Associate of Arts in Languages and Humanities
English Studies

Application Code 報名編號 : AD105
Programme Aims & Features
The programme features 6 themes. Upon completion of the first year curriculum, students will specialize in one of the four themes in the second year of their study*, and, at the same time, select a combination of courses offered by the other themes.
Bilingual Communication
The programme aims to give a solid foundation in bilingual studies by raising the Chinese and English standards of students. Through the specialized courses, you will not only improve your English and Chinese language skills but will also learn about the interaction of the two languages through linguistics and translation.
Chinese Language, Literature & Culture
The programme aims to lay a solid foundation of language competency and cultural understanding through specialized courses.
This programme will not only enhance your Chinese language proficiency and interpersonal skills but will also sharpen your analytical mind, which is essential for success in both work and study.
English Studies
This programme provides students with an opportunity to strengthen their English language skills and develop their lifelong learning capabilities through a combination of theoretical and practical studies. Students will also further develop their proficiency in both spoken and written English.
The programme takes full advantage of the diversified expertise and abundant resources and facilities from various disciplines, aiming to nurture a whole person who is able to think and act critically, creatively and most of all, independently. The programme provides ample opportunities for individuals to develop their own strength, through specializing in a certain area or moving across boundaries for a broader experience.
*Except Japanese Studies Theme and Korean Studies Theme.
Opportunities for Further Studies
2023 Overall Progression Rate: 91%
UGC-funded Bachelor’s Degree Programmes: 82%
BA Education and Chinese
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
BA Chinese Language and Literature
BA Conservation
BA Cultural Management
BA Cultural Studies
BA English
BA History
BA Japanese Studies
BA Linguistics
BA Philosophy
BA Translation
BSocSc Gender Studies
BSocSc Global Studies
City University of Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong Kong Baptist University
The Education University of Hong Kong
BA (Hons) Cultural Studies
HKU SPACE International College
Graduates are eligible to apply for admission to the full-time top-up degree programmes offered locally by HKU SPACE International College in collaboration with the following universities:
University of the Arts London
Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland
University of the West of England, Bristol
Career Prospects
Graduates from this programme can pursue careers in the civil service and other public institutions and services, and the private sector. You can seek employment in fields such as journalism, translation, media, education, public relations and copywriting.
*The above list is not exhaustive and only shows some of the examples. Excluding Japanese Studies and Korean Studies themes.
Generic Skills |
Experiential Learning
Core Year 2Bilingual Communication
Chinese Language, Literature and Culture
English Studies
Japanese Studies
Korean Studies
Specialism Electives
Year 1 Choose TWO from the following
Year 2 Students of a particular theme (except Japanese Studies Theme and Korean Studies Theme) can choose ONE out of three options listed below.
Bilingual Communication
Chinese Language, Literature and Culture
English Studies
Core Curriculum Courses |

- 2020-2021文學副學士(語言及人文學科)
- 2021 香港大學文學士一年級

- 2020-2021文學副學士(語言及人文學科)
- 2021 香港大學文學士一年級

- 2019-2021 Associate of Arts in Languages and Humanities (English Studies)
- 2021 BA (Hons) Language and Speech Sciences (Year 1 of 2 years programme) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Offer received: BA English (Year 3), City University of Hong Kong
- Offer received: BA (Hons) English Language and Literature (Year 3), Hong Kong Baptist University
If you have a strong interest in language and communication like I do, then the Associate of Arts in Languages and Humanities might be the right programme for you. You’d get to experience different aspects of the humanities topics before you choose a stream that suits you in second year of study. Here in AALH, I met some great teachers, like Ms. Janice and Dr. Ming, who taught me Literary Linguistics and Introduction to Philosophy respectively. Be assertive and try out new things. Make your time here the best as it can be. Study hard and have a good time.

- 2019-2020 文學副學士(語言及人文學科)
- 2020 香港中文大學 (翻譯學)
- 其他取錄︰香港城市大學 (翻譯及語言學)
光陰似箭,昔日徬徨迷惘的心情與現在興奮雀 躍的心情形成強烈的對比。這一年,歷經波 折,但亦能遇到一群志同道合的朋友以及循循 善誘的老師,大家互相勉勵,共同渡過短暫而 忙碌的副學士生活。有時候,繞一條較長的路 未必是壞事,只因它可能會為你帶來意外的收 穫。

- 2019-2020 文學副學士(語言及人文學科)
- 2020 香港大學(文學學士)
The road to happiness is paved with adversity.

