Students' Stories

Chow Kam To, Ricky
2009-10 Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Year 3)
I was very frustrated as I did not get good results in my Form 6 study. As I was very interested in the computer field, I then made a big decision and came to study in the Higher Diploma in Information Technology at HKU SPACE Community College. The programme broadened my horizons and focused on equipping students with practical skills and techniques. I also met many good friends here and really enjoyed my school life. I was admitted to the BEng (Hons) in Computer Science at The University of Hong Kong in 2010. I believe I have made a right choice. HKU SPACE Community College has brought me to a brighter future.
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Lo Po Ting
2010-11 Higher Diploma in Engineering (Year 1)
Disappointed with my HKALE results, I was encouraged by my family to join the Higher Diploma programme in Engineering at HKU SPACE Community College. This programme not only well equipped me with critical and independent thinking skills, but also with the fundamentals of appropriate presentation and communication strategies. College life was flexible and the learning experience was rather different from secondary school. Company visits and field trips were organised regularly and broadened my horizons in relation to the various engineering fields. The invaluable engineering skills and techniques gained from the courses also helped me to become well-prepared for my further study and career. Thanks to the guidance and support from the lecturers, after one year of study in HKU SPACE Community College, I determined to develop my engineering expertise in the field of Electrical Engineering. Certainly, there will be a lot of challenges in our lifetime but as long as we are well equipped and prepared, we can tackle any of them. Are you ready now?
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Liu Yee Tsun, Alvin
2011-12 年度應用科學副學士(資訊科技)二年級學生
相信不少人和我一樣,放榜後進不了自己心儀的大學。那一刻對於自己的前途,的確是十分迷茫。幸好,港大附屬學院就在前方替我照亮了那未知的道路。當初因為父母一句話:「隨著自己的興趣而選擇」,即使我從沒有讀過跟電腦相關的科目,最後亦選擇了資訊科技副學士課程。 在港大附屬學院的生活讓我的眼界擴闊了不少,亦讓我認清自律的重要性。由於自由度十分高,學習和玩樂的時間全由自己掌握。我在這裡認識了一班好朋友,大家從早到晚也在學院內,不論上堂、溫書、吃喝玩樂也在一起,大家就像一家人一樣,而港大附屬學院就是我們的家。我十分慶幸我選擇了港大附屬學院,它給予我另一個入讀大學的機會。希望大家也能夠在港大附屬學院內找到自己的興趣,認清自己的目標,掌握自己的未來。
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Chung Lok Man Jeffrey
2011-12 年度應用科學副學士(資訊科技)二年級學生
兩年的副學士生活,我在學院裡學到了各方面的知識,亦豐富了我的學問,為未來的升學做了充份的準備。或許很多人對副學士的印象比較負面,認為副學士學生只是公開試的失敗者,但在這兩年,港大附屬學院令我對副學士有重新的了解。這裡的副學士大部分都不比公開試的同學們遜色,他們都為了自己的大學夢而努力奮鬥。很多人會抱怨副學士升大學的學額太少,但我只能告訴你,不是數量的問題,而是你本人付出多少的問題。 港大附屬學院的學習模式與中學有很大的分別,自律對成功升學是很重要的,因為在這裡再沒有中學老師的督促,上課時間又較有彈性,所以時間管理非常重要。千萬不要以為課程簡單又輕鬆,但取得一個足夠晉升大學的分數可並不容易,因為你的競爭對手不少,分數競爭也非常激烈。最後希望大家都可以全力以赴考進大學。
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Chan Yik Hong, Kevin
2011-12 年度應用科學副學士(資訊科技)二年級學生
高考放榜當日接過成績單,成績比預期差,想了很久應該是選擇重考或是讀副學士。後來發現港大附屬學院的副學士跟大學課程頗為相似,能銜接多間本地及海外大學學位,而且開放日當天,同學和講師都非常用心解釋課程的內容和出路。因此選讀了這所學院。 在這兩年,課程對我將來編寫電腦程式或繼續升學都有很大幫助,亦增強了我的邏輯思維及批判能力。此外,學院講師都很友善和有耐性,每次都很用心解答我們的問題,而且在升學問題上亦給予我們很多意見,提醒我們在大學面試有甚麼需要準備;同學亦非常好學和友善,遇到難題時會主動發問,下課後一起溫習,互相交流,既辛苦又很開心。
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Chan Ting Ho
2011-12 Higher Diploma in Engineering (Year 1)
I was a Form 7 repeater in 2010 and 2011 and failed to obtain admission to a local university. I was disappointed with my poor HKALE results, but fortunately I was encouraged by my family to join the Higher Diploma programme in Engineering at HKU SPACE Community College. The programme not only provided me with essential engineering skills, but also established my confidence in learning again, which enabled me to successfully gain admission to the Bachelor of Engineering at The University of Hong Kong. I treasure the invaluable guidance and support from the programme! Thank you HKU SPACE Community College!
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Wong Kin Yung
2011-12 Higher Diploma in Engineering (Year 1)
2011 was the turning point of my life. I did not get good results in the HKALE and felt very frustrated. After conversations with family and friends, I chose to study Higher Diploma programme in Engineering at HKU SPACE Community College. During the school life at HKU SPACE Community College, I was well equipped with both engineering theories and practical training which were very useful in pursuing studies at universities and my future career. Besides, the programme provided placement opportunities, which further enhanced the skills and techniques that I learned from lessons. In 2012, I was successfully admitted to the Bachelor of Engineering at The University of Hong Kong. Thank you so much!
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Ho Kun Ning Sam
2012-13 年度應用科學副學士(資訊科技)二年級學生
追逐夢想的路途總是一波三折,連續三年的屢敗屢戰,我終於透過非聯招考進我夢寐以求的香港中文大學。兩年副學士生活充實愉快,在學院學到很多電腦理論,為升讀大學打好根基。港大附屬學院的上課時數不多,讓我可以自由地管理自己的時間,跟上進度之餘還可以爭取實際工作經驗,我很喜歡這自由的學習模式。 來到學院的同學各有因緣,都是懷大學夢而奮鬥。競爭對手不是每天一起溫習、做功課的戰友,也不是一起聚餐開會的同學,而是往日那失敗的自己。 年青人最大的本錢是時間,不應磋跎歲月,只要敢想敢做,一定可以獲得應有的回報。
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Chau Shing Yi, Sabrina
2012-13 年度應用科學副學士(資訊科技)二年級學生
在港大附屬學院的兩年生涯轉眼間快將過去。回想初到學院時,面對新環境確感到有點手足無措。可幸的是,這裏的講師與師兄師姐給予許多關懷與協助,令我很快便融入新的學習環境。 港大附屬學院的課程十分全面,除了電腦相關的專科課程,學院亦相當重視學生的語文和個人發展。密集的課程,優秀的師資,令我掌握了不同方面的知識,拓闊眼光。 除了學院課程外,我亦參與了很多學會。結識了一羣「戰友」、「伙伴」,一起並肩作戰,互相扶持,為各自的目標而努力。和這些好朋友相處,帶給我很多的啟發;師兄師姐細心的指導,讓我兩年以來,收穫甚豐,對此我由衷地向他們表示感謝。
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Chung Pui Tung, Prudence
2011-12 年度應用科學副學士(資訊科技)二年級學生
一次的失敗並不代表甚麼。只要立定決心、持之而恆,終有一天能成就自己的夢想。而我就在這裡開拓了實現夢想的道路。 回想這兩年在港大附屬學院的生活,給予我的不只是學科上的知識,更令我對資訊科技有更深入的了解。我非常感激學院的講師,他們除了教授學科的知識外,亦著重引導我們從不同的媒介找到實用的資訊。此外,這兩年我在學院結識了許多志同道合的學友,朝著相同目標前進,因為有他們的陪伴,每分每秒都過得十分充實愉快。 由最初只懂皮毛的我,到現在有能力去解答不同電腦科技上的問題,甚至有機會升大學,這兩年副學士的生活令我更堅定對這門學科的喜愛。
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Wong Chun Yin, Jonathan
2011-12 Student of Associate of Applied Science in Information Technology, Year 1
I realized that I was not yet ready for university education after receiving my HKALE results. After seeking advice from my schoolmates and friends, I finally decided to apply to the AIT programme of HKU SPACE Community College as my first choice due to my interest in computing. The AIT programme has helped me to become an efficient learner, and allowed me to learn different skill sets in both IT and non-IT courses. I can seek help whenever I have difficulty in digesting the concepts or completing the tasks, because lecturers are always willing to respond to my questions. HKU SPACE CC has brought me invaluable experiences that the students who progressed directly from Form 7 to university education will not have. With my effort, I received an offer from HKU, and I can tell that I have not wasted any time in AIT Year 1. I must thank the College for all the help and support it has provided.
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Nixon Fong
對高中畢業生來說,升學比任何事都重要。高考後,我選擇了港大附屬學院,報讀資訊科技高級文憑課程中的Networking Stream。努力進修,2012年畢業,投身社會,開展人生新一頁。今日回首,選擇修讀資訊科技高級文憑是我明智的決定。 本課程包含CCNA及CCNP的內容(兩者皆為Networking專業認可證書),也有不同領域的電腦知識。港大附屬學院的講師用心授課,理論與實踐並重,更帶隊參加 Networking公開比賽,獲獎無數。 十年磨劍苦,一朝試鋒刃。畢業後,我在英國電訊公司 (British Telecom) 實習,為期六個月。同期實習中,也有畢業於其他院校學生。我慶幸學院給我的是「寶劍」。半年來,面前一個個Networking 的難題,都能迎刃而解。 今年身邊多位朋友大學畢業,正感前途茫茫。而自己已有明確的人生目標,更覺自己的運氣實在不錯。
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Chan Ying Kit, Sonic
Flight Attendant, Cathay Pacific
To pursue your dream, getting in a university is not the only path now. I am really thankful after taking the Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies in HKU SPACE CC.
I have learnt a lot of aviation knowledge in these two years. The whole package of study was practical and the learning experience was extraordinarily sensational. No matter what outcome you are aiming for, you can get quality study and knowledge here, which can actually help you to achieve higher academic standard!
This programme opened the door of aviation industry for me. The most rewarding experience was meeting a lot of experts in the industry who were experienced and professional. Thanks to them, we got to know the most up-to-date knowledge and information about the subject, and the current practice in the workplace.
Flying is not easy at all. I am a cabin crew of Cathay Pacific Airways now. I have visited many places where I have never been to, such as London, Paris, Frankfurt, Amsterdam etc. There is no boundary to fly in the sky. This programme has helped me to take off from the ground and land back again securely with useful knowledge and experience. Had I not chosen CC as my post-secondary study, I would still be engaging in something “down to earth”, without dreams and hopes.
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Tang Yee Ting, Stephanie
Graduate of Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication in 2015
Apart from the academic studies, lecturers in HKU SPACE CC are always willing to give help to students and are very experienced in their fields. Also, the lecturers will use more interesting teaching methods in the lessons, such as if we had a lesson that was related to lighting, we would have some lighting equipment and could try it one by one. I was grateful to experience real-life project in a company through an internship programme and it offered me a chance to learn in a way that in-class learning could not provide. In summer, I joined a study trip to Shanghai and visited different production units and shopping malls with media arts, such as P.O., a TV station and Shanghai K11. After the trip, I knew much more about the development of media technology in China and enhanced my technological skills in different areas. In this programme, I have benefited a lot from the diversity of subjects, such as communications, marketing, media production, new media and IT related subjects. I believe all the learning experiences and knowledge will enhance my competitiveness in the future.
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Lau Hoi Ming, Harry
Offer Received: BA (Honours) Media Culture & Practice, University of the West of England, Bristol
After taking the DSE, I realized that I wanted to pursue working in media. I gained experience from in-class learning, seminars and workshops as well as listening to industry experts’ experience on video editing and shooting. After having fundamental knowledge, students could have opportunities for internship in media related works as well as study tours. Mentored by those experienced and professional experts, they could put words into actions. Those chances definitely gave us a valuable experience. I believe I could have a bright future in media after studying this 2-year course.
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Liu Ka Kin
2012-13 Higher Diploma in Engineering (Year 1)
I would never forget those days in 2012. After receiving my HKALE results, I nearly gave up my dream. But my family supported me well and with the advice from friends, I applied for the Higher Diploma in Engineering programme at HKU SPACE Community College. When having a chance to study at HKU SPACE Community College, I realized that it was valuable for me to continue to pursue my dream in engineering field. I kept improving through professional trainings and guidance from lecturers and finally was admitted to The University of Hong Kong. Thank you HKU SPACE Community College for helping my dream comes true!
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Napoles Karen Allisa
Flight Attendant, Finnair
Hi, I am Allisa, a graduate of Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies programme. After I acquired the Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies programme, I took a Top-Up degree in Aviation Management with Coventry University, who has a partnership with City University of Hong Kong. I enroled the Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies programme in HKU SPACE CC because I had great intentions to pursue a career in Aviation; my goal was to be a pilot. Right now, I am a flight attendant flying for Finnair, but I have not forgotten my real dream, and I am still doing everything that I can to fulfill my heart’s desire. During my final year, I also spent some time working for a business jet company in Hong Kong under Supply Chain and Procurement. I have learnt how to source aircraft materials from this job and I was also able to assist them with acquiring new equipment for their new branch in Macau. It was a challenging but exciting experience for me.
When I graduated from the Higher Diploma programme, I rewarded myself with two hours of leisure flight, an hour with Cessna 152 and another one with Cessna 172. This was something incredible for me, I suggest every person who dreams to be a pilot to try this, given the money and time. In the vast of two years with HKU SPACE CC, they were able to give us the maximum exposure to aviation. For example in Year 1, we visited Heliservices Inc., where we were educated about helicopters and this is when I realized, being a pilot doesn’t only mean flying for commercial airlines, there are many positions pilots can have, and the most interesting for me is flying helicopters for search and rescue.
In Year 2, we had a 4-day Aviation trip to Beijing. And in the middle of Year 2, we headed to the Singapore Airshow 2014 for 6 days. We had exclusive opportunities; talks from Airbus, Boeing, CAE, Gulfstream and Singapore Polytechnic. I was even lucky to be interviewed by Airbus official media. I was one of the leaders for the Orientation Camp 2014. Our activities included city hunt, team building games and had a BBQ party at night before we had a beauty pageant. It was very enjoyable; all the planning and preparations paid off. All these activities made it possible for me to make a lot of friends who are also passionate about aviation and this is excellent as one of our lecturers said, “In aviation, sometimes it’s not what you know, it’s WHO you know”.
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Lam Yat Fung, Jeffrey
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
After graduating from the Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies with a merit result, I have pursued a Bachelor’s degree in Aviation Management while working at Sky Shuttle Helicopters Limited as a Flight Operations Officer simultaneously. Currently, I am studying a master’s degree to further enhance my knowledge in Aviation. The Higher Diploma programme has equipped me with sufficient knowledge and practical techniques to deal with various tasks in aviation. I am glad that I made the right decision four years ago – to be part of the Higher Diploma programme. It is because the knowledge that I have acquired is applicable in my job. Therefore, I can adapt to the ever-changing environment easily.
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Cheng Chor Wing, Billy
Graduate Aviation Consultant, EC Harris (Hong Kong) Ltd.
From ancient times, humans have had strong aspirations to fly in the sky. From the Wright brothers to the A380, humans have spent less than 150 years to develop aviation industry. It is amazing and interesting to me, which inspired me to join the aviation industry. I am currently working in a consultancy firm as a Graduate Aviation Consultant after my bachelor’s degree in aviation management. My main responsibility is supporting my team in airport operation, International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) standards and civil aviation regulation. I was assigned to work in different projects with some of the biggest international firms, which explored my insights and increased my international experience. From my pervious project experience, I have drafted the Standard Operating Procedures for helicopter/helipad operators, amended a risk assessment report/risk register for airport operation and held risk workshops with stakeholders, which can enhance my knowledge and working skills such as communication skills with clients and business English etc. I am glad that I can work with a high qualification and professional teammates, who are air traffic controllers, management directors, risk managers and urban planners, etc. that support me a lot. Leveraging the Higher Diploma – Aviation Studies built up my aviation knowledge and expanded my networking in the aviation industry. This programme has equipped me with professional knowledge and technical skills to deal with the challenges in the aviation industry, which is applicable for your future carrier. Besides, the Hong Kong Government and Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) have agreed to build a 3rd runway in Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA), but they are facing a challenge of insufficient manpower in the coming years. Therefore, I highly recommend this programme for those who are interested in aviation as your future career.
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Jeff Yiu
Graduate, Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies
Flying used to be a human dream, but we have overcome the obstacles of this dream with intelligence and technology, and now aviation is the safest transportation mode. We have to give thanks for the advanced technologies, effective safety management systems and so on. You could learn all these topics from the experienced lecturers in the industry. Apart from the academic side, the College has been organising a wide range of activities for us, such as study trips as well as visits to HAECO and Heliservice Inc.. In the last summer, I joined a study trip to Beijing and visited the assembly line of the Airbus in Tianjin. After the trip, I knew much more about the aviation development in China and made a lot of new friends. In the same summer holiday, I was fortunate to be given a chance to take part in the internship programme of the Jardine Aviation Service as Passenger Service Agent (PSA). I was grateful to learn experiencing the activities in the airport and it offered me a chance to learn something out of the classroom like intercommunication skills and the boarding system. The Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies was the first programme ever in HKU SPACE CC to hold their own Orientation Camp, and it is my honour to be a member of the organising committee. It was a good opportunity to meet the new students and we are now good friends. To me, the most unforgettable event is the conference on airworthiness at the Civil Aviation Department. A number of professional and experienced international aviation experts shared their views on aviation safety. I still remember that the president of the International Federation of Airworthiness (IFA) told us, “You are the future of the aviation industry and teaching you safety is our major concern.” The achievements in aviation came from the hard-work, dedication and the commitment of talented people before, and I am sure you guys have those same talents. So, do not give up your dreams and pursue it. Come and fly with us!
