Programmes - HKU SPACE Community College
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Associate of Arts in Languages and Humanities


Programme Code: AD 105 3416 6338 2305 5315
QF Level: 4
QR Registration No.: 14/002817/L4
Registration Validity Period:  01/07/2014 to ongoing

• BA in Language and Communication  Application Code 報名編號 : AD105

Programme Aims & Features

The programme features 6 themes. Upon completion of the first year curriculum, students will specialize in one of the four themes in the second year of their study*, and, at the same time, select a combination of courses offered by the other themes.

Bilingual Communication

The programme aims to give a solid foundation in bilingual studies by raising the Chinese and English standards of students. Through the specialized courses, you will not only improve your English and Chinese language skills but will also learn about the interaction of the two languages through linguistics and translation.

Chinese Language, Literature & Culture

The programme aims to lay a solid foundation of language competency and cultural understanding through specialized courses. 
This programme will not only enhance your Chinese language proficiency and interpersonal skills but will also sharpen your analytical mind, which is essential for success in both work and study.

English Studies

This programme provides students with an opportunity to strengthen their English language skills and develop their lifelong learning capabilities through a combination of theoretical and practical studies. Students will also further develop their proficiency in both spoken and written English.


The programme takes full advantage of the diversified expertise and abundant resources and facilities from various disciplines, aiming to nurture a whole person who is able to think and act critically, creatively and most of all, independently. The programme provides ample opportunities for individuals to develop their own strength, through specializing in a certain area or moving across boundaries for a broader experience.

*Except Japanese Studies Theme and Korean Studies Theme.

Opportunities for Further Studies

2023 Overall Progression Rate: 91%
UGC-funded Bachelor’s Degree Programmes: 82%

Some of our graduates/students are admitted to UGC-funded degree programmes every year. The list below shows the programmes that our graduates/students of recent years have articulated to*:
The University of Hong Kong
BA Chinese 
BA Chinese History
BA Chinese Language and Literature 
BA English Literature
BA Japanese Studies
BA Korea Studies
BA Philosophy
BA & BEd Language Education - Chinese (Double Degree) 
BA & BEd Language Education - English (Double Degree) 
BA Conservation
BA Education and Chinese
BA Global Creative Indutries
BA Linguistics
BA & BSc (Double Degree)
BA & BSc Social Data Science (Double Degree)
BSc Information Management

The Chinese University of Hong Kong
BA Anthropology
BA Bimodal Bilingual Studies
BA Chinese Language and Literature
BA Chinese Language Studies & BEd Chinese Language Education (Double Degree)
BA Conservation
BA Cultural Management
BA Cultural Studies
BA English
BA English Studies
BA History
BA Japanese Studies
BA Linguistics
BA Philosophy
BA Religious Studies
BA Translation
BSc Community Health Practice 
BSocSc Gender Studies
BSocSc Global Studies

City University of Hong Kong
BA Chinese
BA Chinese Language
BA Chinese & History
BA Creative Media
BA Digital Television & Broadcasting
BA English
BA English Studies
BA Linguistics & Language Applications
BA Linguistics & Language Technology
BA Media & Communication
BA Translation & Interpretation
BAS New Media
BBA Business Analysis
BBA Finance
BBA Global Business Systems Management
BEng Electrical Engineering
BSc Creative Media
BSocSc Public Policy & Politics 
BSocSc Asian & International Studies

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
BA (Hons) Bilingual Interdisciplinary Chinese Studies
BA (Hons) Chinese & Bilingual Studies
BA (Hons) English Studies for the Professions
BA (Hons) English & Applied Linguistics
BA (Hons) Language & Speech Sciences
BA (Hons) Linguistics & Translation
BBA (Hons) International Shipping & Transport Logistics
BSc (Hons) Nursing
BSc (Hons) Property Management
Broad Discipline of Hotel & Tourism Management
Broad Discipline of Language, Culture & Communication

Hong Kong Baptist University
BA (Hons)
BA (Hons) Humanities
BA (Hons) Chinese Language & Literature
BA (Hons) Creative & Professional Writing
BA (Hons) Cultural Studies and Creative Industries
BA (Hons) English
BA (Hons) English Language & Literature
BA (Hons) English Language & Literature and BEd (Hons) English Language Teaching (Double Degree)
BA (Hons) History
BA (Hons) History and BEd (Hons) Personal, Social & Humanities Education Teaching (Double Degree)
BA (Hons) Religion, Philosophy & Ethics
BA (Hons) Religious Studies
BA (Hons) Translation
BA (Hons) Music
BA (Hons) Visual Arts
BBA (Hons) Accounting
BBA (Hons) Applied Economics
BComm (Hons)
BSocSc (Hons)
BSocSc (Hons) European Studies - French Stream
BSocSc (Hons) European Studies - German Stream
BSocSc (Hons) Geography

