課程 - HKU SPACE Community College
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社會科學 社會科學

文學副學士 (媒體、文化及創意)


Programme Code: AD 109 3416 6338 2305 5315 aamccs@hkuspace.hku.hk

資歷架構級別: 4
資歷名冊登記號碼: 14/002816/L4
登記有效期:  01/07/2014 至 登記持續有效

Application Code 報名編號 : AD109



  • 核心範疇:廣告、媒體及傳意
  • 結合廣告和傳意這兩大熱門科目,讓你學習廣告、媒體創作和中文傳意寫作等專業和實用知識
  • 創意、策略與批判思考並重,學習廣告和媒體創作等專業知識,尤其著重媒體產業的應用範疇,為你將來在廣告或媒體等相關行業發展打好基礎
  • 業界專才分享講座,為你提供本地個案研究,學習寶貴的實戰經驗



BA American Studies
BA Conservation
BA Chinese
BA Comparative Literature
BA English
BA European Studies
BA Fine Arts
BA Gender Studies
BA Global Creative Industries
BA Hong Kong Studies
BA Humanities and Digital Technologies
BA  Music
BA  Philosophy
BA and BEd  Language Education - English (Double Degree)
BA and BSocSc  Social Data Science
BSc Information Management
BSocSc Sociology
BA Anthropology
BA Chinese Language and Literature 
BA Contemporary China Studies
BA Cultural Management
BA Cultural Studies
BA English
BA Fine Arts
BA History
BA Music
BA Philosophy
BA Religious Studies
BSocSc Gender Studies
BSocSc Global Studies
BSocSc Journalism & Communication
BSocSc Psychology
BSocSc Sociology
BA Chinese & History
BA Creative Media
BA Culture & Heritage Management
BA Digital TV & Broadcasting
BA English for the Professions
BA English
BA Language Studies
BA Linguistics & Language Applications
BA Media & Communication
BA Translation & Interpretation
BAS New Media
BBA Management
BSc Creative Media
BSocSc Applied Sociology
BSocSc Asian & International Studies
BSocSc Criminology
BSocSc Environmental Policy
BSocSc Public Policy & Politics
BA (Hons) Advertising Design
BA (Hons) Social Design
BA (Hons) Bilingual Interdisciplinary Chinese Studies
BA (Hons) Communication Design
BA (Hons) Digital Media
BA (Hons) Eng Studies for the Professions
BA (Hons) Language & Culture
BA (Hons) Scheme in Fashion & Textiles Scheme in Design
BBA (Hons) Marketing
BComm (Hons) Public Relations & Advertising Major (Advertising and Branding)
BEng (Hons) Product Engineering with Marketing
Broad Discipline of Computing
BSc (Hons) Nursing
BA (Hons) Creative & Professional Writing
BA (Hons) Creative Writing for Film TV & New Media
BA (Hons) English Language & Literature
BA (Hons) History
BA (Hons) Humanities
BA (Hons) Music
BA (Hons) Religion, Philosophy & Ethics
BA (Hons) Translation
BA (Hons) Visual Arts
BA (Hons) Eng Lang & Lit and BEd (Hons) Eng Lang Teaching (Double Degree)
BComm (Hons) Film Major (Animation & Media Arts)
BComm (Hons) Film & Television
BComm (Hons) Game Design and Animation
BComm (Hons) Public Relations & Advertising
BSocSc (Hons) China Studies - Economics
BSocSc (Hons) Communication - Film and Media Arts
BSocSc (Hons) Communication - Public Relations & Advertising
BSocSc (Hons) Integrated Communication Management
BSocSc (Hons) Geography
BSocSc (Hons) Social Policy
BSW (Hons)
BA (Hons) Creative Arts & Culture (Music)
BA (Hons) Creative Arts & Culture (Visual Arts)
BA (Hons) Early Childhood Education
BA (Hons) Human & Organizational Development
BA (Hons) Language Studies (Chinese Major)
BA (Hons) Liberal Studies
BA (Hons) Creative Arts & Culture & BEd (Hons) Visual Arts (co-terminal double degree)
BA (Hons) Creative Arts & Culture & BEd (Hons) Music (co-terminal double degree)
BSocSc (Hons) Global & Hong Kong Studies
BSocSc (Hons) Greater China Studies
BSocSc (Hons) Policy Science & Management
BSocSc (Hons) Psychology
BEd (Hons) (Secondary) English Language
BEd (Hons) Chinese Language
BEd (Hons) Music
BA (Hons) Creative Media Industries
BA (Hons) Cultural Studies
BA (Hons) Philosophy
BA (Hons) Visual Studies
BSocSc (Hons) Business Psychology
BSocSc (Hons) Psychology with Counselling Psychology Concentration