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Chan Chung Ho, Matthew
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Social Science
I am currently an undergraduate student in The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), majoring in Global Studies. The area of focus is about international relations and politics in global affairs. Before joining CUHK, I decided to take a year of full-time employment in order to subsidize my further studies after graduating from the Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies programme of HKU SPACE CC. From my previous work experiences in the discipline of flight operations at a local aviation ground handling agent, I came across many real life complexities for which I could make good use of what I have learnt about the industry, and that further enabled me to demonstrate certain levels of familiarity to get job tasks done within real-life constraints. During my study in the Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies programme, I was luckily selected as a student representative to participate in the conferences organised by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) - Next Generation Aviation Professionals Outreach Committee. My role was to work with my teammates through meetings and give presentations to different aviation stakeholders from different countries. We gave ideas on how to tackle the anticipated shortage of competent personnel required by the industry from a student’s point of view. Through the Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies programme, I received the opportunity to join an internship in a business jet company in Hong Kong, Metrojet Ltd. During the 2-month internship training, I had job rotations in three departments within Metrojet, which were the Engineering Department, Corporate Safety Department and Flight Operations Department. At the end of the internship, I gave presentations to the management board of the company regarding the key learning areas gained in each department as a conclusion of the whole internship programme. Overall, the Aviation programme has equipped me with extensive specialized knowledge of the industry and provided me with lots of opportunities to get involved in the real-life industrial situations even when I was just a student with no practical experience. My enthusiasm for aviation has simply been sparked further by the programme. The experience had dramatically changed my mind when I stepped far outside my comfort zone.
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Liao Chi Yin, Sam
Flight Operations Officer in Sky Shuttle Helicopters Company
The Sky is unlimited. After graduating in this Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies, I have finished my bachelor’s degree in Aviation Management. Currently, I am a Flight Operations Officer in Sky Shuttle Helicopters Company, one of the world's leading commercial helicopter operators. Aviation is a huge industry. It is not only focusing on neither Pilot nor Flight Attendant, but also other positions like Air Traffic Controller, Dispatcher and Loaders The Higher Diploma programme not just taught me knowledge in aviation, it also enriches my vision in this industry. The programme combines three areas, operations, management and safety. I have studied a lot of different interesting subjects like Airport and Airline Operations, Air Traffic Management, within the two-year programme and the valuable knowledge learnt is very practical for my current job; most of the problems and situations faced during my job have been taught during the programme. Beside knowledge, the programme also provides a very good networking opportunities with lecturers and experts in the industry who are very knowledgeable and experienced. The Sky is unlimited. Aim higher, dream higher. Let's start the aviation journey here!
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Leung Ho Lok, Tommy
Graduate, Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies
I love the sky! Until now, I still remember my trip to Sapporo. In this flight, I had a chance to visit the Boeing 747-400 cockpit. During the conversation with the captain, he encouraged me to be a pilot and ignited my passion to fly. In February 2014, I joined the Singapore Airshow Study Trip with the College. In this trip, except the Airshow aerobatic display, the most exciting activity was CAE visit. During the visit, we all had a chance to fly a few minutes in the A320 simulator. When I was flying, I understood why I want to fly; Why I want be a pilot. That flight helped me to know my passion to fly is as strong as ever. I am working for Jardine Aviation Services Limited as a Passenger Services Agent now. My responsibilities are assisting airline passengers to board the aircraft or to transfer to other flights, etc. I can gain a lot experience from this job like customer service, airlines policy, etc. that will be helpful to my career in the future. This Aviation Studies programme provided plenty of knowledge from experienced lecturers. The knowledge isn't only applicable for my job, but also in my life. Besides that, the College arranges internship opportunities in local airlines, and study trips for us like Beijing in 2013 and Singapore in 2014. I am very pleased that I applied to this course two years ago. In the College life, we still “Work Hard! Play Hard!” But, the most important isn't what you do, is how you do it.
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Enid Lam
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Web and Multimedia Development Stream, 2012-2013)
As a final HKALE candidate in 2012, I was disheartened by my examination results which did not enable me to be admitted to university. I was confused about my future. I thought my dream of university life was broken. Fortunately, I chose to study the Higher Diploma in Information Technology at HKU SPACE Community College. After a year, my dream came true. The College life is completely different from secondary school. During this year, I have learnt many practical skills in IT and the College has provided me with abundant resources for my study. The schedule of classes wasn’t tight so that I have studied without pressure. Meanwhile, I can have the right balance between rest and study. The lecturers are very supportive and always share their experience with us. The most important thing is that they have helped me to build up self-confidence. I believe I will rise to the challenge in my further studies, and be capable to solve any problems that come my way. Studying in HKU SPACE CC was an unforgettable year. This provided me with a springboard for the admission to the Bachelor of Engineering at The University of Hong Kong.
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Au Ching Mei, Envose
2013-14 年度應用科學副學士(計算機科學)二年級學生
當初想繼續學業,所以在公開試放榜後報讀副學士課程,選讀了我感興趣的電腦學科。優秀的師資,加上講師非常樂意解答我學業上的疑難,讓我學習更容易上手,打下良好堅實的電腦基礎;在升學選擇上,講師給予很多有用的意見,提醒我們盡早準備充足。隨着對電腦學科的認識加深,我更加喜愛這課程,皆因它讓我能夠發揮所長。 在港大附屬學院的兩年是非常寶貴的經驗。我在這裏得以重新振作,成長了很多。尤其是心態上的轉變,由當初對未來感到徬徨,到現在能夠堅定地朝着目標進發,著實得來不易。很感謝在學院認識到的講師和好友,他們的關懷與支持,令我明白自己並不是孤軍作戰,也讓我擁有更寬容開朗的心態。
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Ho Man Hon, Felix
2013-14 Associate of Applied Science in Information Technology (Computer Science), Year 2
HKU SPACE CC is my alternative gateway to further my study after failing to enrol in undergraduate programmes offered by the UGC-funded universities. The study mode here gives me more freedom than the secondary schooling experience that I received before. There is no past examination paper or revision exercise, but there are different types of reference materials. We need to develop our own way of revising each course, and broaden our views and knowledge. I have been interested in programming since my secondary school, but I have not received any formal and regular training on computer programming. The AIT programme gives me a lot of chances to acquire practical programming skills, and also some useful advice on how to develop a good programme. It also strengthens my knowledge in the field of computer and information technology in order to improve my programme design. HKU SPACE CC provides me with a lot of experiences that are very useful in my future study. It is my pleasure to study here.
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Lee Cheong Wang, Jacky
2013-14 Associate of Applied Science in Information Technology (Computer Engineering) Year 2
After failing the public examination, my ideal study path to study in local university was broken. HKU SPACE CC provided a chance for me to pursue high level education, and also helped me discover my interest in computing. At the beginning I was scared because I haven’t studied any computing subjects before. Later I found that it is not a problem as the programme structure is designed from easy to hard, even a beginner can follow as long as you want to learn. In addition, the lecturers are so friendly and helpful that they are always happy to answer our questions. I am extremely grateful to the lecturers who have helped me a lot in my study. Now I have been trained to be capable of developing application programmes and solving computer problems. Most importantly, there is a chance for me to study in university. HKU SPACE CC is a place for me to get familiar with the study mode in university, and also a place of self-affirmation.
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Leung Tsz Him
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Networking Stream, 2010-2013)
Before studying in HKU SPACE CC my goal, like most of the secondary students, was to become a university student so that I spent lots of time to study the subjects in HKALE yet I could not have a thorough grasp of the principles in the subject knowledge. As a result, l got lost at that moment. After HKALE, I decided to study in Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Networking Stream). During these years, I found my interest and goal and the programme led me to explore the new world in Information Technology. Our lecturers have shown great support to me in class or out of office hours, and have always shared their own experiences that have made me regain confidence in my future. Also, lecturers provided us with lots of opportunities to broaden our horizons. Last year, I represented the College to join the Hong Kong Macau Networking Skills Competition which was part of an international competition. Moreover, the programme design was great to obtain different industrial certificates such as CCNA and CCNP, etc. Both the theoretical materials and practical skill trainings in this programme are beneficial to our job seeking in the industry. I’m still enjoying the learning atmosphere in HKU SPACE CC. The most valuable thing I have acquired in this programme is not just the networking skills but also the self-confidence regained from being lost in secondary school. I believe you won’t succeed if you don’t believe in yourself. Now, I have been successfully admitted to The University of Hong Kong for further study. Hopefully, you will also find your way to success. Don’t give up and have a try at something you’re interested in.
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Morris Ling
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Networking Stream, 2010-2013)
This Information Technology programme arouses my curiosity in exploring networking technology and provides solid skills for the future job market. The programme’s curriculum is very practical for me to obtain relevant industrial certificates. I really enjoyed studying at HKU SPACE CC. The lecturers are willing to share their life experiences and interact with us more often. I am not only learned the concrete skills and knowledge but also the diligent working attitude from them. Moreover, the programme provided a lot of opportunities to broaden my horizon. For instance, I joined the 8th Cisco Hong Kong-Macau Youth Networking Skills Competition last year and won the 1st runner-up. That was my valuable experience at the College. In 2011, I was awarded the Principal's Honours List 2010-2011 and HKU SPACE Community College Scholarship 2011. In 2012, I joined the 8th Cisco Hong Kong-Macau Youth Networking Skills Competition 2012 (1st runner-up), also I was awarded HKU SPACE College Scholarships 2012. In 2013, I was admitted to the UGC-funded degree programme of Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and I was also awarded the Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme 2012-2013 from HKSAR. In addition to my hands-on achievement, I have also been successfully admitted to the UGC-funded degree programme at The Chinese University of Hong Kong this year. I hope everyone will enjoy their school life during their study at HKU SPACE Community College.
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Lai Ka Chun, Jacky
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Networking Stream, 2012-2014)
Recalling the moment I received my DSE result, it was a nightmare. I knew that the result (Best 5/4C1X: 18) would not allow me to be admitted to any local universities in JUPAS. I was panicked because I knew nothing about any alternative paths like sub-degrees. Knowing the good reputation of HKU SPACE CC, I summoned up my courage and did a walk-in application for any IT programme. And I reckon that I have made an absolute right choice. The two years spent in HKU SPACE CC was not easy, but fruitful. The Higher Diploma programme not only equips students with skills that are of good use to future career, but also provides chances for students to further their studies at university. Most of the lecturers once held high positions in the workplace so that they can share their work experiences with students, and these experiences are invaluable. These experiences help students to overpower other candidates when hunting for a job. Besides, their working experiences reveal a deeper understanding of the IT field. They know what the trend is and help us tremendously when deciding our further path as an IT Professional. The relationship between lecturers and students are close. Such relationships encourage interaction between students and lecturers. I used to be a very passive learner (And dare not to raise questions) but in HKU SPACE CC I was encouraged to raise questions. The learning atmosphere is much better than that in secondary school. I think this facilitates learning efficiency a lot and my confidence in learning was established again. Apart from career-related stuff, the College has also given us enormous help when dealing with applications to various universities. There are workshops about writing a personal statement (An essential piece of writing for you to promote yourself to university), attending university interviews and even filling in the university application form. To be concise, you will be well equipped so to gain an upper hand in the application. Thank you HKU SPACE CC!
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Ho Kwong Pang
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Networking Stream, 2010-2013)
As a student of Higher Diploma in Information Technology from 2010 to 2013, I truly enjoyed the time in HKU SPACE CC. This programme not only provided me with fundamental knowledge and skills, but also motivated my progression in professional career development and helped me shaping the right direction toward study and work. I was not successful in HKALE but I didn’t start it over again the next year. Instead, I entered the foundation year of this IT programme. Being a post-secondary student without any relevant IT knowledge and experience, I was a bit worried about the road ahead in HKU SPACE CC at first. Fortunately, the curriculum came in from the ground up. I was on the right track of both academic study and practical training. Lectures and classmates were very kind and helpful, and I had the joy of learning something new, interesting and challenging. Having specialized in Networking study for two years, I learned the concrete switching and routing knowledge in addition to other soft skills. The Networking Stream covered the professional knowledge with the supplement of industrial practice, which provided us a good foundation to obtain industrial certification in the future. Moreover, I was honored to participate on the College’s behalf in the 8th and 9th Cisco Hong Kong–Macau Youth Networking Skills Competitions and was awarded the 1st runner-up. These valuable experiences were very useful for me in further study. Within these years, the IT courses enabled me to learn how to become an IT professional and get several valuable achievements: 2010-2011 • Principal’s Honours List 2010 - 2011 2011-2012 • Principal’s Honours List 2011 - 2012 • The 8th Cisco Hong Kong-Macau Youth Networking Skills Competition 2012 - 1st runner-up • HKSAR Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme 2012 - Outstanding Performance Scholarship • “Cisco Certified Network Associate” Certificate 2012-2013 • Principal’s Honours List 2012 - 2013 • Academic Excellence Award • The 9th Cisco Hong Kong-Macau Youth Networking Skills Competition 2013 – 1st runner-up • HKSAR Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme 2013 – Outstanding Performance Scholarship • Passed Cisco Certified Network Professional-route Exam Now, I am the student of UGC-funded degree programme at the City University of Hong Kong. Studying Computer Science, I find that the knowledge and experiences obtained from the Higher Diploma is really helpful. I appreciate the chance that allowed me to find my real interest in academics and having further study in university. I hope everyone would enjoy his or her school life at HKU SPACE CC.
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Lo See Heng, Rolex
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Networking Stream, 2011-13)
In 2011, after finishing my HKALE Life I decided to study the Higher Diploma in Information Technology. This programme emphasizes both theory and practice, which provides me a clear path for my future study or career. The course provided a lot of professional Networking information, by following the Official Cisco Academy Programme. Also, excellent laboratories and equipment are provided for helping me to solidify my understanding of networking concepts. The lecturers have excellent experience in the related fields. They always share their real case scenarios and experiences for our projects and assignments. Besides, I participated in the Cisco Hong Kong-Macau Youth Networking Skills Competition, which gave me a chance to test my knowledge that I have learnt in the lectures. Now I am a Network Security Engineer of one of the network security companies in Hong Kong. These valuable experiences and knowledge that I have learnt have supported me in the daily tasks of my job and further study. Thank you HKU SPACE CC for giving me a chance to study here and equipping me with such precious knowledge.
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失望的公開試成績,喚醒我考入本地大學的決心,重燃心中追尋大學夢的火焰。考入大學的途徑五花八門,而我則決定選擇港大附屬學院來完成夢想。 在此之前,我從沒有修讀任何與資訊科技相關的課程。作為資訊科技界新人,起初心中的確存在著一份惶恐,深恐自己底子與能力都不及他人。不過與其受恐懼的煎熬,何不轉換心態,相信自己實力,為自己拼博一回? 學院講師相當有心,我親切感受到他們對教學的熱誠。每當我遇到本科上的學習困難時,他們總會不厭其煩地重新講解一遍,使我的電腦概念愈見清晰,知識隨之而豐富。與此同時,我在學院認識了一群志同道合的好友,交流學習心得,並肩作戰,試問還有甚麼值得擔憂? 非聯招報名的策略是相當重要的,同學應清楚了解自己的實力和興趣,善用學校資源,選擇既相關又合符個人能力的科目。切忌心頭過高,道聽途說,因而浪費良機。 人,可以輸上千百萬次,但必須要嬴在最後一次。港大附屬學院,就是要獲得最後勝利的地方。送上我的座右銘 ─「人定勝天,命運掌握在自己手中!」願共勉之。
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Lam Tung Hung Isaac
2013-14 年度應用科學副學士(資訊科技)二年級學生
我曾經和你一樣,在網上看到很多學生分享,那時我正在考慮報讀港大附屬學院的課程;時移世易,卻換成了我的故事。我的故事就如其他師兄師姐:在學院的生活非常快樂自由,同學親切,老師很有耐性,眼界大開...... 然而,這兩年的學習令我明白到一件事:如果希望升讀大學,副學士是一個不錯的機會,只要願意付出便會有收獲。當然這句老生常談說明的並不是全部,當中還有些要注意的地方:首個學期是十分重要的,如果GPA分數不好,跟後的學期就會容易放棄;所以開學時必先盡快收拾心情,適應大專生活。 另外,培養個人興趣很重要,有興趣的話做任何事都會事半功倍;選擇自己喜歡和有信心的科目,不要怕發問問題,跟講師多交流令我有不少得著。 最後,就是對自己增多一點信心;因為下一位獲邀請分享經驗的學生,很可能是你!
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Lo Chun Yin
2013-14 Associate of Engineering, Year 1
在這裏學習,最重要的就是自己的心態。謹記着以往公開試失敗的同時,也不能自悲,要相信自己的能力,保持一個積極自信的心態去迎接各項的挑戰。 另外,課程講師十分友善,除了專業授課外,還很關心同學。在課堂外,無論是學術或升學問題,講師們都很樂於傾聽及提供意見,我非常感激他們。 最後,學院的學習模式雖與中學不同,自由度較大,更講求同學的自侓性;但只要找到自己的興趣,自然就會學懂自侓。在此,希望大家都能重拾對知識的渴求。
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Sheng Leung Cheung, Casado
2013-14 Associate of Engineering, Year 1
My time in HKU SPACE CC has been an enlightening experience on multiple levels. While the courses here have provided me with vast amounts of contextual knowledge, I also picked up valuable habits which I am certain will be beneficial as I continue my academic endeavours. The greatest challenge that I had to overcome was adjusting to a new education system. In high school, teachers often – figuratively speaking – held student’s hands along the process. Students were expected to attend for about seven hours of schooling every day from Monday through Friday. The scheme in CC is completely different, teaching hours vary greatly and so time management was essential. I quickly realized that I had to improve my old lifestyle in order to prevent work from accumulating. I learned the importance of discipline and scheduling so I could effectively balance my studies, hobbies and social life. Experiencing this change is necessary for any scholar that wishes to further their academic career into the university level, as it will be the same then. Another welcoming gesture was that many lecturers willingly shared their personal experiences with students to prepare us for adversities we might face in the future. Despite having very busy schedules, lecturers excelled both inside and outside the classrooms. The many discussions I had with all my lecturers often proved very fruitful. Lecturers always provided insight not only on the course they taught but also on how that specific course related to Engineering or simply life as a whole. The new environment also served as a great means for cultural enrichment. Having graduated from an international school, I did not have much insight about local students, but after these past few months I have made various friendships which have exposed me to another side of Hong Kong. I re-established the respect that I have for education as I became aware of the trials and tribulations that others have to face and was reminded that I have to cherish the opportunities I have. HKU SPACE CC taught me that education at the post-secondary level is not mandatory, it is a voluntary decision and thus it is a commitment in which the amount of success one can enjoy is directly proportional to the amount of effort one puts in. It is this philosophy that gives me the courage and certainty to take my next step in life.
