the support given from lecturers and friends, I am now a university student.

- 2021-22 Student of The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, BJC (Hons) (Year 3)
- 2019-21 Student of Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
假如你在文凭试后感到前路茫茫,我希望你像我一样找到适合自己就读的课程。新媒体与传播是一个广泛的学科,包括拍摄和剪接短片、网页设计和市场学等。课程内容丰富,学生容易找到自己喜爱的范畴 ,从而开拓自己的未来。

- 2017-19 Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
- 2020-21 Student of Hong Kong Baptist University, Bachelor of Communication (Hons) in Film (Year 3)
Through studying in this program, I have gained a lot of knowledge and practical skills. The programme covers a wide range of courses, such as Visual Storytelling and Digital Photography Production. Before taking the course, I was amazed that photographers could take excellent photos. After taking the photography lectures, we learned something about composition, exposure triangle and so on. I could apply those theories when I took photos. Moreover, the assignments were not just written assignments. We did have other assignment liked motion graphics. We could develop our creativity by using the “After Effect”. It was so fulfilling when you were able to create your own masterpiece. Moreover, we had study trip to broaden our horizons. I did enjoy this programme a lot.

- 2018-20 Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
- 2020-21 Student of BA (Hons) in Creative and Professional Writing (Year 3)

- 2017-19 Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
- 2019-20 Undergraduate in City University of Hong Kong, BSc in Creative Media (Year 2)
Before knowing about new media, I felt frustrated in study as I would never achieve a satisfying result no matter how much effort I made. Coincidently, I met New Media and Communication. I found it to be interesting for me and gave me fuller motivation to get deeper into it. This course emphasizes practical techniques rather than theories. In these two years, I have become familiar with market analysis, photography, video shooting, softwares such as Premiere, After Effect, Illustrator etc. The most impressive experience was the studying trip in Japan. Visiting Japanese TV studio and media school broaden my knowledge. Overall, New Media and Communication provides comprehensive new media knowledge which gives me a clear future direction and career path.

- 2017-19 Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
- 2019-20 Undergraduate in City University of Hong Kong, BSc in Creative Media (Year 2)
在中学时期,我对新媒体相关东西已经有非常浓厚的兴趣,但对升学出路却没有概念。在公开试后我选择了入读HKU SPACE Community College的「新媒体与传播」高级文凭课程,这个课程令我了解到现今媒体行业的运作,使我对将来发展方向有了大概目标,并提供了一个平台让我的兴趣及创意得到拓展。
此外这个课程启发了我踏入制作动态图形(motion graphics)的领域,我在课堂以及功课上找到了制作动态图形作品的乐趣,课程激发了我在课堂以外也自发钻研技巧,希望得到进步。

- Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication (Year 2)
Two years studying at new media and communication was very fulfilling. Students are acquired with technical skills in media production, such as photo shooting and video making. Assignments are not limited in paper work , some also requires students to get out side , take photos or record videos. When the assignments are done, both the products and the grades are satisfying if you gave your best.

- 2016-18 Student of Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
- 2018-19 Student of City University of Hong Kong, BA Digital Television and Broadcasting (Year 2)
虽然在公开试的成绩未能符合入读心仪大学学科的要求,但是在HKU SPACE的两年时间中,庆幸有老师以及同学的互相帮助,令我有不俗的成绩可以继续修读关於媒体的科目。我在这两年间学会使用多种的软件例如Photoshop、After Effect、Premiere和Illustrator等等,这些软件帮助我十分多,特别在后期制作的时候。其次,校方亦有提供十分多资源给我们,例如上一年我参加了韩国游学团,过程中见识到韩国的大型电视台以及电视剧的拍摄场景,都令我感到耳目一新。这些活动除了加深我对媒体的兴趣之如,亦都可以累积这宝贵的经验在日后面试的时候加以发挥,提升入读大学的机会。

- 2016-18 Student of Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
- 2018-19 Student of City University of Hong Kong, BA Digital Television and Broadcasting (Year 2)
I have learnt so much from the HDNMC programme in the past 2 years. From video editing to digital marketing, this programme provided me with many useful skills. I also learnt how to communicate with others well since we had to work in groups all the time. I have broadened my horizon after studying in this programme. I realized there are much more of media than we see on the surface. It was new and interesting to learn how to write for new media and create a media plan. We get to be creative while learning about the theories of media. Moreover, we went on a Korean Study Tour, from which we got to experience filming and sound production. Overall, this programme was fun. I had a fruitful learning experience. These experiences have prepared me to further my studies and future career.

- 2015-17 Student of Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
- 2017-18 Student of City University of Hong Kong, Bachelor of Arts and Science in New Media (Year 2)
本来是误打误撞入读HKU SPACE CC新媒体与传播高级文凭课程,然而在两年的修读过程中,渐渐令我对原本一窍不通的媒体学产生了浓厚的兴趣。
总括而言,HKU SPACE CC的新媒体与传播课程,绝对是一个令我感到新鲜、有趣而且实用的课程。

- 2015-17 Student of Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
- 2017-18 Student of City University of Hong Kong, BA in Digital Television and Broadcasting (Year 2)
In these two years studying the New Media and Communication programme, I found my passion and path. Through acquiring theoretical knowledge and practical skills in different aspects such as marketing, media communication planning and video production, we had the chances to explore our talents and interests. I really enjoyed studying in this programme. The projects we did were challenging but fun, which we could make use of our creativity and things we learned. Also, we were provided with many unique opportunities, for example visiting i-Cable, Korea study tour and shooting for aircraft engineering company. All these wonderful experiences are extremely useful to my future study and career.

