资历架构级别: 4
资历名册登记号码: 19/000094/L4
登记有效期: 01/09/2019 至 登记持续有效
香港大学专业进修学院 - 国际学院
毕业生亦可报读香港大学专业进修学院 - 国际学院提供的全日制衔接学位课程,包括:
爱丁堡龙比亚大学 (Edinburgh Napier University)
伦敦艺术大学 (University of the Arts London)
西英格兰大学 (University of the West of England, Bristol)
赫尔大学 (University of Hull)
密德萨斯大学 (Middlesex University London)
Year 1
Year 2
Year 1
Year 2
Experiential Learning Course

- 2022-23 年度电子竞技高级文凭课程学生
The programme allowed me to have a better understanding in eSports ecosystems and developed my skills in event management, eSports business start-up strategies etc. Moreover, the programme gave me opportunities to connect with professionals in the field and gained valuable experiences.

- 2020-22年度电子竞技高级文凭课程学生
Honestly, I thought eSport was just gaming before studying this programme. This programme introduces a lot about the eSport industry. It includes theory aspects about analysing the environment of the global eSport market. It also includes practical aspects e.g. how to organise an eSport event.
In addition, the programme offered some placements that giving us experience in handling eSport projects in real world. It was a valuable opportunity for me learn from the professionals.
I hope the negative perception towards eSport could be changed in the future. eSport is more than just gaming!

- Student of City University of Hong Kong, Bachelor of Arts and Science in New Media (Year 3)
- 2019-21年度电子竞技高级文凭课程学生
When it comes to the term eSports, most people have the perception of “teenagers playing online games”. As a matter of fact, playing online games was just a small part of knowledge under the Higher Diploma in eSports at HKU SPACE CC. Apart from the skills learnt in practical sessions, I gained valuable experience when working with professionals to handle eSport projects. I also got to know that there was a wide range of career opportunities after graduation, including event organizer, programmer, sports coach, and media production, etc., which allowed me to have better planning for my further career.
Lecturers of this programme were patient to help and always encouraged us to try new things. Not only were they professional in teaching, they were also willing to answer any question regarding our academic or career development. They provided me with valuable advice which enabled me to pursue my dream in eSports. I would like to express my gratitude to all lecturers who have taught me. Thank you very much!