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Au Pok Yin, Lawrence
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Security Stream, 2012-2014)
As the old proverb says, “Failure teaches success”. I have been studying at HKU SPACE Community College for two years since I finished my DSE public examination. It is unbelievable to see that I can get into the university for advanced studies. After the DSE public examination, I was depressed about my results and didn’t manage to get into any university. It upset me for a while and my dream was broken. I was so puzzled that I had no idea about whether I should continue my studies or just drop out and work for a living. Fortunately, I made an important decision to give myself one more chance to study a Higher Diploma for getting into university. Then, I decided to study the higher diploma in Information Technology at HKU SPACE CC as it was highly recommended by my relatives and friends. Not only did I gain a solid grounding in the basic techniques of IT, but this is also another path that could lead to success. I have been interested in IT since I was in secondary school. I always have had a great sense of fulfilment and success after accomplishing a programme. With my keen interest, determination and learning strategies, I believe that I can rise to the upcoming challenge of this Programme and manage to reach the goal. During the past two years of studies, I have realized that I am not as smart as others. Therefore, I have put a lot of effort into my studies, assignments and preparations for the examination. Apart from my endeavour, I appreciate the help from my lecturers who are willing to share their experiences and professional advice with me. During these courses, I have gained invaluable exposure to new skills, developed interpersonal relationships and professional knowledge in HKU SPACE CC. All in all, what I have gained from HKU SPACE CC has equipped me for getting into university. To me, my goal of going to university is still attainable and I am now well prepared for facing the upcoming demands.
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Chau Wang, Jason
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Networking Stream, 2012-2014)
HKU SPACE Community College offers the best learning place for students who are struggling for further studies after the public examination. I gained a lot from High Diploma in Information Technology (HDIT). From both inside and outside the classroom, the learning atmosphere as well as the kind and experienced lecturers always stimulate my interest and arouse my passion in studying Information Technologies. I no longer regard myself as a loser. When I first came in here, I had a strong faith in my mind: “This is a brand new chance for me to start over, I can make it.” To achieve my goal, I put the largest efforts that I could. I reviewed everything I had learnt in the classes once I returned home every day. Even when I commuted to school, I read the notes on MTR in order not to waste any of my time. Finally, my hard work was rewarded by different university offers in Hong Kong. HDIT programme not only taught us subjects theoretically but also assisted us with numerous practical labs and step-by-step demonstrations in class. Anything we learnt from the lessons can be applied to our daily life directly and practically. Besides, I deeply appreciated the final year project which provided us with an opportunity to work as a team and applied what we had learnt these two years. The study at the college has reinforced my confidence and changed my attitudes of learning and studying. I am proud to become an all-round IT student with all necessary skills I learnt from the courses. All in all, the Higher Diploma in Information Technology in HKU SPACE Community College is a challenging and fascinating programme that equips students with professional IT knowledge and practical skills for the future studies and career development.
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Ho Hau Chuen, Godwin
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Networking Stream, 2012-2014)
I could still remember the bad days when I received my unsatisfactory result in HKDSE. I was at a very low ebb during that period of time. However, I did not lose my interest in information technology. Instead, I made a big decision to study in the Higher Diploma in Information Technology at HKU SPACE Community College. The learning experience and the atmosphere on my first day at HKU SPACE CC were still in my mind. The lecturers were willing to share their working experiences with us and the relationship between lecturers and students was very close. Moreover, they encouraged students to raise questions and discuss the topics together. I was majored in networking stream. During these two years, I have learned switching and routing knowledge and practical skills. The networking stream covers the professional knowledge with the supplement of industrial practice, which has laid the excellent foundations for us to obtain industrial certification in the future. Now, I am a holder of CCNA and I am striving for CCNP in the coming year. Apart from the great learning atmosphere, the programme also provides us with manifold laboratories and equipment. Meanwhile, it gave me lots of international exposure and opportunities. For instance, I was selected to participate into the 9th Cisco Hong Kong-Macau Youth Networking Skills Competition on HKU SPACE behalf last year and was awarded with merit at the end. These valuable experiences and achievements equipped me to become a university student with clear aspirations and confidence. I believe everyone should still have chance to strive for the final success regardless what HKDSE result he obtained at the beginning. It only depends on how much effort you have made on it. Now, I have been successfully admitted to The Hong Kong Polytechnic University for further study. HKU SPACE Community College has led me to a brighter future. Thank you.
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Johnman Li
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Networking Stream, 2012-2014)
I graduated in Higher Diploma in Information Technology at HKU SPACE Community College and have become a professional in the field of Information Technology specialized in Networking. This is a two-year programme from which I got priceless treasure such as knowledge, experience, friendship, and so on. These two years, I had a fantastic life that I have never imagined. I met different mentors. Not only did they teach me the subject knowledge, but also guided me to find my path. They shared with us their life experience and different interview techniques. We were also given a lot of chances to broaden our horizons such as participating in Cisco Hong Kong-Macau Youth Networking Skills Competition. What I have gained from HKU SPACE CC supports my further study and career development. Learning in HKU SPACE CC allows us to work on different types of equipment such as routers, switches, simulators, servers and security appliances. Throughout the intensive experiments we had a chance to observe how technology changes our life. At the same time, practicing network buildup and troubleshooting also helped us to pass the industrial examination easily. Along with our study journey, we understood what we really need to treasure finally --- the valuable friendships among classmates and teachers. I am proud that I have had a couple of lifelong friends since entering HKU SPACE. Some of them pushed me to work hard on every subject. Some of them have always brought me joy. Some of them have encouraged me to fight for the goal together. I never feel being alone. At the end I got admitted to the undergraduate study of Information Engineering in City University of Hong Kong this summer. I believe the foundation laid by HKU SPACE would be much beneficial to my lifelong learning journey ahead.
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Kwok Hoi Kit
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Networking Stream, 2012-2014)
Time flies when you are having fun. My college life in HKU SPACE has come to an end yet I have had a great life and I have no regrets. Two years ago, I was enroled in Higher Diploma in Information Technology through non-jupas application. My knowledge about IT was very limited but I was given sufficient guidance and information about what I should do and what I am required to do. After the first semester, I knew what I want and what I am interested. Therefore, I chose Networking Technology as my major of Higher Diploma in Information Technology. My study within these two years is fruitful and joyful. I have made lots of friends and maintained good relationships with my lecturers. I enjoy the school life here. In addition, the way of study has changed substantially when it jumped from secondary school to Higher Diploma programme. I realize that we should be more self-initiative at the very beginning. The most significant difference between Higher Diploma and Associated Degree is the learning system. Associated degree curriculum focuses more on further education while higher diploma concentrates on the professional training for career path. Knowledge and skills I have learnt from this high diploma in Information Technology are valuable that can be applied to our daily life. To conclude, I am glad about my study in HKU SPACE. I have learnt lots here in both academic and practical aspects. Now, I’ve received an offer from an UGC funded university for my further study based on my achievement in HKU SPACE. I am ready to accept the challenges on my road ahead.
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Mok Ka Ho
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Security Stream, 2012-2014)
Studying in HKU SPACE Community College has brought me unforgettable memories. That was not only the hard life in study but also the learning environment. The lecturers are professional that they explain the topics effectively. They are also helpful and kind that they are willing to answer our questions patiently and providing us with a pleasant environment on study. I have met a lot of guys having the same goal as mine. We studied, learned and had discussions about what we got from the lectures. I was not alone whenever striving for my future in college because the teachers and my friends were always at my back to give me a great support. The college also provided me with lots of valuable information and resources on the related career path and development which guided me to the right planning for future. The knowledge and the skills I learnt from the college are really practical and useful today. The lessons in college were totally different from those in secondary school. The former ones were more interesting and more active. We could work on lab exercises more often. Therefore, my knowledge on computing has been enhanced with such plenty of practices. And these skills help me a lot when I was interviewed by the university. The experience in the college secured me with a ticket entering into university and equipped me well for the future. I am grateful for all that I have gained from the High Diploma in Information Technology Programme from HKU SPACE and now I have been successfully admitted to the Information Engineering at Chinese University of Hong Kong for further study.
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Shum Lai Tuen
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Networking Stream, 2012-2014)
Two years ago, when I received my HKALE examination results, I was so frustrated as they were far below my expectations. I knew I would not be admitted to any universities with such results. Since then, I kept blaming myself for the failure and felt I had lost everything. A week later, I soon realized that successive feelings of depression were meaningless. As life still goes on, I had to plan for my future. Since I was so determined to receive tertiary education, rather than re-sitting the HKDSE exam, I decided to take HKU SPACE's Higher Diploma in Information Technology programme (HDIT). At the beginning, as I used to be a biology student who had not taken any IT related subjects before, I always doubted whether I was making the right choice and was afraid that I could not catch up with the lectures. Surprisingly, what I had been worrying about was totally unnecessary as I discovered that the lecturers there explained every aspect of their subjects in detail and were willing to answer whatever you had questioned about. Since the courses were carefully arranged, I could progressively learn things in an in-depth manner. Apart from theories learnt from the lectures, students were given plenty of time to use different computer programmes and devices so they would be able to obtain abundant hands-on experience and theoretical knowledge at the same time. Even if you have any enquiry other than studying, like furthering your studies or your career path, you can also consult the lecturers for advice. Two years passed, I have received offers from both HKU and HKUST. This can best demonstrate that entering HKU SPACE's HDIT programme is not at all a regretful option. At last, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to HKU SPACE Community College for providing me an alternative way of entering the university.
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Yeung Chung Hei, Stephen
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Networking Stream, 2012-2014)
HKU SPACE Community College (CC) is a well-known seat of learning among students who are seeking further study. The courses conducted by the college are well recognized by the Government and local universities. I entered CC and enroled in the Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Networking Stream) after taking the HKALE. I found that I can learn, try and achieve new things in the CC. CC helps you to get a seat in the university. It is commonly seen students who have taken this programme receive offers from local universities. And the CC can also provide you with the opportunity of studying overseas. As for prospects for employment, CC has equipped us with the necessary Networking knowledge and skills for a job in this technological age which surely enable us to get into the job market. CC also provides college life experience for us. There are many clubs and societies formed by students. For instance, members of the Music Society perform a musical all by themselves annually. Furthermore, CC provides great chances for us to improve our interpersonal skills which will benefit us in the long term. We have done many group projects. Moreover, we can easily request for meetings with lecturers for enquiry about learning, further studies or career decisions. In conclusion, CC provides further studies, makes us a professional and helps us to link with the society. You can find your own learning style in CC. Hope all of you will find your college life meaningful and enjoyable.
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Leung Wai Kei, Jenny
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Chan Wai Ka, Dylan
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Liu Kwok Kwan, Calvin
2014-16 Student of Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
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Chin Ming Fung, Queenie
Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication (2014-15)
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Wan Kam Leung, Christopher
2013-2015 Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Networking Stream)
HKU SPACE Community College provides a comfortable learning environment for students who seeking for further studies or finding an IT related job. “No Pain, No Gain”. After received the HKDSE result, I knew I could not become an university student. Luckily I have applied HKU SPACE Community College Higher Diploma in Information Technology programme through E-APP, therefore I kept on working hard to achieve my final goal in College. I put my largest efforts to work hard in studying and hoping to achieve my goal - enter to the university. HDIT programme provides different technique courses with theoretically lectures and practical laboratories to let us become familiar with those topics. In networking stream, students could have the ability to learn different network protocols and troubleshooting techniques. It is a good opportunity for me to study in the College with state-of-the-art computing facilities and enhanced my knowledge with passion. Studying in HKU SPACE Community College also offers us an opportunity to participate in an international competition namely the Cisco Hong Kong-Macau Youth Networking Skills Competition. It was a great opportunity for me to improve my networking skill through competition with Hong Kong and Macau post-secondary students. Higher Diploma in Information Technology programme in HKU SPACE Community College is a charming and wonderful programme that could help students being prepared for the future studies and career path. I have successfully gained the offer from CUHK for further study. HKU SPACE Community College has delighted my study path and my learning journey.
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Chan Chin Ching, Gore
2014-15 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
在CC讀副學士只有短短兩年,時間並不長,但對我來說卻非常重要。我學到很多不同知識,亦認識了很多不同的人。 在CC,除了自己的主修外,還要學習其他科目的知識,例如藝術、歷史、社會科學等,達至全人教育。因此,我了解自己的能力和選科的重要性。就我而言,因我數理比較強,所以讀工程比較輕鬆,但其他科目則比較遜色。有些同學因選了不合適的科目,結果讀得非常辛苦,成積又不理常。所以選對了就事半功倍,反之則事倍功半。學習以外,我也認識了不少對工程很有熱誠的朋友,有些對程式很在行,有些則對硬件很了解。從他們身上我獲益良多。 在此希望大家亦能在CC獲得成功,找到自己的理想,並達到自己的目標。
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Chan Yik Yee
2014-15 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
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Chong Ka Chin
2014-15 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
Stepping stone used to be what I said when people asked me about CC. That’s no longer my answer. Studying in CC changed my way of thinking and perception. There are so many courses which I found new and very interesting. CC not only serves as a platform for me to attain qualification but also a place to equip and to prepare for further studying. I’m thankful for what the lecturers have taught me and their hard work on helping me to meet my goals. I live a very fruitful life in CC, I have made many friends and been involved in all types of school activities. For me, the pace has been fast, and that definitely has been reminding me to avoid procrastination. I think you have to love learning to enjoy the journey. My tips are to always sit in the first row, take better notes, make friends with those who are diligent, and avoid temptations. Prospective schoolmates: Fasten your seatbelt and enjoy the journey.
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Chung Wing Ning
2014-15 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
一朝失意並不代表永遠。在港大附屬學院的生活讓我相信只要付出努力,總有一日能實現自己的理想。 在這裡,我不但學習到工程學科的知識,亦認識不少良師和益友。我由衷感謝學院的講師,他們不但傳授專業知識,亦樂意為我的將來發展提供建議和幫助。同學雖因各自的原因而來到學院,但是我們為共同的目標而奮鬥,度過了充實而難忘的日子。 我十分慶幸選擇了港大附屬學院,兩年的副學士生活亦讓我有所成長,為升讀大學打好根基。「不經一番寒徹骨,怎得梅花撲鼻香」,願各位同學能善用時間,為實現夢想而努力。
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Chung Yik Kwan
2014-15 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
Because I didn't do well enough in HKDSE, I was frustrated and decided to go to CC before applying to a university. Not only academic knowledge, lecturers are always enthusiastic to help us about our careers. Besides, my classmates are friendly and all of us have the same goal which is getting a degree in the university. This positive learning atmosphere definitely motivates me to work harder and achieve excellent results in examinations. After two years of hard work, I got degree offers from CUHK and HKUST. I then realized that I had made the right decision at the very beginning. If you think you and HKDSE do not get along, associate degree programmes may be another path for you.
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Wong Yuk Fong
2014-15 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
在港大附屬學院修讀工程學副學士課程,擴闊了我的視野,教我獲益良多。回想當初公開考試放榜時,知道自己的成績遠差於預期,我感到十分徬徨與迷惘。在網上看過資料後,選擇入讀港大附屬學院繼續學業。 修讀工程學課程,令我學習到各方面的專門知識,如電腦架構,程式設計和電路知識等。除此之外,學院亦著重通識教育,讓學生能全面發展,認識自我。 回望過去,學院不但提供另一條升學路徑,亦令我能更好裝備自己,面對困難。
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Li Wing Kiu, Grace
2013-14 Associate of Engineering, Year 1
This year, I have experienced the most unforgettable time in my life. Standing up from the place that I have fallen down is never easy. I still remember the day when I registered in HKU SPACE CC. I felt helpless and the dream of entering university was lost. I didn’t know what I should do next. Luckily, I meet nice lecturers here. They are always ready to help students, no matter academically or psychologically. They always share useful information with us which is extremely useful in pursuing further studies. Without their help, I wouldn't have passed through the hard times. Besides lecturers, my classmates are also equally important in my study life. We work hard together and strive for the common goal. Our positive attitude has motivated us to study harder. When I think of the past, I realize studying in HKU SPACE CC is the right choice. It provides me a stepping stone to be well-prepared for studying in university. Academically, I can learn university-level knowledge prepare me to study in university. Psychologically, HKU SPACE CC is a place for me to adapt the flexible studying style, which I now am also experiencing. Most of you may think studying in associate degree means failure. However, if you can put down your sadness, try your best and never give up, you can finally succeed! Wish all of you can achieve your dreams!
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Kevin Chui
Student of Higher Diploma in Information Technology (2012-2014)
HKU SPACE CC gave me a second chance. To start with, I actually did quite well in my HKDSE examinations. My 5 best subjects totaled 23, with a Level 5 in Maths, Physics and ICT. I even studied Maths M1, though only scoring Level 4. However, I ran into a fairly common problem with EMI secondary school students, some of us just cannot do well in Chinese Language. Sadly, I scored Level 2, where JUPAS decided to filter out all university applications of those who do not meet Level 3 for Chinese Language. So in JUPAS, I did not get any university offer to further my studies. To be fair, I saw that coming. HKDSE Chinese Language to me is like a lucky draw. Before the results were out, I had already applied for IT related higher diploma programmes through E-APP based on my interests, getting conditional offers from institutes in case I failed the lucky draw which I did. Among the offers, I picked the one from HKU SPACE CC as it was recommended by a friend who had just completed Year 1 HD IT studies here, and on top of that, associations with HKU itself is a quality assurance for the education provided. HKU SPACE CC has offered me a second chance, where I have received a university offer through advancing on my path to an IT career. However, it’s not as simple as learning things I am interested in. In my opinion, studying at HKU SPACE CC is closer to studying at university, or even to a real life working environment. In HKU SPACE CC, grade assessment involves group projects, and it’s common to bump into irresponsible people who do not care at all. With not much cooperation experience, I would say that studying in HKU SPACE CC is eye opening, gave me a good taste of worst case scenario working with people in real life, as well as how well it can go, and how people can achieve more working together. To conclude, HKU SPACE CC gave me an alternate path to university, and has taught me more than just IT.
