![Frankie Chan Ka Kuen](/cc/f/student_sharing/2660/370p210/frankiechan.png)
Frankie Chan Ka Kuen
2012-14 Associate of Arts (English Studies)
Two years of college life have passed in a flash, but the memories of our college lives will definitely last for a life time. As the prominent Spanish novelist Miguel de Cervantes states, “for a man to attain to an eminent degree in learning costs him time, watching, hunger, nakedness, dizziness in the head, weakness in the stomach, and other inconveniences”. We have all achieved great things in our college life at HKU SPACE CC through hard work and dedication. The most crucial thing that HKU SPACE CC has taught me is: just remember that we can. We can try, we can fail, and we can try again. Yes, we can.
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![So Tsz Lung](/cc/f/student_sharing/41329/370p210/HDPRCC%20Vincent%20So.png)
苏子龙 (Vincent)
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![Eugenia Lam](/cc/f/student_sharing/2503/370p210/eugenialam.png)
Eugenia Lam
Currently working as a Branch Trainee at HSBC
I have learnt professional knowledge in finance and business that can be used in my future. The lecturers provided me with lots of advice and support while I was applying to different university bachelor degree programmes. HKU SPACE Community College is a good platform for students to get into a university.
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文学副学士(语言及人文学科) - 中国语言、文学及文化
考完文凭试,初入港大附属学院时是抱着侥倖一试的心态,姑且在这里读一读自己有兴趣的科目试试吧。因为从中学起就喜欢中文、文学,见学院又有与中文相关的科目,就报读CC了。 初入学时甚么都不懂,我也不是很会说话的人,在学校里就只有两、三个较为熟悉的朋友。尽管如此,中文组的老师都很乐意解答我关于升学或就业的问题,且有很好的建议给我。尤其二年级报non-JUPAS时需要推荐信,讲师都愿意替我撰写,真的十分感激!另外做报告及论文遇到难题,讲师也乐意抽时间教导我们,自己从中获得了不少知识。 二年级上过的专业课为我之后上大学读中文系打好了基础,不论是现代抑或古典文学,都让我更了解这些学科,也更喜欢中文了,故此后来报大学也选择了中文系。如今在大学也偶尔会想起在学院与朋友一起奋斗的日子,那时虽颇有压力,但是有清晰目标,虽然辛苦,也是快乐的。
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作为末代会考和高级程度会考考生,我曾遇到巨大的压力,进不了大学,当时十分懊悔,总想当初更努力就好了。 幸好我报读了港大附属学院商业学高级文凭(市场学及管理),讲师以具体实例,和不同的方法讲解课题,使学生能深入理解,这令我明白自己并非没有能力,而是不懂窍门。刚入学的时候,我没有想过能取得优秀成绩,但讲师让我拥有多一次的机会去努力。而此时,我已准备好在大学中继续努力,向梦想出发。 我衷心希望,曾遇到失败的同学们不要放弃,要抓住每一个机会去努力,有朝一日,必能实现梦想!
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![Yau Hoi Ting](/cc/f/student_sharing/41215/370p210/AALH%20Yau%20Hoi%20Ting.png)
Yau Hoi Ting
2018 - 20 Associate of Arts in Languages and Humanities (English Studies)
My two-year study at HKU SPACE CC was such a wonderful journey for me as it gave me a second chance to achieve my university dream. I had gained knowledge from the lecturers and met a lot of lovable friends. I will never forget those days we strove for our dreams together. I am going to study Linguistics at CUHK to achieve my dream of helping children with language difficulties. Thank you, HKU SPACE CC, for making my dream come true!
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