Associate of Engineering
Computer Science

Application Code 報名編號 : AD113
Programme Aims & Features
This programme aims to provide students with a broad and solid grounding in the field of engineering and information technology, and to enhance students’ technical knowledge and problem-solving skills.
The programme includes three study themes:
- Computer Science
- Computer Engineering
- Electronic Engineering
All three themes provide fundamental engineering and IT training to students, the Computer Science theme emphasizes computing theory and IT applications development skills.
Computer Science theme
Eemphasizes computing theory and IT applications development skills.
Computer Engineering theme
Provides students with a fundamental knowledge of both hardware and software in computer engineering, system design and development.
Electronic Engineering theme
Provides students with a fundamental engineering knowledge and skills to compete in the electronics field.
Opportunities for Further Studies
Some of our graduates/students are admitted to UGC-funded degree programmes every year. The list below shows the programmes that our graduates/students of recent years have articulated to*:
BEng (Hon) in Civil Engineering
BSc (Hons) Artificial Intelligence and Education Technology
HKU SPACE International College
Graduates are eligible to apply for admission to various degree programmes offered by HKU SPACE International College.
Career Prospects
The associate degree opens doors to jobs in government and the commercial sector, including posts in engineering, programming and systems development. Graduates can also pursue a career in technical support, technical sales and promotion, business analysis or administrative work.
*The above list is not exhaustive and only shows some of the examples.
Experiential Learning
CoreYear 1
Year 2 Computer Engineering Theme
Computer Science Theme
Electronic Engineering Theme
ElectivesYear 2 (Choose ONE course from the following) Computer Engineering Theme
Computer Science Theme
Electronic Engineering Theme
Core Curriculum Courses |
Courses offered in each semester are subject to student enrolment, timetabling and resources available.

- 2017-19 Associate of Engineering
- 2019 BEng in Electronic Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Other offer received: BEng Electronic Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
As a windsurfing athlete, it's hard to find a balance between sports and academics. I keep telling myself never give up when facing challenges. Tackle all the challenges and difficulties and you will have a wonderful time in HKU SPACE CC.

- 2019-20 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
- Offer received: BEng in Computer and Data Engineering, CityU
- Offer received: BEng in Infomation Engineering, CityU

- 2019-20 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
- Offer received: BEng in Computer Science, HKUST
- Offer received: BEng in Computer Science, CityU
- Offer received: BSc(Hons) Scheme in Computing, PolyU

- 2018-19 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
- Offer received: BEng in Computer Engineering, HKU
- Offer received: BEng in Electronic Engineering, HKUST
- Offer received: Engineering Programme, CUHK

- 2018-19 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
- Offer received: Engineering Programme, HKU
- Offer received: BEng in Mechanical Engineering, HKUST
- Offer received: Engineering Programme, CUHK
時光荏苒, 在港大附屬學院的兩年學習轉瞬即逝。在港大附屬學院的兩年讓我相信只要付出努力,總有一日能靠近自己的理想。 「海不辭水,故成其大」,只要同學一點點增值自己,在這裡增加工程的專業知識,總有一日有足夠實力升回大學。在這裡的日子充實又忙碌,壓力是一定會有的,但不甘平凡的心使我前進,為升讀大學作好準備。同學們,即使現在的才華不足以令你實現夢想也請別放棄,因為人只要努力總能變強。願各同學終能成為大海,實現目標!

- 2018-19 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
- Offer received: BEng in Computer Engineering, HKUST
- Offer received: Engineering Programme, CUHK
Studying at SPACE CC did not only grant me knowledge or provide me a second path for progression, but also letting me to understand my interest, strength and weakness. Two years ago, when I just started the semester, I worried that I could not cope with the courses as I never knew programming or M2. Meanwhile, if you are willing to raise questions, do more practices and find some useful materials online, they are not as difficult as you thought. I am thankful for the nice and professional lecturers who always concern our studies and future development, so that I could learn a lot here and prepare well for university. Lastly, I must say a big thank you to all my friends I knew here. Without your urge and encourage, I must not have this enjoyable school life and let’s go further together!

