Programmes - HKU SPACE Community College
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Economics & Business Economics & Business

Higher Diploma in Marketing

Marketing and Management

Programme Code: HD 132 3416 6338 2305 5315
QF Level: 4
QR Registration No.: 15/003339/L4
Registration Validity Period:  30/10/2015 to ongoing

Application Code 報名編號 : HD132

Marketing Practitioner Interview: Founder and CEO of Smark Global – Mr. Harry Lui

Programme Aims & Features

This programme is specially designed to provide students with a vocation-oriented, broad-based education in marketing with the option of specializing in one of two themes: 1.Marketing and Management; 2. Marketing and Advertising. The programme integrates many disciplines present in the marketing industry and aims to provide all aspiring marketing professionals, irrespective of their future career specialism, with multiple skills and practical and academic knowledge to keep pace with the changing needs of the dynamic market.

The aim is to provide students with the practical knowledge and understanding of key marketing concepts, events management, advertising or management theories and skills which they can apply in the workplace.

Marketing and Management Theme 
Upon completion of the programme, students opting for the Marketing and Management theme will be equipped with a range of practical knowledge and skills associated with marketing, human resources management, international business, and management strategies for pursuing a career or further studies in these areas in future.

Marketing and Advertising Theme 
Upon completion of the programme, students opting for the Marketing and Advertising theme will be equipped with a range of practical knowledge and skills associated with marketing, public relations, advertising and branding to prepare them for pursuing a career or further studies in these areas in future.

Integration of Academic Theory and Practice

  • Lecture combines theories and real-life cases and practical examples
  • Experience sharing by key marketing professionals at guest speaker sessions, field visits and seminars
  • Prepare students for a career in the private / public sectors as marketing specialists

Interactive Learning Approach with

  • Class activities
  • Group discussions / Group projects
  • Field visits


Preparation for Future Study and Future Career

The counsellors at the Student Development and Counselling Services (SDCS) will assist students in formulating plans for further studies and career development. Every year, SDCS provides support in different forms to help students who wish to progress to university studies, including talks to introduce local and overseas study opportunities, mock interviews, as well as experience sharing by graduates. 

Moreover, SDCS offers many career development activities to enhance students’ competitiveness in the workplace and better prepare for future career. These include company visits, recruitment talks, workshops on career planning and job interview skills. Mock interviews and job posting service are also available. 

Opportunities for Further Studies

2023 Overall Progression Rate: 76%
UGC-funded Bachelor’s Degree Programmes: 59%

Some of our graduates/students are admitted to UGC-funded degree programmes every year. The list below shows the programmes that our graduates/students of recent years have articulated to*:

The University of Hong Kong
BBA Accounting and Finance
BSc Information Management

The Chinese University of Hong Kong
BBA Marketing
BSc Community Health Practice

BSSc in Economics
Integrated BBA

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
BBA Business & Management
BBA (Hons) Management
BSc Chemistry

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
BA (Hons) Scheme in Fashion and Textiles Marketing
BA (Hons) Scheme in Fashion Marketing
BBA (Hons) Accounting & Finance
BBA (Hons) Marketing
BBA (Hons) Management
BBA (Hons) Financial Services
BBA (Hons) Global Supply Chain Management
BBA (Hons) International Shipping & Transport Logistics
BBA Supply Chain Management and Analytics
BSc (Hons) Enterprise Engineering with Management
BSc (Hons) Logistics Engineering and Management
BSc (Hons) Financial Technology
BSc (Hons) Hotel Management

City University of Hong Kong
BA Creative Media
BA Digital Television and Broadcasting 
BA Media and Communication
BBA Accountancy
BBA Banking and Financial Services
BBA Business Analysis 
BBA Business Decision Analytics
BBA Business Operations Management
BBA Finance
BBA Global Operations Management
BBA Human Resources Management 
BBA Information Management 
BBA Management
BBA Marketing
BBA Marketing Information Management
BSocSc Applied Sociology
Integrated BBA (Hons)

