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数学及科学 数学及科学



Programme Code: AD 118 3416 6338 2305 5315 asc@hkuspace.hku.hk

资历架构级别: 4
资历名册登记号码: 12/000596/4
登记有效期:  27/04/2012 至 登记持续有效

Application Code 报名编号 : AD118

科学的应用范畴日趋广泛,当中生物科学、化学、地球与环境科学、物理及统计学均对改善我们的生活作出巨大贡献。社会需要具备科学知识、创造力、和逻辑思考力的人才去开拓更美好的未来。在这个后基因解码年代,医药科学、应用科学,包括生物科技的发展尤为突出。鉴於社会对理学人才需求 甚殷,本学院与香港大学理学院合办理学副学士课程,为学生提供系统的理学学科知识训练。





修毕统计学主题的同学可向香港统计学会申请〔普通证书考试(Ordinary Certificate, OC)〕的全部豁免,详情请浏览网址:http://www.hkss.org.hk





BEd and BSc (Double Degree)
BSc Astronomy
BSc Biochemistry
BSc Biological Sciences
BSc Chemistry
BSc Decision Analytics
BSc Earth System Science
BSc Ecology and Biodiversity
BSc Environmental Science
BSc Food and Nutritional Science
BSc Geology
BSc Mathematics
BSc Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
BSc Physics
BSc Risk Management
BSc Statistics
BEng Biomedical Engineering
BEng Information Engineering
BSc Community Health Practice
BSc Earth System Science
BSc Natural Sciences
BSc Public Health
Bsc Risk Management Science
BSocSc Geography and Resource Management
BEng Chemical & Environmental Engineering
BEng Chemical Engineering
BEng Civil Engineering
BSc Biochemistry & Cell Biology
BSc Biological Science
BSc Biotechnology
BSc Chemistry
BSc Environmental Management & Technology
BSc Environmental Science
BSc Mathematics
BSc Physics
BEng Bioengineering
BEng Biology & Chemistry
BEng Data & Systems Analytics
BEng Energy Science & Engineering
BEng Environmental Science & Engineering
BEng Mechanical & Biomedical Engineering
BEng Materials Engineering
BEng Nuclear and Risk Engineering
BEng Total Quality Engineering
BSc Applied Chemistry
BSc Applied Physics
BSc Biological Sciences
BSc Biomedical Sciences
BSc Chemistry
BSc Computing Mathematics
BSc Data Science
BSc Environmental Science & Management
BSc Physics
BSocSc Environmental Policy
BSocSc Public Policy & Politics
BA (Hons) Language & Speech Sciences
BEng (Hons) Environmental Engineering & Sustainable Development
BEng (Hons) Industrial & Systems Engineering
BEng (Hons) Product Engineering with Marketing
BEng (Hons) Scheme in Mechanical Engineering
BEng (Hons) Transportation Systems Engineering
Broad Discipline of Construction & Environment
Broad Discipline of Engineering
BSc (Hons) Analytical Sciences for Testing & Certification
BSc (Hons) Applied Biology with Biotechnology
BSc (Hons) Biomedical Engineering
BSc (Hons) Chemical Technology
BSc (Hons) Data Science & Analytics
BSc (Hons) Engineering Physics (Optoelectronics)
BSc (Hons) Engineering Physics / Articulation Programme with a specialism in Optoelectronics
BSc (Hons) Food Safety & Technology
BSc (Hons) Geomatics
BSc (Hons) Investment Science
BSc (Hons) Medical Laboratory Science
BSc (Hons) Mental Health Nursing
BSc (Hons) Nursing
BSc (Hons)
BSc (Hons) Analytical & Testing Sciences
BSc (Hons) Applied & Computational Mathematics
BSc (Hons) Applied Biology - Biotechnology
BSc (Hons) Applied Biology - Environmental Science
BSc (Hons) Chemistry
BSc (Hons) Green Energy Science
BSc (Hons) Mathematics & Statistics
BSc (Hons) Mathematical Science
BSc (Hons) Statistics & Operations Research
BSocSc (Hons) Geography
BSc (Hons) Data Science