- 2017-18 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
- 2018-19 BEng in Computer Science, HKUST
In these two years, I collaborated with different students to complete course projects, gaining hands-on experience related to the subject. Examples included building a website for a travel agent and programming a mobile game application. We spent hours of work on those projects, even working on them overnight. I have confidence that most sub-degree students are more competitive.

- 2018-19 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
- Offer received: BEng in Computer Science, HKUST
想起當初文憑試放榜的時候,當時因為中文成績不如意而選擇了港大附屬學院升學,真正感受到何謂第二次機會。 當時是比較對電腦科學有興趣,所以就選擇了工程副學士,想透過副學士入大學,繼續我的夢想。就讀副學士的時候發現學習模式與中學不同,雖然比較辛苦但很容易上手。 再加上有很多老師會提供無論是學業或升學的幫助,釋除了學業上不少的疑慮。老師也會帶學生到大學參觀,對自己心儀的大學增加認識。 在港大附屬學院努力過後, 成功捉緊這個第二次的機會,重新升讀大學。 到最後收錄的大學甚至是比文憑試預計進入的大學更好。 非常感謝港大附屬學院給予這個第二次的機會!

- 2017-19 Associate of Engineering
- 2019 BEng Electronic and Communication Engineering, CityU
Don't give up even you get unsatisfactory DSE result. Everything could be possible if you work hard!

- 2017-18 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
- 2018-19 BEng in Computer Engineering, HKUST
As a guy who has a high estimation from the peers and teacher in Secondary Second, I have never thought that one day my strength and ability can be used again when I suffer in the failure in DSE. Fortunately, I have learnt from the failure and I have grown in HKU SPACE Community College. But it is still a hard time for us as we have to study in a completely different environment.
Luckily, my first transcript here is pretty good. However, I have even stepped further in the next semester. This all thanks to not only my lecturers but also my "comrade". Lecturers here is passionate in education for both our knowledge and attitudes and my "comrade", they have provided me much help and we have been succeeding in many projects together. Without neither one of them, I will not be able to have such result.
Now, I have already received two offers from HKU and HKUST and one interview from CUHK. Every step here will become my experience in the future. Failure is not a monster, instead, it pushes you to become more hard-working. Although it might be difficult, it will be a good time when you study in HKU SPACE Community College. And I hope everyone of you can achieve your dream here.

- 2014-15 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
- Offer received: HKUST - BEng in Computer Engineering
- Offer received: CUHK - Engineering Programme
一朝失意並不代表永遠。在港大附屬學院的生活讓我相信只要付出努力,總有一日能實現自己的理想。 在這裡,我不但學習到工程學科的知識,亦認識不少良師和益友。我由衷感謝學院的講師,他們不但傳授專業知識,亦樂意為我的將來發展提供建議和幫助。同學雖因各自的原因而來到學院,但是我們為共同的目標而奮鬥,度過了充實而難忘的日子。 我十分慶幸選擇了港大附屬學院,兩年的副學士生活亦讓我有所成長,為升讀大學打好根基。「不經一番寒徹骨,怎得梅花撲鼻香」,願各位同學能善用時間,為實現夢想而努力。

- 2014-15 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
- Offer received: HKUST - BEng in Computer Engineering
- Offer received: CUHK - Engineering Programme
Stepping stone used to be what I said when people asked me about CC. That’s no longer my answer. Studying in CC changed my way of thinking and perception. There are so many courses which I found new and very interesting. CC not only serves as a platform for me to attain qualification but also a place to equip and to prepare for further studying. I’m thankful for what the lecturers have taught me and their hard work on helping me to meet my goals. I live a very fruitful life in CC, I have made many friends and been involved in all types of school activities. For me, the pace has been fast, and that definitely has been reminding me to avoid procrastination. I think you have to love learning to enjoy the journey. My tips are to always sit in the first row, take better notes, make friends with those who are diligent, and avoid temptations. Prospective schoolmates: Fasten your seatbelt and enjoy the journey.

