Programmes - HKU SPACE Community College
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 CEF Course

Certificate for Module (Structures and Field Studies)

Programme Code: CP 109A 37622307

Course Code: CP109


Microcredential Course

Programme Code: CP109A
Lecture: 36 hours
Course Duration: 13 weeks
Venue: Island East Campus
Medium of Instruction: English
Course Fee: HKD $6,300

Course Introduction

This programme aims to provide both hand-on field experience and class-based learning. It introduces basic geological field and mapping techniques, use of geological equipment and air photographs, as well as an overview of geological structures such as faults, folds and joints.

Course Details

On completion of the programme, students should be able to:

  1. Apply techniques for basic field observations, measurements and identifications;
  2. Record and examine field observations and data in an effective and comprehensible manner. read geological maps and identify 3-D geological structures from 2-D geological maps;
  3. Describe faults, folds and other geological structures in the field and their geological contexts;
  4. Evaluate the textures and structures major metamorphic rocks in both hand specimens and under microscope;
  5. Produce a field study report on the geology, landform and structures observed in an area.


1. Maps and map reading, map reference system
  • Overview
  • Classification
  • Application
2. Interpretation of topographic and geological maps, Interpretation and use of air photographs
  • Overview
  • Application of maps and air photographs
  • Case study
3. Geological field techniques and equipment, field observation
  • Introduction to field techniques
  • Field equipment
  • Field observation
  • Case study
4. Description of rocks and outcrops
  • Overview
  • Properties
  • Formation
5. Geological structures
  • Faults: strike-slip faults, dip-slip faults and thrusts, joints;
6. Folds; Satellite folds
  • Formation
  • Case study
7. Shear Zones and shear fabrics
  • Foliations and lineations
8. Measurement of geological structures
  • Overview
  • Measurement
  • Case study
9. Preparation of simple geology map
  • Case study

Entry Requirements

Applicants shall:

  1. have gained in the HKDSE Examination Level 2 or above in five subjects*^ including English Language and Chinese Language#, Mathematics (Core) and one of the following: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Combined Science or Geography; or

  2. hold a Diploma in Foundation Studies; or

  3. hold a Diploma of Applied Education, Diploma Yi Jin or equivalent qualification(s).

Equivalent qualifications will be considered by the College.

Applicants who do not possess the above academic qualifications but who are aged 21 or above with relevant work experience will be considered on individual merit.

^ If one of the five HKDSE subjects is Citizenship and Social Development, the minimum entry requirement would be “Attained” for the subject.
* Applicants are allowed to use not more than two Applied Learning (ApL) subjects in the application. The recognition of the ApL subjects is as follows:
“Attained with Distinction (II)” is deemed equivalent to Level 4 or above in the HKDSE Examination;
“Attained with Distinction (I)” is deemed equivalent to Level 3 in the HKDSE Examination; and
“Attained” is deemed equivalent to Level 2 in the HKDSE Examination.
# ApL Chinese (for non-Chinese speaking students) would be accepted as an alternative Chinese Language qualification.


Please complete and submit the Application for Enrolment Form [SF26] ( ), together with the required academic qualifications documents (see above entry requirements) on or before the application deadline:

In person

Please bring the enrolment form together with both the originals and copies of all required documents with you to the enrolment counter at HKU SPACE Kowloon East Campus (this will avoid you being asked for the originals later).  Enrolment form is also available at the enrolment centre or on request from programme staff. You may check the current opening hours and address of the enrolment centre at

By email

Or you can email the completed enrolment form SF26 and the scanned copies of the required documents to (Subject: “CP109A Application).

Application deadline: 6 December 2024


Students are required to do group project, group-based reports and tutorial exercises.

Upon successful completion of the programme, students will be awarded within the HKU system through HKU SPACE a "Certificate for Module (Structures and Field Studies)".