Hong Kong Baptist University
BBA (Hons) Accounting
BBA (Hons) China Business 
BBA (Hons) Economics and Data Analytics Concentration
BBA Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation
BBA (Hons) Human Resources Management
BBA (Hons) Information Systems & e-Business Management 
BBA (Hons) Marketing 
BBA (Hons) Strategic Retail Management and Innovation            

Lingnan University
BBA (Hons)
BBA Accountancy

HKU SPACE International College

University of Plymouth
BSc (Honours) Business Management

Edinburgh Napier University
BA Mass Communications, Advertising & Public Relations

University of Hull
BA (Hons) Marketing
BA (Hons) Marketing and Management    

Middlesex University London
BA (Hons) Graphic Design (for Higher Diploma in Marketing - Marketing and Advertising)

Career Prospects

The programme will prepare students for a career in the marketing, management, administration or public relations in the private or public sectors.  Positions available in the field are diverse and include a wide variety of activities such as customer service, advertising & promotion, marketing communication, marketing research, store management, customer relationship management, event management, brand management and marketing planning.

Professional Recognition

The programme has successfully attained a 2-year accreditation by the Hong Kong Institute of Marketing (HKIM) till 31 Aug 2025. Graduates of this programme are qualified for full exemption of Diploma in Marketing and partial exemption for Professional Diploma in Marketing of HKIM if they have passed the relevant courses under this programme.  
“Hong Kong Institute of Marketing (HKIM) founded on 12th November 1982 is the only non-profit making and independent professional body for marketers of Hong Kong. In its several years of history, professional marketers across various business fields and disciplines join as members of HKIM.” 
“HKIM has been active in promoting marketing practices and issues in Hong Kong. It is also a promoter of marketing expertise, standards, ethics and knowledge through its activities, training and education programmes. In addition, HKIM is a Founding Member of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Alliance and the Asia Marketing Federation.” 
The successful accreditation exercise signifies the quality of this programme which meets the educational standard and requirements of professional marketing programmes recognized by HKIM. 

*The above list is not exhaustive and only shows some of the examples.

  • Introduction to Academic English
  • English for Academic Purposes I & II
  • English for Business
  • Practical Chinese
  • Applied Statistics
  • Information Management


Year 1

  • Introduction to Marketing
  • Introduction to Management    
  • Marketing Communications
  • Digital Marketing
  • Business Economics
  • Essentials of Accounting

Year 2

  • Consumer Behavior
  • Marketing Research and Information
  • Event Management

Select one theme from the following ONLY

Marketing and Management Theme

  • Global Business and Trade 
  • Human Resources Management
  • Principles of Organizational Behaviour
  • Final Year Project (Marketing and Management)

Marketing and Advertising Theme

  • Strategic Brand Management
  • Advertising and Promotion
  • Public Relations
  • Final Year Project (Marketing and Advertising)

*Courses offered in each semester are subject to student enrolment and resources available.

Final Year Project (FYP) is a capstone module for students to apply and integrate the knowledge they have accumulated over their course of study by working in groups to develop a business plan/marketing plan for a product/service of their choice.

Students produce their own TVCs for promotion of their new ideas.

Video 1 - Retro Hotel

Video 2 - K Arts_Fly with Us

Video 3 - Two Girls

Lui Sze Yeuk Matthew
Lui Sze Yeuk, Matthew
  • BBA Finance (Year 2), City University of Hong Kong
  • BBA Management (Year 2), City University of Hong Kong
  • BBA Global Operations Management (Year 2), City University of Hong Kong
  • BBA Marketing (Year 3), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • BBA Management (Year 3), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Unsatisfactory HKDSE result seems to be a barrier on the path of pursuing my dream and career, but there are always other ways. 

HKU SPACE Community College offered me a second chance to build up my knowledge and continue my studies. The Higher Diploma in Marketing programme allows me to gain insight in different aspects of the business field in operation, besides the courses also enhanced my hard skills and soft skills required in the future through hand-on experience and groupworks. This experience has helped me build a concrete foundation for my further studies and establish my future pathway. 


