Application Code 报名编号 : AD113
- 计算机科学
- 计算机工程学
- 电子工程学
BSc (Hons) Artificial Intelligence and Education Technology
香港大学专业进修学院 - 国际学院
- 软硬体系统及移动设备应用设计与开发
- 网路及计算机系统维护、保安、技术支援
- 有关资讯科技与电子产品的行销和推广工作
- 商业资讯系统的管理与分析
- 行政工作
- 计算机工程师
- 电子工程师
* 以上列表只提供部份升学例子以作参考。
通用技能 |
Experiential Learning
专门知识 |
CoreYear 1
Year 2 Computer Engineering Theme
Computer Science Theme
Electronic Engineering Theme
ElectivesYear 2 (Choose ONE course from the following) Computer Engineering Theme
Computer Science Theme
Electronic Engineering Theme
核心课程科目 |

- 2017-19 工程学副学士
- 2019 香港中文大学电子工程学工学士
- 其他取录:香港科技大学电子工程学工学士
As a windsurfing athlete, it's hard to find a balance between sports and academics. I keep telling myself never give up when facing challenges. Tackle all the challenges and difficulties and you will have a wonderful time in HKU SPACE CC.

- 2019-20 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
- Offer received: BEng in Computer and Data Engineering, CityU
- Offer received: BEng in Infomation Engineering, CityU

- 2019-20 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
- Offer received: BEng in Computer Science, HKUST
- Offer received: BEng in Computer Science, CityU
- Offer received: BSc(Hons) Scheme in Computing, PolyU

- 2018-19 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
- Offer received: BEng in Computer Engineering, HKU
- Offer received: BEng in Electronic Engineering, HKUST
- Offer received: Engineering Programme, CUHK

- 2018-19 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
- Offer received: Engineering Programme, HKU
- Offer received: BEng in Mechanical Engineering, HKUST
- Offer received: Engineering Programme, CUHK
时光荏苒, 在港大附属学院的两年学习转瞬即逝。在港大附属学院的两年让我相信只要付出努力,总有一日能靠近自己的理想。 「海不辞水,故成其大」,只要同学一点点增值自己,在这里增加工程的专业知识,总有一日有足够实力升回大学。在这里的日子充实又忙碌,压力是一定会有的,但不甘平凡的心使我前进,为升读大学作好准备。同学们,即使现在的才华不足以令你实现梦想也请别放弃,因为人只要努力总能变强。愿各同学终能成为大海,实现目标!

- 2018-19 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
- Offer received: BEng in Computer Engineering, HKUST
- Offer received: Engineering Programme, CUHK
经过这两年在SPACE CC的学习,我很高兴除了在知识上有所增长外,我还能够认清自己的兴趣和强弱,为未来的升学做好准备。回想两年前入学的时候,我曾担心自己会因为不曾接触电脑编程和M2而未能应付课程。不过,其实只要愿意发问、多做练习和上网查找有用的资料,自然熟能生巧,事半功倍。我亦很感激有很多友善和专业的讲师不但关心我们的学习进度,同时又为我们的升学提供许多资讯及意见,让我能在这两年获益良多。最后当然不得不感谢一群在这里共同奋斗的朋友,因爲有你们的鞭策和鼓励,我才能拥有这两年美好的校园生活,并和你们一起走得更远!

- 2017-18 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
- 2018-19 BEng in Computer Science, HKUST
In these two years, I collaborated with different students to complete course projects, gaining hands-on experience related to the subject. Examples included building a website for a travel agent and programming a mobile game application. We spent hours of work on those projects, even working on them overnight. I have confidence that most sub-degree students are more competitive.

- 2018-19 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
- Offer received: BEng in Computer Science, HKUST
想起当初文凭试放榜的时候,当时因为中文成绩不如意而选择了港大附属学院升学,真正感受到何谓第二次机会。 当时是比较对电脑科学有兴趣,所以就选择了工程副学士,想透过副学士入大学,继续我的梦想。就读副学士的时候发现学习模式与中学不同,虽然比较辛苦但很容易上手。 再加上有很多老师会提供无论是学业或升学的帮助,释除了学业上不少的疑虑。老师也会带学生到大学参观,对自己心仪的大学增加认识。 在港大附属学院努力过后, 成功捉紧这个第二次的机会,重新升读大学。 到最后收录的大学甚至是比文凭试预计进入的大学更好。 非常感谢港大附属学院给予这个第二次的机会!