香港大學專業進修學院 - 國際學院

畢業生亦可報讀香港大學專業進修學院 - 國際學院提供的全日制銜接學位課程,包括:

倫敦藝術大學 (University of the Arts London)
愛丁堡龍比亞大學 (Edinburgh Napier University)
西英格蘭大學 (University of the Wst of England, Bristol)
赫爾大學 (University of Hull)
密德薩斯大學 (Middlesex University London)







* 以上列表只提供部份升學例子以作參考。

  • Advanced Chinese Language
  • Introduction to Academic English
  • English for Academic Purposes I & II
  • English for Arts and Humanities
  • Information Technology Fundamentals
  • Elementary Statistics

Experiential Learning

  • The Journey of Self-Discovery

Year 1

  • Introduction to Media and Communications
  • Understanding Culture and Everyday Life

Year 2

Common Core Courses

  • Visual Culture
  • Researching Culture and Media

Advertising and Communications

  • Advertising: Principles and Practice
  • Media Publishing Industry and Production
  • Writing and Editing for Chinese Media


  • Creativity and Creative Industries
  • Introduction to Film Studies
  • Media, Society and Consumer Culture
  • Fundamentals of Journalism

Creative Media and Industries

  • Creativity and Creative Industries
  • Introduction to Film Studies
  • New Media Art


  • Advertising: Principles and Practice
  • Media Publishing Industry and Production
  • Questioning Cultural Identity
  • Fundamentals of Journalism

Media and Cultural Studies

  • Cultural Space: Examining and Enabling People and Place
  • Gender and Society
  • Media, Society and Consumer Culture


  • Media Publishing Industry and Production
  • Introduction to Film Studies
  • Fundamentals of Journalism
  • Questioning Cultural Identity



  • Fundamentals of Tonal Music I and II
  • Introduction to Chinese Music
  • Introduction to Musics of the World
  • Music in Western History (Baroque through Late Romantic Period)
  • Creativity and Creative Industries


Choose TWO courses from the following


  • Cultural Spaces: Examining and Enabling People and Place
  • Understanding Culture and Everyday Life
  • Introduction to Film Studies
  • Introduction to Media and Communications
  • Critical Analysis and Reasoning in Discipline-based Studies
  • Choose THREE courses from the Core Curriculum
Minnie Ma
Minnie Ma
  • 2021-2023 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies
  • Offer received: HKU Bachelor of Arts (Year 1)
  • Offer received: CUHK Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Studies (Year 3)
  • Offer received: CityU Bachelor of Social Sciences in Public Policy & Politics (Year 3)

Welcome to AAMCCS! 作為與社會文化息息相關的科目,AAMCCS涵蓋了包羅萬有的文化議題,例如性別光譜、對主流電影的批判以及公共空間的想像等等,我等最關心的成績也是建基和講求於對不同議題的分析和批判性思考能力,絕非盲目背誦或操練所得,求分數之餘同時求學,持之以恆,必有意想不到的收穫。

Lai Tsz Ching
Lai Tsz Ching
  • 2021-2023 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies
  • Offer received: HKBU Bachelor of Arts in Film & Television (Year 3)
  • Offer received: PolyU Bachelor of Arts in Digital Media (Year 1) (Top-up Degree Admission)

This program has given me opportunities to learn about cultures. Through hands-on training in the areas of movies, music, and magazines, I have grown increasingly interested in creative development. I am thankful to the teachers at AAMCCS because they have been so nice and supportive throughout my studies. As creation usually requires time and effort, their guidance also motivates me to cultivate my self-control. After developing my artistic imagination and practical abilities in the college, I am better equipped to study creative media and production.

