Associate of Science

Application Code 報名編號 : AD118
Every aspect of our life is touched, and sometimes radically changed, by developments in Sciences. Scientists are continually searching for ways to make advancements in technology to improve life. Living in an ever-changing world, there is always a need for new technologies to be developed by scientists working collaboratively in Life Sciences, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Physics and Statistics. In this post genome-decoding world, there is always a need for new technologies. This programme is offered in collaboration with The University of Hong Kong to provide students a systematic way of training and a firm foundation in sciences.
Programme Aims & Features
This programme will provide students with a solid foundation in different aspects of sciences, and prepare them for entrance into a degree-granting programme at university, and provide them with a sound base for a future career. This programme consists of SIX main areas of study Biological Science, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Environmental Management, Physics and Statistics. The first year aims at strengthening students’ background in foundation sciences. The second year is a university Year 2 (of a 4-year curriculum) programme, runs in collaboration with the Science Faculty of the University of Hong Kong, and covers much of the core syllabus taken by the second-year undergraduates at HKU and other universities. Majority of the Year 2 specialism courses are co-offered with HKU and most laboratory sessions are conducted at HKU.
Students doing the Statistics Theme, after completion, can apply for accreditation from the Hong Kong Statistical Society. For details, please visit: http://www.hkss.org.hk.
Opportunities for Further Studies
2023 Overall Progression Rate: 84%
UGC-funded Bachelor’s Degree Programmes: 88%
Some of our graduates/students are admitted to UGC-funded degree programmes every year. The list below shows the programmes that our graduates/students of recent years have articulated to*:
BSc Biochemistry
BSc Biological Sciences
BSc Chemistry
BSc Earth System Science
BSc Ecology and Biodiversity
BSc Environmental Science
BSc Food and Nutritional Science
BSc Geology
BSc Mathematics
BSc Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
BSc Physics
BSc Risk Management
BSc Statistics
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
BEng Biomedical Engineering
BSocSc Geography and Resource Management
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
BEng Chemical & Environmental Engineering
BEng Civil Engineering
BSc Biotechnology
BSc Chemistry
BSc Environmental Management & Technology
City University of Hong Kong
BEng Biology & Chemistry
BEng Data & Systems Analytics
BEng Energy Science & Engineering
BEng Environmental Science & Engineering
BEng Mechanical & Biomedical Engineering
BEng Materials Engineering
BEng Total Quality Engineering
BSc Applied Chemistry
BSc Applied Physics
BSc Biological Sciences
BSc Biomedical Sciences
BSc Chemistry
BSc Computing Mathematics
BSc Data Science
BSc Environmental Science & Management
BSc Physics
BSocSc Environmental Policy
BSocSc Public Policy & Politics
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
BEng (Hons) Environmental Engineering & Sustainable Development
BEng (Hons) Scheme in Mechanical Engineering
BSc (Hons) Analytical Sciences for Testing & Certification
BSc (Hons) Data Science & Analytics
BSc (Hons) Geomatics
BSc (Hons) Mental Health Nursing
Hong Kong Baptist University
BSc (Hons) Data Science
The Education University of Hong Kong
BA (Hons) Creative Arts & Culture - Music
BEd (Hons) (Secondary) Information & Communication Technology
BEd (Hons) Geography
HKU SPACE International College
Graduates are eligible to apply for admission to various degree programmes offered by the HKU SPACE International College .
Career Prospects
Persons with a scientific training are in short supply in Hong Kong. There is always a great need for people who have qualities such as logical thinking and analytical ability. There are therefore, many job opportunities for those who have an Associate Degree in Science. This programme is an ideal starting point for related professions in the Sciences or related fields and for other careers in Commerce, Law, Finance and Education as well as a career in the Civil Service. Students will also be well prepared for professions that place a strong emphasis on analytical skills, such as the legal and banking professions.
Special Entrance Requirement
Applicants are also required to have obtained Level 2 or above in one of the following HKDSE subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics (Extended Module I / II), or Level 3 or above in HKDSE Combined Science; or equivalent.
*The above list is not exhaustive and only shows some of the examples.
Experiential Learning (Choose one course from the following)
CoreYear 1 (Choose 4 subjects from at most two areas) Chemistry Area
Physics Area(Students who intend to do Physics Theme must take Linear Algebra & Calculus above)
Biological Science Area
Statistics Area(Students who intend to do Statistics Theme must take Linear Algebra & Calculus above)
Environmental and Earth Science Area
Year 2(Choose one theme from the following) (The specialism core subjects under each theme or area is subject to change) Biological Science ThemeBiochemistry Area
Molecular Biology / Biotechnology / Biological Sciences / Food and Nutritional Science Area
Chemistry Theme
Physics Theme
Statistics Theme
Earth and Environmental Sciences ThemeEarth System Science Area
Environmental Science Area
Environmental Management Theme
Core Curriculum Courses |
Courses offered in each semester are subject to student enrolment, timetabling and resources available.