Law Hoi Ching Mika
Law Hoi Ching, Mika
  • HKUST, Year 2, Business and Management
  • HK Poly U, Year 3, BBA in Marketing
  • HK Poly U, Year 3, BBA in Management
  • HK City U, Year 2, BBA in Management

As my DSE results was not satisfactory, I enrolled in the Higher Diploma in Marketing (Marketing and Management Theme), hoping to successfully progress to the university with a good GPA. At the beginning of the course, it was a bit difficult for me to adapt because the teaching language suddenly changed from Chinese to English. The teacher knew this situation and taught very patiently, they will also supplement it with Chinese, so I could master and learn knowledge faster and easier and get a high GPA. In addition, studying marketing requires good communication, creativity and being innovative most of the time. For example, there is a group project that requires us to design a promotion plan for a brand. Forming group with classmates who are creative, imaginative and good in communication will have lots of fun! 

I am very glad that I signed up for this programme. I have made many new friends and benefited a lot from it! I am very grateful to all my teachers for their careful guidance which enabled me to have the opportunity to study at university.

  • The University of Hong Kong - Bachelor of Science in Information Management (Year 3)
  • Lingnan University - Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) in Marketing and Social Media (Year 3)

After HKDSE, I enrolled into the Higher Diploma in Marketing program at HKU SPACE Community College to explore a new career path after some guidance from my family members. 

Throughout the last two years, I had gained an increased awareness of my strengths and weaknesses and for another pathway to university. The programme has covered extensive marketing concepts and theories, practical skills for today's world, and useful elements such as group projects and presentations which hones my creativity, critical thinking and communication skills. 

All my lecturers were knowledgeable and supportive, they made lessons engaging with real case studies and their own experiences in the industry. They were also enthusiastic to help students with any questions or difficulties. Overall, I'm grateful for the holistic education I received throughout this programme. I would recommend it to anyone who is keen to pursue a career in marketing and related fields.

Chan Hon Leung, Howard
Chan Hon Leung, Howard
  • 2019-2021 Higher Diploma in Marketing (Marketing and Management Theme)
  • Offer received: BBA Marketing (Year 2), City University of Hong Kong
  • Offer received: BBA Marketing (Year 3), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Offer received: BBA Marketing (Year 3), The Hong Kong Baptist University

I am grateful to be a student in HKU SPACE CC as I met a group of great friends and lecturers. I have acquired academic knowledge in marketing and learnt practical skills through this programme. Besides, with the support of student counsellors, it clarified my questions of non-JUPAS application and career aspects. They provided useful information through different workshops and talks. HKU SPACE CC will be a good choice for you!

Ng Ka Yue
Ng Ka Yue
  • 2012年商業學高級文憑(市場學及管理)
  • 現就讀香港大學文學士三年級

回想起兩年間,從失望到迷茫,再重整心情、努力奮鬥,最終達成自己定下的目標。最初,只是因為對市場學感興趣而選擇修讀。但是,在修讀途中卻意外地有更多的得著,除了可以實踐理論、學以致用、發揮潛能外,透過專題研習更能加強溝通和與人合作的能力。當中畢業計劃書更是和組員用一整年的時間,由零開始,花了不少心血而完成的。 在港大附屬學院讀書,少不免遇上大大小小的困難,甚至會感到低落。不過,在這兩年期間,從講師、社工以及同學的身上,我明白到,每一段經歷的發生都有原因,每一項挑戰都能帶來豐富的得著。 感謝學院的栽培,令我的大學夢最終成真。追夢的過程雖然辛苦,但是只要相信和堅持,你,其實會比想像中得到更多。 只要付出努力,同學的收穫可能比我的更為精彩。

