Associate of Arts in Languages and Humanities
Bilingual Communication

Application Code 報名編號 : AD105
Programme Aims & Features
The programme features 6 themes. Upon completion of the first year curriculum, students will specialize in one of the four themes in the second year of their study*, and, at the same time, select a combination of courses offered by the other themes.
Bilingual Communication
The programme aims to give a solid foundation in bilingual studies by raising the Chinese and English standards of students. Through the specialized courses, you will not only improve your English and Chinese language skills but will also learn about the interaction of the two languages through linguistics and translation.
Chinese Language, Literature & Culture
The programme aims to lay a solid foundation of language competency and cultural understanding through specialized courses.
This programme will not only enhance your Chinese language proficiency and interpersonal skills but will also sharpen your analytical mind, which is essential for success in both work and study.
English Studies
This programme provides students with an opportunity to strengthen their English language skills and develop their lifelong learning capabilities through a combination of theoretical and practical studies. Students will also further develop their proficiency in both spoken and written English.
The programme takes full advantage of the diversified expertise and abundant resources and facilities from various disciplines, aiming to nurture a whole person who is able to think and act critically, creatively and most of all, independently. The programme provides ample opportunities for individuals to develop their own strength, through specializing in a certain area or moving across boundaries for a broader experience.
*Except Japanese Studies Theme and Korean Studies Theme.
Opportunities for Further Studies
2023 Overall Progression Rate: 91%
UGC-funded Bachelor’s Degree Programmes: 82%
BA Education and Chinese
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
BA Chinese Language and Literature
BA Conservation
BA Cultural Management
BA Cultural Studies
BA English
BA History
BA Japanese Studies
BA Linguistics
BA Philosophy
BA Translation
BSocSc Gender Studies
BSocSc Global Studies
City University of Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong Kong Baptist University
The Education University of Hong Kong
BA (Hons) Cultural Studies
HKU SPACE International College
Graduates are eligible to apply for admission to the full-time top-up degree programmes offered locally by HKU SPACE International College in collaboration with the following universities:
University of the Arts London
Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland
University of the West of England, Bristol
Career Prospects
Graduates from this programme can pursue careers in the civil service and other public institutions and services, and the private sector. You can seek employment in fields such as journalism, translation, media, education, public relations and copywriting.
*The above list is not exhaustive and only shows some of the examples. Excluding Japanese Studies and Korean Studies themes.
Generic Skills |
Experiential Learning
Core Year 2Bilingual Communication
Chinese Language, Literature and Culture
English Studies
Japanese Studies
Korean Studies
Specialism Electives
Year 1 Choose TWO from the following
Year 2 Students of a particular theme (except Japanese Studies Theme and Korean Studies Theme) can choose ONE out of three options listed below.
Bilingual Communication
Chinese Language, Literature and Culture
English Studies
Core Curriculum Courses |

- 2020-2021文學副學士(語言及人文學科)
- 2021 香港大學文學士一年級

- 2020-2021文學副學士(語言及人文學科)
- 2021 香港大學文學士一年級

- 2019-2020 文學副學士(語言及人文學科)
- 2020 香港中文大學 (翻譯學)
- 其他取錄︰香港城市大學 (翻譯及語言學)
光陰似箭,昔日徬徨迷惘的心情與現在興奮雀 躍的心情形成強烈的對比。這一年,歷經波 折,但亦能遇到一群志同道合的朋友以及循循 善誘的老師,大家互相勉勵,共同渡過短暫而 忙碌的副學士生活。有時候,繞一條較長的路 未必是壞事,只因它可能會為你帶來意外的收 穫。

- 2019-2020 文學副學士(語言及人文學科)
- 2020 香港大學(文學學士)
The road to happiness is paved with adversity.