Tse Fung
Tse Fung
  • 2021-2023 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies
  • Offer received: HKBU Bachelor of Arts in American Studies (Year 3)
  • Offer received: HKBU Bachelor of Arts in Film & Television (Year 3)
  • Offer received: CityU Bachelor of Arts in Digital Television & Broadcasting (Year 3)

HKU SPACE CC提供多元化的學習領域,各式各樣的選科讓我不斷學習新知 識,進行新嘗試。AAMCCS的課程以理論結合實踐的教學方式教學,更能發展學生潛力。再者,從中選擇喜歡且擅長的科目給予自己無限動力堅持下去,例如電影研究、創意產業設計、拍攝剪接,令我確立自己的未來發展方向。最後,感激共同奮鬥的戰友,以及循循善誘的師資,他們的陪伴和教導大大幫助我的求學之路。

Impheng Kanrat
Impheng Kanrat
  • 2022-2023 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies
  • Offer received: HKU Bachelor of Arts in European Studies (Year 3)
  • Offer received: CityU Bachelor of Arts in Creative Media (Year 3)

The AAMCCS programme incorporates a variety of creative media and cultural studies subjects. It allowed me to comprehend the cultural facets of films and discover fresh viewpoints on society from the movies, thereby broadening my horizons. Besides, all of my lecturers are willing to assist and support when I face difficulties. This has greatly helped me prepare for the future. Even though I only took this programme for a year, I was able to meet many excellent friends and had lecturers that supported me as I learned and came to know myself. I appreciated their support and company throughout the year.

Jess Xie
Jess Xie
  • 2021-2023 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies
  • Offer received: CUHK Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Studies (Year 3)
  • Offer received: HKBU Bachelor of Arts in Film & Television (Year 3)

AAMCCS is a good academic programme for students to expand their minds and vision. We can understand the world again from different angles and the knowledge we learnt from class. It is an excellent trip to get into the relationship between various media and humans, as well as some of the hot issues in society (like gender). Teachers in AAMCCS pay lots of effort on us to assist us in chasing our future purpose. They advise on our future studies, working paths, and academic questions. The help and knowledge I have gained here have been invaluable, and I hope you all can feel it. Study hard and fight for your life!

Ho Natalie Sienna
Ho Natalie Sienna
  • 2021-2023 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies
  • CityU Bachelor of Arts in Media & Communication (Year 3)

The study of AAMCCS provides a unique opportunity for students to delve deeper into the world of media and entertainment in a dynamic and engaging way. I was intrigued by how each part of this programme helped develop students’ creativity and critical thinking skills, which are highly valued in the tertiary education system. Through AAMCCS, students could gain the skills that they need to succeed in the media and entertainment industries. I am now all and all ready to proceed to my next stage.

Gigi Ng
Gigi Ng
  • 2020-2022 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies
  • Offer received: CUHK Bachelor of Social Sciences in Gender Studies Year 1


Zoie Lee
Zoie Lee
  • 2020-2022 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies
  • Offer received: CityU Bachelor of Arts in Media & Communication Year 3
  • Offer received: CityU Bachelor of Arts in Digital Television & Broadcasting Year 3
  • Offer received: CityU Bachelor of Arts in Chinese & History (History and Heritage Stream) Year 3
  • Offer received: HKBU Bachelor of Arts in Humanities Year 3


Stella Wong
Stella Wong
  • 2020-2022 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies
  • Offer received: CityU Bachelor of Arts in Creative Media Year 3
  • Offer received: CityU Bachelor of Arts in Media & Communication Year 3
  • Offer received: HKU Bachelor of Arts in Global Creative Industries Year 3
  • Offer received: CUHK Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Studies Year 3


Cheung Tsz Ying
Cheung Tsz Ying
  • 2020-2022 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies
  • Offer received: HKBU Bachelor of Communication (International Journalism) Year 3
  • Offer received: University of Sussex Bachelor of Arts in Journalism Year 2
  • Offer received: Newcastle University Bachelor of Arts in Journalism Media and Culture Year 1
  • Offer received: Lancaster University Bachelor of Arts in Media and Cultural Studies Year 1

AAMCCS is less about memorising formulas and more about creating and applying ideas to real-life scenarios. Those cultural and media theories are staggeringly eye-opening and have altered how I should identify myself and others in society. The courses granted me a good grasp of media production, from media writing and photography to video making, allowing me to attempt everything and reassuring my interests in this field. I met passionate schoolmates and experienced lecturers who academically and emotionally assisted me on this journey. 