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Tang Lung Kit
Student of Higher Diploma in Information Technology (2012-2014)
Everyone has a dream of studying in university. Unfortunately, I failed my HKDSE. After receiving my HKDSE result, I didn’t know where I should go at that time. Thankfully, I got into HKU SPACE CC and gained a lot from the Higher Diploma in Information Technology (HD IT) programme. During these two years, I learnt a lot from my lecturers and friends; not only academically, but also life experience. Lecturers would kindly share their experiences to us, especially work experience and their stories. They would offer a helping hand when we are facing problems. Besides, friendship is also an important treasure you will get here. Happiness and sadness should be shared with your friends. For me, I got a low GPA in semester one. Fortunately, my friends and lecturers supported me and encouraged me to put more effort in my study. Now, I am striving for CCENT in the coming year. HD IT is about different domains of information technology, and I have chosen networking as my major subject. In the networking stream, lecturers taught us networking step-by-step. For hands-on experiments, we can use routers, switches and other network devices to practise our skill in controlling them. Frankly, it is interesting for us to control the network by our hands and knowledge. I can still remember the satisfaction of making the network function. Apart from academic life, HKU SPACE CC provided many chances to improve my CV. I was selected to participate into the 10th Cisco Hong Kong-Macau Youth Networking Skills Competition last year and awarded with merit. This competition has widened my horizons and expanded my resume, which is very useful for my future career. Last but not least, I am proud of being a student of Higher Diploma in Information Technology programme. Studying in HKU SPACE CC is not just only to learn knowledge, but also to bring a lot of unforgettable memories and make friends, who can fight for the goal together. Now, I am admitted to the Department of Computer Science at HKUST for my further study successfully.
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Alan To
Student of Higher Diploma in Information Technology (2013-2015)
It is hard to forget the bad days after releasing of HKDSE results. Eventually, I decided to study in the Higher Diploma in Information Technology programme at HKU SPACE CC. It definitely was a stepping stone for me to enter the university. The lecturers were very much willing to help us, which made me feel hopeful. They were teachers with heart and we could feel every lecture was delivered with full devotion. They conducted lessons with absolute verbal clarity, and they were so friendly that we did not feel embarrassed to ask them questions when we had difficulties. Also, they guided us to get ourselves familiarized with all kinds of network equipment in the laboratory. All in all, studying in CC was an extremely valuable experience. After lectures, they offered us information about admission to university and taught us how to perform well in interviews. As an IT student in the networking stream, I learned a lot of professional knowledge about CCNA and CCNP. I learned how to configure the routers and switches through different kinds of network protocols and cables. Also, all students had the opportunity to implement these protocols on real professional equipment. HKU SPACE CC provides us a lot of opportunities to enrich our profile. For instance, I was a helper in the admission day and I was recommended to participate in the Cisco Hong Kong-Macau Youth Networking Skills Competition. These experiences are very useful to help us to be approved by the university. In summary, I am grateful to the lecturers and I find myself fortunate to have studied in this college and related programme. Although this articulation route is a bit longer than others, I entered UGC-funded university and regained confidence eventually.
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So Chun Kit
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Security Stream, 2013-2015)
My learning journey on Information Technology dated back to two years ago when I joined the HKU SPACE Community College. A mass of practical knowledge provided here was certainly able to help me develop a career success in the IT industry through this programme. Obviously, a motto has always appeared in my mind after I have engaged in this programme, “Grades and results are not your goals for studying, competences should be the key thing for you to acquire here”. Applying the knowledge that we have learnt and equipping sufficient practical experience were the most valuable outcomes for me in these two years. The courses have equipped me with plenty of practical skills, the knowledge of IT governance, IS Audit and so on. It helps me realize the real life situation in this industry, rather than theories only. Meanwhile, all group projects and skill tests were able to strengthen my self-problem solving ability since we have to fix all predicaments that we faced on our own instead of seeking assistance all over the time. “No more relying on the others and waiting for the answer, try to solve it by yourself”. This might be the main feature of the educational culture of HKU SPACE Community College. When I look back in these two years, truly speaking, it is a treasurable chance for me to study at HKU SPACE Community College since the backgrounds and attitudes of the lecturers are tremendously professional and serious; their self-working experiences could be the guidance or model for you to step into the specific industry later on. And, these factors helped me acquire an excellent result and make use of scholarships for taking the examinations of different certificates, like ITIL, CISSP and CISA. Consequently, HKU SPACE CC has helped me build up a career success and provided something for which the universities might not be able to do so.
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Tse Shing Yan
Offer accepted: HKUST Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science
After two years of study in Higher Diploma in Information Technology programme, I am really happy that I have finally received conditional offers from local universities. Eventually, I have chosen the offer of BEng in Computer Science from HKUST. The life in HKU SPACE CC is unforgettable. Below comes my experience of study in HD IT that I would like to share with you. First of all, be concentrated in the lectures. You should always remember your goal and do the right thing at the right time. Try to catch up with the lecturer's steps during the lecture. If you successfully do that, it will save you a lot of time in studying. More importantly, make a revision after every lecture. You may understand the materials well in the lecture, but you may forget everything if you make no revision. Studying should be treated as a daily routine. So, get into habit of studying. Also, try to get familiar with Google. Do not expect that you can learn everything from the lecturer during the lecture. Lecturers cannot teach you all the knowledge. “Give you a fish and you can eat for a day. Teach you to fish and you can eat for a lifetime.” Bear in mind that what we learn from the lecturers is how to fish. Do not bury your curiosity. Always strive to find out the reason behind the theory. “Chase excellence, success will follow.” Excellence is not only knowing what the things did, but knowing how and why they did. You should consult your lecturer if you have any confusion. If you are not comfortable to do so in front of the whole class, you could consider using E-mail. As the old saying goes: “Never give up”, it sounds preaching but it is truly real. If you give up, you will definitely have no chance. Certain percents of something is better than one hundred percents of nothing. So keep in your mind that miracle can only occur if you do not give up. The final thing that I would like to remind is that “Man proposes, but God disposes”. It is more than enough to do your best. Do not put too much pressure on yourself. Always remember that academic study is not the only thing in your life. Good luck.
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Chan Yu Chi, Rachel
2013-14 Student of Higher Diploma in Engineering (Year 1)
I felt so disappointed when I failed to gain admission to a local university after taking the public examinations. Yet studying in the Higher Diploma in Engineering programme at HKU SPACE Community College has given me a chance to achieve my goal. At the end of my first year, I realized that studying in HKU SPACE Community College had benefited me beyond my expectations. Apart from the skills and knowledge I learnt from the lectures, the different kinds of activities, such as laboratory sessions, site visits and placements, broadened my horizons. With the patience and guidance from the lecturers, I was nurtured to become a well-equipped engineering student, helping me get admitted to the Faculty of Engineering at The University of Hong Kong in 2014. Thank you so much!
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Tam Ka Ho, Alex
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Social Science
It was a tough time when I found out that I had failed to get a place in a local university two years ago. It was HKU SPACE CC that gave me the opportunity to keep learning and better equip myself for the future. Aviation had long been my interest but it turned into my study major, enabling me to pursue my dream in the future. Apart from regular lectures on aviation-related knowledge, the College programme team offered us various internships and part-time working opportunities, as well as a lot of relevant activities throughout the two-year programme. Being able to really work in the field helped consolidate my own knowledge and exposed me to some new things that couldn’t be learnt in the classroom. I am really happy that I had these precious practical experiences. I believe these real-life working experiences did help me a lot in gaining admission to university two years later, and will definitely help me in the future when developing my career path. A lot of people see the study of sub-degree programmes as a waste of time and money, but I think, on the contrary, these two-years enabled me to think about what I wanted my ideal future to be, and turn it into reality. The time in the College is not only about academic achievement but about whole-person development as well. So please don’t close yourself off from society. Seize the opportunity and enrich your life in CC!
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Chu Ka Wo, Dennis
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, International Shipping and Transport Logistics
If you want to pursue your dream in aviation, it is not a bad idea to study in this programme. You will meet a lot of lecturers with strong experience and willing to share all they know with the students, so you will get a lot from studying here. I have kept a good relationship with some lecturers, even though I have already graduated from HKU SPACE CC. We sometimes have a dinner and chat about everything. The two years studying in the Aviation Studies programme were the most enjoyable moments ever, as you are studying something that you like. I have met a lot of friends with the same interests and share the same passion, so you will not be alone, if you are interested in aviation. There are many activities in this programme. I have joined two summer study trips to Beijing, Tianjin and Chengdu. Thus, I could visit an Airbus factory, flight training school and an aircraft maintenance hangar. You can learn a lot from the trip, such as the actual operation, working culture, and the aircraft structure in different countries. The lecturers will go with us, so we can ask them some technical or industry related questions, and you can learn a lot in those few days. We will have some local visits as well, like the HAECO and Heliservices visit. Every student will have a chance to visit those places to learn more about the industry. Some of you may want to be a pilot, flight attendant, etc. Thus, the College will have some workshops or seminars for the students. I have joined a two-day workshop of pilot interview skills. Due to the limited time, you cannot learn lots of knowledge about this, but you will know the most important criteria to be a pilot, so it gives you a chance to think about how to improve yourself to achieve your dream. You will also have a chance to fly the simulator with a pilot instructor, so you can know what it is like to fly. This course can help you a lot in preparing to join the aviation industry. How much you can get from this depends on how much you want to get. You will have a lot of chances here, so treasure every chance that you can get - this is the most important thing that I have learned here. I am now studying a BBA programme at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, majoring in International Shipping and Transport Logistics. I am still working hard on pursuing my dream. Dream Big! Fly High!
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Chan Wai Lun, Tom
The Airport Authority Hong Kong- Operation Officer
Being a pilot is many teenagers’ dream, including me. However, it is definitely not an easy task, even we seldom gain knowledge related to aviation in our daily life. During the first year of study, I have gained a lot of basic aviation knowledge, like aeronautical knowledge, safety management skills and airport operation. We could even try to do a risk management project for helicopter operation and had a chance to visit the hangar of HAECO. Those learning experiences were really gratifying as I have always been an aviation enthusiast. And then before the start of year 2 study, I did have an opportunity to work with the aviation industry, I was a ground service staff and air cargo service officer. Those experiences let me transfer my knowledge learnt from classroom to practical skills applied in the industry. When proceeding to year 2, I further gained more comprehensive understanding of the operation of aviation industry, like air traffic management, human and environmental factors in aviation operation etc. The final year project also made me understand how team work and effective communication could be useful in business aviation. I also joint the International Federation of Airworthiness safety forum in Hong Kong, which gave me a chance to observe and realize what was happening inside the industry and what expertise they were focusing on. During my whole study of HD AS, I had joined two overseas aviation trips. I went to Beijing, Tianjin and Chengdu respectively to visit their aviation institutions and companies like Airbus production line in Tianjin and Beihang University in Beijing. Chengdu has always acted as an aviation hub like Hong Kong. Other than visiting aviation institutions and companies, we also toured the aircraft parts factory and maintenance hangar there. Now, I am continuing my study in university, but I believe what I learnt in CC will be beneficial to me life-long, especially to my career development in aviation industry.
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Yiu Tsz Ting, Anthony
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Bachelor of Nursing
I am Anthony, a year 2 student who loves and enjoys devoting myself to the aviation industry. Here is my 'adventure' in HKU SPACE CC. To start with, I would like to describe my academic experiences. All the lecturers from my course are industry specialists. Although they always have a tight schedule, they have fully supported to me if I encounter any difficulties. What's more, they have used their wide connections in the industry and prepared numerous site visits for students such as Cathay Pacific City and Heliservices. Apart from study and site visits, our College offers a variety of internship opportunities to us. For me, I have been working in Cathay Pacific Services Ltd. from January 2014. It has strengthened my knowledge and I have gained practical experience which benefits my future career and gives me a general picture of the ‘real world’. The College also organised various study trips for students. I took part in three international events: the Singapore Airshow 2014, the China Airshow 2014 and the Asia-Pacific Aviation Education & Training Symposium. In these events, we chatted with representatives of well-known organisations (e.g. Airbus, Boeing) and they always answered with a detailed explanation. It allowed us to learn cutting-edge technology from international talents. Sometimes, we exchanged contact details with them (i.e. Facebook and LinkedIn). And now to the most exciting part in my school life – Orientation Camp. From planning to holding, the programme team was not involved too much and students were the role players in this event. Better still, we could meet many new students and build up a positive relationship with them and guide them to the right way if they came across any difficulties. All in all, our programme provides vast and limitless opportunities for us. You can gain many valuable experiences unless you choose to miss out on the opportunities that are waiting for you. I hope you will join with us and be a next generation talent. Hope to see you soon! “Beware of missing chances; otherwise it may be too late someday” – Franz Liszt
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Cheng Chi Yip, Michael
Management Trainee, SATS HK Limited
The goal of being a pilot is my dream after a cockpit visit when I was 14 and it ignited my passion to Aviation for many years. Unfortunately, I started studying an Associate Degree in Social Sciences at HKU SPACE Community College after high school and then I transferred to the Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies programme after my first year of studies. As an Aviation Studies student, I experienced plenty of valuable opportunities to learn about the Aviation industry through exchange programmes, oversea visits and internships. Most of our lecturers are Hong Kong professionals working in the Aviation industry. They are willing to “facilitate” our studies and share their experiences in the field by providing practical tasks in our courses. I remembered a remarkable assignment in the risk management course. We were required to perform a Risk Assessment on a local Aviation agent and my team was one of the top three groups in our programme and we won a ferry helicopter flight gift certificate. In addition, I benefitted greatly from a training tour in Korea for the Asia-pacific Aviation Education & Training Symposium which inspired me to discover the joy of working in the industry and through discussions with the Aviation experts from around the world. I was lucky to be one of a very small number of people who was selected as an intern at the Metrojet Ltd., a Hong Kong-based six stars private operator. During the summer internship, I participated in a number of strategic positions in various departments from Engineering & Flight Operations to Corporate Safety. I also received an overview of a typical Air Operator to understand the perspective between Business & Commercial Aviation which was great experience and starting point for my future development in the Aviation industry and developed my ability to learn new knowledge for my further training. Time flies, I will be spending my last semester in Aviation Studies. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all the lecturers, staff and my lovely classmates in the programme. The joy of Aviation is built from passions, determination, dedication and insistence and I believe a successful “Aviator” should have these elements to keep their excellence. Never let obstacles stop you, strive focus on your passion.
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Lee Ming Tsun
2014-2015 Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Web and Multimedia Development Stream)
“What didn't kill you makes you stronger.” I totally agree with this now. I failed totally in HKDSE, but it did not kill me. “Failure teaches success” It became the motivation of my study because I did not want to be a loser anymore. I determined to study hard to show that I am not only that. Finally, I chose to study in HKU SPACE Community College. I chose the Web and Multimedia Development Stream. It contains some programming and web authoring. This is my favourite domain and I am good at the subjects. I chose this also because the elective subject of ICT in secondary school is programming. I have been interested in programming since I was small. Another reason is that I may get better result in this stream. It may help me get into university easier. Time flies like an arrow… Of course not! This year is the most fulfilling time in my life regarding interpersonal and academic aspects. In interpersonal aspect, I have joined some societies. The camps are unforgettable, but more important is that I had met lots of friends there. I had a wonderful time with them. In academic aspect, I have learnt a lot from lecturers, classmates and the course. Lecturers are not only teaching us knowledge on the books. They also taught us the logic that how to think with professionalism. Moreover, they told us what is happening and the tendency of IT industry. In addition, the projects taught us a lot. We acquired knowledge from the projects. For example, I learnt how to write the algorithm or how to programme the website, etc. On the other hand, we learnt how to cooperate with our classmates. We had to divide the work and everyone had to finish their parts on time. A project could not be done individually. We helped and learnt from one another to finish every project. Those are unforgettable and precious memories. Eventually, I got into University. I can finally achieve my goal to further my study. If you chose HKU Space Community College, congratulations! This is your best choice!
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Tang Chiu Tang, Kermit
在過去兩年,新媒體與傳播這個課程不但讓我學習到豐富的媒體知識和傳媒理論,它還讓我獲得不同的專業技巧,例如影片製作,動態圖像設計和網頁設計等等。 更重要的是,透過這個課程網我可以參加不同的活動和比賽。我曾經就參加了流動電影節,紀錄片製作和不同的參觀活動。這些寶貴的經驗讓我大開眼界,對我未來的工作也有一定的幫助。 而課程專有的設備借用服務是我最喜歡的地方,因為我可以在這裡借用到很多專業的影片製作設備。例如有單鏡反光相機,燈光設備和穩定腳架。在課餘時間裡都可以自己嘗試製作影片。 總括而言,新媒體與傳播是一個能學習到專業知識,同時也能獲得實用的技巧的課程。
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Fok Chun Kit, Kevin
2015 Graduate of Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
This programme provides me with knowledge in media aspect as well as gear usage. From theoretical appliance of media to actual practices of filming, I really gained a lot of chances to actualize my dream and passion. Not only media knowledge have we learnt, but we also study marketing and corporate communications, which provides us with a wide range of future career choices.
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Wai Ching Yi
2015 Graduate of Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
After studying more than a year in the New Media and Communication (NMC) programme, I think work hard and play hard is the most important part of studying in any tertiary education programme. This programme provides student with a wide range of coverage in different practical skills, such as video editing and shooting and some basic editing skills, media planning skills and different kinds of marketing strategies to promote the company’s products by using different new media tools. The courses included in this programme not only enriched our knowledge in both media and marketing fields but also enlighten our creativity in thinking and accomplishing different creative ideas. For people who have not yet decided which specific area they are interested in the most, NMC would provide you with different opportunities in meeting various learning topics and thus, I believe that after two years of studies, you will definitely be able to find your own path in learning and also in your future job prospects. Therefore if you have dreams, chase them and don’t wait for opportunities to come to you but rather to create them for yourself.