- 2018-2020 文學副學士(語言及人文學科)- 雙語研究
- 2020 BA Media and Communication, City University of Hong Kong (Year3)
- 其他取錄︰香港城市大學(中文及歷史,三年級)
- 其他取錄︰BA Contemporary Media, Westminster University
- 其他取錄︰BA Journalism Studies, Sheffield University
- 其他取錄︰ BA Culture Media & Creative Industries, Kings College of London
所謂光輝歲月,並不是以後發光發熱的的日子,而是處於低谷時對夢想 的堅持。感謝自己過去的努力和選擇,才能成就如今的我。

- 2017-19 Associate of Arts in Languages and Humanities (Bilingual Studies)
- 2019 City University of Hong Kong – Bachelor of Arts (Translation)
- Other offer received: Hong Kong Polytechnic University - Bilingual studies
- Other offer received: Hong Kong Education University – English
時光荏苒,轉眼間,在HKU SPACE的讀書生涯已完結。這兩年間,有開心,有滿足,也有對未來的茫然與不知所措。幸好日子過得很充實,我從中收獲了珍貴的友誼;從陌生到熟悉,收獲了難忘的經歷;從青澀到成熟,這都少不了老師和好友的幫助與鼓勵,這些歲月都會成為我人生中精彩的回憶!

- 2018-19 Associate of Arts (Languages and Humanities)
- 2019 Hong Kong Baptist University Bachelor of Social Science
During my past semesters' study in HKU SPACE, I have built up a solid foundation of knowledge, especially a sense of humanities and well logical training, that makes me have better preparation for entering the university.
Consummate facilities are provided to students. After changing to a new learning environment, I found the pleasure of learning, which allow me to understand the meaning of studying and a set of learning methods that most suit me.

- 2014-16 Graduate of Associate of Arts (Languages and Humanities) (Bilingual Studies)
- 2016 Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics (Year 3), The University of Hong Kong
I studied General English III, English for Academic and Professional Purposes I & II and English for Arts and Humanities. These are core English courses in studying the associate degree programme. I found these courses really helpful to my further studies in the Arts field. These courses have allowed me to establish a solid foundation in English, and gradually guided me to write academically. Apart from English proficiency, I gained the skill of critical thinking and data analysis, which has equipped me with the key to open the world of academic studies, so that I could understand the theories proposed by other scholars in their paper and then come up with my own ideas. I had many opportunities to execute what I learnt in class through presentations and projects. The class activities were something I enjoyed too, as I could exchange opinions with classmates. Moreover, the teachers encouraged my learning. They provided valuable advice when I came across any problem. All in all, these English courses boosted my academic writing skills in many aspects. Throughout the learning process, I gained much enjoyment and satisfaction.

- 文學副學士(語言及人文學科)﹣雙語研究
- 香港中文大學歷史系三年級
由一個「失敗」的理科人轉化成一個「成功」的文科人,過程絕不容易;由不獲任何大學取錄到取得多間大學取錄,苦盡甘來的感覺很奇妙。現在我就讀香港中文大學歷史系三年級,有機會感受大學的文化,「上莊」、「DEM BEAT」、玩「院慶」等,這些改變都是有賴港大附屬學院 (CC) 對我的幫助。 當時文憑試慘遭滑鐵盧,我十分迷惘,之後毅然報讀CC的文學副學士課程。除文科的課程外,我還有機會學習其他範疇的知識,例如社會學、心理學、語言學等。此外,過程中身邊有着一班「戰友」,大家緊密合作解決難題,這些磨練、經驗,都十分難能可貴,在大學甚至將來投身社會亦能運用。 很肯定的說,在CC,付出和收穫是成正比的,非常感謝講師對我的栽培,同學對我的幫助,使我更珍惜身邊的一切,助我全面地成長。 最後想向各位分享我的座右銘:「忘記背後,努力面前,向着標竿直跑」,希望大家一起努力向着目標邁進!

- 文學副學士(語言及人文學科)﹣雙語研究
- 香港中文大學翻譯系三年級
回首過去兩三年,放榜後那段無助徬徨的日子雖然仍是歷歷在目,但不及接獲夢想學系取錄信時的喜悅那麼令人難以忘懷,更比不上於學院那兩年遇到的那般刻骨銘心。 猶記得剛進入學院時總會禁不住自慚形穢,甚至有「低人一等」的感覺,只盼能趕緊離開這個地方-萬沒想到,這份厭惡卻會轉化成不捨。原以為這兩年只能獨自努力,沒想到在此認識了會為我打氣的同學、盡心提攜栽培的講師,更有互相勉勵的朋友。有了這些,今天的我方能步進大學的大門。 邁向夢想的路難免崎嶇,可當有一群戰友、老師於路上伴你同行,一切艱辛都不足為懼。