- 2018 - 20 Associate of Arts in Languages and Humanities (English Studies)
- 2020 BA Linguistics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Year 3)
- Other offer received: BA Linguistics and Language Applications, City University of Hong Kong (Senior Year)
- Other offer received: BA English, City University of Hong Kong (Senior Year)
- Other offer received:: BA (Hons) English Studies for the Professions, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Senior Year)
My two-year study at HKU SPACE CC was such a wonderful journey for me as it gave me a second chance to achieve my university dream. I had gained knowledge from the lecturers and met a lot of lovable friends. I will never forget those days we strove for our dreams together. I am going to study Linguistics at CUHK to achieve my dream of helping children with language difficulties. Thank you, HKU SPACE CC, for making my dream come true!

- 2017-19 Associate of Arts in Languages and Humanities (English Studies)
- 2019 City University of Hong Kong (Bachelor of Arts in Media and Communication)
I never expected to step into such a welcoming environment at HKU SPACE. The lecturers were all very heart-warming and eager to help, whether the issues were academic or personal. I have met new friends that I still have contact with and are very close to this day. The experiences I had with my fellow classmates, academically and socially, were very valuable for my personal development. All in all, communication is definitely key around HKU SPACE.

- 2017-19 Associate of Arts in Languages and Humanities
- 2019 BA (Year 3), The University of Hong Kong
HKU SPACE CC provides us a friendly learning environment and professional courses. With the patience and guidance from teachers, I am admitted to university with my friends.

- 2018-19 Associate of Arts (Languages and Humanities)
- 2019 Hong Kong Baptist University Bachelor of Social Science
During my past semesters' study in HKU SPACE, I have built up a solid foundation of knowledge, especially a sense of humanities and well logical training, that makes me have better preparation for entering the university.
Consummate facilities are provided to students. After changing to a new learning environment, I found the pleasure of learning, which allow me to understand the meaning of studying and a set of learning methods that most suit me.

- 2015-17 Associate of Arts (English Studies)
- 2017 Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University (Senior Year Admission)
Two years in HKU SPACE CC has passed in the blink of an eye, to conclude my studies, I’d say I’m grateful for everything as being an “astronaut”. Here in the boundless universe of knowledge, it is easy to get lost, to feel abandoned, especially when you have been discouraged by the unsatisfactory results in public examinations; yet, CC is just like a spaceship, providing you with everything you need, getting you prepared for your destination.
For me, CC is exactly where I started my literary journey. As a student in the English Studies theme, I have had the best experience in finding my own way. “You’ll never know unless you try,” Without the wide range of choices provided by the College, I would not be who I am proud of today, a literature enthusiast. With the top quality lectures, accompanied by the best lecturers, all CC has taught me is to have faith. Have faith in yourself, think big, wear your best confidence; then someday when you walk out of the College, you’d look back (like a boss), you’d smile and whisper, “Thank you.”

- 2012-14 Associate of Arts (English Studies)
- 2014 Cultural Management (Minor: English), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
HKU SPACE CC has enabled me to achieve my goal of entering university, because teachers in HKU SPACE CC were willing to help with my learning, and SDCS equipped me with important knowledge of non-JUPAS applications. When I came across any questions about lecture concepts, I asked my teachers after lessons or by email. Their willingness to address my queries helped me to understand the concepts more clearly and to digest such concepts more effectively. They also offered me clear guidance on developing my assignments in the right direction. Regarding further studies activities organised by SDCS, I benefited from an information session on ‘local study opportunities’, a sharing session on ‘successful university applications’, workshops on ‘choosing a university and writing a personal statement’ and ‘effective interview skills for university applications and mock interviews for university admission’, as well as an briefing session by an individual university/programme. I learnt important strategies for non-JUPAS applications and related interview skills after participating in these activities. Moreover, during individual counselling, counsellors solved my questions about university applications, and taught me stress management skills. In short, HKU SPACE CC has made my dream of entering university come true, with helpful teachers and support for non-JUPAS applications.