Dana Suen
Dana Suen
  • 2016年商業學高級文憑(市場學及管理)畢業
  • 現就讀香港理工大學市場學(榮譽)工商管理學士三年級

「HKU SPACE CC 的學生有很高的質素」這句話,到現在我升讀理大後依然深信不疑。回想兩年多前,懷著重新開始的決心報讀港大附屬學院商業學高級文憑(市場學及管理)課程。雖然我的公開考試成績不算理想,但這課程的面試官著重評核我的態度和個人特質,讓我感受到這所學院對學生的重視。 這課程教授內容實用,講師有著豐富的專業知識及經驗,讓學生們能夠理解和應用所學的理論。課餘時他們亦樂意解答學生學習上的問題。這些元素讓HKU SPACE CC的學生在就業或升學都能發揮所長。

Martin Chan
Martin Chan
  • 2018年市場學高級文憑 (市場學及管理)畢業
  • 現就讀浸會大學工商管理學士(創業學)三年級

中學文憑試後,由於成績未如理想不能升讀大學,所以我決定報讀港大附屬 學院市場學高級文憑課程。希望實現理想、成功銜接大學。  

在上課期間,我發掘了自己的興趣。老師在上堂時悉心教導、又會耐心地給 予指導和講解。課程設計由淺入深、令我容易掌握學科的理論;又會以生動 有趣、貼近現實的例子去闡述,使我更得心應手。下課後,老師們亦樂意解 答我們學業及升學的各種問題。
今天,我終於能一嘗升讀大學的滋味,有賴所有老師的循循善誘教導和幫 助。我十分慶幸兩年前報讀這個課程、遇到一班很好的老師。在此,我衷心 感謝他們,多謝他們的用心教導。

Alison Fan
Alison Fan
  • 2014年商業學高級文憑(市場學及管理)
  • 現就讀香港理工大學市場學(榮譽)工商管理學士四年級

過去兩年在港大附屬學院的生活,雖然學業繁重,但樂在其中。專門的學科知識及練習助我為入讀大學作準備,亦提升我對市場學的興趣,同時也認識了不少志同道合的朋友,一起面對挑戰和難關。 我印象最深刻的是畢業專題習作,能與朋友一起發揮創意,發展獨特的商業計劃書,從中也學以致用。當初入讀學院的不習慣及不甘心,轉化成為了我奮鬥的動力,全賴學院的支持讓我完成大學夢。 這兩年有不少難忘的回憶,再一次謝謝學院、講師及朋友的鼓勵!

Ng Cheuk Ping
Ng Cheuk Ping
  • 2019-2021 Higher Diploma in Marketing (Marketing and Management Theme)
  • Offer received: BBA Management (Year 2), City University of Hong Kong
  • Offer received: BBA Marketing (Year 3), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Offer received: BBA Marketing (Year 3), The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

Although we might get failed in the DSE exam, this is not the end. We need to be brave to face our fault and think about how to improve. DSE exam is only a process in our life, we still need to work hard for our future. After studying at HKU SPACE CC, I think I found my life goals. I used to be very unclear about what I like to do or study. However, the teachers in HKU SPACE CC are patient to teach us, during the learning process, I found what I like most.

Jackson Chan
Jackson Chan
  • 2011年商業學高級文憑(市場營銷及廣告)
  • 2013年澳洲科廷大學商學士(廣告與市場學)
  • 現於澳洲就讀蒙納士大學國際商業碩士課程

回想起那個常常不發一語的自己,在港大附屬學院修讀的兩年間,令我脫胎換骨。修讀市場學的學生,往往能透過學院提供的不同機會,例如:專業人士講座、營商比賽及實習計劃等,發揮潛能。當中教我最為印象深刻的,是和組員一起經過一整年時間,以數不盡的心血完成的畢業作品。在製作畢業專題習作的計劃書期間,由構思產品特性、市場策略及宣傳廣告概念等,所運用的知識及技巧,都是從講師及課程中學到的。到最後能夠在一眾講師及學生面前報告及獲獎,實在令人鼓舞! 畢業後,我經由香港大學專業進修學院國際學位課程中心,升讀澳洲科廷大學商學士(廣告與市場學)課程,學懂更多市場學及廣告學的專業知識;我現時身處澳洲修讀碩士課程,認識很多來自澳洲本土、德國、馬來西亞等國家的同學舍友,擴闊眼界及社交圈子。 在此,我衷心感謝學院的悉心栽培,圓了我的大學夢。