- 2022-23 Associate of Science (Year 1)
- Offer received: BSc Science, HKU (Year 1 entry)
- Offer received: BSc Science, HKUST (Year 1 entry)
In the past year, HKU SPACE CC offered me sufficient learning opportunities. The library and computer centre let me learn more efficiently. Even though I was not an active learner, my lecturers still encouraged me to study. My classmates assisted me in solving academic issues because we all had a mutual target university admission. The failure in HKDSE was just a part of the learning progress. The associate degree gives you another chance for compensation.

- 2022-23 Associate of Science (Physics Theme) (Year 2)
- Offer received: BSc Physics, HKU (Senior entry)
- Offer received: BSc Physics, HKUST (Senior entry)
- Offer received: BSc Ocean Science and Technology, HKUST (Senior entry)
- Offer received: BSc Physics, CityU (Advanced standing 1)
The teachers in HKU SPACE CC and HKU are friendly. They were willing to answer my questions patiently. Also, the summer bridging course is very helpful for my study. I appreciate it!
About the tips in studying, it is crucial to make friends and form study groups. Friends will give you emotional support. During the pandemic year, all courses were taught through Zoom. I felt afraid and lost at that moment. Luckily, my friend encouraged me and studied with me every day. Eventually, my friend and I got high GPA that semester!

- 2021-22 Associate of Science (Earth and Environmental Science Theme) (Year 2)
- Offer received: BSc Earth System, HKU (Year 3 entry)
- Offer received: BEng Energy and Environmental Engineering, HKUST (Year 3 entry)
In HKU SPACE CC, I sought help form lecturers whenever I didn’t understand the concepts taught, both face to face after lesson time or through email. So, don’t be shy when you have questions. I kept doing revision on the lecture materials after every lesson and therefore it didn’t take me much time to study before the exam. Good luck and hope you have a pleasant experience in HKU SPACE CC.

- 2020-21 Associate of Science (Year 1)
- Offer received: BEng, HKU (Year 1)
- Offer received: BSc, HKUST (Year 1)
- Offer received: BEng, HKUST (Year 1)
- Offer received: BSc, CUHK (Year 1)
During my study at HKU SPACE CC, I met many friends of different backgrounds . At first, I was nervous at learning new subjects, I overcame the difficulties with the help from my friends and college lecturers. The key of success was studying hard, putting more effort on doing homework and past papers.

- 2019-20 Associate of Science (Statistics) (Year 2)
- Offer received: BSc Statistics, HKU (Year 3)
- Offer received: BSc Data Science and Analytics, PolyU (Year 1 of 2-years top-up degree)
- Offer received: BSc Mathematics and Statistics, HKBU(Year 3)
比起DSE一試定生死,HKU SPACE CC提供了更多的升學機會!考試形式著重知識考驗多於應試技巧,只要肯努力,大學學位肯定有你份!HKU SPACE CC的特別之處是極有機會銜接上香港大學,提供一個最接近港大學習模式的機會,方便銜接各大學學位,入讀港大不再是impossible!

- 2017-19 Associate of Science
- 2019 BSc Environmental Science (Year 3), The University Hong Kong
Studying at HKU SPACE CC has allowed me to look at my academic life in a more holistic view and allowed me to explore what I would really like to study.

- 2017-19 Associate of Science
- 2019 BSc (Year 3), The University of Hong Kong
Lecturers in HKU SPACE CC are definitely caring and patient. With the guidance and support from the teachers, I have built up a better foundation and have prepared well for my future study.