BA (Hons) Creative Arts & Culture - Music
BEd (Hons) (Primary) English Language
BEd (Hons) (Primary) General Studies / Mathematics
BEd (Hons) (Secondary) Mathematics Major
BEd (Hons) (Secondary) Information & Communication Technology
BEd (Hons) Chinese Language
BEd (Hons) Geography
BEd (Hons) Science
BSocSc (Hons) Global & Environmental Studies
BSocSc (Hons) Psychology

香港大学专业进修学院 - 国际学院

毕业生亦可报读香港大学专业进修学院 - 国际学院部份学位课程。







* 以上列表只提供部份升学例子以作参考。

  • Introduction to Academic English
  • English for Academic Purposes I & II
  • Linear Algebra / Quantitative Analysis I
  • Calculus / Quantitative Analysis II / Information Technology Fundamentals
  • English for Science and Technology
  • Advanced Chinese Language

​​Experiential Learning (Choose one course from the following)

  • Intra- and Interpersonal Competencies
  • Science Laboratory Studies​
  • Science Field Studies
  • Science Project


Year 1

(Choose 4 subjects from at most two areas)

Chemistry Area

  • Introduction to General Chemistry
  • Introductory Organic Chemistry
  • Introductory Analytical and Inorganic Chemistry
  • Chemistry for Life Science

Physics Area

(Students who intend to do Physics Theme must take Linear Algebra &  Calculus above)
  • Foundations of Physics
  • Fundamentals of Classical Mechanics
  • Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Waves and Electromagnetism

Biological Science Area

  • Introductory Basic Biology
  • Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
  • Cell Biology and Physiology
  • Biodiversity and Genetics
  • Food and Nutrition Basics

Statistics Area

(Students who intend to do Statistics Theme must take Linear Algebra &  Calculus above)
  • Quantitative Analysis I
  • Quantitative Analysis II

Environmental and Earth Science Area

  • Biogeography
  • Environmental and Earth Science
  • Elements of Geology

Year 2

(Choose one theme from the following)

(The specialism core subjects under each theme or area is subject to change)

Biological Science Theme 

Biochemistry Area

  • General Chemistry I / General Chemistry II
  • Basic Biochemistry / Principles of Biochemistry
  • From Molecules to Cells
  • Organic Chemistry I

Molecular Biology / Biotechnology / Biological Sciences / Food and Nutritional Science Area

  • From Molecules to Cells
  • Biostatistics / Food Science and Nutrition
  • Basic Biochemistry / Principles of Biochemistry
  • Biological Sciences Laboratory Course

Chemistry Theme 

  • Organic Chemistry I
  • Inorganic Chemistry I
  • Analytical Chemistry I
  • General Chemistry II

Physics Theme

  • Introductory Electricity and Magnetism
  • Problem Solving in Physics
  • Introductory Heat and Thermodynamics
  • Introductory Mechanics

Statistics Theme

  • Statistics: Ideas and Concepts
  • Probability and Statistics I
  • Multivariable Calculus and Linear Algebra
  • University Mathematics II

Earth and Environmental Sciences Theme

Earth System Science Area

  • Blue Planet
  • Introduction to the Earth-life System
  • Fluid / Solid Interactions in Earth Processes
  • Introduction to Atmosphere and Hydrosphere

Environmental Science Area

  • General Chemistry I / Introduction to Climate Science
  • Introduction to Environmental Science
  • Environmental Life Science
  • Blue Planet

Environmental Management Theme 

  • Introduction to Thermal-fluid Science
  • Climate Change and Global Strategies
  • Contamination Management
  • Environment and Resource Management
  • Critical Analysis and Reasoning in Discipline-based Studies
  • One Core Curriculum Course from the Area of Scientific and Technological Literacy 
  • One Core Curriculum Course from the Area of Culture, Media and Society 
  • One Core Curriculum Course from the Area of Perspectives in Arts and Humanities


Leung Ka Long
Leung Ka Long
  • 2022-23 理学副学士一年級
  • Offer received: BSc Science, HKU (Year 1 entry)
  • Offer received: BSc Science, HKUST (Year 1 entry)

In the past year, HKU SPACE CC offered me sufficient learning opportunities. The library and computer centre let me learn more efficiently. Even though I was not an active learner, my lecturers still encouraged me to study. My classmates assisted me in solving academic issues because we all had a mutual target university admission. The failure in HKDSE was just a part of the learning progress. The associate degree gives you another chance for compensation.