Philip Chung
Philip Chung
  • Graduate of Higher Diploma in Marketing in 2016
  • 現就讀香港大學理學士(資訊管理)三年級

考畢文憑試後,手執5科四級的成績單,我心有不甘。我決定報讀港大附屬學院商業學高級文憑(市場學及管理)課程,立志要在這裏獲得本港大學的取錄。 這兩年,除了獲得大量的市場營銷知識外,講師對每一位學生的關心猶為貼心。每一堂下課後,講師會主動關心每一個學生的學習進度及人生規劃。每當有同學將要接受大學面試,講師都會用私人時間提供意見。 今天,我有幸圓了升讀香港大學的夢,全賴各位講師對我的支持。他們鼓勵每位學生主動學習,給予肯定及信心,讓我們更有動力學習。

Jasmine Galenzoga Cua
Jasmine Galenzoga Cua
  • 2018-2020 Higher Diploma in Marketing (Marketing and Management Theme)
  • Offer received: BBA Marketing (Year 2), City University of Hong Kong
  • Offer received: BBA Marketing (Year 3), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

As a former Higher Diploma (Marketing) student, HKU SPACE Community College not only provided me with solid foundations in marketing, but also equipped me with valuable experience, such as ways to collaborate effectively with groupmates and deliver professional presentations, which enhanced my practical skills. My initial intention was to have a better start for my career as my unsatisfactory DSE results hindered and discouraged me from pursuing studies at local UGC universities. However, the lecturers gave me the support and knowledge that stimulated my learning interest and motivated me to acquire further knowledge. In the end, I was overwhelmed when I received offers from universities. Consequently, I realized that no matter how disappointed you were with your public exam, you could still have a fresh and equal start at CC to get into universities.

Ken Ng
Ken Ng
  • 2015年商業學高級文憑(市場學及管理)
  • 現就讀香港理工大學市場學(榮譽)工商管理學士三年級

公開試放榜後,我曾修讀不同院校的基礎課程及文憑課程,但因成績不理想,最終沒有完成課程。為了尋找自己的興趣,我報讀了港大附屬學院的高級文憑,主修市場學及管理。 在短短的兩年間,學院讓我裝備了不同範疇的商業知識,透過各式各樣的課外活動,例如實習計劃和海外交流團,大大提升了溝通技巧和自信心,也使我擴闊了國際視野。 在修讀課程時,總會遇到大大小小的困難和挑戰。最令我印象深刻的是我的畢專題習作演說比賽,從組員與組員之間的合作,到平衡各方的意見,以達成共同目標,在整個過程中都能夠讓我體會到團結一致和從錯誤中學習的重要性。 最重要的是,透過修讀學院課程令我能夠繼續升讀心儀的本地大學課程,追尋自己的夢想。 我衷心感謝每一位講師對我的教導、支持和鼓勵。謝謝!

Wong Hei Man
Wong Hei Man
  • 2019-2020 Higher Diploma in Marketing
  • Offer received: Bachelor of Arts (Year 1), The University of Hong Kong

Before studying at HKU SPACE CC, I got lost at that moment. After receiving encouragement and suggestion from my family and friends, I continued my study journey in the Higher Diploma in Marketing programme in HKU SPACE CC. Although we have suffered hardships of learning as the pandemic wears on, my study within this year is fruitful. The passionate and inspiring lecturers were practically equipping me with the skills and knowledge necessary for my career and advanced studies. Simultaneously, the school offered substantial academic and non-academic supports to me which gave me the push I needed. After a year of hard work, I am admitted to the Bachelor of Arts at The University of Hong Kong.

