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HKU SPACE Community College 16th Graduation Ceremony

25 Oct 2017 Queen Elizabeth Stadium

The HKU SPACE Community College 16th Graduation Ceremony was successfully held on the 25th October 2017 in Queen Elizabeth Stadium, with graduates and their families attended the ceremony to share the happiness. 

In the first session, Professor William Lee, Director of HKU SPACE, conferred the sub-degree for the graduates and Professor Cheng Kai Ming, Emeritus Professor of The University of Hong Kong addressed the ceremony as guest of honour. Professor Cheng hoped that the knowledge and competence that the graduates acquired in the College would be useful for the rest of their life.

In the second session, Dr. John Cribbin, Deputy Director of HKU SPACE, conferred the sub-degree for the graduates and Professor William Hayward, Dean of Social Sciences of The University of Hong Kong addressed the ceremony as guest of honour. Professor Hayward hoped that our graduates could learn from failure and achieved greater success in the future.

Outstanding Teacher Awards and other awards and scholarships were presented in the ceremony to outstanding teachers and graduates who had excellent academic results or outstanding services to the College. The 2017/18 Student Ambassador Inauguration was also held in the ceremony. The College would like to congratulate all graduates again and wishes all of you to have bright future ahead!