- 2017-18 Associate of Science (Year 1)
- Offer received: BSc, HKU (Year 1)
Choosing to study in HKU SPACE CC is a decision that I have never thought of before. I received an offer from JUPAS but I determined to study in HKU SPACE CC. It was obviously the toughest decision that I have made in my life, and the most significant one at the same time.
The lecturers in HKU SPACE CC have top academic qualifications. They don’t simply provide us with knowledge, they also care about our future pathway and learning progress. In ASc programme, we were exposed to extensive hands-on practical experiences which strengthened our knowledge. Apart from the specialism courses, the generic courses have shaped myself into an all-rounded person. More importantly, acquiring knowledge in CC is not only about memorizing answers but understanding the important concepts. CC is a place for you to search for your goals and future pathway, which all of you can achieve what you want by your own way.

- 2017-18 Associate of Science (Year 1)
- Offer received: BSc, CUHK (Year 1)
- Offer received: BSc Computing Maths, CityU (Year 1)
- Offer received: BSc, HKU (Year 1)
當初選擇HKU SPACE CC的原因是希望能升上三大,而SPACE CC亦是最多人能升上三大。我只是因為中文未及格而升不上八大。雖然我只有一年經驗,但當中也學到不少,印象最深刻的是chemistry和statistics課堂,想不到chemistry也能夠那麼有趣,而statistics亦令我對數學更感興趣。祝大家早早從太空升上八大。

- 2017-18 Associate of Science (Year 1)
- Offer received: BSc, HKU (Year 1)
- Offer received: BSc, HKUST (Year 1)
After I received my DSE results, I was so disappointed because I could not pursue my dream anymore as I couldn’t identify a school which provided the science subject I wanted. One day, when I searched for that kind of school, I found HKU SPACE CC. I chose to study in HKU SPACE CC because it provided a chance for me to learn science and they had high articulation rate to universities. On the first school day, I was very shy and worried about whether teachers were willing to answer my questions. Surprisingly, during the class, my teachers encouraged us to ask questions and did practices. Through reading the recommended reference books and raising questions, I understood more about the subject I studied. I also made some friends who worked hard. We studied together and helped each other. HKU SPACE CC is like a family. I hope that you can enjoy your life here and get into a university.

- 2017-18 Associate of Science (Year 1)
- Offer received: BSc, HKU (Year 1)
I wanted to learn from the best and that's why I chose HKU SPACE CC to prepare myself for university studies. I tried my best in every subject because I had to fight for my future. People may worry that science subjects are difficult but I think the most important factor is enthusiasm. Your ardor will encourage you to overcome the challenges. Lecturers in HKU SPACE CC are kind and caring. They will always be there when you need support. Remember, DSE is just a part of life, which is not the end but a new beginning.

- 2017-18 Associate of Science (Year 1)
- Offer received: BSc, HKU (Year 1)
- Offer received: BSc, CUHK (Year 1)
- Offer received: BSc, HKUST (Year 1)
Trust me. You would be grateful to study here before studying a degree. Here, you will study courses that are similar to the ones you will study in a bachelor’s degree. Teachers in HKU SPACE CC will ensure you really understand the things taught in class. After class, you may email lecturers for any problems. They are so nice and patient. You will build up better foundation and be well prepared before studying a degree (competition is really keen in degree studies). I'm sure you will all do a great job here. Wish you all the best!

- 2017-18 Associate of Science (Year 1)
- Offer received: BSc, HKU (Year 1)
- Offer received: BSc, HKUST (Year 1)
太空就好像一個大家庭,同學之間互相扶持,老師亦會給予很多支持。老師耐心的教 學與中學的是完全沒得比,我上堂經常問很多問題,他們都不厭其煩地解答。這裏 給了我很多鼓勵,提供了一個機會,讓我挽回在中學裡犯過最大的錯誤。現在我能夠 再上征途,全因為太空讓我重拾信心。還記得上年暑假,我完全沒想過自己能走到今 日,如果你願意,或許下一個就會是你。

- 2014-15 Associate of Science Year 1
- Offer received: HKU BSc Yr 1
- Offer received: HKBU BSc Yr 1
我在HKU SPACE CC一年比在中學六年所學到的還要多。我每天都留校溫習至十時才離開,沒有多餘的功課,下課後全是靠自己看參考書、wiki。測驗考試範圍廣泛,但難度比公開試低,讓我自由地根據自己興趣而溫習。讓我獲益最多的一科是學習與人溝通,做group project遇上不同程度的組員,因而結識了許多不同背景朋友,最後還得到港大錄取,遠超乎我入學時的期望。