At this moment, some of you may be confused about the future. However, I believe that you will figure out it in HKU SPACE CC later. Just work harder and smarter. With the  effort, you can achieve anything.

Jeff Chan
  • 2017年商業學高級文憑 (市場學及管理)畢業
  • 現就讀香港理工大學服裝及紡織 (榮譽)文學士 三年級
  • 其他取錄: 香港大學理學士(資訊管理) 三年級


Aaron Chung
Aaron Chung
  • 2013年商業學高級文憑(市場學及管理)
  • 現就讀香港浸會大學市場學商學士二年級

此刻的你,仍在猶豫嗎? 我曾經跟你一樣,一邊看着課程資料,一邊思索着未來的人生……公開試成績公佈後,出現很多不同的聲音,告訴你應該報讀各種不同課程,在面對那些意見,特別是當建議與自己的想法有差異時,我也會感到煩惱、迷茫。 認清自己的興趣,確立目標,然後實行,是走向成功的第一步。 最後,我決定跟隨自己的興趣,報讀了市場學及管理的高級文憑課程。由於中學是理科生,當初修讀這課程都感到有點吃力,但幸好專業和盡責的講師不厭其煩地解答我的問題;學院還定期邀請不同行業的專家舉辦分享會,令我更熟悉商業環境,了解市場的轉變和最新的趨勢。 而且,課程讓我在學兩年的暑假有機會到不同公司實習,實習的過程不只讓我把課堂上學到的學以致用,更讓我明白到課程備受社會各界的肯定。 感謝學院悉心的栽培,令我明白到大學夢不只是一個夢。儘管過程充滿困難,但只要堅持走下去,我相信屬於你的風景終會出現。 此刻的你,還猶豫甚麼?

Lorraine Sheh
Lorraine Sheh
  • 2018-2020 Higher Diploma in Marketing (Marketing and Management Theme)
  • Offer received: BBA Accounting and Finance (Year 3), The University of Hong Kong
  • Offer received: Business and Management (Year 2), The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  • Offer received: Integrated BBA (Year 3), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Offer received: BBA Management (Year 3), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Offer received: BBA Marketing (Year 2), City University of Hong Kong

I am thankful that I met a group of friendly and supportive teachers at CC who provided so much help for me throughout the years. Moreover, the counsellors of Students Development & Counselling Services (SDCS) offered tons of useful advice during the non-JUPAS application process, providing a myriad of workshops to assist students perform better in interviews and numerous internship opportunities. You will not regret choosing CC as your stepping stone to university. 

Wallace Yau
Wallace Yau
  • 2015年商業學高級文憑(市場學及管理)
  • 現就讀香港理工大學市場學(榮譽)工商管理學士三年級

在CC的兩年中,我有機會接觸市場學及管理學中的多個範疇,使我對這個學科具更深入和全面的了解。除了學習各種商業理論外,我們亦有機會在畢業專題習作中,把兩年所學習到的融會貫通,撰寫出一份屬於自己的商業企劃書,同時設計不同的宣傳攤位和店鋪陳設,有趣且具挑戰性! 在課堂上,經驗豐富的講師不但會分享不同的商界實例及自身工作經驗,亦經常主動了解我們遇到的因難,給予幫助。回想起我在首個大學面試的表現未如理想,幸得導師們給我鼓勵,我才有信心和動力繼續面對接下來的面試,最終獲得7家大學學位取錄。 作為商科學生,Hard Skills 和Soft Skills同樣重要。事實上,除了書本上的知識,領導才能以及團隊合作精神更是不可或缺。透過各個專題研習,除了讓我們的Hard Skills得以深化外,溝通技巧、待人處事等Soft Skills也得以提升。 作為2013公開試的重考生,我曾面對再次名落孫山的窘境,失去自信,迷失方向,沒有想過最終能滿分畢業,更沒有想過能考進心儀的大學。然而,在HKU SPACE CC修讀市場學及管理的兩年絕對是我人生中一個重要的轉捩點。在此,我感謝各位講師的教誨和指導。 “Chance favors only the prepared mind so plant your feet and stand firm!” 各位師弟妹,「搏盡無悔」,大學見!