The Education University of Hong Kong
BA (Hons) Creative Arts &  Culture &  BEd (Hons) Music (co-terminal double degree)
BA (Hons) Creative Arts &  Culture &  BEd (Hons) Visual Arts (co-terminal double degree)
BA (Hons) Language Studies - Chinese Major
BA (Hons) Language Studies - English Major
BA (Hons) Language Studies & BEd (Hons) English Language (co-terminal double degree)
BA (Hons) Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
BEd (Hons) Chinese History
BEd (Hons) Chinese Language
BEd (Hons) Early Childhood Education
BEd (Hons) (Primary) - General Studies / Mathematics Major
BEd (Hons) (Secondary) - English Language
BEd (Hons) (Secondary) - History Major
BSocSc (Hons) Global & Environmental Studies
Lingnan University
BA (Hons)
BA (Hons) Chinese
BA (Hons) Cultural Studies
BA (Hons) Global Liberal Arts
BA (Hons) History
BA (Hons) Translation
BA (Hons) Philosophy
BA (Hons) Visual Studies
BSocSc (Hons) Psychology with Counselling Psychology Concentration
BSocSc (Hons) Social Sciences

HKU SPACE International College

Graduates are eligible to apply for admission to the full-time top-up degree programmes offered locally by HKU SPACE International College in collaboration with the following universities:

University of the Arts London

Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland

University of the West of England, Bristol

Career Prospects

Graduates from this programme can pursue careers in the civil service and other public institutions and services, and the private sector. You can seek employment in fields such as journalism, translation, media, education, public relations and copywriting.


*The above list is not exhaustive and only shows some of the examples.  Excluding Japanese Studies and Korean Studies themes.



Generic Skills
  • Introduction to Academic English
  • English for Academic Purposes I & II
  • Advanced Chinese Language
  • Elementary Statistics
  • Information Technology Fundamentals
  • English for Arts and Humanities

Experiential Learning

  • The Journey of Self-Discovery


Year 2

Bilingual Communication

  • English Phonetics and Phonology
  • Professional Communication Strategies
  • Introduction to Translation
  • Practical Writing for Marketing and Public Relations
  • Reading and Writing in Chinese


Chinese Language, Literature and Culture

  • Classical Chinese Language
  • Introduction to Chinese Literary Criticism
  • Studies of Classical Texts and Culture
  • Studies of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature
  • Reading and Writing in Chinese


English Studies

  • Introduction to Literature in English
  • English Phonetics and Phonology
  • Introduction to Applied Linguistics
  • Literary Linguistics
  • Professional Communication Strategies



  • Aesthetics: Art, Beauty, and Contemporary Life
  • Introduction to Comparative Literature
  • From A Barren Rock to Asia’s World City: A history of Modern Hong Kong
  • Civilisations, Ideologies and Politics: The Making of Modern Europe since 1850s
  • Selected Topics in Philosophy


Japanese Studies

  • Japanese I
  • Japanese II
  • Contemporary Japanese Society
  • Introduction to Japanese Studies (Year 1 course)
  • Understanding Popular Culture in Japan (Year 1 course)


Korean Studies

  • Korean I
  • Korean II
  • Contemporary Korean Society
  • Introduction to Korean (Year 1 course)
  • Understanding Korean Culture (Year 1 course)


Specialism Electives


Year 1

Choose TWO from the following


  • Introduction to Linguistics
  • Introduction to Chinese Literature
  • Introduction to Philosophy
  • Modern Chinese Language


Year 2

Students of a particular theme (except Japanese Studies Theme and Korean Studies Theme) can choose ONE out of three options listed below.


Bilingual Communication

  • Language, Society and Culture
  • Studies of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature
  • Introduction to Literature in English

Chinese Language, Literature and Culture

  • Language, Society and Culture
  • Media Publishing Industry and Production
  • Advanced Chinese for Business and Commerce

English Studies

  • Creativity and Creative Industries
  • Aesthetics: Art, Beauty, and Contemporary Life
  • Questioning Cultural Identity


  • Questioning Cultural Identity
  • Gender and Society
  • Introduction to Literature in English

Core Curriculum Courses

  • Critical Analysis and Reasoning in Discipline-based Studies
  • Choose THREE courses from the Core Curriculum
The Specialism Electives courses do not apply to Japanese Studies Theme and Korean Studies Theme.
Courses offered in each semester are subject to student enrolment and resources available.
  • 2022-2023 文學副學士(語言及人文學科)
  • 2023 香港大學文學士一年級

踏入HKU SPACE CC的第一天,我是迷惘和自卑的。然而,這一條路卻帶我走回正軌,除了有眾多良師鼓勵,還有更多益友一同奮鬥。到了最後一天,我是帶著鬥志和自信踏進學院的,也在第一年升讀心儀的大學。