Lam Ka Ling
Lam Ka Ling
  • 2022-23 理学副学士二年级
  • Offer received: BSc Physics, HKU (Senior entry)
  • Offer received: BSc Physics, HKUST (Senior entry)
  • Offer received: BSc Ocean Science and Technology, HKUST (Senior entry)
  • Offer received: BSc Physics, CityU (Advanced standing 1)

The teachers in HKU SPACE CC and HKU are friendly. They were willing to answer my questions patiently. Also, the summer bridging course is very helpful for my study. I appreciate it!

About the tips in studying, it is crucial to make friends and form study groups. Friends will give you emotional support. During the pandemic year, all courses were taught through Zoom. I felt afraid and lost at that moment. Luckily, my friend encouraged me and studied with me every day. Eventually, my friend and I got high GPA that semester!

Pong Chak Fung
Pong Chak Fung
  • 2021-22 理学副学士二年级
  • Offer received: BSc Earth System, HKU (Year 3 entry)
  • Offer received: BEng Energy and Environmental Engineering, HKUST (Year 3 entry)

In HKU SPACE CC, I sought help form lecturers whenever I didn’t understand the concepts taught, both face to face after lesson time or through email . So, don’t be shy when you have questions. I kept doing revision on the lecture materials after every lesson and therefore it didn’t take me much time to study before the exam. Good luck and hope you have a pleasant experience in HKU SPACE CC.

Chan Ho Chun
Chan Ho Chun
  • 2020-21 理学副学士一年级
  • Offer received: BEng, HKU (Year 1)
  • Offer received: BSc, HKUST (Year 1)
  • Offer received: BEng, HKUST (Year 1)
  • Offer received: BSc, CUHK (Year 1)

During my study at HKU SPACE CC, I met many friends of different backgrounds . At first, I was nervous at learning new subjects, I overcame the difficulties with the help from my friends and college lecturers. The key of success was studying hard, putting more effort on doing homework and past papers.

Inoceno, Denise Nicolete Ilustrisimo
Inoceno, Denise Nicolete Ilustrisimo
  • 2017-19 理学副学士
  • 2019 香港大学环境科学理学士三年级

Studying at HKU SPACE CC has allowed me to look at my academic life in a more holistic view and allowed me to explore what I would really like to study.

  • 2017-19 理学副学士
  • 2019 香港大学理学士三年级

Lecturers in HKU SPACE CC are definitely caring and patient. With the guidance and support from the teachers, I have built up a better foundation and have prepared well for my future study.

Tam Ming Yin, Sirius
Tam Ming Yin, Sirius
  • 2017-18 Associate of Science (Physics) (Year 2)
  • Offer received: BSc in Physics, HKU (Year 3)
  • Offer received: BSc in Mathematics, HKUST (Year 2)
  • Offer received: BSc in Physics, HKUST (Year 2)
  • Offer received: BSc Aviation Operation and System, PolyU (Year 3)

Studying in HKU SPACE CC was not as easy as in the high school. The subjects and contents were very different. I was glad that I was not alone. Teachers were so friendly that they offered help whenever we needed. I still miss the classes in humanity. Teachers not only helped me overcome my weakness, but also opened up my mind.  The real benefit of choosing ASc in HKU SPACE CC is that we have chances to study HKU courses with HKU students. The courses are not particularly stressful. 
"People seldom succeed except they enjoy it."  Please do enjoy it, and wish you all the best.

Luk Pak Hei Jason
Luk Pak Hei Jason
  • 2017-18 Associate of Science (Year 1)
  • Offer received: BSc, HKU (Year 1)

Choosing to study in HKU SPACE CC is a decision that I have never thought of before. I received an offer from JUPAS but I determined to study in HKU SPACE CC. It was obviously the toughest decision that I have made in my life, and the most significant one at the same time.