- 2017-19 工程学副学士
- 2019 香港城市大学电子及电机工程学工学士
Don't give up even you get unsatisfactory DSE result. Everything could be possible if you work hard!

- 2017-18 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
- 2018-19 BEng in Computer Engineering, HKUST
As a guy who has a high estimation from the peers and teacher in Secondary Second, I have never thought that one day my strength and ability can be used again when I suffer in the failure in DSE. Fortunately, I have learnt from the failure and I have grown in HKU SPACE Community College. But it is still a hard time for us as we have to study in a completely different environment.
Luckily, my first transcript here is pretty good. However, I have even stepped further in the next semester. This all thanks to not only my lecturers but also my "comrade". Lecturers here is passionate in education for both our knowledge and attitudes and my "comrade", they have provided me much help and we have been succeeding in many projects together. Without neither one of them, I will not be able to have such result.
Now, I have already received two offers from HKU and HKUST and one interview from CUHK. Every step here will become my experience in the future. Failure is not a monster, instead, it pushes you to become more hard-working. Although it might be difficult, it will be a good time when you study in HKU SPACE Community College. And I hope everyone of you can achieve your dream here.

- 2016-17 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
- Offer received: HKUST - BEng in Electronic Engineering
- Offer received: CUHK - Engineering Programme
In semester one, I felt puzzled and frustrated because I was not familiar with the new subjects and the new environment at HKU SPACE Community College. Thus, my exam result in semester one was far away from what I expected. Luckily, I met a lot of friends and lecturers here. They motivated me to work hard and help me to get across the difficulties.
I got an excellent result in the following two semesters under this positive learning atmosphere. Meanwhile, I received two interviews from CUHK and HKUST, followed by two conditional offers two weeks after the interview. I was excited when I received both offers from CUHK and HKUST, and I can’t wait to start my university life.
Failure is the key to success. Associate degree may be a good choice for you to get back into university and I wish all of you have a wonderful life in HKU SPACE CC. Keep your eyes on the goal and just keep taking the next step towards completing it.

- 2016-17 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
- Offer received: HKUST - BEng in Electronic Engineering
- Offer received: CUHK - Engineering Programme

- 2016-17 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
- Offer received: HKUST - BEng in Electronic Engineering
- Offer received: HKUST - BEng in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
- Offer received: CUHK - Engineering Programme
Because of the failure in HKDSE Chinese subject, I have chosen HKU SPACE Community College to continue my studies. I chose to study Engineering is because I had studied Physics and M2 during secondary school. In year 1 semester 1, I was learning the basic knowledge for the engineering subjects. In year 1 semester 2, I started thinking what I want to choose for the engineering subjects; electronic engineering, computer science or computer engineering. In year 2 semester 1, I started to apply the universities and attend interviews.
I am now studying in HKU SPACE Community College, Associate of Engineering year 2. I believed that most student in this College wanted to get a high GPA in order to get into university. I think the key to success is that you need to be hard working, cooperating with others during group projects, as well as seeking help from the lecturers. Since group projects accounted a big percentage in many lectures, so you need to cooperate with others and find group mates carefully as some may be free-riders.
The lecturers in the College, especially in the Engineering department, are willing to help and provide suitable guidance. I think the lecturers in the Engineering department is really different from my previous school teachers, they are always enthusiastic to help us, not only academic problems, but also about our careers. They will also bring you to visit different universities and find professors to give us talks, also finding students that had studied in the college to give us sharing.
After two years of hard work in HKU SPACE Community College, I got three conditional offers from HKUST and CUHK. I am really delighted that I had made the right decision at the very beginning which is continuing my studies in this College. If you want to continue your studies but your marks is not enough to get into the universities, I would suggest you to apply associate degree programmes in HKU SPACE Community College.