  • 2020-2021文學副學士(語言及人文學科)
  • 2021 香港大學文學士一年級


  • 2020-2021文學副學士(語言及人文學科)
  • 2021 香港大學文學士一年級


Yiu Lai Yam
Yiu Lai Yam
  • 2019-2020 文學副學士(語言及人文學科)
  • 2020 香港中文大學 (翻譯學)
  • 其他取錄︰香港城市大學 (翻譯及語言學)

光陰似箭,昔日徬徨迷惘的心情與現在興奮雀 躍的心情形成強烈的對比。這一年,歷經波 折,但亦能遇到一群志同道合的朋友以及循循 善誘的老師,大家互相勉勵,共同渡過短暫而 忙碌的副學士生活。有時候,繞一條較長的路 未必是壞事,只因它可能會為你帶來意外的收 穫。

Leung Kin Shing Ken
Leung Kin Shing Ken
  • 2019-2020 文學副學士(語言及人文學科)
  • 2020 香港大學(文學學士)

The road to happiness is paved with adversity.

Wong Kin Lok
Wong Kin Lok
  • 2018-2020 文學副學士(語言及人文學科)- 人文學科
  • 2020 香港中文大學(歷史主修,三年級)

縱使經歷文憑試失敗,但條條大路通羅馬,HKU SPACE CC提供使我能入讀心儀大學 的另一途徑。我修讀的人文學科涵蓋不同學術 範疇,例如哲學、歷史,讓我有機會認清自己的能力及目標。只要抓緊目標,勿忘初衷,定能獲得意想不到的收穫。

Leung Yiu Po Bob
Leung Yiu Po, Bob
  • 2016-18 (Humanities)
  • 2018 Hong Kong Baptist University, Bachelor of Arts (History Major, Year 3)


Chan Man Chun
Chan Man Chun
  • 2016-18 Associate of Arts (Languages and Humanities) (Humanities)
  • 2018 Lingnan University, Bachelor of Arts (History Major, Year 3)

My life at SPACE was awesome. I had never been alone because people were always there for you. All my friends from SPACE helped me, listened to me, and encouraged me. Also, the teachers were all friendly and patient. Every time I had troubles; they were willing to give me some advice. Thanks to these awesome people, studying at SPACE has been a very unforgettable memory for me.

Wu Hoi Yan
Wu Hoi Yan
  • 2018-19 Associate of Arts (Languages and Humanities)
  • 2019 Hong Kong Baptist University Bachelor of Social Science

During my past semesters' study in HKU SPACE, I have built up a solid foundation of knowledge, especially a sense of humanities and well logical training, that makes me have better preparation for entering the university.

Consummate facilities are provided to students. After changing to a new learning environment, I found the pleasure of learning, which allow me to understand the meaning of studying and a set of learning methods that most suit me.

  • 2015 文學副學士(語言及人文學科)(人文學科)畢業生
  • 現就讀香港中文大學社會科學(性別研究)學士課程三年級


Lam Tze Kiu
Lam Tze Kiu
  • 2017-19 Associate of Arts in Languages and Humanities
  • 2019 BA (Year 3), The University of Hong Kong

HKU SPACE CC provides us a friendly learning environment and professional courses. With the patience and guidance from teachers, I am admitted to university with my friends.

Wo Tsz Yin
Wo Tsz Yin
  • 2015 Graduate of Associate of Arts (Languages and Humanities)
  • Currently studying BA in Philosophy, The University of Hong Kong

Studying Humanities in HKU SPACE CC is interesting and challenging. You will get to encounter some big issues in the domain of philosophy, literature and arts. It is a journey of exploration into human nature the meaning of life.

  • 2013-15 文學副學士(語言及人文學科)(人文學科)畢業生
  • 現就讀香港中文大學(哲學)學士課程三年級


  • 文學副學士(語言及人文學科)-人文學科
  • 香港中文大學哲學系三年級

相信大部分港大附屬學院的同學都有一個共同目標:升讀大學。作為本校的畢業生,我認為在這裡的學習是絕對有助同學達成以上目標。 不論同學打算向哪一個方向發展,學院眾多的學系或主修都能給予同學各種機會,而課程的設計以及講師的水平令同學在短時間內融入與中學截然不同的學習環境。以我的主修人文學科 (Humanities) 為例,很多人也許覺得此科出路不多,這其實是一種誤解。人文學科包含了文、史、哲三大學術範疇,對於有志在非聯招報讀這三個科系的同學自然是首選。但即使同學打算同時報讀其他學科,如文化科系、創意媒體,甚至是商科,它也會帶給你意想不到的「收穫」。因為數個核心科目在傳授紮實的理論及知識的同時亦著重訓練同學的邏輯及批判性思考。這種獨立思考的能力令同學在非聯招收生中最重要的面試環節有一定的優勢。我在畢業時便獲數個迥然不同的學系所錄取,有中大的哲學系、浸大的宗哲系,也有屬於商科的城大市場營銷學系。 我衷心感激港大附屬學院在過去兩年間對我的幫助,令我找到自己的出路。