- 2015-17 Associate of Arts (English Studies)
- 2017 Bachelor of Arts (4-year Discipline), The University of Hong Kong (Year 1 admission)
Studying in college can be stressful and miserable. I am glad that I asked myself 3 questions during the past two years. The first question was “What are you going to focus on?” After being defeated in the public examinations, most students chose to focus on the fact that they were not good at studying. That was why they often felt frustrated. Instead, I looked at it from a completely different perspective. I thought of the experience as a way to grow and learn, which let me stay positive and motivated. The next question was “What meanings do you ascribe to things?”, the defeat in public examination meant nothing but a time for me to change. Certainly, there were problems in my learning strategies and I had to improve them. Finally, “What are you going to do?”. I chose to put all my laser focus on studying. During this journey, I am grateful to meet my best friend, the most inspiring teacher in my life. I am not a fan of cliché, but the moral of my story is very simple. When life gives you lemons, please, please make lemonade.

- 2012-14 Associate of Arts (English Studies)
- 2014 Bachelor of Arts, The University of Hong Kong (Senior Year Admission)
Two years of college life have passed in a flash, but the memories of our college lives will definitely last for a life time. As the prominent Spanish novelist Miguel de Cervantes states, “for a man to attain to an eminent degree in learning costs him time, watching, hunger, nakedness, dizziness in the head, weakness in the stomach, and other inconveniences”. We have all achieved great things in our college life at HKU SPACE CC through hard work and dedication. The most crucial thing that HKU SPACE CC has taught me is: just remember that we can. We can try, we can fail, and we can try again. Yes, we can.

- 2014-16 Associate of Arts in Languages and Humanities (English Studies)
- 2016 Bachelor of Arts (Hons) English Language and Literature, Hong Kong Shue Yan University (Year 2)
2 years of adventure at HKU SPACE CC was rewarding and terrific! One’s triumph only comes after acquiring a positive attitude, staying conscious and having good work ethic. Teachers at HKU SPACE CC are the lighthouse in the middle of the sea, they guide us, students, to those mentioned qualities with heart and passion; whenever we have questions on studies, we are given sincere help and useful methods to deal with them. On top of that, we are driven to achieve and explore our potentials. The Division of English offers a wide range of activities to students so they can learn and practice their English outside the classroom. The annual English Singing Contest and Speech Competition are just two examples. Students who are either afraid of public speaking or only need the stage to shine are given a chance to explore their potentials. It is not solely about the result, but the process of overcoming hurdles, and knowing what our strongest suits are. In HKU SPACE CC, we are taught strong values and have the right mentality we need, so that we would not shy away when the opportunity arises.

- 文學副學士(語言及人文學科)- 英文及英語文學研究
- 香港大學文學院
自港大附屬學院畢業後,我於同年入讀香港大學文學院二年級,主修比較文學。 自己一直有志入讀港大文學院,這成了我選擇港大附屬學院的主要原因。很幸運地學院讓我直接入讀副學士二年級,雖然已經畢業多年,回想起「那些年」,仍很懷念在學院讀書的日子。學院的講師都十分有教學熱誠,備課充份,知識廣博,樂意與學生分享看法,這無形中訓練我的獨立思維能力。我很享受同學一起努力學習的日子,大家都以升讀大學為目標,一起奮鬥的感覺很好!在港大附屬學院學習讓我日後更易適應大學課程,且有很好的成績。

- 2012-14 Associate of Arts (English Studies)
- 2016 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Studies for the Profession, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- 2017 Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Secondary), The Education University of Hong Kong
I remember I started studying at HKU SPACE Community College with a sense of inferiority, feeling incapable of advancing into a higher degree. However, with the dedicated and supportive teaching from professional teachers at the college, I realized I could become a better person if I endeavoured myself to be. Our lecturers didn't treat us as losers but as potential warriors ready to fight our way to a brighter future. All that I learnt from the college enabled me to enter a local university as a senior year student and graduated with First-class Honours. Now that I am studying a Postgraduate Diploma in Education to equip myself to become a teacher, which has always been my dream job, I do think that my two-year study at the college was an indispensable part of what made me a better and more mature person today. It has been one of the most fruitful experiences of my life. A detour path won't make us less competitive. It's the experience we gain that counts - failures make us grow, setbacks make us stronger, and learning to deal with them can make a huge difference.