- 2015-16 Year 2
- Offer received: CUHK Engineering Programme
- Offer received: HKUST BEng in Computer Engineering
After the failure of the HKDSE, I have chosen HKU SPACE Community College to continue my studies. Fortunately, I have received two offers from two universities after two years of studying in College. There is no denying that hard working is the paramount key to surviving in this competitive environment. Everyone in this college is trying to score a high GPA to get into university, thus, I needed to be proactive and hard working. Actually, I was not a hard-working person when I was studying in secondary school and everything changed after attending classes in the college. I realize that I need to work hard and change my studying attitudes and methods. The key to success is not only hard work, but also seeking help from the lecturers. Whenever I faced challenges in learning the subject content and I would consult my lecturer after the lessons and they are willing to help and provide guidance to overcome complex issues. Maintaining a strong understanding of the knowledge gained and received in class and getting advice from lecturers is beneficial to working hard and learning how to apply theory and knowledge into individual and group assignments.

- 2015-16 Assoicate of Engineering (Electronic Engineering), Year 2
- Offer received: CUHK Engineering Programme
- Offer received: HKUST BEng in Electronic Engineering
I am Michael Lam and I am currently a year 2 student studying Associate of Engineering in Electronic Engineering. I chose to study Engineering as it offers mathematical and computational knowledge and it is a subject which helps to create an array of different products including smartphones and other products we use in daily life. HKU SPACE Community College (CC) is a good place to improve yourself in all areas and to learn about something you love to do and study. I understood that CC was my last chance to get into the university. I tried to change myself. I learned to pay more in what, including academic and interpersonal relationship, I was weak at. I have become more all-round than before and this is the most important thing aside from a place in university that I have gained from HKU SPACE CC.

- 2015-16 Assoicate of Engineering (Electronic Engineering), Year 2
- Offer received: CUHK Computer Science
- Offer received: HKUST BEng in Computer Science
I studied Computer Science at HKU SPACE Community College where I took different programming courses which are a major component in Engineering. No matter whether you have studied programming or not, it requires a lot of self-learning, especially in both individual and group projects. To make achievements in programming projects, I always consider about the user's view and further usage of the product. Our programming lectures provide basic theories and knowledge which have been extremely useful in applying to programming applications but sometimes challenging. Apart from academics, I am also an IVP of the IT Society, which have held software courses for students' need. It is fun to hold events for society members, like mass games for freshmen. Being an IVP has enhanced my leadership and communication skills, which are valuable in studies and working life. Therefore, I encourage fellow students to take part in societies' activities and services. Hope all of you enjoy studying at HKU SPACE CC.

- 2013-14 Associate of Engineering, Year 1
- 2014-15 PolyU in Electronic and Information Engineering, Year 1
This year, I have experienced the most unforgettable time in my life. Standing up from the place that I have fallen down is never easy. I still remember the day when I registered in HKU SPACE CC. I felt helpless and the dream of entering university was lost. I didn’t know what I should do next. Luckily, I meet nice lecturers here. They are always ready to help students, no matter academically or psychologically. They always share useful information with us which is extremely useful in pursuing further studies. Without their help, I wouldn't have passed through the hard times. Besides lecturers, my classmates are also equally important in my study life. We work hard together and strive for the common goal. Our positive attitude has motivated us to study harder. When I think of the past, I realize studying in HKU SPACE CC is the right choice. It provides me a stepping stone to be well-prepared for studying in university. Academically, I can learn university-level knowledge prepare me to study in university. Psychologically, HKU SPACE CC is a place for me to adapt the flexible studying style, which I now am also experiencing. Most of you may think studying in associate degree means failure. However, if you can put down your sadness, try your best and never give up, you can finally succeed! Wish all of you can achieve your dreams!

- 2014-15 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
- Offer received: HKUST - BEng in Electronic Engineering
- Offer received: CUHK - Engineering Programme
Because I didn't do well enough in HKDSE, I was frustrated and decided to go to CC before applying to a university. Not only academic knowledge, lecturers are always enthusiastic to help us about our careers. Besides, my classmates are friendly and all of us have the same goal which is getting a degree in the university. This positive learning atmosphere definitely motivates me to work harder and achieve excellent results in examinations. After two years of hard work, I got degree offers from CUHK and HKUST. I then realized that I had made the right decision at the very beginning. If you think you and HKDSE do not get along, associate degree programmes may be another path for you.