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Natalie Au
在香港大學附屬學院修讀新媒體與傳播的兩年間,認識了有關於新媒體不同方面和範疇的知識,原來比想像中多和廣泛,例如市場或媒體概論,影片剪輯與拍攝,網頁設計等。 新媒體其中一個魅力就是於日常生活的運用,從被動的一方變成主動在新媒體製作內容的一方。在學習的同時,能夠同時間在現實中簡單的實踐出來。 課堂所學習到的知識令我可以在新媒體行業的工作上得到平衡及容易適應。此外,融合課內外的知識及經驗,令我更加清楚知道自己未來的職業導向及大學選擇。
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Li Hang Yee, Rachael
記得當年放榜後,看到自己沒有任何U Offer,當下腦袋一片空白,完全不知該怎樣做。最後,只得找同學求救,在他們的陪伴下報讀了HKU SPACE。 以前總聽說專上學院的導師並不用心教,總聽說有很多free rider的存在,總聽說只有極少「太空人」能順利降落大學。但這兩年內的經歷,令我覺得我要重新定義HKUSPACE這地方。 我遇到不少有心的導師,總是幫助我。我的組員都很好,該做的事情都會辦妥。我在今年畢業終於能升上大學了。 很多時候,我們總被別人的輿論意見所影響,導致前途茫茫的感覺出現。從今以後,不要再只「聽人講」「啲人話」,要學會自己感受,其實只要努力認真做好每件事,任何東西都阻止不了你進入大學,夢想總會成真。
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Ng Yuen Ying, Angel
Bachelor of Aviation Management
After my HKDSE exam in 2013, I chose to continue pursuing my interest in aviation studies and thus applied to the Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies (HDAS) programme at HKU SPACE CC. In this two-year higher diploma course at HKU SPACE CC, opportunities were provided to us to learn more about the industry, through local site visits and overseas trips. In 2014, the aviation programme team organised a trip to the Singapore Airshow to provide enhanced opportunities. During the event, we had an amazing time watching the flying and static displays of lots of aircraft. It was also most enjoyable having briefings and discussions with experts we met at the booths, like those from Boeing, Airbus, Royce Rolls, Jeppesen and also interacting some air force military personnel from different countries. Apart from the airshow, we visited the CAE Singapore, to have an idea of how they train their pilots and to obtain a better understanding of the facilities that can assist their cadet pilots in skills development during training. We had a talk with the tutors teaching Aeronautical Engineering at Singapore Institute of Technology and toured the campus to see what their students actually learn in their courses at the institute. In 2015, the programme team organised another trip for us to Seoul, South Korea to join the Asia-Pacific Aviation Education and Training Symposium (AAETS). In this particular event, we met lots of professionals from the industry, who are working on aviation education, airline training and even working for International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). We made lots of new friends through the symposium and we still keep in touch with them as hey have fortunately become our mentors in our aviation studies. During the trip, we also had a Junior Airport Management Course at Incheon Airport Aviation Academy, we visited the airside of Incheon airport and the maintenance hangers of Asiana Airlines, to understand more about the development of this location and how they concentrate their efforts on building new eco-friendly terminals and hangers at the airport. My 2-year HDAS study provided me with numerous opportunities to learn practical aviation knowledge and up-to-date information which better equips me to join the field in the future. We had local visits at Heliservices and Hong Kong Civil Aviation Department; internship programmes provided by various airlines and ground handling agents at Hong Kong International Airport. Throughout the internship and local visits, I can implement what I have and have a more holistic understanding of how the theories I learnt from lectures actually apply in daily airline operations and management. Moreover, as most of our lecturers are currently working in the industry, we can always get the latest industrial information and knowledge for our learning from them. After graduated from HDAS in 2015, I decided to have a gap year for half and a year before going to Brisbane, Australia for my bachelor degree. I applied to Hong Kong Airport Services Ltd. and became a Load Control Officer handling Cathay Pacific Airways’ passenger flights. I used the load control knowledge I learnt from my lectures back into my daily work, and the knowledge helped me to fit into my work quickly as the theories I learnt from college and job training are totally the same. I really feel grateful for meeting lots of experts from the industry, they taught us lots of updated information and knowledge for joining and fitting into the industry workforce. Now, at the moment I am typing this article, I have already arrived Brisbane and ready to start my degree study in Aviation Management at Griffith University. I received credit exemption based on the credits I got in my HDAS study and it takes only half and a year, which is half of the full degree duration, to get my bachelor degree and graduate. I am looking forward to enjoy my new life in Brisbane, know more aviators around the world and learn from each other, and the most important is, use the knowledge I will learn to contribute to Hong Kong aviation industry.
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Li Lok Yee, Lois
Customer Service Specialist, Cathay Pacific
I have great aspiration in aviation, that's why I chose the Aviation Studies in HKU SPACE Community College in 2012. Throughout the two years, other than the knowledge taught by lecturer, the college also provides us opportunity to work at the airport or with different airlines. Luckily, I had a chance to work at Jardine Aviation Services as a ground staff. Although I only worked for a short period, I really enjoyed working in the field that I love. I am currently working in the Customer Service Department at Cathay Pacific. The time here is wonderful. Hope that other aviation-lovers can also find themselves from this programme.
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Shun Wai Yin, Dennis
Part time, Nippon Cargo Airlines
Do you like aviation? Would you like to learn more about it? Would you like to join the industry? Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies programme is definitely your choice. In this course, what you can get is not just knowledge on handouts but also a valuable and unforgettable experience that actually bring you into the aviation industry. During the two years’ time, I had been to several airshows and overseas trips. Unlike those trips in secondary schools, we are now treated as one of the professional in these major events. We would be able to chat with experts from famous companies (e.g. Boeing, Airbus) as well as share their design and ideas of their company which make you feel that you are a member of the aviation family. In the Asia Pacific Aviation Education and Training Symposium, we got a chance to listen to a sharing giving by an Emirates’ manager who told us about his career path and daily responsibilities. These experiences helped me to develop confidence in the business world and understand the operations of aviation industry which is very useful for my future career. Moreover, one of the big differences between this course to others is that many lecturers and tutors have worked m the industry. They would share their daily job experiences that enrich the lessons and make the classes more practical and useful. We also have a lot of opportunities to join many different internship provided by industry like Cathay Pacific Services Limited, Metrojet and Heliservices. For those who want to be a pilot or flight attendant, the college provides different training workshops and professional advice. We are also given the chance to participate in activities like the Annual Aircraft Crash Exercise held by the Airport Authority, which gives us a bigger picture of the aviation in different aspects. If you like aviation and would like to join the industry, it should be you choice. What you can get here would be more than you expected. Now, I am studying in a BBA programme at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, majoring in International Shipping and Transport Logistics and continue to strive for my dream to be a professional in the aviation industry. Hope to see you in the coming future!
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Wong Chun Kong
Social Science, the University of Hong Kong
This programme provides both practical skills and knowledge about the aviation industry in Hong Kong and around the world, which has helped us to build a good foundation to develop our career path in the aviation field. For instance, this programme offered us several field trips that could broaden our knowledge and experience on how companies operate their business. Furthermore, sharing sessions by pilots and flight attendants allow us to have a deeper understanding of their job. Their experiences were also useful for us to enter the aviation industry in the future. In addition, internship programmes were offered to us as well, which provided a valuable opportunity for us to know more about the industry in Hong Kong and better equip ourselves to get ready to enter into the industry. Not only do we have internship opportunities offered by the programme, the lecturers of each course have worked in the industry in Hong Kong. They are experienced and also have rich knowledge in different aspects of aviation industry which is useful to students whom are interested in joining the industry in the future. The higher diploma programme not only provided practical skills and knowledge to me, but also gave me a chance to further my study in university. HKU SPACE CC is rich in resources and willing to provide all possible assistance to students, including me, to pursue a degree after graduation. Although my current study is not related to aviation, I would still want to work in the aviation industry in the future. If you are interested in aviation or willing to develop your career path in aviation industry, please do not hesitate and apply for this programme.
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Lau Ka Wai
2014-15 Student of Higher Diploma in Engineering (Year 1)
Late 2014 was definitely a difficult period for me. I felt very disappointed after receiving my HKDSE results. Yet I was so determined to continue to my study in engineering, so following advice from my family and teachers. I applied for the Higher Diploma in Engineering programme at HKU SPACE Community College, and have no regrets. HKU SPACE Community College gave me a second chance to pursue my dream. I have learnt different professional skills. Through lectures, lab sessions, training workshops and visits, I have been nurtured to become a well-equipped engineering student. I kept improving myself and eventually I was admitted to the Faculty of Engineering at The University of Hong Kong in 2015. Last but not least, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for the patience and guidance from my lecturers. Thank you so much!
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Chan Yiu Hang
2014-15 Student of Higher Diploma in Engineering (Year 2)
After receiving my HKDSE results, I felt disappointed and I was confused about my future. However, by having the valuable chance to complete the Higher Diploma in Engineering programme at HKU SPACE Community College, I was able to develop practical skills and knowledge through lectures, lab sessions and site visits. With lecturers’ patience and guidance, together with the advanced engineering equipment, I became a well equipped and knowledgeable engineering student. I am so happy to tell you that I was finally admitted to the Bachelor of Engineering at The University of Hong Kong. Thank you so much!
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Tang Shing Fung, Nick
2014-15 Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
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Lam Hin Ho
2015-16 Assoicate of Engineering (Electronic Engineering), Year 2
I studied Computer Science at HKU SPACE Community College where I took different programming courses which are a major component in Engineering. No matter whether you have studied programming or not, it requires a lot of self-learning, especially in both individual and group projects. To make achievements in programming projects, I always consider about the user's view and further usage of the product. Our programming lectures provide basic theories and knowledge which have been extremely useful in applying to programming applications but sometimes challenging. Apart from academics, I am also an IVP of the IT Society, which have held software courses for students' need. It is fun to hold events for society members, like mass games for freshmen. Being an IVP has enhanced my leadership and communication skills, which are valuable in studies and working life. Therefore, I encourage fellow students to take part in societies' activities and services. Hope all of you enjoy studying at HKU SPACE CC.
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Lam Long Fung
2015-16 Assoicate of Engineering (Electronic Engineering), Year 2
I am Michael Lam and I am currently a year 2 student studying Associate of Engineering in Electronic Engineering. I chose to study Engineering as it offers mathematical and computational knowledge and it is a subject which helps to create an array of different products including smartphones and other products we use in daily life. HKU SPACE Community College (CC) is a good place to improve yourself in all areas and to learn about something you love to do and study. I understood that CC was my last chance to get into the university. I tried to change myself. I learned to pay more in what, including academic and interpersonal relationship, I was weak at. I have become more all-round than before and this is the most important thing aside from a place in university that I have gained from HKU SPACE CC.
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So Ka Long
2015-16 Associate of Engineering (Electronic Engineering), Year 2
After the failure of the HKDSE, I have chosen HKU SPACE Community College to continue my studies. Fortunately, I have received two offers from two universities after two years of studying in College. There is no denying that hard working is the paramount key to surviving in this competitive environment. Everyone in this college is trying to score a high GPA to get into university, thus, I needed to be proactive and hard working. Actually, I was not a hard-working person when I was studying in secondary school and everything changed after attending classes in the college. I realize that I need to work hard and change my studying attitudes and methods. The key to success is not only hard work, but also seeking help from the lecturers. Whenever I faced challenges in learning the subject content and I would consult my lecturer after the lessons and they are willing to help and provide guidance to overcome complex issues. Maintaining a strong understanding of the knowledge gained and received in class and getting advice from lecturers is beneficial to working hard and learning how to apply theory and knowledge into individual and group assignments.
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Samuel Chan
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Web and Multimedia Development Stream, 2014-16)
Two years ago, I did not do well in the examinations and could not continue my studies in university. I was worried and did not know what to do, just like how you are feeling at this moment. However, I stumbled upon this quote and it changed my whole mentality on my situation: “Life always has its ups and downs. If it doesn’t, you are dead.” To me, this quote means that it is normal to succeed or fail in life. Without failure, one would not be able to treasure the success he has achieved and the same goes to the other way. With this in mind, I decided to look and apply for higher diploma programmes to further my studies. In the end, I picked the Higher Diploma in Information Technology programme offered by HKU SPACE CC and learned the keys to success in studying through the two-year programme. One of the ways to success is to choose to study a programme that interests you. Of course, nobody likes to study, but a course you are interested in will be much more preferable than one that you hate. In addition, you will feel more motivated towards the course as you want to be more familiar about the subject. Motivation will definitely help you achieve your goals, whether it is studying or working on assignments. Hence, if you are not sure of what subject that you are interested in, then give yourself some time on this website and look for a programme that you will have the most interest in studying and apply for it. Another key to success is to use your time wisely. Everyone has 24 hours a day. How you use those hours is all upon you. If you find a subject challenging, then spend more time studying on that specific course. If more hours invested on it and it still does not do the trick, then asking lecturers for assistance will be another option. Remember, lecturers are the best resources available to you. Use this approach wisely. Last but not least, the key to success is to learn from your mistakes. “You can’t let your failures define you. You have to let your failures teach you.” You may have failed before, but many successful people fail all the time. What is important is that you learn from your mistakes and never make the same mistakes again.
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Chan Yiu Fung
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Information Security and Ethical Hacking Stream, 2014-16)
I have had the greatest time of my life studying in HKU SPACE CC. For whoever refuses to join the competition of “whoever gets the best grades in HKDSE utterly wins everything in life”, I sincerely recommend you to consider joining HKU SPACE Community College for studying what you want, have an opportunity to enter the university, and kick start your amazing talent machine if you have yet to find out what your true talent is. An extraordinary gift was given to everybody when they were born, but they can never discover it if they spend most of their time studying subjects that they have no interest in. Understanding your interest can unveil your natural talent and further help you to perform amazing tasks that you thought impossible in the past. The lecturers always say to us “Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen”. I did not believe this at first, because I was uncertain about my study in information technology which I thought would be very similar to my study in my previous school. It turns out that my knowledge of information technology was too limited. There is no limit to knowledge, in HKU SPACE CC, I can choose the information technology specialty that I want to study, which I was expected to be just like most of the community colleges out there, “programming” or “networking”. But here is an extra specialty, “information security” which is so interesting that I had to choose it. Occasionally, we hit a brick wall when we study difficult topics, but the lecturers are so unlike the typical school teachers, they are super willing to explain everything we study, their passion motivates us, led us to discipline ourselves, to study harder every day. As a consequence, we can overcome any difficulties with the skills and knowledge we learnt here, helping us to become competent students. It is true that “something wonderful is about to happen”.
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Hui Ka Yin, Aldi
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Information Security and Ethical Hacking Stream, 2014-16)
When I still was a Form 5 student, my friend who had studied in HD IT showed me information about the security stream. It was the first time to hear about the programme and I found it interesting. After the HKDSE results had been released, he even took me to the Kowloon East Campus for the HD IT application. That was the beginning of my life in HKU SPACE CC. Some rumors declare that it is so hard to get a high GPA in the security stream. I hesitated at that time as to whether I should study this subject. It was a big challenge, but I still selected it as my further study area. I have never regretted to make the decision. Lecturers always introduce the knowledge with their working experience. So we can clearly understand the key points or the ideas within the notes. This knowledge will equip us to be professionals. I feel lucky to study in HKU SPACE CC HD IT. Besides the knowledge, lecturers even share their attitudes on how to treat others. We have to consider other's views. That's why I consider the tuition fee is worth it. I am pleased to accept the offer from Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Computing and Information System of HKBU. It will be a new stage for me to study. What the lecturers in HKU SPACE CC taught me can definitely help in my future studying and working. There is no difference between the salted fish and us if we don't have a dream. Lots of candidates just strive to study at university, but some of them have never thought about what job they want to do. I have found out. Being an information security professional is my dream. It pushes me to study hard. I hope that I can share my professional knowledge and experience with others. Security issues should be paid attention. I will strive my best to work in this field. All the knowledge that I learn will be included in my knowledge database to support my future job. I wish that I can make some contribution to the industry as well as the world.
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Ng Ngai Ming
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Networking Stream, 2014-16)
14 July 2014, is the day I received my unsatisfactory results in HKDSE. It was a very tough period for me and I began to think about what my efforts had achieved. Fortunately, I got an encouragement from my friend, “The important thing is to learn a lesson every time you lose.” I then started my two-years of studying at HKU SPACE CC. The two-year Higher Diploma in Information Technology programme has taught me a wide variety of related knowledge and has given me an elated college life. I made many new friends, as well as those nice and patient lecturers. They provided many precious opinions on my study plan, which definitely relieved my anxiety. Majoring in the networking stream, the course introduces professional knowledge of CCNA and CCNP. I have learned switching, routing knowledge and most importantly, the practical skills. Through theoretical and practical teaching, I am provided with a solid foundation for future studies and work. I would also like to thank the college for providing the excellent facilities, as well as the wonderful work efficiency of the college staff. My initial success really confirms what the college principal, Professor L S Chan said, “The College is truly your bridge to a brighter future.”
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Olidan Felixander Kai
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Web and Multimedia Development Stream, 2014-16)
HKU SPACE CC opened my eyes to take up opportunities and to grow while having fun along the study life’s journey. Among the students from my class, most did their best during their examinations for university. However, I think I stand out as I didn’t take my public exam seriously like what others have done. I’ve been a playful student during my secondary school days with a mindset “I’ll never get in to university anyway, why try?” and the worst, “Only locals get to universities, I always have my home country to go back to and study there instead anyway”. I expected to simply work, take up Foundation Diploma or go back to where I’m from. With that said, I still think I’m playful but with a change of mind. I applied to HKU SPACE CC in case I’d be taken. Being able to reach the minimum and from the passion I’ve shown for computers, I did. This opportunity opened my eyes. I realized that chances are not meant to be taken for granted. I have striven and studied harder than my days in secondary school, and it bore fruit as I’m now able to get to university. During my stay, I’ve met like-minded and hardworking people. I can say that I’ve definitely matured over these 2 years with these people. Taking up Higher Diploma, it tremendously enforced what I wanted to do in the future and my interests, as well as know the things that I don’t particularly like. It’s been great studying here! I’ve always believed that everything happens for a reason. That there is a big, overall plan to each and every person, whether you’ve tried your best in your public exam, or the opposite. Just keep your head up high, and continue taking steps forward. It may not be the direction you’ve originally planned, but treasuring and grabbing opportunities that arise while trying your best will definitely lead you to a fruitful future! Keep your options open. Tunnel focusing university may help, but don’t stress over it too much. Good luck and have fun! To the ethnic minorities applying: Don’t let the language barrier stop you. Don’t be intimidated. Reach out, and you’ll find cool and awesome people that will accept you, like what they have done to me!
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Lam Chin Kwan
2015-16 Student of Higher Diploma in Engineering (Year 1)
I did not believe I would have an opportunity to study in The University of Hong Kong when my HKDSE result was released. However, HKU SPACE Community College provided me a second chance to pursue my university goal, with a quality education delivered by its Engineering Programme Team. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all lecturers who have taught me in the past year. They were not only teaching the knowledge from the textbooks, but also inspiring me to learn through lab sessions, training workshops and visits. After one year of study at HKU SPACE Community College, I am so happy to tell you that I was admitted to the Bachelor of Engineering at The University of Hong Kong. Thank you so much!
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Dickson Cheuk
The Airport Authority Hong Kong - Operation Officer, Airfield
Upon the completion of the Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies programme, I am well equipped with a concrete foundation of knowledge and skills regarding Airport and Airline Operations, Air Traffic Management and Aviation Security and Contingency Planning, etc. Through this programme, I’m pleased to have an opportunity to work in Heliservices as a part-time Casual Junior Duty Controller organised by the Internship programme. Through these experiences, not only have I equipped myself with various ground handling techniques, I have also developed strong critical appraisal skills in the aviation field. Now I’m working as an Airport Authority Operation officer in the Airfield department, not only has this programme enriched my aviation knowledge in airport management, it has also provided me with an opportunity to put my knowledge into practice. Aviation is not so much a profession as it is a disease.