- 2014-15 Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
- 2016 Undergraduate in City University of Hong Kong, BSc in Creative Media

- 2015年新媒体与传播高级文凭毕业生
- 升读香港城市大学 Bachelor of Arts in Digital Television and Broadcasting
记得当年放榜后,看到自己没有任何U Offer,当下脑袋一片空白,完全不知该怎样做。最后,只得找同学求救,在他们的陪伴下报读了HKU SPACE。 以前总听说专上学院的导师并不用心教,总听说有很多free rider的存在,总听说只有极少「太空人」能顺利降落大学。但这两年内的经历,令我觉得我要重新定义HKUSPACE这地方。 我遇到不少有心的导师,总是帮助我。我的组员都很好,该做的事情都会办妥。我在今年毕业终於能升上大学了。 很多时候,我们总被别人的舆论意见所影响,导致前途茫茫的感觉出现。从今以后,不要再只「听人讲」「啲人话」,要学会自己感受,其实只要努力认真做好每件事,任何东西都阻止不了你进入大学,梦想总会成真。

- 2015年新媒体与传播高级文凭毕业生
- 升读香港城市大学Bachelor of Arts in Digital Television and Broadcasting
- Other Offer received: 香港城市大学Bachelor of Arts in Creative Media
- Other Offer received: 香港浸会大学Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) in Communication – Media Arts
在香港大学附属学院修读新媒体与传播的两年间,认识了有关於新媒体不同方面和范畴的知识,原来比想像中多和广泛,例如市场或媒体概论,影片剪辑与拍摄,网页设计等。 新媒体其中一个魅力就是於日常生活的运用,从被动的一方变成主动在新媒体制作内容的一方。在学习的同时,能够同时间在现实中简单的实践出来。 课堂所学习到的知识令我可以在新媒体行业的工作上得到平衡及容易适应。此外,融合课内外的知识及经验,令我更加清楚知道自己未来的职业导向及大学选择。

- 2015 Graduate of Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
- 2016 Undergraduate in City University of Hong Kong, BA in Media and Communication
「机会是留给有准备的人」- 我觉得这是一句终生受用的说话。 回想起过去两年的读书日子,经歷不少的presentation和project,除了让我有知识上的增长,更加深了我对自己兴趣的认识和了解。 刚入读此课程时,本以为自己只钟情于拍摄,但随着遇上不同范畴的课程,这两年像提供了一个机会令我更了解自己究竟想追求的是甚么。两年过后,很感恩我能够在大学入读自己喜爱的科目,继续追寻自己的理想。 “All roads lead to Rome. ” 或许大家在放榜时未能顺利升读大学,但机遇处处,我深信只要凭着坚毅的努力,一定可以成功达到自己的目标。 又或许有人会因未能升读大学而小看自己的能力,但一张证书、一个身份,实在难以去断定自己的能力,所以千万不要轻易放弃! Don’t watch the clock, do what it does. Keep going! 加油!

- 2015 Graduate of Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
- 2016 Undergraduate in City University of Hong Kong, Bachelor of Arts and Science in New Media

- 2015年新媒體與傳播高級文憑畢業生
- 升读香港城市大学Bachelor of Arts and Science in New Media
在过去两年,新媒体与传播这个课程不但让我学习到丰富的媒体知识和传媒理论,它还让我获得不同的专业技巧,例如影片制作,动态图像设计和网页设计等等。 更重要的是,透过这个课程网我可以参加不同的活动和比赛。我曾经就参加了流动电影节,纪录片制作和不同的参观活动。这些宝贵的经验让我大开眼界,对我未来的工作也有一定的帮助。 而课程专有的设备借用服务是我最喜欢的地方,因为我可以在这里借用到很多专业的影片制作设备。例如有单镜反光相机,灯光设备和稳定脚架。在课余时间里都可以自己尝试制作影片。 总括而言,新媒体与传播是一个能学习到专业知识,同时也能获得实用的技巧的课程。

- Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication (2014-15)
- Offer received: BA (Hons) in Journalism and Mass Communication, Hong Kong Shue Yan University

- 2014-16 Student of Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
- 2016-17 Student of Hong Kong Baptist University, BSSc (Hons) in Communication – Media Arts Major (Year 2)

- 2016年新媒体与传播高级文凭毕业生
- 2016年新媒体与传播高级文凭毕业生

- Offer Received: BA (Honours) Media Culture & Practice, University of the West of England, Bristol
- Graduate of Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication in 2015
After taking the DSE, I realized that I wanted to pursue working in media. I gained experience from in-class learning, seminars and workshops as well as listening to industry experts’ experience on video editing and shooting. After having fundamental knowledge, students could have opportunities for internship in media related works as well as study tours. Mentored by those experienced and professional experts, they could put words into actions. Those chances definitely gave us a valuable experience. I believe I could have a bright future in media after studying this 2-year course.

- Graduate of Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication in 2015
- Offer received: BA (Honours) Media Culture & Practice, University of the West of England, Bristol
Apart from the academic studies, lecturers in HKU SPACE CC are always willing to give help to students and are very experienced in their fields. Also, the lecturers will use more interesting teaching methods in the lessons, such as if we had a lesson that was related to lighting, we would have some lighting equipment and could try it one by one. I was grateful to experience real-life project in a company through an internship programme and it offered me a chance to learn in a way that in-class learning could not provide. In summer, I joined a study trip to Shanghai and visited different production units and shopping malls with media arts, such as P.O., a TV station and Shanghai K11. After the trip, I knew much more about the development of media technology in China and enhanced my technological skills in different areas. In this programme, I have benefited a lot from the diversity of subjects, such as communications, marketing, media production, new media and IT related subjects. I believe all the learning experiences and knowledge will enhance my competitiveness in the future.