Thomas Lai
Thomas Lai
  • 2020-2022 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies
  • Offer received: HKU Bachelor of Arts in Global Creative Industries Year 3
  • Offer received: HKBU Bachelor of Communication (Public Relations & Advertising) Year 3
  • Offer received: CityU Bachelor of Arts in Digital Television & Broadcasting Year 3
  • Offer received: PolyU Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing Year 3

Every lecture I learned and production I made in these two years in AAMCCS, such as visualizing skills, advertising campaigns, and magazine publishing are meaningful and memorable. AAMCCS has cultivated my creative mindset as well as the sense of observing cultural phenomena. Furthermore, our lecturers were kind to solve my misconceptions step by step and have inspired me to discover possibilities in my media career path. I will continue using the theories and skills I learned in AAMCCS to create more insightful projects to contribute to the community.

Alexandra Chau
Alexandra Chau
  • 2020-2022 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies
  • Offer received: HKU Bachelor of Arts in Gender Studies Year 3
  • Offer received: CUHK Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Studies Year 3

Dear future AAMCCSers, 

Uniqueness is your best sword in cultural studies. This is a place to practice self-love, reflect on your identity and express yourself. Don’t let others influence you. You be the influencer, be the inspiration, BE YOUR OWN MUSE.


Ada Siu
Ada Siu
  • 2019-2021 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies
  • Offer received: CUHK Bachelor of Social Science in Journalism & Communication Year 3
  • Offer received: CityU Bachelor of Arts in Media & Communication Year 3
  • Offer received: CityU Bachelor of Arts in Digital Television & Broadcasting Year 3
  • Offer received: HKBU Bachelor of Communication (Public Relations & Advertising) Year 3
  • Offer received: PolyU Bachelor of Arts in Advertising Design Year 3


Chan Yu Kit
Chan Yu Kit
  • 2019-2021 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies
  • Offer received: CUHK Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Studies Year 1
  • Offer received: HKBU Bachelor of Communication (Public Relations & Advertising) Year 3


Kiki Leung
Kiki Leung
  • 2019-2021 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies
  • Offer received: CityU Bachelor of Arts in Creative Media Year 3
  • Offer received: CityU Bachelor of Arts in Media & Communication Year 3
  • Offer received: PolyU Bachelor of Arts in Social Design Year 1


Yanson Wong
Yanson Wong
  • 2019-2021 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies
  • Offer received: HKU Bachelor of Arts in Global Creative Industries Year 3
  • Offer received: CityU Bachelor of Arts in Creative Media Year 3

This programme had indeed inspired me to explore different cultural aspects such as film, creative industries, advertising, and local and daily life's culture. I get to know the knowledge about how media affect and profit in divergent creative groups, along with the function and history of those cultural categories. It lets me know culture is colossal, which brings many consequences to humans and like writing a perfect music score to assemble people.

Leung Wing Lam
Leung Wing Lam
  • 2019-2021 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies
  • Offer received: HKU Bachelor of Arts in Global Creative Industries Year 3
  • Offer received: CityU Bachelor of Arts in Media & Communication Year 3
  • Offer received: HKBU Bachelor of Communication (Public Relations & Advertising) Year 3

I have explored areas in media, communication and culture in AAMCCS. During the two years of study, I have gained confidence and satisfactory results to continue my journey. I enjoyed doing the creative tasks because there are fewer boundaries and more interesting. Some concepts are closely related to our everyday life, and I have learned to observe and discover new ways of seeing our life. On the other hand, the teacher-student relationship in AAMCCS is close. Lecturers always give us enough support and suggestions. I am glad that I have met kind and nice lecturers who are always patient when I have concerns and worries.

Natalie Po
Natalie Po
  • 2019-2021 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies
  • Offer received: CUHK Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Studies Year 3
  • Offer received: HKBU Bachelor of Arts in Humanities Year 3
  • Offer received: LU Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Studies Year 3

Courses of the AAMCCS programme introduced me to the world of cultural studies. They also offered an opportunity for me to explore contemporary society from a whole new perspective. Besides, lecturers were very kind and supportive. After studying at HKU SPACE CC for two years, I was equipped to pursue further study in the cultural studies field.