The lecturers in HKU SPACE CC have top academic qualifications. They don’t simply provide us with knowledge, they also care about our future pathway and learning progress. In ASc programme, we were exposed to extensive hands-on practical experiences which strengthened our knowledge. Apart from the specialism courses, the generic courses have shaped myself into an all-rounded person. More importantly, acquiring knowledge in CC is not only about memorizing answers but understanding the important concepts. CC is a place for you to search for your goals and future pathway, which all of you can achieve what you want by your own way.

Wan Kin Fu
Wan Kin Fu
  • 2017-18 Associate of Science (Year 1)
  • Offer received: BSc, CUHK (Year 1)
  • Offer received: BSc Computing Maths, CityU (Year 1)
  • Offer received: BSc, HKU (Year 1)

当初选择HKU SPACE CC的原因是希望能升上三大,而SPACE CC亦是最多人能升上三大。我只是因为中文未及格而升不上八大。虽然我只有一年经验,但当中也学到不少,印象最深刻的是chemistry和statistics课堂,想不到chemistry也能够那么有趣,而statistics亦令我对数学更感兴趣。祝大家早早从太空升上八大。

Fong Cheuk Pan
Fong Cheuk Pan
  • 2017-18 Associate of Science (Year 1)
  • Offer received: BSc, HKU (Year 1)
  • Offer received: BSc, HKUST (Year 1)

After I received my DSE results, I was so disappointed because I could not pursue my dream anymore as I couldn’t identify a school which provided the science subject I wanted. One day, when I searched for that kind of school, I found HKU SPACE CC. I chose to study in HKU SPACE CC because it provided a chance for me to learn science and they had high articulation rate to universities. On the first school day, I was very shy and worried about whether teachers were willing to answer my questions. Surprisingly, during the class, my teachers encouraged us to ask questions and did practices. Through reading the recommended reference books and raising questions, I understood more about the subject I studied. I also made some friends who worked hard. We studied together and helped each other. HKU SPACE CC is like a family. I hope that you can enjoy your life here and get into a university.

Siu Yiu
Siu Yiu
  • 2017-18 Associate of Science (Year 1)
  • Offer received: BSc, HKU (Year 1)

I wanted to learn from the best and that's why I chose HKU SPACE CC to prepare myself for university studies. I tried my best in every subject because I had to fight for my future. People may worry that science subjects are difficult but I think the most important factor is enthusiasm. Your ardor will encourage you to overcome the challenges. Lecturers in HKU SPACE CC are kind and caring. They will always be there when you need support. Remember, DSE is just a part of life, which is not the end but a new beginning.

Tang Tze Tung
Tang Tze Tung
  • 2017-18 Associate of Science (Year 1)
  • Offer received: BSc, HKU (Year 1)
  • Offer received: BSc, CUHK (Year 1)
  • Offer received: BSc, HKUST (Year 1)

Trust me. You would be grateful to study here before studying a degree. Here, you will study courses that are similar to the ones you will study in a bachelor’s degree. Teachers in HKU SPACE CC will ensure you really understand the things taught in class. After class, you may email lecturers for any problems. They are so nice and patient. You will build up better foundation and be well prepared before studying a degree (competition is really keen in degree studies). I'm sure you will all do a great job here. Wish you all the best!

Wong Kwan Yuen, Jaden
Wong Kwan Yuen, Jaden
  • 2017-18 Associate of Science (Year 1)
  • Offer received: BSc, HKU (Year 1)
  • Offer received: BSc, HKUST (Year 1)

太空就好像一個大家庭,同學之間互相扶持,老師亦會給予很多支持。老師耐心的教 學與中學的是完全沒得比,我上堂經常問很多問題,他們都不厭其煩地解答。這裏 給了我很多鼓勵,提供了一個機會,讓我挽回在中學裡犯過最大的錯誤。現在我能夠 再上征途,全因為太空讓我重拾信心。還記得上年暑假,我完全沒想過自己能走到今 日,如果你願意,或許下一個就會是你。

