Certificate for Module (Soil Mechanics)
Course Code: CP108

Microcredential Course
Programme Code: CP108A
Medium of Instruction: English
Course Fee: HKD $6300
Application Fee: HKD $150
Course Introduction
The programme aims at introducing fundamental description and the classification of soils; mechanical concepts including the effective stress concept, strength of soils, consolidation, settlement and testing procedures.
Course Details
On completion of the programme, students should be able to:
- Describe the basic principles of elasticity and key parameters pertaining to measurement of soil strength and deformation;
- Describe the nature and classification of soils and quantities pertaining to soil;
- Identify the application and limitations of common soil mechanics experiments;
- Analyse elementary geotechnical problems using the effective stress concept.
Introduction to the concept of critical state
Void ratio, porosity, degree of saturation
Mass relationships: water content, bulk density, specific gravity and relative density
Classification of soils
Soil testing, classification and analyses
Colours, mass characteristics, particle size analysis, grading curves, effective grain size and uniformity coefficient, limit and plasticity tests
Case study
State of stress
Shear strength
Mohr’s diagram method of stress analysis
Geostatic stress condition
Lateral stress coefficient
Horizontal and vertical stresses
Failure criterion analysis
Total head
Pressure head
Darcy’s law
Flow and seepage problems
Geotechnical seepage problems and solutions
Capillary head
Soil properties and air voids
Entry Requirements
Applicants shall:
have gained in the HKDSE Examination Level 2 or above in five subjects*^ including English Language and Chinese Language#, Mathematics (Core) and one of the following: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Combined Science or Geography; or
hold a Diploma in Foundation Studies; or
hold a Diploma of Applied Education, Diploma Yi Jin or equivalent qualification(s).
Equivalent qualifications will be considered by the College.
Applicants who do not possess the above academic qualifications but who are aged 21 or above with relevant work experience will be considered on individual merit.
“Attained with Distinction (II)” is deemed equivalent to Level 4 or above in the HKDSE Examination;
“Attained with Distinction (I)” is deemed equivalent to Level 3 in the HKDSE Examination; and
“Attained” is deemed equivalent to Level 2 in the HKDSE Examination.
Students are required to do a 2-hour written examination, group-based reports and tutorial exercises.
Upon successful completion of the programme, students will be awarded within the HKU system through HKU SPACE a "Certificate for Module (Soil Mechanics)".