Gary Cheung
Gary Cheung
  • 2019-2021 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies
  • Offer received: HKU Bachelor of Journalism Year 1
  • Offer received: CityU Bachelor of Arts in Media and Communication Year 3
  • Offer received: HKBU Bachelor of Communication (Chinese Journalism) Year 3

There are only three crucial elements to my academic success: be self-disciplined, be curious about the courses, and be ambitious to the goals. Since tertiary education emphasizes self-learning, self-discipline has become the key for me to acquire satisfactory academic results. Sometimes, I was exhausted and lost in the sea of knowledge. Only by always bearing in mind the goal of returning to the university can I position myself and swim towards it.

Mak Foon Yuk, Lily
Mak Foon Yuk, Lily
  • 2020 香港浸會大學電影電視三年級
  • 其他取錄︰香港城市大學創意媒體三年級
  • 其他取錄︰香港演藝學院電影電視一年級

中學時我只看見一條路︰考好DSE上大學,受傳統和狹窄的思想所影響,很少看見自己。AAMCCS令我明白,遇到個人、社會等問題時,要懂得退一步觀察,擺脫固有觀念,冷靜地分析並解決問題。HKU SPACE CC內有不少良師助我提升能力,現在我成為大學生,並不是為了走完那條路,而是為了進一步提升能力,成為一個我渴望成為的自己。感謝HKU SPACE CC成為我人生旅途的

Lee Shing Hei, Venise
Lee Shing Hei, Venise
  • 2020 香港大學環球創意工業三年級
  • 其他取錄︰香港城市大學媒體與傳播三年級

During the 2 years in the AAMCCS programme, I have met countless creative and unconventional people, including students, tutors and lecturers. They have inspired and reignited my passion for learning about everyday culture, from examining its dominant ideologies to discussing the common usage of memes or emojis. I am ready to explore more surprising and fascinating things in everyday life. 

Chui Ka Hei, Jeff
Chui Ka Hei, Jeff
  • 2020 香港大學環球創意工業三年級
  • 其他取錄︰香港城市大學亞洲及國際研究三年級

It was frustrating that I did not achieve my goals in HKDSE. Yet, HKU SPACE CC and the AAMCCS programme have introduced to me a brand-new world with unique perspectives. The lectures developed my critical thinking skills, which not only apply to the coursework, but also my life target. After two years of precious progress, I strongly believe that I am fully equipped, and I am ready to take the upcoming challenges in order to achieve my goal.

Chan Yik Tung Alison
Chan Yik Tung Alison
  • 2020 香港大學心理學三年級
  • 其他取錄︰香港大學社會數據科學
  • 其他取錄︰香港科技大學工商管理

Academically, this programme allowed me to gain professional knowledge in appreciating creative works done by different kinds of people. Yet, the most enjoyable part for me is having the opportunity to write stories, make short movies, songs, and animations. Working with groupmates on creating cultural spaces in class and doing presentations and performances are also incredible and memorable.

Wong Hoi Yi
Wong Hoi Yi
  • 2019 CUHK Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Studies Year 3
  • Other offer received: HKU Bachelor of Arts in Comparative Literature Year 3
  • Other offer received: HKBU Bachelor of Arts in Humanities Year 3
  • Other offer received: CityU Bachelor of Arts in Media and Communication Year 3

In Media and Cultural Studies, I have learnt concepts and cultural theories which have inspired me to think and question more about the cultural phenomenon and ideologies in our everyday life from a fresh perspective. I believe this programme would definitely enhance our critical thinking and make us see today’s modern society from a completely different angle!

Chung Ching Hei
Chung Ching Hei
  • 2019 CUHK Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Studies Year 3
  • Other offer received: HKU Bachelor of Arts in Global Creative Industries Year 3
  • Other offer received: HKBU Bachelor of Communication (Public Relations and Advertising Major) Year 3
  • Other offer received: CityU Bachelor of Arts in Media and Communication Year 3


Mao Shuhang, Echo
Mao Shuhang, Echo
  • 2016-2018 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies – Advertising and Creative Media
  • Offer received: PolyU - Bachelor of Arts in Advertising Design
  • Offer received: LU – Bachelor of Arts in Visual Studies

Studying in AAMCCS programme and ACM theme is a wonderful journey. This programme not only provides professional and diversified theoretical knowledge related to advertising, magazine and creative industries but also teaches you software skills such as Adobe Premiere and Photoshop. Therefore, ACM lays a good foundation as well as opens the door to my dream programme – PolyU design for me. 