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Ho Ka Yung, Isabelle
BBA (Hons) International Shipping and Transport Logistics, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Do you have a dream of becoming a pilot or flight attendant, or a manager of an airline company? Reach out and touch your dream! Unleash your potential by taking part in the fun-filled activities organised by our programme. Socialize with aviation experts, work on exciting projects and have a taste of being on a large variety of jets, ranging from helicopters to fighter planes. Bear in mind, the 3C’s of life: Choices, Chances, Changes. Let your dreams take flight!
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Sin Lok Man, Cedric
Air Traffic Flight Services Officer III – Civil Aviation Department
The Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies (HDAS) programme offers comprehensive classroom training closely related to the aviation industry. Through internship programmes offered by HDAS, you can get hands-on experience which is important for aviation professionals. Site visits also provide a good insight of the working environment of different aviation firms. After the 2-year programme, students sharing a strong interest in the aviation field could work their way through and understand how the aviation industry functions. The programme prepared me by building a good foundation of knowledge for further development and it also inspired me to never stop learning as new things emerge every day in the aviation industry. Taking what I have learnt from the Higher Diploma Programme, I continued my study under the Bachelor of Aviation Management Programme in Australia. The bachelor programme consolidated what I have learned from HKU SPACE CC and took it to another level. Upon graduation, I stayed behind to undertake powered aircraft and glider training.
I love flight training and it is something one could never forget; every turn, every stall, every spin and every loop was a delight for me. I would love to thank my instructors from Darling Downs Soaring Club and Airline Academy Australia for giving me such an incredible experience. Returning from Australia, I worked part-time in various companies and looked for development opportunities in the aviation field. It was not easy finding the right job so I studied under the Advanced Aviation Education Programme (AAEP) in 2016 to refresh my skills learnt from flight training. In 2017, I started to work under the Civil Aviation Department (Hong Kong) as Air Traffic Flight Services Officer (ATFSO) III. Working in the aviation field is one of the most rewarding experiences, you can always find something new no matter how long you have worked in this industry; this is what makes the aviation industry fascinating. There is so much to learn and the knowledge is out there for your grasp. I could go this far in such a short time only because I choose the right discipline of study at the right place. If you have the enthusiasm and determination to go down this path, the HDAS programme will bring you the knowledge and experience you need to kick-start your aviation career.
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Nesley Ngan
Undergraduate, Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Aviation Operations and Systems
Aviation is a field full of challenges, where unexpected situations are happening every second all around the world. At the same time, it has a limitless future in terms of development, knowledge and people. Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies programme in HKU SPACE CC provides me a lot of valuable opportunities and great memories. I am one of the lucky participants to join the Singapore Airshow 2016. Before the trip, I could never imagine how stunning it would be when a fighter jet flies across the harbour just few thousand feet away from me. Study trips arranged by the programme are definitely amazing and have broadened my aviation knowledge outside the books. Therefore, with the previous experience in the Singapore Airshow, I realized that as an aviation lover I should not miss these unique chances; therefore, I am going to join the Shanghai tour and the Incheon Management Course in the period of my Year 2 study. The programme also strengthens my connection with the aviation industry. In the year of 2016-2017, I completed a 1-year placement in the well-known Hong Kong airline, Cathay Pacific Airways, in a position as Customer Service Specialist. This placement opportunity was offered by the programme. From the interview at Cathay City to my last day of work there, I had to deal with different challenges and problems that came with passengers or were asked by travellers. At that time, supervisors and colleagues in CX were kind to give me a hand to solve all the problems. I built up a good relationship with the staff working in CX.
Fortunately, the administrator of the department welcomes all the interns to take their positions full-time after graduation since most of us were awarded compliments from customers and had a good performance record during the placement. Also, Cathay Pacific organised several field trips and visits during my internship, for example a tour of Cathay Pacific Catering Services (HK) Ltd and a visit to the CX First Class Lounge in HKIA. Apart from study trips and internships, lecturers in aviation courses have abundant knowledge and are equipped with solid working experience in the aviation industry. They have a passion for teaching and are willing to share their expertise with students. It was a pleasure to hear their advice when I faced difficulties about study or future career because they could always give me comprehensive guidance. I was even invited to visit the Cathay Pacific Pilot Training Centre and walk into the flight simulator cockpit with my lecturer. What an amazing and unforgettable experience in my life! In addition, I was the leader of the organising committee for the Aviation Studies Orientation Camp of 2016. Due to a lot of unexpected reasons, my team only got 3 months for the Ocamp preparation, which included campsite/shuttle bus booking, helpers arrangement, city hunt routing, and event scheduling. Recognizing this tight schedule, the programme team gave us great support. In the Ocamp, my team and I were able to show our personalities and abilities like leadership, time management, organising, and even dancing! Do not hesitate to chase your dream, remembering every small achievement will lead you toward success. Dream Big and Fly High!
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CHAN Pak Yui, Floyd
Flight Dispatch Officer, Cathay Pacific Airways
Throughout my two-year study in HDAS, I gained numerous professional knowledge, including Basic Aeronautical Knowledge, Safety Management & Risk Assessment, Human Factors & Performance, and Aircraft Weight & Balance and Dispatch. All of the lectures were delivered by local experts who have worked in the industry for a number of decades. Not only did they explain those theories in detail, but they also shared their valuable work experiences and insights into aviation developments during classes.
Aside from classroom teaching, the programme offered various activities to broaden our horizons locally and globally in the aviation field. To name a few, I attended the Trade Day of the Airshow to enjoy aerobatic performances and talk to key people from leading industrial enterprises like Airbus and Boeing. I also attended international conferences to listen to the latest and future developments in the field. I experienced a Trial Instructional Flight on a Cessna 152. Last but certainly not least, I enrolled in the Internship programme to become a frontline ground handling agent to perform check-in, boarding gate and arrival duties in the airport.
The HDAS programme has equipped me with essential skills and a worldwide perspective on the aviation industry. Even after joining the local flagship carrier, I still find what I learned and experienced in HDAS useful in my career. As a graduate, I have no doubt that HDAS is the right choice to get yourself well-prepared and pave your way to enter this challenging but fascinating industry.
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Ho Man Yui, Ryan
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in International Shipping and Transport Logistics
If you never try, you will never know. Aviation is a fantastic industry. There are lots of opportunities, and if you take every chance, you will enrich your knowledge and widen your horizon. After studying the Aviation Studies programme at HKU SPACE Community College, I could learn different aspects of the industry, for example airport operations, aviation business, aircraft weight, and balance and dispatch, to name but a few. Those subjects provide a great chance for me to know more about this industry and get solid experience. Apart from knowledge, internship is a rare opportunity for students, and the College has provided several internships with different airlines. I still remember when the internship at Cathay Pacific was offered, I was hesitating for a while, because I was afraid that I was not competent for this job. However, my friends encouraged me to join this internship, and it was a good chance for me to affirm my capability. Although I worked for one year only, I felt care and warmth in this programme. Everyone, especially the staff and mentors, took care of us all the time. During the internship, I not only learned about knowledge, but also building relationships with different people and interacting with others. I hope everyone who loves aviation or aircraft can join this programme. It should be a wonderful experience for you. Exploring and developing yourself: remember that, if you never try to do it, you will never know whether you’ll succeed or not.
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Scarlet Lee
Bachelor of Engineering in Energy Science and Engineering, City University of Hong Kong
The most effective way to do it is to just do it. And, I made a good choice in 2014, the year I started my study in this programme. I will never forget the brilliant time I had and the experience I gained in this course created by our programme team, teachers and the aviation specialists. If you have a little interest and are curious about aviation, choosing this course would be a good start to you to know this field. Aviation Studies is a big family. We have many great and experienced teachers from the aviation industry. Meanwhile, the warm and caring programme team provides valuable opportunities for to bridge students’ knowledge of some practical skills, which is a must in any workplace. Outbound activities, internships, workshops, to name but a few, are the activities which widened my horizon, and developed connections to the industry. In 2015, I received an opportunity to work as a technical support member in a helicopter company. I felt excited and careful about this job. In 8 weeks as an intern, I was fortunately allowed to learn and gain experience from different departments, such as engineering, operations and quality assurance. The working time was enjoyable because the knowledge from lectures and books could be applied in an authentic environment. Hence, it made my study more meaningful and gave me momentum to study harder in order to get prepared for my career in my favorite area. Now, I am still working there part-time to consolidate my knowledge in aviation and maintain my connection to the aviation sector. Overseas trips are also precious chances for me to build up my world view. Visiting and being a participant in the international conferences, airshows and aviation companies were helpful in knowing the latest technologies and news in aviation. Beside the aviation knowledge, I will also know the cultural differences in various countries in terms of the regulations, attitudes and so on. The programme team brought me to see the world, which is an essential element for deciding my career and the future. It won’t be easy but it will be worth it. Success does not come to you; you have to go to it and make it come true. Let you dreams take flight here and now.
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Ko Sun, David
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Networking Stream, 2015-17)
I discovered my life goal thanks to HKU SPACE CC. Before I started to study at HKU SPACE CC, I had the same mindset as many people that a person’s future is decided by their HKDSE results. Unfortunately, I failed my HKDSE gaining only 16 marks. I knew right then that a F.6 student could not find a long-term job with such a score, so I applied to study the HKU SPACE CC HD IT programme. At that moment, I never would have believed that one day I could actually go to university. However, today, I am proof that dreams can become a reality. While studying at HKU SPACE CC, my change in attitude has led to my current success. In the past, I didn’t pay much attention to studying and never really thought about my future. However, college lecturers are so different from secondary school teachers. They not only teach the knowledge from books but share their insights about life, letting you know how to enrich and change your negative habits and attitude. I have been transformed from a classic “lazy” student to much more enthusiastic person. I am not afraid of hard work because I believe that what I do is meaningful for my future. I got high GPA in semester 1 which was enough to prove my eligibility for university. HKDSE is not the be-all and end-all! So, if you are in a similar position, you should seriously consider studying in HKU SPACE CC in order to develop your experience and interest. Indeed if you feel equally lost, I believe that HKU SPACE CC can help you to change and enlighten your mindset and life. I recently accepted an offer form HKUST BEng in Computer Science. This would have been impossible without a combination of my personal hard work and the kindness and support I received from my lecturers at HKU SPACE CC. I am eternally grateful!
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Mak Chun Kit, Andrew
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Networking Stream, 2015-17)
Before I graduated from secondary school, I had already decided to pursue my career in the IT industry. However, I did not perform satisfactorily in the HKDSE exam and fail to enter university. Luckily, I have applied for the Higher Diploma in Information Technology programme offered by HKU SPACE CC to continue to achieve my goal. This two-year programme provides me a broad range of knowledge, including computer programming skills, networking and information security. After I developed a solid foundation of this three major subjects in the first semester, I joined my interested stream - networking. The courses of networking stream introduce the routing and switching knowledge. The contents of these courses are all relevant to two industry certifications, CCNA and CCNP. After the accomplishment of my first year study, I successfully got the CCNA certificate with the first trial. In addition, I have a lot of opportunities to work with the physical network gears. Earning hands-on experience is essential and valuable. The professional lecturers not only teach me academic knowledge, they always share their experiences with us, provide guidance to us how to success in the workplace. The lecturers also led our college team to join the Cisco Networking Skills Competition, and we won most of the awards. The college provides a great learning environment and atmosphere to me. This programme helps me to equip myself to work and study in the university.
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Chu Ka Ho, William
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Information Security and Ethical Hacking Stream, 2015-17)
Studying in HKU SPACE Community College is the first important decision ever in my life that I have made in which I love every second studying here. These include the nervous moments when rushing for project deadlines and the last-minutes before going into the exam venue. After all, I am grateful for a lot of things and people in here. I appreciate the people I met in the college. Although it may sound cliché, lecturers are patient and helpful as for our learning progress. Whenever I ask for help in academics or in future career, they always offer help and insights that help me solve my problems and improve myself. Special thanks go to our subject leader Dominic Cheng and college principal professor L.S. Chan. I cannot imagine how much less I would achieve without you two’s help. All of my 18 classmates are friendly and smart. They always surprise me with excellent ideas I have never thought of. Speaking of classmates, it definitely includes our alumni friends especially Amon and his teammates for helping us through tough subjects and tough days. Isaac Newton once said, “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants”, and these people are the giants I am grateful for. Thinking out-of-the-box is something easier to say than to do. In my 2-year journey, we have been challenged by lecturers to keep asking them questions. In shell programming class, capture the flag (CTF) activities are breath-taking and fun. You should not have known the fastest way to solve programming challenges is by Microsoft Excel until it is done by your friend Peter sitting next to you. This kind of active learning atmosphere made me overcome my fear of failure which has been built over my life and started enjoying studying and programming. These are the lessons I will never forget, and they change my way of thinking forever. Hardworking has been proven as an important factor in personal success. But the term ‘hardworking’ is scary at first glance. ‘Hard’ and ‘Working’ are usually conceptualized into negative feelings. Some people describe me as a hardworking student because I get satisfactory GPA. However, my close friends and myself are all acknowledged that it is not the truth. I am just a curious person who recognizes that I know nothing at all. I am also a lucky person who figures out my interests in HKU SPACE CC and I hope everyone reading this story do so. I believe the right word is ‘enjoyment’. And I wish you have the best time learning here and enjoy every moment just like I did.
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Chan Uen Yin, Banana
2015-17 Student of Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
In these two years studying the New Media and Communication programme, I found my passion and path. Through acquiring theoretical knowledge and practical skills in different aspects such as marketing, media communication planning and video production, we had the chances to explore our talents and interests. I really enjoyed studying in this programme. The projects we did were challenging but fun, which we could make use of our creativity and things we learned. Also, we were provided with many unique opportunities, for example visiting i-Cable, Korea study tour and shooting for aircraft engineering company. All these wonderful experiences are extremely useful to my future study and career.
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Wong Lei Yee
2015-16 Student of Higher Diploma in Engineering (Year 2)
I can tell you that a two-year study experience at HKU SPACE Community College is valuable and fruitful. Studying is not independent work and I made lots of friends here including classmates and lecturers. I always met lecturers who were willing to stay behind to teach us. Last summer I joined an internship programme at Hongkong International Terminals (HIT). Together with students from different universities and colleges we analysed the relationship between the velocity of a crane and the lifetime of components. I was very glad that I could make use of my study to apply my knowledge at work and that I could broaden my horizon. Thank you HKU SPACE Community College for giving me a great opportunity to learn and to explore my talent!
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Wong Cheuk Yin, David
2015-17 Student of Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
本來是誤打誤撞入讀HKU SPACE CC新媒體與傳播高級文憑課程,然而在兩年的修讀過程中,漸漸令我對原本一竅不通的媒體學產生了濃厚的興趣。
總括而言,HKU SPACE CC的新媒體與傳播課程,絕對是一個令我感到新鮮、有趣而且實用的課程。
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Tsui Nga Yin, Yoyo
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Computing Stream, 2016-17)
Personally, this year has been my year of self-reflection and self-evaluation. You may be doubting yourself right now, but trust me, I had been in the same place. I can tell you that the best thing to do now is to treat this as a new beginning, and that’s exactly what I did in HKU SPACE CC. It is a good thing I have picked the right place to pursue my education. HKU SPACE CC provides a strong supportive backbone for students’ success, where workshops, seminars, mock interviews, counselling services and even visit to a tech company were available for enriching our education, and of course I utilized all of them for my academic success. Not enough? Believe it, lecturers and staffs will listen to what you have to say if you hit them with an email. With CC’s emphasis on team building, I got to meet many great people during group projects, and I managed to score some lifelong friends too! The programme of Higher Diploma in Information Technology provides you with wide range of knowledge that are both suitable for the workplace and further studies. Majority of the lecturers are not only equipped with course related expertise, but also with insights of the IT industry. Don’t be afraid to chat with them. Instead, you should take your learning outside of your classrooms whenever possible! Our lecturers also encourage us to explore with possibilities. Be it working in a big tech company, going to universities or creating the next big hit tech gadget. Before HKU SPACE CC, I already knew how to write a computer application on my own. However, after studying at CC, I know how to manage a project team, to enhance security and to troubleshoot networking problems in my application. From an elementary student in ICT, I have now become a more comprehensive student, ready to take on any challenges thrown in my way. Thanks to this programme, staffs and the teachers who have taught me, my passion in IT has been consolidated, and now I’m ready to take my education to the next level. My advice to you is to make alliance with people with common goals, take initiative inside and outside of your classrooms and at last, have a fantastic time in HKU SPACE CC, which I’m sure you will. At the end, I’d like to give a shout out to the ladies out there who are interested in IT but afraid to make the first step. With determination and hard work, you can get anywhere! If you ever feel lonely walking on this not yet popular path, come find me and we can empower each other in this endeavour!
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Fung Wing Hin, Oscar
BEng in Logistics Management and Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
I can swim in the water, I can walk on the ground and why can't I fly in the sky ? Being a pilot has always been my dream since I was a kid like 6,7 years old, but a dream means nothing if you never set it as a goal and give a try, so I decided to try my luck here. Nothing valuable comes easy, people laughed at me because I gave up the normal path and made the decision to chase my dream two years ago, thought I have not completed my reason and become a pilot, at least I can tell everyone that making the decision to study here is undoubtedly a correct choice as it has provided me knowledge to do what I want to do, provided me the experience that allow me to be a competitive person in this society and industry, and most importantly happiness, as I have met friends here and lecturers who are always willing to help me out when I face any challenge.
Throughout the two year study here, I have learnt things like Risk Management, Basic Aeronautical Knowledge, Airline and airport operation and stuffs like that, every single aspect of the airport operation has been covered in the programme which has enhanced my knowledge towards the whole industry and most importantly, to get myself be well-prepared to join the industry. Besides, I had been working in Cathay Pacific as an intern for 1 year, as the position of Customer Service Specialist at the Global Contact Centre department, being able to work in such a giant company with great reputation at the age of 18,19 is nearly impossible, but this programme has granted the chance to. All in all, it is a great opportunity to work there and the one year experience was great, I have learnt so many things from that, which allows me to be a more all-rounded student and not just learning from books and notes, but also from real-life experience.
