Programmes - HKU SPACE Community College
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Economics & Business Economics & Business

Associate of Economics

Programme Code: AD 126 3416 6338
QF Level: 4
QR Registration No.: 21/001407/L4
Registration Validity Period:  01/09/2022 to ongoing

Application Code 報名編號 : AD126

Programme Aims & Features

The programme aims to strengthen students’ theoretical and empirical knowledge of economics to solve business problems. It also enhances students’ abilities to use qualitative and quantitative methods as well as analytical techniques to prepare for their university study in Economics.

Opportunities for Further Studies

2024 Overall Progression Rate: 88%
UGC-funded Bachelor’s Degree Programmes: 67%

Graduates who want to pursue higher education will be eligible to apply for UGC-funded and self-funded Economics-related bachelor’s degree programmes offered by local universities. Below are some examples*:

The University of Hong Kong
BEcon/ Econ & Fin
BBA Finance
BBA Accounting & Finance
BSc Information Management

The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Integrated BBA
BSocSc Economics

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
BBA Business & Management
BBA General Business
BBA Economics
BSc Economics and Finance
Bachelor of Science Group A
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering

City University of Hong Kong
BBA Business Economics
BBA Finance
BBA Marketing
BBA Global Business
BBA Information Management
BBA Management
BBA Marketing
BBA Accountancy
BBA Business Analysis
BBA Business Operations Management
Integrated BBA

Hong Kong Baptist University
BBA (Hons) Economics and Data Analytics
BSc (Hons) Business Computing and Data Analytics
BBA (Hons) Entrepreneurship
BBA (Hons) Accounting
BBA (Hons) Marketing
BSocSc (Hons) China studies – Economics
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
BBA (Hons) Financial Services
BBA (Hons) Accounting & Finance
BBA (Hons) Global Supply Chain Management
BA (Hons) Scheme in Fashion and Textiles
BSc (Hons) Investment Science & Finance Analytics
BSc (Hons) Enterprise Engineering with Management

HKU SPACE International College

Graduates are eligible to apply for admission to various degree programmes offered by the HKU SPACE International College .

Career Prospects

Economics is a multi-disciplinary field, and thus graduates of the programme have a very wide spectrum of career choices in various sectors, such as business and finance, government, education, social services, travel and tourism. Besides, graduates after pursuing advanced professional degrees may be able to practice in various sectors which include education, financial planning, data analyst, compliance and management.

Special Entrance Requirements

In addition to the minimum entrance requirements, applicants are also required to have obtained Level 2 or above in HKDSE Mathematics, or equivalent.

*The above list is not exhaustive and only shows some of the examples.

  • Introduction to Academic English
  • English for Academic Purposes I & II
  • Advanced Chinese Language
  • Applied Statistics
  • English for Business
  • Information Management

Experiential Learning Course

  • Intra- and Interpersonal Competencies

Year 1

  • Introduction to Financial Accounting
  • Introduction to Financial Management
  • Business Economics
  • Mathematics for Economics


Year 2

  • The Economics of Money and Banking
  • Macroeconomics: Theory and Applications
  • Microeconomics: Theory and Applications
  • Introduction to Econometrics
Core Curriculum Courses

Year 1

  • Critical Analysis and Reasoning in Discipline-based Studies
  • One Core Curriculum Course from the Area of Perspectives in Arts and Humanities

Year 2

  • One Core Curriculum Course from the Area of Culture, Media and Society
  • One Core Curriculum Course from the Area of Scientific and Technological Literacy

Courses offered in each semester are subject to student enrolment and resources available.


Bruton Boo
Bruton Boo
  • 2023-2024 Associate of Economics (Year 2)
  • Offers received: HKUST - Business and Management (year 2)
  • Offer received: City University of Hong Kong – BBA :Business Economics (Year 2)

Hard work and good mentoring are crucial for achieving the goal of attending university. I'm grateful to have met many exceptional teachers at CC who offered invaluable guidance in preparing for my university interviews and further studies. I sincerely thank them for their passionate teaching and kind support.

The academic atmosphere at CC has been outstanding. My "comrades in arms" and I have formed strong bonds, encouraging and supporting each other throughout our two years of study. This experience has been immensely beneficial, helping me to be well-prepared for university. Studying at CC has truly been a turning point in my life.

You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” Together, let’s continue to overcome challenges and embrace our bright futures with determination and optimism!

