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 CEF Course

Certificate for Module (Introduction to Modern Professional Deathcare)

Programme Code: CP105 3762 2294

Course Code: CP105


Microcredential Course


This course has been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Continuing Education Fund.

Supporting Organisations


Course Introduction

The course aims to give participants an overview of the development of the funeral industry not just in Hong Kong but also in various parts of the world, emphasizing the global trend, challenges and issues faced by the industry, along with related opportunities in Hong Kong. Participants will be introduced to modern funeral concepts, the service-oriented philosophy, and the integration of technology, environment, and art to facilitate sustainable, modern funerals. In addition, the course aims to acquaint participants with the skills involved in communicating with the bereaved, not just covering the dos and don’ts in the process but allowing more idea exchange and discussion.

Through a combination of lectures, site visits to funeral parlors, crematoria and green burial facilities, as well as seminars by world renowned experts in funeral services, participants will keep abreast of the latest developments of the funeral industry in Hong Kong and abroad. 

Participants will have a more thorough view on “meaningful farewells” and “sustainable funerals”, and they will play an active role in the course to join the discussion on “future funerals”.

Training Organisations

The lectures will be delivered by the representatives of below organisations:



Ang Chin Moh Foundation Singapore
Chin Pao Shan Enterprise Co., Limited Taiwan
China Funeral Association China
Cosmopolitan Funeral Homes Philippines
Fu Shou Yuan International Group China
Funeral Industry Development Australia Australia
GSI Co.,Ltd. / 株式会社ジーエスアイ  Japan
National Funeral Directors Association USA
Pelican & Partners Ltd.  Hong Kong 
The MazWell Group UK
Worsham College of Mortuary Science USA

Medium of Instruction: Cantonese, English and Putonghua
Remarks: Subject to the programme arrangements, there might be updates on the list of speakers without prior notice.

Course Details

On completion of the programme, students should be able to:

  1. Describe the essence of mortuary arrangements and protocol in various religious setting;
  2. Give an overview of traditional funeral culture and custom;
  3. Acquire an enhanced ability in communicating with the family;
  4. Describe the directive and standard requirements for professional mortuary science; and
  5. Describe the state of development of the funeral and undertaking industry in Hong Kong and various parts of the world.


Part 1: Funeral Industry Today

Part 2: Professional Funeral Services & Grief Support

Part 3: Funeral Profession Technologies and Trends

Part 4: A Rising Industry: Funeral Services

Entry Requirements

It is suitable for persons engaged in funeral services and social services units or personnel (e.g., hospice, medical, social, elderly care, education and the NGO sectors) and those who are interested in the deathcare sector.

Applicants shall have:

  1. Completed the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination; or
  2. Completed the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination; or
  3. Equivalent qualification will be considered by the College. 

26 hours

Visit 6 hours
Tuition HK$ 8,400
Venue Kowloon East
Contact Mr. Tim Cheng
3762 2294

Application (in person only)

The course will be offered on a first come, first served basis, subject to the fulfillment of minimum entrance requirements. Please complete the Application for Enrolment Form [SF26] ( and bring the completed form(s), together with the appropriate application/course fee(s) and the required academic qualifications documents (see above entry requirements) to any of the HKU SPACE enrolment centres ( Enrolment forms are also available at the enrolment centres or on request from programme staff.

Application Code:1955-2832AW


Type of Assessment



One 30-min Quiz 
(Multiple-choice and short questions)

Two Assignments (Worksheets)

Visit report and sharing (500 words)

Upon successful completion of the programme, students will be awarded a "Certificate for Module (Introduction to Modern Professional Deathcare)" within the HKU system through HKU SPACE.