Tam Kui Kwong, Desmond
Tam Kui Kwong, Desmond
  • 2016-2018 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies – Advertising and Creative Media
  • 2018: PolyU - Bachelor of Arts in Social Design Year 1 (2-year programme)
  • Other offer received: EdUHK - Bachelor of Arts in Creative Arts and Culture (Visual Art Major) Year 3

In facing various challenges these 2 years at HKU SPACE, I've learnt the value of hard work. Studying "Advertising and Creative Media" has been helpful to me in furthering my knowledge of visual art and design, understanding conceptual frameworks and theoretical approaches to comprehend our society more deeply. Rather than applying advanced techniques uncritically, I've learnt perspectives to guide me to make artworks that are unique and meaningful.

Yang Meng, Mathilda
Yang Meng, Mathilda
  • 2016-2018 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies – Advertising and Creative Media
  • Offer received: HKBU - Bachelor of Communication in Film (Film and Television Concentration) Year 3
  • Offer received: PolyU - Bachelor of Arts in Advertising Design

Film is a panacea that can alleviate the pain caused by the weirdness of humanity. My passion is the engine driving me to learn what I really fascinated about. The experience in HKU SPACE CC allows me to listen to myself, discover and confirm the desire to chase the things I want.

Lai Man Him Alex
Lai Man Him Alex
  • 2014-2016 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies - Advertising and Creative Media
  • Offer accepted: CityU Bachelor of Arts in Digital Television and Broadcasting Year 3

A positive attitude changes everything. Studying in Associate Degree is not a failure but another chance for me to prepare for receiving the higher education. Actions speak louder than words. Hard work is very important since the future is created by our own hands. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Lai Wing Chiu, Martha
Lai Wing Chiu, Martha
  • 2014-2016 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies - Advertising and Creative Media
  • Offer accepted: CityU BA in Creative Media Year 3
  • Other Offer received: HKBU Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Writing, Television and New Media

Studying in HKU SPACE CC gives me a second chance to get into the university. The programme provides me with experiences in different media fields. There are also lecturers and like-minded friends who assisted me in achieving my dreams.

  • 2013-2015 文學副學士(媒體、文化及創意)
  • 2015 城市大學 - 數碼電視與廣播 三年級

You may learn basic skills of different software from this programme. They are useful for your further study or career. The lecturers are nice and helpful, so be brave to ask them questions. Don't worry: you are just walking a longer path to reach the goal!

Lung Tsz Yu, Travis
Lung Tsz Yu, Travis
  • 2019 CUHK Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Studies
  • Other offer received: HKBU Bachelor of Arts in Humanities Year 3

After the torturing battle of DSE, it is easy for we students to feel lost in the sea of opportunities and career paths. HKU SPACE and AAMCCS have introduced me to the fascinating world of cultural studies with introductory courses. It also sparked my interest in this field of study which really gave me a clear goal. With that, I was able to shake off my sense of disorientation in exchange for a clear, dedicated mind to pursue my dream.

  • 2010-2012 文學副學士(媒體、文化及創意)
  • 2012 城市大學 - 媒體及傳播 三年級
  • 現職:Now 新聞台記者

成功的教育能啟發學生的思考、衝擊你既有觀念。AAMCCS讓我明白,創意是在不斷問Why和Why not之間所衍生。它不是來自方程式,而是來自我們對世界的好奇心。

  • 2012-2014 文學副學士(媒體、文化及創意)
  • 2014 理工大學 - 雙語跨學科中國研究

相信很多人都會感到疑惑,創作需要讀的嗎?無可否認,讀這個專修主題是不需要背誦。我應該說,就算背誦,對學習這主題也沒有任何幫助。可能有人會為了不想用腦而選擇這個專修主題。可是,我覺得剛好相反。讀這個專修主題你更需要用腦,需要思考,例如去思考如何將平凡變得不平凡。 在學院的第一年,我已選定了Advertising & Creative Media。我一向對創意媒體都非常感興趣。在這年,我學會了如何think out of the box,最重要是這個專修主題給予我發揮創意的機會。所以,創作是需要讀的,當中學到以及見識到的東西都令我們終身受用。

