Opening Ceremony of Jennie Mui Lee English Village
Jennie Mui Lee English Village offers students a rare opportunity to practise spoken English in various real-life situations. The learning activities in the Village will enhance the students’ speaking skills as well as boost their confidence to converse in English. The Village is established to equip the young generation in Hong Kong to become proficient English users in this modern world. An Opening Ceremony was held on 3 November 2015 on Kowloon East Campus.
Cheque Presentation (From Left: Prof William Lee, Dr Lee Shiu, Dr Jennie Lee, Prof Edward Chen and Prof L S Chan)
Commemorative Plaque Unveiling (From Left: Dr Lee Shiu, Dr Jennie Lee, Prof Edward Chen, Prof L S Chan and Prof William Lee)
Presentation of Souvenir (From Left: Dr Lee Shiu, Dr Jennie Lee, Prof Edward Chen, Prof L S Chan and Prof William Lee)
Speech by Dr Jennie Lee
Welcoming Remarks by Prof Edward Chen
Note of Thanks by Prof L S Chan
Photo with students
Singing Performance
Singing Performance
The Village furnishes the virtual settings for teaching of individual lessons
The Village furnishes the virtual settings for teaching of individual lessons.
Photo with Student Ambassadors