- 2015-16 Associate of Science (Year 1)
- Offer received: Bachelor of Science, HKU (Year 1)
- Offer received: Bachelor of Science, CityU (Year 1)
- Offer received: Bachelor of Science, HKBU (Year 1)
After the release of the HKDSE results, I entered HKU SPACE CC with sorrow and despair. But I felt grateful as well because I was given a second bite at the cherry to get into university. Personally speaking, hard work is of the utmost importance to attain fruitful grades. In order to be considered by universities, it is crucial to have high GPA, especially in Semester 1. Although the programme is not easy to handle, it is still manageable if you invest time and effort. So try your level best and see you in the university next year.

- 2015-16 Associate of Science (Year 1)
- Offer received: Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Education, HKU (Double major, Year 1)
When I received my public examination result last year, I was upset and I didn't know what to do. Finally, my friends suggested me to study in HKU SPACE CC. After studied a year in CC, I got a lot of changes. Tertiary education is totally different from secondary education. After a whole day of lessons, I would go to the library to do revision on what I had learnt. If there was anything I wasn't sure about, I would check and read reference books. In this year, I started to enjoy learning rather than just learning for the public examinations. Admittedly, life in CC is extremely tough; we had to do a lot of assignments and even attend examination on a Sunday, but I still enjoyed it because there are nice lecturers who will help you if you seek help. What I want to say is nothing is impossible as long as you have a dream.

- 2014-15 Associate of Science (Year 1)
- Offer received: Bachelor of Engineering, HKU (Year 1)
I am very glad that I could get into the university in the first year. At first, I felt desperate when I failed to get into a degree programme with my HKDSE result. Besides my hard work, HKU SPACE CC helped me a lot to reach my success; for example, programmes offered by CC are similar to those in universities, which familiarises us with university-life and helps in answering the professors in interviews. Of course, working hard is the most important factor to have a better chance to further your study. Thus, you should thoughtfully consider when selecting which programme to study. Ability always overrides your interest. Anyway, please do not give up even if you don’t perform well in HKDSE. There are many other channels that can lead you to a fruitful future. It is worth grabbing this chance, isn’t it?

- 2014-15年度理學副學士一年級
- 獲大學課程取錄:香港大學理學士一年級
當年文憑試放榜那種晴天霹靂的感覺,真是一生難忘。以我的成績,升上大學的機會只有一半。於是,我上網搜尋提供副學士課程的院校。起初我並無注意到港大附屬學院,但當向師長、友人查詢時,他們不約而同地推介這學院。於是我便報讀了港大附屬學院。 剛開始時,我對學院各方面都相當陌生。幸好,學院有完善的配套去支援學生,講師都關心我們。雖然對部分同學來說,學院的課程或會較艱深,但只要我們主動尋求協助,講師都會樂意為同學解決疑難,助同學跟上進度,打好基礎。除此之外,學院理科的課程經過悉心編排,配合實驗課,讓我們掌握相關的技巧 。 入讀學院之後我再次反思自己的興趣,認清人生目標,很快適應大學的上課模式及校園生活,可謂獲益良多。 其實,以前我不敢奢望能夠升上香港大學。所以,在港大附屬學院讀書,只要肯下定決心,奮發向上,絕對會有意想不到的結果!

- 2013-14 Associate of Science, Year 1
- Offer received: HKU Bachelor of Nursing, Year 1

- 2013-14 Associate of Science, Year 1
- Offer received: HKU Bachelor of Nursing, Year 1
雖然聯招結果不理想,可是我從來沒有放棄進大學的夢想。因為HKU SPACE CC升讀資助大學學士學位機會比較高,所以公開試放榜後就立即報名。讀了一年的建築學高級文憑,發現自己對這科目興趣不大,就轉讀了理學副學士,並決心一年後升讀大學。在這兩年,我學會很多,而且變得更加堅強,即使遇到挫折也不輕易言敗,認清自己的目標及方向後,便更努力前進。衷心感謝HKU SPACE CC所有講師,以及曾經幫助我實現夢想的朋友。