文学副学士 (语言及人文学科)

资历架构级别: 4
资历名册登记号码: 14/002817/L4
登记有效期: 01/07/2014 至 登记持续有效
Application Code 报名编号 : AD106
BA Education and Chinese
BA Chinese Language and Literature
BA Conservation
BA Cultural Management
BA Cultural Studies
BA English
BA History
BA Japanese Studies
BA Linguistics
BA Philosophy
BA Translation
BSocSc Gender Studies
BSocSc Global Studies
BA (Hons) Cultural Studies
香港大学专业进修学院 - 国际学院
毕业生亦可报读香港大学专业进修学院 - 国际学院提供的全日制衔接学位课程,包括:
伦敦艺术大学(University of the Arts London)
爱丁堡龙比亚大学 (Edinburgh Napier University)
西英格兰大学 (University of the West of England, Bristol)
* 以上列表只提供部份升学例子以作参考。
通用技能 |
Experiential Learning
专门知识 |
Core Year 2Bilingual Communication
Chinese Language, Literature and Culture
English Studies
Japanese Studies
Korean Studies
Specialism Electives
Year 1 Choose TWO from the following
Year 2 Students of a particular theme (except Japanese Studies Theme and Korean Studies Theme) can choose ONE out of three options listed below.
Bilingual Communication
Chinese Language, Literature and Culture
English Studies
核心课程科目 |

- 2020-2021文学副学士(语言及人文学科)
- 2021 香港大学文学士一年级

- 2020-2021文学副学士(语言及人文学科)
- 2021 香港大学文学士一年级

- 2019-2021 Associate of Arts in Languages and Humanities (Japanese Studies)
- 2021 BA Japanese Studies (Year 3), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Offer received: BSocSc (Year 3), The University of Hong Kong
- Offer received: BA Translation (Year 3), Hong Kong Baptist University
- Offer received: BA Linguistics and Language Applications (Year 3), City University of Hong Kong
Under the situation of Covid-19, the teaching mode has changed to online mix face-to-face which is a great challenge to both lecturers and students. Lecturers in HKU SPACE CC keep doing their best to help students with any difficulties encountered patiently. I really enjoyed the time I have spent in CC with great lecturers here and friends who also studied very hard. Just feel free to ask them for advice when you need!

- 2019-2020 文学副学士(语言及人文学科)
- 2020 香港中文大学 (翻译学)
- 其他取录∶香港城市大学 (翻译及语言学)
光阴似箭,昔日旁徨迷惘的心情与现在兴奋雀 跃的心情形成强烈的对比。这一年,历经波 折,但亦能遇到一群志同道合的朋友以及循循 善诱的老师,大家互相勉励,共同渡过短暂而 忙碌的副学士生活。有时候,绕一条较长的路 未必是坏事,只因它可能会为你带来意外的收 获。

- 2019-2020 文学副学士(语言及人文学科)
- 2020 香港大学(文学学士)
The road to happiness is paved with adversity.

- 2018-2020 Associate of Arts in Languages and Humanities (Japanese Studies)
- 2020 BA Japanese Studies, The University of Hong Kong (Year 3)
HKU SPACE CC provides students with sufficient resources and support. The Japanese Studies programme helps students build up a solid foundation of the Japanese language. Moreover, lecturers at CC are all kind-hearted and willing to solve students’ problems. All in all, this programme definitely would be the best choice for anyone interested in Japan and its culture. For me, it was definitely a memorable 2-year journey.

- Bachelor of Arts Linguistics and Language Applications (Year 3), City University of Hong Kong
A dream doesn't become reality through magic. It takes sweat, determination and hard work. I am grateful that HKU SPACE Community College gave me a second chance. HKU SPACE Community College provided me a clear path to achieve my dream. Especially the lecturers in College who are always patient, kind and willing to help. I hope you can also persevere and work hard towards your goals.

- 2013-15 文学副学士(语言及人文学科)(日本研究)
- 香港中文大学社会科学学士(性别研究)三年级
- 其他取录:香港城市大学文学士(文化与文化产业管理)
我是Danny,现就读香港中文大学的性别研究课程,曾於2013年至15年间就读港大附属学院的文学副学士(语言及人文学科)课程,主修日本语及日本文化。修读日本语及日本文化不但能够让我学到日本流行文化、日本商业等知识,课程亦会著重於日本语的学习,令学生修读完成后可以达到JLPT N3的水平。由於课程里所教授的日本语均是由零开始,同学一开始不需要任何日本语的基础,因此十分适合任何有对日本文化或日语有兴趣的同学。

- 2012-14 Associate of Arts (Languages and Humanities) in Japanese Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Studies (and minoring in Contemporary China Studies) (Year 3), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Other offer received: Bachelor of Arts in Japanese Studies, The University of Hong Kong
- Other offer received: Bachelor of Arts in Media and Communication, City University of Hong Kong
Studying at the Community College was originally an inconvenient experience, due to the long-lasting misunderstandings of the public. Yet, for me, the education provided by the AA Japanese Studies programme at HKU SPACE CC was as good as that by most, if not all undergraduate programmes. Japanese Studies programme at HKU SPACE CC provided me with not only intensive Japanese language training, which made me well-prepared for the one-year exchange programme at The University of Tokyo during my undergraduate studies, but also courses that helped me build up a strong theoretical foundation to deal with the rigorous academic courses at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Although I have shifted my focus on Japanese Studies to Sinophone Studies and critical theories after entering the university, the classes I attended at HKU SPACE CC did enable me to ponder on my studies in one more dimension. I owe an arigato gozaimasu (thank you in Japanese) to my Japanese teachers, and all the instructors who enlightened me when I was still struggling with a university degree. I cannot say they are better than those at the university, but they are good enough to help you start your academic journey.

- 2015-17 Associate of Arts in Languages and Humanities - Japanese Studies
- 2017 Faculty of Arts - Japanese Studies [Language Stream], The University of Hong Kong
After entering HKU, I still cherish my memories at HKU SPACE CC where I had friendly teachers, fellow classmates and 'battle companions' who had the same goals. Although the coursework was tough, I was able to get through it and achieve my final goal: entering HKU. Enjoy your life at Community College!

- 2015-17 文學副學士 (語言及人文學科)(日本文化研究)
- 2017 香港大學文學院 (主修日本文化研究,副修韓國文化研究)

- 2017-2019 文学副学士 (语言及人文学科)(日本文化研究)
- 2019香港大学文学院三年级 (主修日本文化研究)
- 2020-2022 伦敦大学东方与非洲研究学院(日本研究硕士)
庆幸在HKU SPACE CC遇上有教学热诚的老师和志同道合的朋友,一同度过充实又愉快的校园生活。感激校方安排了许多与日本大学的学科交流活动,让我可以在课余时间练习日语,更因此认识了很要好的日本朋友。纵然升学之路略有曲折,却因此令我有更不凡的学习体验和结识一班怀着相同目标的盟友。你并不孤单,共勉之!