Lai Man Him Alex
Lai Man Him Alex
  • 2014-2016 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies - Advertising and Creative Media
  • Offer accepted: CityU Bachelor of Arts in Digital Television and Broadcasting Year 3

A positive attitude changes everything. Studying in Associate Degree is not a failure but another chance for me to prepare for receiving the higher education. Actions speak louder than words. Hard work is very important since the future is created by our own hands. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

  • 2013-2015 文學副學士(媒體、文化及創意)
  • 2015 理工大學 - 廣告設計
  • 其他取錄:城市大學 - 媒體及傳播 三年級

“I'm not telling you it's going to be easy, I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.” Having been an Arts student at HKU SPACE Community College for two years, I was given a chance to experience a diverse range of disciplines that suit my interests. This College provides a welcoming study environment which allowed me to expand my understanding and grow professionally. I can think of no greater honour than to become part of the College’s illustrious history, where I can bring my desires to reality.

Chung Chun Yin Joey
Chung Chun Yin, Joey
  • 2012-2014 文學副學士(媒體、文化及創意)
  • 2014 中文大學 - 文化研究 三年級
  • 其他取錄:香港大學 - 比較文學
  • 其他取錄:浸會大學 - 人文學院
  • 其他取錄:城市大學 - 媒體及傳播


Lai Wing Chiu, Martha
Lai Wing Chiu, Martha
  • 2014-2016 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies - Advertising and Creative Media
  • Offer accepted: CityU BA in Creative Media Year 3
  • Other Offer received: HKBU Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Writing, Television and New Media

Studying in HKU SPACE CC gives me a second chance to get into the university. The programme provides me with experiences in different media fields. There are also lecturers and like-minded friends who assisted me in achieving my dreams.

  • 2012-2014 文學副學士(媒體、文化及創意)
  • 2014 浸會大學 - 傳理學社會科學 主修公關及廣告 三年級

“Advertising and Creative Media” 想投身廣告行業的我,二話不說就選了這個主修。廣告離不開創意,曾不禁會想:「創意有得讀架咩?」。經過這兩年,我可以告訴大家,創意「無得讀」。因為是靠自己多看;多想像;多試,而這個課程就給我不少機會。我見過不同界別的創作人;我想過無數的ideas;我試過「度橋」、作歌、畫storyboard、印雜誌......這兩年令我真正明白甚麼是Advertising and Creative Media。

Yiu Yuk Hei, Shine
Yiu Yuk Hei, Shine
  • 2020 香港大學香港研究三年級
  • Other Offer Received: CUHK Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Studies Year 3

I have been equipped with skills to critically analyze media text, identity, gender, consumer culture and spatial politics. More importantly, I have learnt to acknowledge the fluidity of culture, the problems of everyday life and identification of the omnipresence of discrimination and inequality in society.

  • 2010-2012 文學副學士(媒體、文化及創意)
  • 2012 城市大學 - 媒體及傳播 三年級
  • 現職:報館編輯


Wong Cheuk Sze, Tristia
Wong Cheuk Sze, Tristia
  • 2019 CityU Bachelor of Arts in Media and Communication Year 3
  • Other offer received: HKBU Bachelor of Arts in Creative & Professional Writing
  • Other offer received: CityU Bachelor of Arts in Digital Television and Broadcasting

AAMCCS 帶來良好的學習氣氛、難忘的經驗,身邊有老師支持亦有同學們互相鼓勵。除了學科的老師樂意為學生解答課業上的問題,還不吝嗇的分享升學、選科的經驗,感受到學校和諧的氣氛。再者臨近考試,大家也自組“溫習團”、自發地在學校溫習。另外,學校也延長了開放時間,有助師生備戰。除此之外AAMCCS有別以往在DSE學制的知識,提供了更多樣化的思考角度予我們反思社會、乃至生活的議題,不再受限於填鴨式教育。