Ho Shing Hang
Ho Shing Hang
  • 2023-2024 Associate of Economics (Year 2)
  • Offers received: HKUST - Business and Management (year 2)
  • Offer received: City University of Hong Kong – BBA :Business Economics (Year 2)

I am proud to have been part of the inaugural graduating class of the Associate of Economics programme (AECON). My passion for economics started in high school, and I knew that pursuing it in my higher education was the right decision. The programme provided me with the perfect platform to develop my quantitative and qualitative skills through its holistic approach to mathematics and specialized economics courses.

Lecturers of the programme were compassionate and patient and supported me in areas ranging from academics to life planning. The workshops and field trips expanded my knowledge and gave me practical exposure. Also, I made many friends who pushed each other to excel and grow, creating a rich and dynamic learning environment. All in all, my experience at AECON was enriching and unforgettable.

Jason Jung
Jason Jung
  • 2023-2024 Associate of Economics (Year 2)
  • Offers received: HKU - Economics & Finance (Year 3 Entry)
  • Offer received: HKUST - Business & Management (Year 2 Entry)
  • Offers received: CityU - Finance (Year 2 Entry)
  • Offers received: CityU - Global Business (Year 1 Entry)
  • Offers received: CityU - Computational Finance & Financial Technology (Year 1 Entry)

After the release of my public examination results at my secondary school, I believed that they underestimated my full academic potential. It was clear to me that I was capable of more and deserved to achieve higher scores. Then I decided to study Associate of Economics at HKU SPACE CC. It not only allowed me to realize my potential, but also provided me with new and enriching experiences, whether it be through being a Student Ambassador for the college or taking additional courses external to the program I was studying. I am confident that the insights and successes I gained from my time at HKU SPACE CC will serve me well in my future academic pursuits.

Tsang Tsz Ho
Tsang Tsz Ho
  • 2022-2023 Associate of Economics (Year 1)
  • Offer received: Science Group A (Year 1), Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  • Offer received: Bachelor of Social Science, Programme in Economics (Year 1), The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Studying at HKU SPACE CC is a non-regret decision. The Associate of Economics (AECON) programme is intended to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of economics, covering microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics. It goes beyond what is taught in secondary education, providing students with a deeper understanding of economic principles and their practical applications. With experienced and attentive lecturers, students can benefit from a supportive and engaging learning environment. The programme is an excellent choice for students interested in pursuing future studies and careers in fields. By taking advantage of this outstanding program, students can lay a strong foundation for their future success. 

Hong Xiaokun Ben
Hong Xiaokun Ben
  • 2022-2023 Associate of Economics
  • Offer received: BBA Management (Year 1), City University of Hong Kong
  • Offer received: BBA (Year 1), Hong Kong Baptist University

I am glad to be a SPACE student which there is no regret with me. HKU SPACE CC is a reputable institution that provides engaging and enriching knowledge to students, which I can greatly benefit from. As a student of AECON, I learnt more exhaustive knowledge about Economics than secondary that explored my mind Economics is an abstruse topic. Besides, the college also offers various services to help you to bridge university programs, such as academic advising, tutoring and career counselling. I wish you all the best in your studies at HKU SPACE CC!

Students' Activities

New Student Orientation 2024




Lunch Gathering with Student Ambassadors


J.P. Morgan – 2024 Hong Kong Apprenticeship Program: Information Session and Office Tour

Organized in March 2024, the information session provided our final year students of the AEcon programme the honour to visit the J.P. Morgan Hong Kong office located at Kwun Tong. There, they were briefed on the J.P. Morgan Apprenticeship Program – a one-year program designed to provide realistic career experiences working in the financial sector, as well as training and senior management networking opportunities.  


Personal Finance Ambassador Programme 2023/24

The Personal Finance Ambassador Programme 2023/24, themed "Sustainable Personal Finance", was co-organised by the IFEC and St James’ Settlement, and funded by HKEX Foundation. A team of four Year 1 students from the Associate of Economics programme designed and developed their own financial education projects to promote financial wellness messages pertaining to the theme to their schoolmates in November 2023. Amidst keen competition, our team won “The Excellent Financial Education Project Bronze Award”.


Visit to the Renowned Economist, Professor Steven N.S. Cheung, July 2023

Four outstanding students from the AECON programme had the privilege of visiting Professor Steven Cheung, a renowned economist who specializes in transaction costs and property rights. During the visit, the students spent an afternoon engaged in fruitful discussions with Professor Cheung on a range of socio-economic issues.