- 2013-14 年度應用科學副學士(資訊科技)二年級學生
- 獲大學取錄:香港浸會大學計算機科學理學士三年級
我曾經和你一樣,在網上看到很多學生分享,那時我正在考慮報讀港大附屬學院的課程;時移世易,卻換成了我的故事。我的故事就如其他師兄師姐:在學院的生活非常快樂自由,同學親切,老師很有耐性,眼界大開...... 然而,這兩年的學習令我明白到一件事:如果希望升讀大學,副學士是一個不錯的機會,只要願意付出便會有收獲。當然這句老生常談說明的並不是全部,當中還有些要注意的地方:首個學期是十分重要的,如果GPA分數不好,跟後的學期就會容易放棄;所以開學時必先盡快收拾心情,適應大專生活。 另外,培養個人興趣很重要,有興趣的話做任何事都會事半功倍;選擇自己喜歡和有信心的科目,不要怕發問問題,跟講師多交流令我有不少得著。 最後,就是對自己增多一點信心;因為下一位獲邀請分享經驗的學生,很可能是你!

- 2013-14 Associate of Applied Science in Information Technology (Computer Science), Year 2
HKU SPACE CC is my alternative gateway to further my study after failing to enrol in undergraduate programmes offered by the UGC-funded universities. The study mode here gives me more freedom than the secondary schooling experience that I received before. There is no past examination paper or revision exercise, but there are different types of reference materials. We need to develop our own way of revising each course, and broaden our views and knowledge. I have been interested in programming since my secondary school, but I have not received any formal and regular training on computer programming. The AIT programme gives me a lot of chances to acquire practical programming skills, and also some useful advice on how to develop a good programme. It also strengthens my knowledge in the field of computer and information technology in order to improve my programme design. HKU SPACE CC provides me with a lot of experiences that are very useful in my future study. It is my pleasure to study here.

- 2013-14 年度應用科學副學士(計算機科學)二年級學生
- 2014-15 HKU Bachelor of Engineering
當初想繼續學業,所以在公開試放榜後報讀副學士課程,選讀了我感興趣的電腦學科。優秀的師資,加上講師非常樂意解答我學業上的疑難,讓我學習更容易上手,打下良好堅實的電腦基礎;在升學選擇上,講師給予很多有用的意見,提醒我們盡早準備充足。隨着對電腦學科的認識加深,我更加喜愛這課程,皆因它讓我能夠發揮所長。 在港大附屬學院的兩年是非常寶貴的經驗。我在這裏得以重新振作,成長了很多。尤其是心態上的轉變,由當初對未來感到徬徨,到現在能夠堅定地朝着目標進發,著實得來不易。很感謝在學院認識到的講師和好友,他們的關懷與支持,令我明白自己並不是孤軍作戰,也讓我擁有更寬容開朗的心態。

- 2011-12 年度應用科學副學士(資訊科技)二年級學生
- 獲大學取錄: 香港大學計算機科學工學士一年級
- 獲大學取錄: 香港中文大學系統工程與工程管理工學士一年級
- 獲大學取錄: 香港浸會大學計算機科學理學士二年級
一次的失敗並不代表甚麼。只要立定決心、持之而恆,終有一天能成就自己的夢想。而我就在這裡開拓了實現夢想的道路。 回想這兩年在港大附屬學院的生活,給予我的不只是學科上的知識,更令我對資訊科技有更深入的了解。我非常感激學院的講師,他們除了教授學科的知識外,亦著重引導我們從不同的媒介找到實用的資訊。此外,這兩年我在學院結識了許多志同道合的學友,朝著相同目標前進,因為有他們的陪伴,每分每秒都過得十分充實愉快。 由最初只懂皮毛的我,到現在有能力去解答不同電腦科技上的問題,甚至有機會升大學,這兩年副學士的生活令我更堅定對這門學科的喜愛。

- 2012-13 年度應用科學副學士(資訊科技)二年級學生
- 獲大學取錄: 香港大學計算機科學工學士一年級
在港大附屬學院的兩年生涯轉眼間快將過去。回想初到學院時,面對新環境確感到有點手足無措。可幸的是,這裏的講師與師兄師姐給予許多關懷與協助,令我很快便融入新的學習環境。 港大附屬學院的課程十分全面,除了電腦相關的專科課程,學院亦相當重視學生的語文和個人發展。密集的課程,優秀的師資,令我掌握了不同方面的知識,拓闊眼光。 除了學院課程外,我亦參與了很多學會。結識了一羣「戰友」、「伙伴」,一起並肩作戰,互相扶持,為各自的目標而努力。和這些好朋友相處,帶給我很多的啟發;師兄師姐細心的指導,讓我兩年以來,收穫甚豐,對此我由衷地向他們表示感謝。