Also, I had been to Korea and joined the Incheon Airport Aviation Academy study trip in 2016, as you know, the Inchecon Airport is one of the best and most impressive airport in the world, having a better reputation than hundreds and thousands of airports in the globe including the Hong Kong International Airport. Aviation is an industry that is an international one, so to improve ourselves, we must take other places as reference, learn from their good and get rid of the bad. Although I have only joined one study trip, I have to say that you are going to learn more than just sitting at the library and read the books. As what Thomas Fuller said, He that travels far knows much, go travel the world, observe the others’ culture and you will find that you are just a small piece in the universe, and there are trillions of things you still have to learn.
Dream High, Fly High !
Be a part of us, instead of be apart from us !
Come join our family !
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Yung Yu Hang, Leo
Flight Attendant, HK Express
Hi, I am Leo, a graduate from 2014 of Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies (HDAS). After graduation, I took the Bachelor degree of Aviation Management in Griffith University and had a wonderful experience of studied aboard in Brisbane Australia.
HDAS provided many opportunities for site visits which gives students to learn on the field rather than only focus on the theories. During 2 years studies in HDAS, I had visited different aviation organisations in Hong Kong such as Heliservices and HAECO. Also, I had joined three different Study trip and had treasurable memories and knowledge gain from the trip. Visited the Airbus A320 production line at Tianjing, visited varies organisations related to aviation education including Universities and factories in Beijing and Sichuan, also visited Singapore Airshow helps me to know more about the development of modern aviation. I am glad to have chances to attend all three available study trips during my study. I had learn much not only the knowledge but also social skills which is very important in aviation because aviation is also about the connection to the world.
These two years in HKU SPACE CC really helps me to build up confident and decided to go for study aboard. Thanks for the partnership between HDAS programme team and Griffith University that I had benefits from credit exemption which let me finish the degree programme within two years. I had joined University’s flying club and soaring society to have some hands-on flying experience. It was amazing but felt nervous when I had a first flight on a pilot seat having my own controls on takeoff. Luckily I had my instructor with me and had some flight simulation experience on the lab before during the time studying HDAS that made me remain calm for the rest of the flight.
I am now working at HK Express as a flight attendant. HK Express is a LCC and had many differences compared to legacy airlines. What are those differences? I was heard and learn from the HDAS for the first time of what LCC is. Aviation is still developing and will keep glowing in the future. Let join us and share the passion of the sky!
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Cheng Sum Yi, Casey
Logistics Engineering with Supply Chain Management (Year 3), The University of Hong Kong
Failure in public examination did not put me off two years ago, yet I grasped the chance to study Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies programme in HKU SPACE CC. I have long been fascinated and intrigued by aviation industry. This programme consolidated my knowledge in aviation which aided me to pursue my studies in The University of Hong Kong afterwards.
Throughout the 2-year study, this programme provided me with aeronautical knowledge, not only theoretically, but also practically. It was fortunate for me to take part in Singapore Aviation Study Trip in 2016. It was really a tremendous opportunity, truly invaluable to step away from classrooms, and more importantly, to attend a biennial aerospace event - Singapore Airshow. I was astonished by the aerobatics flying display and I was really grateful to have a chance to view the impressive array of advanced avionics in cockpits, for which I probably could not learn from books or lectures.
I believe there is still a long way for me to go. Thanks to Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies programme, it paves the way for the pursuit of my studies and future career. I am now striving hard to seize the opportunity so as to devote myself in aviation industry in the near future.
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Cheung Tsz Chun, Anson
Customer Service Assistant, Airport Authority
As an enthusiast aiming to enter aviation industry, I am so glad to have studied Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies programme at HKU SPACE CC, at which I have acquired a variety of practical knowledge and experience. Thankfully, I am currently studying the Bachelor of Arts at The University of Hong Kong, and holding the post of Customer Service Assistant at the Airport Authority Hong Kong.
This programme, I believe, was an essential pathway to both academic achievements and successful career. Not only did the courses offer an array of aviation knowledge and theories, but also great opportunities to have hands-on experience that enhance my analytical competence. The one impressing me most was definitely the project on risk management for Heliservices (HK) Limited. Through the process as a leader in a group, I was inspired to utilise a variety of systematic approaches for accurate and comprehensive analysis of safety hazards identified, as well as their potential cumulative consequences. Examples were cost-benefit analysis and CLEAR Model of decision making, to name but a few. My group’s outstanding analysis, thankfully, was appreciated by aviation professionals and lecturers, hence we received Heliservices Outstanding Safety Risk Management Project Award, and won a free helicopter ride. So effective were the analytical methods that I got used to thinking in multi-dimensional, critical and logical way. Since these are the indispensable factors of academic achievements and successful career, this programme is no doubt beneficial for anyone who pursues further studies or position as a professional operating personnel in aviation industry.
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Hung Hei Tung Stephanie
2016-17 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
Because of the failure in HKDSE Chinese subject, I have chosen HKU SPACE Community College to continue my studies. I chose to study Engineering is because I had studied Physics and M2 during secondary school. In year 1 semester 1, I was learning the basic knowledge for the engineering subjects. In year 1 semester 2, I started thinking what I want to choose for the engineering subjects; electronic engineering, computer science or computer engineering. In year 2 semester 1, I started to apply the universities and attend interviews.
I am now studying in HKU SPACE Community College, Associate of Engineering year 2. I believed that most student in this College wanted to get a high GPA in order to get into university. I think the key to success is that you need to be hard working, cooperating with others during group projects, as well as seeking help from the lecturers. Since group projects accounted a big percentage in many lectures, so you need to cooperate with others and find group mates carefully as some may be free-riders.
The lecturers in the College, especially in the Engineering department, are willing to help and provide suitable guidance. I think the lecturers in the Engineering department is really different from my previous school teachers, they are always enthusiastic to help us, not only academic problems, but also about our careers. They will also bring you to visit different universities and find professors to give us talks, also finding students that had studied in the college to give us sharing.
After two years of hard work in HKU SPACE Community College, I got three conditional offers from HKUST and CUHK. I am really delighted that I had made the right decision at the very beginning which is continuing my studies in this College. If you want to continue your studies but your marks is not enough to get into the universities, I would suggest you to apply associate degree programmes in HKU SPACE Community College.
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Pang Sze Ching Jamie
2016-17 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
HKU SPACE CC has brought to me much more than what is written on lecture notes. During my two-year study in HKU SPACE CC, college lecturers provided a lot of academic assistance and advice to my future study. Lecturers organise visits to universities, including information section and student sharing, which offer more detailed information. The programme helps to equip myself with knowledge and skills to pursue my goals. Meanwhile, the college offers various kinds of extracurricular activities, which is accommodating to all students. The experience in this college has broaden my horizons. I am really grateful to HKU SPACE CC for all the opportunities and challenges provided.
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Lam Chak Shing
2016-17 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
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Tang Hoi Yiu
2016-17 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
In semester one, I felt puzzled and frustrated because I was not familiar with the new subjects and the new environment at HKU SPACE Community College. Thus, my exam result in semester one was far away from what I expected. Luckily, I met a lot of friends and lecturers here. They motivated me to work hard and help me to get across the difficulties.
I got an excellent result in the following two semesters under this positive learning atmosphere. Meanwhile, I received two interviews from CUHK and HKUST, followed by two conditional offers two weeks after the interview. I was excited when I received both offers from CUHK and HKUST, and I can’t wait to start my university life.
Failure is the key to success. Associate degree may be a good choice for you to get back into university and I wish all of you have a wonderful life in HKU SPACE CC. Keep your eyes on the goal and just keep taking the next step towards completing it.
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Ho Zannie Hiu Tung
2016-18 Student of Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
I have learnt so much from the HDNMC programme in the past 2 years. From video editing to digital marketing, this programme provided me with many useful skills. I also learnt how to communicate with others well since we had to work in groups all the time. I have broadened my horizon after studying in this programme. I realized there are much more of media than we see on the surface. It was new and interesting to learn how to write for new media and create a media plan. We get to be creative while learning about the theories of media. Moreover, we went on a Korean Study Tour, from which we got to experience filming and sound production. Overall, this programme was fun. I had a fruitful learning experience. These experiences have prepared me to further my studies and future career.
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Chan Lok Keung Tony
2016-18 Student of Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
雖然在公開試的成績未能符合入讀心儀大學學科的要求,但是在HKU SPACE的兩年時間中,慶幸有老師以及同學的互相幫助,令我有不俗的成績可以繼續修讀關於媒體的科目。我在這兩年間學會使用多種的軟件例如Photoshop、After Effect、Premiere和Illustrator等等,這些軟件幫助我十分多,特別在後期製作的時候。其次,校方亦有提供十分多資源給我們,例如上一年我參加了韓國遊學團,過程中見識到韓國的大型電視台以及電視劇的拍攝場景,都令我感到耳目一新。這些活動除了加深我對媒體的興趣之如,亦都可以累積這寶貴的經驗在日後面試的時候加以發揮,提升入讀大學的機會。
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Chan Wing Cheong George
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Computing Theme, 2016-2018)
After studying in HKU SPACE CC for two years, I found that although my DSE result was not good enough to apply for university, I was definitely not a failure. I failed my HKDSE Chinese subject so I continued my study in HKU SPACE CC, where I learnt much more knowledge and practical skills than my friends who were studying in university. When they were learning mathematics which were not required in daily life or workplace, and were attending many courses that are unrelated from their majors, I had already built a solid foundation in the knowledge of coding, database, system, networking and security. When I turned on my laptop, I felt like I had become a professional because since I could really apply what I learnt in the lectures. It gave me a sense that I was really learning something useful. If I passed the DSE and studied in university, I might still be studying theories and mathematics and could do nothing in front of a computer. Without practical skills, I would be absolutely worried about my career. Studying in HKU SPACE CC was really a turning point in my life.
Apart from this, most universities tend to require students to study engineering for one year before choosing the majors, which means we have to spend one year learning something unrelated to our majors, even if we are not good at or interest at them. If we cannot achieve high marks in those courses, we will not be able to choose the desired majors in year 2. Instead, HKU SPACE CC offers higher diploma programmes which we can directly choose our preferred subjects. For example, I plan to work in the IT field and so I applied for the Higher Diploma in Information Technology programme. What I learnt were all related to IT. After finishing the programme, students can continue studies at university if they achieve a good GPA. In another words, students do not have to study that “risky” year 1 in university. Instead, they can choose to study for 2 years in HKU SPACE CC. You can even apply for admission to senior years at a university after completing a higher diploma programme. As competition in higher diploma programmes tends to be lower, it may be easier to achieve good GPA. Last but not least, all lecturers I met were experienced and were willing to help and share with us their precious experience, which were definitely helpful to our career planning. Do not hesitate to talk with the teachers and enjoy the advantage of studying in HKU SPACE CC!
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Tsang Tsz Ching
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Networking and Information Security Theme, 2016-2018)
I was once a person who did not have any goals and dreams. I even did not have any motivation in taking my HKDSE and of course, the result was quite disappointing. After receiving the HKDSE result, I struggled for a long time for which programme I should choose for my further study because I didn’t even know what my interest was. As the deadline for applying programmes got closer and closer, I forced myself to make a decision which was to apply HDIT in HKU SPACE CC. This decision has changed my life and the way I think.
Just like starting a new journey, I learnt many new topics during my study in HDIT at HKU SPACE CC. I was given the chance to explore the knowledge about programming, network fundamentals, as well as information security which I found the most interesting. The courses not only taught us about the theory but also allowed us to practice our hands-on skills such as configuring physical appliances. This kind of teaching method made me easier to understand the concepts and grasp the techniques. Also, I gained valuable experience through participating in the 2017 CCNA Netriders Competition, which broadened my horizons and aroused my interest in the IT subjects.
In addition to teaching us the knowledge, lecturers also kept a good relationship with us. We can approached them for help either in person or via email freely and they always replied us patiently with detailed explanations. During the lessons, they always shared their personal experience with us and encouraged us to proactively think about our next stage of development. Their kindness and fervour motivated me a lot.
Thanks to HKU SPACE CC, I can now find my interest, set my goals and strive for them with motivation. This two-year journey at HKU SPACE CC so far is the most valuable and unforgettable experience in my life.
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Yick Ka Long
2016-17 Student of Higher Diploma in Engineering (Year 2)
Honestly, without the supports and encouragements from the professional and whole-hearted lecturers in HKU SPACE Community College, I would not have received a senior year entry offer from The University of Hong Kong.
In this two-year study in Higher Diploma in Engineering programme, I gained not only the academic knowledge from various courses, but also became clear in my future direction. The lecturers shared a lot of valuable experience and advices with me and they were always willing to help when I encountered difficulties or felt lost about my future. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all lecturers who have taught me and gave me guidance in the past years. Thank you very much!
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Chan Lok Kan
2016-17 Student of Higher Diploma in Engineering (Year 1)
When I received my HKDSE result, I felt lost but I did not lose my hope. I chose to continue my study in Higher Diploma in Engineering in HKU SPACE Community College. The knowledge and skills I learnt in this programme were very useful. Also, the lecturers I met here were very professional, kind and helpful, who were so willing to stay behind to teach us! The learning atmosphere here fueled up my passion to study hard and I would like to express my deepest thanks to all lecturers.
This year, I was admitted to the Bachelor of Engineering at The University of Hong Kong. Thanks to HKU SPACE Community College for giving me a fruitful year and a second chance to make my University dream comes true.
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Woo Ka Tsun Anson
Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication (Year 2)
Two years studying at new media and communication was very fulfilling. Students are acquired with technical skills in media production, such as photo shooting and video making. Assignments are not limited in paper work, some also requires students to get out side, take photos or record videos. When the assignments are done, both the products and the grades are satisfying if you gave your best.
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Bob Chan
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (2008-2010)
Back to 10 years ago, I was a student of HD in IT. Despite my major was networking, I had opportunities to learn about Information Security and entered the industry after my bachelor studies. Now I am back to HKU SPACE as a lecturer of the new programme HD in Information Security.
If one is asking me why I come back to teach, there are two reasons behind:
First, when compared with IT, Information security is a relatively new domain for people, corporates, institutions and even the society. Due to the fast advancement of technologies and increasing utilization in various industries, more security breakout and concern can be seen (and foreseen). However, shortage of manpower is a major problem throughout the industry, especially in entry level. So I would like to train more people for the whole industry, like what I have gone through in these years.
Another reason is to convey (correct) awareness of information security to teenagers and even the general public, for the misconceptions I have seen nowadays. From TV episodes, movies or the Internet we can see hackers who possess great abilities to destroy or save the world, and teenagers are being attracted and want to become such a person. But the truth is, this industry is a lot more than hackers and technical skills.
In this programme you will learn professional knowledge and skills necessary to survive in this industry, from compliance, audit, management, to technical skills, forensics and hacking (which is pursued by many). Also, you will hear sharing of stories and experience from our adventures in information security field.
My colleagues and I are here to help you to build interests and abilities, as well as provide guidance for your future studies or careers. Looking forward to seeing you around.
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Tse Sze Sze
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Networking and Information Security Theme, 2016-2018)
In June 2016, I was working in Ottawa and started planning to further my education in universities in Hong Kong. As I did not do well in public examinations, I did not meet the requirements to get into the local universities in Hong Kong. I began to seek for advices from people around me. Some of my friends who studied in HKU SPACE before were also graduated from some of the local universities like HKU. Their experience showed me a path to fulfil my goal. Based on the information provided on the website of HKU SPCAE, I thought HKU SPACE will be an ideal platform to equip myself. Therefore, I decided to study Higher Diploma in Information Technology in HKU SPACE (HDIT).
As I was a science student in secondary school and did not study subjects like ICT, I used to think HDIT will be very challenging to me. At the first few lessons of some of the courses in year 1 semester 1, I was very confused about the jargons and terms that the lecturers were talking. I put some efforts to search for explanations and try to follow the lessons. Fortunately, I started to understand more and the lecturers are very helpful to answer our questions. As a result, I got a satisfactory GPA and it gave me more confidence to study. At the end of year 2 semester 1, I received a conditional offer from HKUST in BEng in Computer Science and I realized I have finish almost half of my goal.
During the study in HDIT, I learnt many knowledges in networking, information security and programming. I believe everything I learnt here will be very useful for my future study and career. At the same time, I knew some friends here and I really appreciate their help and the time with them. As “All roads lead to Rome”, I think HKU SPACE is a good platform to equip ourselves to study further and work in the society. Everyone would find a way for yourself if you never give up the chances in front of you. Wish you all the best and good luck for your study!
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Wu Ying Xin Renee
2016-18 Higher Diploma in Information Technology
The two-year life here has helped me develop my interest and discover what I want. The lecturers were always willing to give a helping hand to us and explained to us patiently when we did not understand anything. The knowledge I learned here is very useful for my further study in the university which makes my studies easier and more effective.
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Ip Hiu Man, Lavender
2017 Flight Attendant, Hong Kong Airlines
When I first studied this programme, I was lost and couldn’t find my path in the future. After two years of study, I knew that I gained a lot from the programme.
This programme allowed me to join various activities. I was fortunate to be given a chance to attend study trips to airshows, conferences and training. We had the opportunities to communicate with the experts in aviation, to have a closer look at all kinds of aircraft and aviation technologies. Apart from learning, the college also arranged sightseeing sessions during the trip. I did have fun and enjoyed participating in these activities, which enhanced my interest in aviation and the bonding between classmates. It was also beneficial to our personal development by gaining exposure from different cultures outside of Hong Kong.
Besides academic activities, the programme team also arranged some extra-curricular events like orientation camp, fellowship dinner and barbecue party for current students and alumni. You may even have a chance to organise an event on your own, from planning to implementation. This programme offers opportunities for you to let your creative juices flow and enables you to put what you have learnt to good use.
Remember, every end is a new beginning.
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Kaur Simonpreet
2018 Year 2, Higher Diploma in Airline and Airport Services
Studying aviation has always been my dream as I would like to know more about the aviation industry. I started off with studying Applied Learning in Aviation during my high school years. After HKDSE, I continued to study the Higher Diploma in Airline and Airport service at HKU SPACE CC.
In this programme, I got opportunities to experience different things such as the overseas study trips. In the Singapore Airshow study trip, I gained more knowledge about the aviation industry. I got an amazing opportunity to meet with the Air Hostess of Air Baltic and asked her about her experience and road map for achieving my goal to be an Air Hostess. She suggested that I should work on my communication skills and my customer service skills. Overall, it was a mind-boggling experience for me.