Lai Ching Yee, Hilary
Lai Ching Yee, Hilary
  • 2020-2022 Higher Diploma in Marketing (Marketing and Management Theme)
  • Offer received: Bachelor of Science Information Management (Year 3), The University of Hong Kong
  • Offer received: BBA Management (Year 3), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Offer received: BBA (Hons) (Year 3) Economics and Data Analytics Concentration, The Hong Kong Baptist University

HKU SPACE CC had offered me a chance to further my studies and created a better me. There is a saying “Success is not an accident; success is a choice”. I chose HKU SPACE CC because of the high admission rate to UGC-funded bachelor’s degree programmes and its good reputation.

During the past two years, I had been working very hard towards my goal of getting high GPA and receiving offers from local university. Now, I am well equipped with the marketing and management knowledge and had obtained the opportunities to progress to university studies.

I would like to express my gratitude to the teachers who had taught me enthusiastically and patiently. The school have provided different resources in helping us better prepared for the future. I have made a good choice to study at HKU SPACE CC. Now, I am excited about my future school life at university.

Liz Kwok
Liz Kwok
  • 2017年商業學高級文憑 (市場學及管理)畢業
  • 現就讀香港理工大學服裝及紡織 (榮譽)文學士 三年級
  • 其他取錄: 香港浸會大學工商管理學士 三年級



Dominie Sit
Dominie Sit
  • 2016年商業學高級文憑(市場學及管理)畢業
  • 現就讀香港科技大學工商管理學士二年級

修讀港大附屬學院商業學高級文憑(市場學及管理)課程,使我可以順利升讀大學。在這兩年,我接觸市場學及管理學知識。在課堂上,講師會給予同學討論的時間,使我們對知識了解得更透徹。另外,講師亦會把課本知識應用於日常生活例子,不但使我們加深印象,更令學生能活學活用。我每次考試能考取好成績,確實有賴講師們的悉心教導。 HKU SPACE CC不但關心學生的成績,亦著重我們的課餘活動。我曾代表院校出席欖球比賽,豐富了我的大專生活,更使我認識了一班好朋友。

Peter Chow
  • 2017年商業學高級文憑 (市場學及管理)畢業
  • 現就讀香港理工大學市場學(榮譽) 工商管理學士三年級
  • 其他取錄: 香港浸會大學工商管理 學士三年級
  • 其他取錄:香港科技大學工商管理學士二年級




Manessa Tam
Manessa Tam
  • 2014年商業學高級文憑(市場學及管理)
  • 現就讀香港理工大學市場學(榮譽)工商管理學學士三年級

作為末代會考和高級程度會考考生,我曾遇到巨大的壓力,進不了大學,當時十分懊悔,總想當初更努力就好了。 幸好我報讀了港大附屬學院商業學高級文憑(市場學及管理),講師以具體實例,和不同的方法講解課題,使學生能深入理解,這令我明白自己並非沒有能力,而是不懂竅門。剛入學的時候,我沒有想過能取得優秀成績,但講師讓我擁有多一次的機會去努力。而此時,我已準備好在大學中繼續努力,向夢想出發。 我衷心希望,曾遇到失敗的同學們不要放棄,要抓住每一個機會去努力,有朝一日,必能實現夢想!

Kelvin Chung
Kelvin Chung
  • 2021-2023 Higher Diploma in Marketing (Marketing and Management Theme)
  • Offer received: BBA Marketing (Year 3), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Offer received: BBA Marketing (Year 2), City University of Hong Kong
  • Offer received: BBA Management (Year 2), City University of Hong Kong

Studying marketing at HKU SPACE CC has been an incredible experience for me, especially because of the new friends I made and the good teachers who guided me throughout the course. One of the things that made my learning experience memorable was the opportunity to work on group projects with my classmates. It was exciting to collaborate and learn from their perspectives. 