- 2012-13 年度應用科學副學士(資訊科技)二年級學生
- 獲大學取錄: 香港大學計算機科學工學士二年級(三年制課程)
- 獲大學取錄: 香港中文大學計算機科學工學士二年級
追逐夢想的路途總是一波三折,連續三年的屢敗屢戰,我終於透過非聯招考進我夢寐以求的香港中文大學。兩年副學士生活充實愉快,在學院學到很多電腦理論,為升讀大學打好根基。港大附屬學院的上課時數不多,讓我可以自由地管理自己的時間,跟上進度之餘還可以爭取實際工作經驗,我很喜歡這自由的學習模式。 來到學院的同學各有因緣,都是懷大學夢而奮鬥。競爭對手不是每天一起溫習、做功課的戰友,也不是一起聚餐開會的同學,而是往日那失敗的自己。 年青人最大的本錢是時間,不應磋跎歲月,只要敢想敢做,一定可以獲得應有的回報。

- 2011-12 年度應用科學副學士(資訊科技)二年級學生
- 香港中文大學計算機科學工學士二年級
高考放榜當日接過成績單,成績比預期差,想了很久應該是選擇重考或是讀副學士。後來發現港大附屬學院的副學士跟大學課程頗為相似,能銜接多間本地及海外大學學位,而且開放日當天,同學和講師都非常用心解釋課程的內容和出路。因此選讀了這所學院。 在這兩年,課程對我將來編寫電腦程式或繼續升學都有很大幫助,亦增強了我的邏輯思維及批判能力。此外,學院講師都很友善和有耐性,每次都很用心解答我們的問題,而且在升學問題上亦給予我們很多意見,提醒我們在大學面試有甚麼需要準備;同學亦非常好學和友善,遇到難題時會主動發問,下課後一起溫習,互相交流,既辛苦又很開心。

- 2011-12 年度應用科學副學士(資訊科技)二年級學生
- 獲大學取錄:香港浸會大學計算機科學理學士二年級
兩年的副學士生活,我在學院裡學到了各方面的知識,亦豐富了我的學問,為未來的升學做了充份的準備。或許很多人對副學士的印象比較負面,認為副學士學生只是公開試的失敗者,但在這兩年,港大附屬學院令我對副學士有重新的了解。這裡的副學士大部分都不比公開試的同學們遜色,他們都為了自己的大學夢而努力奮鬥。很多人會抱怨副學士升大學的學額太少,但我只能告訴你,不是數量的問題,而是你本人付出多少的問題。 港大附屬學院的學習模式與中學有很大的分別,自律對成功升學是很重要的,因為在這裡再沒有中學老師的督促,上課時間又較有彈性,所以時間管理非常重要。千萬不要以為課程簡單又輕鬆,但取得一個足夠晉升大學的分數可並不容易,因為你的競爭對手不少,分數競爭也非常激烈。最後希望大家都可以全力以赴考進大學。

- 2011-12 年度應用科學副學士(資訊科技)二年級學生
- 獲大學取錄:香港大學計算機科學工學士一年級;香港中文大學計算機科學工學士二年級
相信不少人和我一樣,放榜後進不了自己心儀的大學。那一刻對於自己的前途,的確是十分迷茫。幸好,港大附屬學院就在前方替我照亮了那未知的道路。當初因為父母一句話:「隨著自己的興趣而選擇」,即使我從沒有讀過跟電腦相關的科目,最後亦選擇了資訊科技副學士課程。 在港大附屬學院的生活讓我的眼界擴闊了不少,亦讓我認清自律的重要性。由於自由度十分高,學習和玩樂的時間全由自己掌握。我在這裡認識了一班好朋友,大家從早到晚也在學院內,不論上堂、溫書、吃喝玩樂也在一起,大家就像一家人一樣,而港大附屬學院就是我們的家。我十分慶幸我選擇了港大附屬學院,它給予我另一個入讀大學的機會。希望大家也能夠在港大附屬學院內找到自己的興趣,認清自己的目標,掌握自己的未來。