Cheng Tsz Fung, Koster
Cheng Tsz Fung, Koster
  • 2015-16 Associate of Science (Physics) (Year 2)
  • Offer received: BSc Physics, HKU (Year 3)
  • Offer received: BSc Physics, HKUST (Year 3)
  • Offer received: BSc Engineering Physics, PolyU (Year 3)

一切全因缘份的指引,入读HKU SPACE CC实乃无意之选。所幸在此我学会了和人的相处之道,亦结交了不少战友,一尝中学未能如愿的心愿。中学时期的勤学苦练在DSE时无法展现出来,最终在此处尝足甜头,使我可不需花太多时间在主科上,而把时间花在其他科目中学习更多元化的知识。各师弟师妹或有疑惑,中文中学的学生会不会受授课语言影响?其实会的,但在Year 2升上大学的中文中学学生也不在少数。切记勤能补拙。至于学习,只要抱有好奇好学之心,用心钻研,必能有所成就。其次压力一定会有的,只要紧记顺其自然,不骄不躁,对学习和人际关係的发展才会有益无害。

Tsui Wai Sum
Tsui Wai Sum
  • 2013-2015 Associate of Science
  • Offer: HKU BEd & BSc (Double Deg., Yr 1)
  • Offer: HKBU BSc (Yr 1)
  • Offer: HKIED BEd (Yr 1)

当初报读HKU SPACE CC的理学副学士是因为希望自己继续修读科学,但又担心自己文凭试的表现失准,加上HKU SPACE CC的课程是香港大学编制,有一定认受性。 在过往一年,我除了学习到科目的知识,更加透过大小的Project学习到与人相处技巧。另外,在密集式的学习里,我明白到自律的重要性,包括时间管理和在学术上自我要求。我相信这些都是毕生受用的技能。

  • 2012-13年度理学副学士一年级
  • 现于香港大学理学院修读理学士一年级
  • 其他取录:香港浸会大学物理系绿色能源科学理学士二年级

犹记得公开试成绩及JUPAS 放榜都不理想,而自己想修读与理学有关的科目,于是选择了港大附属学院的理学副学士课程。 学院有很多优秀的讲师,他们对同学的学习十分着紧,上课时会因应同学的进度而改变教学节奏,亦会主动向同学询问是否明白课堂上所授知识,令我上课时能紧贴课程的教学进度。 修读副学士期间所学到的知识及学习态度,令我现在升读大学后得到更大的优势,我十分感谢学院的讲师。

  • 2011-12 年度应用科学副学士(生命科学)一年级
  • 于香港中文大学修读生命科学理学士三年级
  • 其他取录:香港大学理学士
  • 其他取录:香港浸会大学环境研究主修化学理学士

还记得高考放榜那天,从老师手上接过成绩表后,我只感到徬徨、迷茫、绝望。当时,我根本不清楚除了大学以外,香港还有甚么升学途径,我只留在家中问问亲友的意见,及后上网搜寻「副学士」相关的学院和课程。又亲身听了各院校的讲座和学生分享,最后选择了港大附属学院,我最有兴趣的科目是应用科学副学士(生命科学)。至今,我无悔当初所作的抉择。 副学士的生活确实辛苦,因为你要有很强的意志力才能不断坚持,继续走下去。当时我在未开学的时候已熟习修读课程的大纲,及计划未来一年的方向目标。每天除了温习,便是回家赶lab report或者project,又或要赶写personal statement,准备大学面试。虽然辛苦,但当中亦有收穫。副学士的校园生活不再有「班主任」式的提醒,但庆幸我选择了港大附属学院,内里有完善的升学辅导及自学中心,加上每位讲师都满腔热诚,还有counselor的辅助,当遇到难题时,他们都愿意助你,与你度难关,让我感受到在学习以外的人间温暖。事实上,港大附属学院提供的Non-JUPAS升学资讯,是各专上学院中最齐全的,只要自己主动去接触,这些资源都是属于你的。 港大附属学院是一个很好的学习地方,让我学懂管理时间及自我,实为升读大学的不二之选。希望大家都能寻找一条属于你的副学士之路!加油!