I failed my DSE 2 years ago, and felt terrible and lost at that moment, but serendipitously I found that there's a marketing programme in HKU SPACE CC. Although I had never exposed to marketing or studied business before, I chose to study it because of curiosity and interest. Eventually, I found my goal in these 2 years, studying marketing taught me the importance of staying updated with the latest trends and technologies in the industry, and motivate me to continue learning and exploring new ideas even after completing the course. If you are confused and lost, HKU SPACE CC Marketing could be a good choice! 

Antonio Chan
Antonio Chan
  • 2018年市場學高級文憑(市場學及管理)畢業
  • 現就讀香港理工大學市場學(榮譽)工商管理學士三年級

我因為一分之差,大學夢便落空了,於是決定報讀升學率高的港大附屬學院 市場學高級文憑課程,立志要延續我的理想。
這兩年全靠講師們的悉心教導,同學們的互相勉勵,自己的堅持不懈,在良 好的學習氣氛下,學習的確事半功倍。學院會舉辦升學分享、學術講座和實 習機會,為同學的前途鋪路。 

現在我終於升讀大學,入讀心儀課程的三年級。回想這兩年的時光,十分慶 幸自己能比別人有更多的經歷和在HKU SPACE CC認識了一班良師益友。

Lawrence Luk
Lawrence Luk
  • 2014年商業學高級文憑(市場學及管理)
  • 現就讀香港中文大學經濟學社會科學學士四年級

在港大附屬學院修讀商業學高級文憑課程期間,無論是課堂上的生活化例子,參加實習和交流機會上得到的知識,均為我現在在大學的學習旅途奠下良好基礎。我尤其感謝講師在課堂上分享他們在相關專業領域上的寶貴經驗,確實令我獲益良多,亦為課程內容增添實用性。 我印象尤為深刻的,是畢業專題習作。畢業專題習作給予我們學以致用的機會,例如拍攝我們產品的宣傳廣告。 公開試失利的同學,一次的失利不代表整個人生的失敗,港大附屬學院為你們提供另一條向目標進發的道路。藉此機會,再一次衷心感謝學院講師的用心指導。

Students' Activities

New Student Orientation 2024




Visit to BMW iSpace Electric Vehicle Flagship Store

In November 2023, our HD Marketing students had the privileged opportunity to visit the BMW iSPACE Electric Vehicle Flagship Store in Wan Chai.

They got to learn from BMW’s latest retail strategy/concept that combine sustainability with modern luxury – the flagship store that showcases the full range of their i-series Electric Vehicles.


GBA Tour, July 2023

As part of the Inter-school Entrepreneurship Workshop, 10 students from the Division of Economics and Business accompanied a group of secondary school students to visit Rainbow Shopping Mall and an electronic manufacturing factory in Dongguan. The interesting tour provided the students with the opportunity to explore the consumer culture, shopping trends, and innovative business ideas in the Greater Bay Area.


Students took a guided tour on the factory floor where they observed different stages of the production processes – starting from component assembly to final product testing and packaging. Also, they had the chance to ask questions to the management of the factory, which helped them gain insights into the challenges and opportunities of the electronic manufacturing industry in mainland.

Students learned about the major trends and development in the electronic manufacturing industry, the evolution of manufacturing technologies, the emergence of smart devices, as well as the practices of supply chain management.


Higher Diploma in Marketing - Students' Sharing

Lorraine Sheh (2019-20 Marketing and Management Theme, Year 2)

UGC-Offers received:

  1. BBA Accounting and Finance (Year 3), The University of Hong Kong
  2. Business and Management (Year 2), The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  3. Integrated BBA (Year 3), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  4. BBA Management (Year 3), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  5. BBA Marketing (Year 2), City University of Hong Kong

Lee Lok Yi (2019-20 Marketing and Advertising Theme, Year 2)

UGC-Offers received:

  1. BBA Marketing (Year 3), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  2. BBA Marketing (Year 2), City University of Hong Kong