- 2014-15 工程学副学士二年级
- Offer received: HKUST - BEng in Electronic Engineering
- Offer received: CUHK - Engineering Programme

- 2014-15 工程学副学士二年级
- Offer received: HKUST - BEng in Electronic Engineering
- Offer received: CUHK - Engineering Programme
在CC读副学士只有短短两年,时间并不长,但对我来说却非常重要。我学到很多不同知识,亦认识了很多不同的人。 在CC,除了自己的主修外,还要学习其他科目的知识,例如艺术、歷史、社会科学等,达至全人教育。因此,我了解自己的能力和选科的重要性。就我而言,因我数理比较强,所以读工程比较轻松,但其他科目则比较逊色。有些同学因选了不合适的科目,结果读得非常辛苦,成积又不理常。所以选对了就事半功倍,反之则事倍功半。学习以外,我也认识了不少对工程很有热诚的朋友,有些对程式很在行,有些则对硬件很了解。从他们身上我获益良多。 在此希望大家亦能在CC获得成功,找到自己的理想,并达到自己的目标。

- 2013-14 Associate of Engineering, Year 1
- 2014-15 HKU Biomedical Engineering (Year 1)
My time in HKU SPACE CC has been an enlightening experience on multiple levels. While the courses here have provided me with vast amounts of contextual knowledge, I also picked up valuable habits which I am certain will be beneficial as I continue my academic endeavours. The greatest challenge that I had to overcome was adjusting to a new education system. In high school, teachers often – figuratively speaking – held student’s hands along the process. Students were expected to attend for about seven hours of schooling every day from Monday through Friday. The scheme in CC is completely different, teaching hours vary greatly and so time management was essential. I quickly realized that I had to improve my old lifestyle in order to prevent work from accumulating. I learned the importance of discipline and scheduling so I could effectively balance my studies, hobbies and social life. Experiencing this change is necessary for any scholar that wishes to further their academic career into the university level, as it will be the same then. Another welcoming gesture was that many lecturers willingly shared their personal experiences with students to prepare us for adversities we might face in the future. Despite having very busy schedules, lecturers excelled both inside and outside the classrooms. The many discussions I had with all my lecturers often proved very fruitful. Lecturers always provided insight not only on the course they taught but also on how that specific course related to Engineering or simply life as a whole. The new environment also served as a great means for cultural enrichment. Having graduated from an international school, I did not have much insight about local students, but after these past few months I have made various friendships which have exposed me to another side of Hong Kong. I re-established the respect that I have for education as I became aware of the trials and tribulations that others have to face and was reminded that I have to cherish the opportunities I have. HKU SPACE CC taught me that education at the post-secondary level is not mandatory, it is a voluntary decision and thus it is a commitment in which the amount of success one can enjoy is directly proportional to the amount of effort one puts in. It is this philosophy that gives me the courage and certainty to take my next step in life.

- 2013-14 工程学副学士一年级
- 2014-15 香港理工大学电子及资讯工程系工学士一年级
在这裏学习,最重要的就是自己的心态。谨记着以往公开试失败的同时,也不能自悲,要相信自己的能力,保持一个积极自信的心态去迎接各项的挑战。 另外,课程讲师十分友善,除了专业授课外,还很关心同学。在课堂外,无论是学术或升学问题,讲师们都很乐于倾听及提供意见,我非常感激他们。 最后,学院的学习模式虽与中学不同,自由度较大,更讲求同学的自侓性;但只要找到自己的兴趣,自然就会学懂自侓。在此,希望大家都能重拾对知识的渴求。

- 2011-12 Student of Associate of Applied Science in Information Technology, Year 1
- Offer received : HKU BEng (Year 1)
I realized that I was not yet ready for university education after receiving my HKALE results. After seeking advice from my schoolmates and friends, I finally decided to apply to the AIT programme of HKU SPACE Community College as my first choice due to my interest in computing. The AIT programme has helped me to become an efficient learner, and allowed me to learn different skill sets in both IT and non-IT courses. I can seek help whenever I have difficulty in digesting the concepts or completing the tasks, because lecturers are always willing to respond to my questions. HKU SPACE CC has brought me invaluable experiences that the students who progressed directly from Form 7 to university education will not have. With my effort, I received an offer from HKU, and I can tell that I have not wasted any time in AIT Year 1. I must thank the College for all the help and support it has provided.