Moreover, in the Australia Aviation study trip, I got a great opportunity to experience practical flying and attended lectures at the Swinburne University of Technology. In addition, I also visited the National Aviation Museum and the QANTAS Flight Training Center. All these experiences motivated me to study hard and achieve my dreams. HDAAS programme provided all the experience and education required to become a Flight Attendant, enabling me to explore more about the aviation industry.
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Tong Kin Fung Brian
Global Operations Specialist, Flexport Inc.
Studying Aviation Studies (Operation Stream) as my specialism at HKU SPACE CC has strengthened my interest and career goal in aviation management. The elementary aviation course equipped me with basic aviation knowledge. With a strong interest in applying concepts and theories to real situations, I joined an internship programme as a Customer Services Officer in Hong Kong Aviation Ground Services Limited (HAGSL) in the summer of 2017. I performed ground handling services at Hong Kong International Airport, including boarding gate and arrival duties, which broadened my knowledge of ground service handling in airports. I also participated in the Incheon Airport Aviation Academy – Junior Airport Management Course, where I learned about the trends of aviation business worldwide, airport operations at Incheon airport, and visited the airside. Additionally, I joined study tours to Singapore and Australia, which allowed me to explore different cultures, foods, people, and transport etc. One of the unforgettable moments was my flying experience with a Cessna 172 at Moorabbin Airport in Melbourne, Australia. I remember that the weather was rainy in the morning, and I was worried that I would be unable to fly. Sometimes, the sky is unpredictable, but it turned out that I was able to fly the plane with a stunning sunset!
After my remarkable two-year Higher Diploma study in HKU SPACE CC, I realized that I made the right choice!
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Law Chung Wai, Caillou
BSocSc Asian and International Studies, City University of Hong Kong
The aviation industry became my interest after I have played a computer game about air traffic control when I was around Secondary 4. Being an air traffic controller became my dream job afterwards and getting inadequate results in the public examination did not make me give up. This programme provided a lot of opportunities for me to enrich my knowledge and experiences throughout this two fruitful years. These foundations drove me to continue my academic path at the City University of Hong Kong.
This programme had given me a chance to take part in the Singapore Airshow, one of the biggest airshow in Asia. These airshows are not generally opened to the general public, especially to students like me. However, I can attend the trade day of the Airshow as a participant from the aviation industry. Moreover, the programme had also provided me an opportunity to work in the Hong Kong Aviation Ground Services Limited, which allowed me to join and contribute to the industry.
Let your dreams take off from here and make them come true.
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Chan Tsz Hin, Mike
BBA in Hospitality and Real Estate, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Most people do not understand about aviation industry and believe that this industry is only related to flight attendants, pilots and ground staff. In fact, there are many other specialists in this industry apart from what you imagine. If you have ever read a book called “Moments of Truth” by Jan Carlzon or have explored this industry on your own, you will know how professional this industry is.
Throughout the two-year study at HKU SPACE CC, the programme has enriched my aeronautical knowledge in every single aspect of the industry. Ranging from fundamental introduction to specific technical knowledge, a lot of areas have been covered in this programme. For example, the course syllabus of Aircraft Weight Balance and Dispatch is derived from the Jardine Aviation Services training materials, which has enhanced my knowledge in specific aviation profession. To sum up, all materials covered in this programme not only focus on theories, but also the practical aspect, which provide me with essential knowledge and skills.
On the other hand, I joined several study trips during my study at HKU SPACE CC. The most remarkable trip was the Singapore one. The Singapore Airshow is one of the most famous airshows in the world. It hosts high-level government and military delegations, as well as senior corporate executives around the world while serving as a global event for leading aerospace companies and budding players to make their mark in the international aerospace and defense market. This event was amazing, not only because of those real jets displayed but also the aerobatic flight performance. If you like aircraft, especially military one or the one who like chatting with aviation specialists from different sectors (Business, Civil or Military), here is where you must come.
This programme, I believe is an essential path to both academic achievements and successful career goals, and there is still a long way for me to go on. I truly believe that the future is in our hands. Only through strengthening my convictions can I motivate myself to strive for excellence and pursue my dream in the aviation industry.
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Cheng Ka Yuet, Kelvin
Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management (Senior Entry), The University of Hong Kong
Our education system is hardly a one-fits-all solution for everyone. I remember the moment when I failed in HKDSE, I started to doubt, "Am I suitable for pursuing further academic studies?"
The two-year studies, plus the overseas experience, did more than building up our solid foundations in the aviation industry. As we
studied further, we learnt to be critical and became more mature. Eventually, we were able to develop a mindset which greatly helped us plan for our own future.
Assessment of the programme ranged from flight and airline simulations to internship programmes. We were assessed comprehensively, and critically, which motivated us to keep reviewing and exploring.
Learning is no longer limited to lectures and the given materials. With the scholarships provided by CC, we could participate in overseas programmes to explore the industry with a global vision. We became more competitive and well-equipped when we graduated.
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Cheng Yuk Hin, Roye
BSc(Hons) in Environment and Sustainable Development, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Maybe it is your dream of life goal to become a pilot, a flight attendant, or even an air traffic controller, but it is easier said than done. To succeed, you have to equip yourself and Aviation Studies at HKU SPACE Community College is a good choice for those aviation-lovers.
In this 2-year programme, the provision of comprehensive knowledge and information about the aviation industry from the lectures, including Aviation Security and Contingency Planning, Air Traffic Management, Risk Management and other courses. Which are essential for developing a better and deeper understanding of the industry. Besides, the provision of internships, study trips and workshops are the golden opportunities to get in touch with the aviation specialists and to develop connections to the industry.
This is a process that paves the way to your aviation dream, so just trust the process and be part of our family.
'Never Quit. Never Give Up. Fly It To The End' - Chuck Aaron
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Rai Digant
BSc (Hons) in Aviation Operations and Systems, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
In my experience, HKU SPACE provides a great learning opportunity for students who want to pursue their career in different fields such as aviation, nursing, business management and so on.
I joined HKU SPACE back in 2016 to seek knowledge and experience in the aviation field. The two years of higher diploma course in Aviation Studies enabled me to obtain professional skills and knowledge in this sector. Some of these are aviation operation, management, case studies on future development, human factor, safety risk and assessment, etc. All of these modules were taught by high calibre professors, who had many years of experience in their respective specialism in the aviation industry.
Apart from teaching elements in the classroom, the programme team also ensured that we get more exposure and learning opportunities in the professional world of aviation. Some of these opportunities took me to Singapore Airshow 2018, Australia and Junior Airport Management course at Incheon Airport Management Training Academy. Participating in these programmes greatly increased my knowledge, skill, vision and most importantly a motivational boost for me to be a part of this industry in the future.
HKU SPACE CC has some of the best facilities such as a physical and online library, self-learning common rooms, IT equipment, etc. Which ensured that students are not restricted when it comes to learning. My friends and I used these facilities to the fullest for our course assignments, presentation preparation and occasional chit-chats.
Overall, in my opinion, the college has not only built up my understanding in aviation but also paved a way for me to meet my goal of becoming an aviation business analyst. I am currently studying further to obtain my degree in Aviation Operation and System at a reputable university. This would not have been possible had I not have a solid foundation in aviation.
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Kwok Ho Sang, Sunny
Bachelor of Aviation Management, Swinburne University of Technology
Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies is a nice programme. It covered different aspects in Aviation and helped me understand the operations of the aviation industry. The wide spectrum of learning activities including internship programme, study tours and aviation industry visits broadened our horizon and exposure beyond the textbooks. Graduates of this programme might articulate to the bachelor degree programme offered by Swinburne University of Technology.
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Lai Pik Lai, Betty
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Aviation Operations and Systems, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Two years ago, when I received my DSE result, I chose to study a Higher Diploma programme as I didn’t received any offer for a bachelor’s degree programme. I had no idea about aviation before I took up the studies. I chose this programme because of a simple reason. I love travelling! Now, I can say that I’m glad I’ve made the right decision.
At HKU SPACE CC, I have learned a lot of aviation knowledge such as basic aeronautical knowledge, airlines business and management, cargo and customer services, airport and airline operations and safety in the aviation industry. Those knowledge are useful for my future as I am going to work in the aviation industry. The most special thing about Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies at HKU SPACE CC is that all of the lecturers are working in the industry. They are all from different aviation companies or organisations such as Airport Authority, HKCAD. They always share their working experience with us so that we can have a better understanding of the industry.
Besides studying in the class, this programme provided a lot of opportunities of study trips experiences. During my two years of school life, I have joined three study trips to Zhuhai airshow, Singapore airshow and Korea Incheon Airport Academy. They exposed me to the knowledge that we couldn’t learn from books. Those are my best memories at HKU SPACE CC.
In 2018, I had the honour to participate in the one-year internship programme at Cathay Pacific to be a customer service officer at the airport. Working at the airport not only allowed me to apply what I have learned at the College but also exposed me to real-life experiences as a customer services officer, which included communicating with people from around the world. Those experiences helped me better equip myself for future career.
Although I have already graduated from HKU SPACE CC, I still keep in touch with the programme team and lecturers of the Higher Diploma in Aviation Studies. For me, HDAS is a big family. I have made a lot of good friends here.
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Leung Wai Tung, Stuffy
Bachelor of Aviation Management, Swinburne University of Technology
Time flies and two years passed in the blink of the eyes. If you ask me why I chose this programme in aviation at the beginning, I can tell you that I chose this programme because I felt that travelling by plane was an interesting experience.
In these two years, this programme provided me different chances to study, not only in theory, but also practical sessions, such as fire drill in airport or helicopter visit. These allowed me to learn different aspects in the development of aviation industry. Moreover, internship was offered to give us chance to have hand-on experience in the airport, which helped us learn how to apply theories into practice. I was delighted that I could join the internship programme. I had unforgettable memory from the programme. Working in airport was not easy and it was full of challenges. Besides, I felt working in shift duty was the most difficult for me because I had to adjust myself to work any time, no matter day or night.
From the internship, I understood more about myself, and realized that I had a lot to improve. You will not succeed by just sit there and think. Taking action is important as it can create a road to success. Try more when you are young!
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Mirandilla, John Christian Sariego
BSc (Hons) in Aviation Operations and Systems, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
I had no direction when I graduated from high school. I was feeling clueless and applied for several courses. At one point, I wanted to be a nurse or a civil engineer. When I joined this higher diploma programme, it was the spark that led me to find my direction. I’ve decided to join this programme to prepare myself for this industry. The higher diploma programme did just that and it’s safe to say that this has been one of the best decisions I have made in my life!
This programme gives you opportunities to participate in various activities not only in Hong Kong but other countries too! That’s what the Aviation industry is about, it is to broaden your horizons and develop more international links between other individuals in the industry. We had such an honour to talk to some of the key people in certain companies in the Singapore Air Show. For instance, Boeing, Airbus & Bombardier. The resources that HKU SPACE CC provides are very extensive and I’d like to give kudos to the amazing programme team to have given us such opportunities. It also gives you a lot of basic knowledge and essential fundamentals that prepare you for the aviation industry.
These past two years with HKU SPACE CC have been amazing. It surely gave me direction, happiness and satisfaction. I have been more enthusiastic and encouraged to join this booming industry.
The most memorable time has to be when I first took control of an aircraft in Melbourne during the aviation study trip in Australia! It will always be a vivid memory to me.
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Chan Pui Ki, Selma
Student Air Traffic Control Officer (SATCO)
This programme gave me a lot of opportunities to broaden my horizons. I had new experiences in Hong Kong and other parts of the world. Throughout the two years, apart from gaining knowledge in class, we also had many opportunities to join different activities such as study trips, orientation camps, and visits etc. I went to Singapore and Australia for study trips. The most memorable parts were the days when I had my own hands on the yoke, controlling a Cessna, and watching aerobatics being performed right above me. As a person passionate about aviation, study trips provided me with excellent opportunities to share experiences with people from other parts of the world who also worked in the aviation industry.
The sky is unlimited. If you are working on something that you really care about, you don't have to be pushed. Your vision will motivate you.
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Cheung Ching Fung, Matt
2019 Year 2, Higher Diploma in Information Security
Information Security when compared with IT is a relatively new domain for many people nowadays, it is not hard to discover the news that about data disclosure and system security loophole. Along with the advancing of technology, use of IT raises Information Security to an important role, that’s what I noticed about the future potential of this subject and the reason I study in.
This programme contains a wide area of knowledge than IT subject, you will learn professional skills such as hacking (also defense), auditing, forensics management skills and compliance. Networking and programing (C and shell), these courses same as other IT student will not missing in this programme. It can help you to build abilities on either management or technology.
Apart from the programme itself, lecturers are one of the main factors that leading student to success. Lecturers enjoy sharing their stories and experiences, willing to discuss and guiding students. It is better to ask the way than go astray during college time.
If you are interested in information security and want to expand the view of your future studies and careers. Information Security will be a good choice for you. Everything must have a beginning, hope to see you to start your journey here.
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Chui Hei Chit, Max
2019 Year 2, Higher Diploma in Information Technology - Computing and Data Science
After completing my NSC exam in November 2016, I was anxious about my future and my academic path. I returned to Hong Kong in December 2016 and attempted to apply to German universities. However, I got rejected by every university that I applied. Then my parents told me to apply for HKU SPACE CC to see if I could work my way back into a university.
In September 2017, I joined HKU SPACE CC and it marked the start of my tertiary education journey. The lecturers were professional, enthusiastic and down-to-earth; they were always keen to help students who needed extra help. The stream that I chose (Computing and Data Science Stream) gave me an in-depth look into the foundation of Computer Science. The College allowed students to choose the stream that suited their personal interests, ultimately making it easier for further study in university.
Anxious about your future? Don't worry! There is always a light at the end of the tunnel. The question that you should have in mind is – is it really that difficult? Keep your heads up high and good luck!
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Chan Chung Yin
2017-18 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
As a guy who has a high estimation from the peers and teacher in Secondary Second, I have never thought that one day my strength and ability can be used again when I suffer in the failure in DSE. Fortunately, I have learnt from the failure and I have grown in HKU SPACE Community College. But it is still a hard time for us as we have to study in a completely different environment.
Luckily, my first transcript here is pretty good. However, I have even stepped further in the next semester. This all thanks to not only my lecturers but also my "comrade". Lecturers here is passionate in education for both our knowledge and attitudes and my "comrade", they have provided me much help and we have been succeeding in many projects together. Without neither one of them, I will not be able to have such result.
Now, I have already received two offers from HKU and HKUST and one interview from CUHK. Every step here will become my experience in the future. Failure is not a monster, instead, it pushes you to become more hard-working. Although it might be difficult, it will be a good time when you study in HKU SPACE Community College. And I hope everyone of you can achieve your dream here.
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Chan Tsz Hong
2017-19 Associate of Engineering
Don't give up even you get unsatisfactory DSE result. Everything could be possible if you work hard!
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Ho Chi Chiu
2018-19 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
想起當初文憑試放榜的時候,當時因為中文成績不如意而選擇了港大附屬學院升學,真正感受到何謂第二次機會。 當時是比較對電腦科學有興趣,所以就選擇了工程副學士,想透過副學士入大學,繼續我的夢想。就讀副學士的時候發現學習模式與中學不同,雖然比較辛苦但很容易上手。 再加上有很多老師會提供無論是學業或升學的幫助,釋除了學業上不少的疑慮。老師也會帶學生到大學參觀,對自己心儀的大學增加認識。 在港大附屬學院努力過後, 成功捉緊這個第二次的機會,重新升讀大學。 到最後收錄的大學甚至是比文憑試預計進入的大學更好。 非常感謝港大附屬學院給予這個第二次的機會!
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Li Kwan To
2017-18 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
In these two years, I collaborated with different students to complete course projects, gaining hands-on experience related to the subject. Examples included building a website for a travel agent and programming a mobile game application. We spent hours of work on those projects, even working on them overnight. I have confidence that most sub-degree students are more competitive.
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Tam Yi Ting
2018-19 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
Studying at SPACE CC did not only grant me knowledge or provide me a second path for progression, but also letting me to understand my interest, strength and weakness. Two years ago, when I just started the semester, I worried that I could not cope with the courses as I never knew programming or M2. Meanwhile, if you are willing to raise questions, do more practices and find some useful materials online, they are not as difficult as you thought. I am thankful for the nice and professional lecturers who always concern our studies and future development, so that I could learn a lot here and prepare well for university. Lastly, I must say a big thank you to all my friends I knew here. Without your urge and encourage, I must not have this enjoyable school life and let’s go further together!
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Wan Chi Ho
2018-19 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
時光荏苒, 在港大附屬學院的兩年學習轉瞬即逝。在港大附屬學院的兩年讓我相信只要付出努力,總有一日能靠近自己的理想。 「海不辭水,故成其大」,只要同學一點點增值自己,在這裡增加工程的專業知識,總有一日有足夠實力升回大學。在這裡的日子充實又忙碌,壓力是一定會有的,但不甘平凡的心使我前進,為升讀大學作好準備。同學們,即使現在的才華不足以令你實現夢想也請別放棄,因為人只要努力總能變強。願各同學終能成為大海,實現目標!
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Yu Sun Leung
2018-19 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
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Lau Nga Sze
2020 Year 2, Higher Diploma in Information Security
When I was in Form 5, I have applied Computer Forensic Technology, one of the Applied Learning Courses offered by HKU SPACE. At that time, I have already built up my interest in Information Security and determined to enter this career field in future. Besides, with the advancement of technology, I believe that Information Security specialists stand as a very important role, while it is a relatively new domain in the IT industry. Foreseeing the potential and the importance of Information Security, I am determined to study this programme.
Information Security is not just about technology, management skills are essential as well. This programme provides common IT courses such as programming and networking. Apart from that, you will learn specialized technical skills through hacking and computer forensics, while learning management skills through auditing and Information Security management. After studying this programme, I have realized Information Security is more than an IT subject because it relates to other subjects and areas.
Even though I could not achieve the local universities entrance requirements after my public exams, HKU SPACE Community College has given me the second chance. The learning environment is comfortable, students are motivated and eager to learn. My sincere thanks go to the lecturers, they are professional, patient, and willing to help and support us. The best part of this programme is being taught by lecturers who are working in this industry. I always feel excited when they share their stories and work experiences.
More talents are needed in this industry. If you are interested in information security, do not hesitate to apply for this programme. You will gain more than you think and have a taste of the adventures in the world of Information Security. I look forward to seeing you and hope you enjoy the journey.
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Lin Matthew
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Computing and Data Science Theme Year 2)
After graduating from secondary school, I studied an associate degree programme at a community college. However, due to my inability to adapt to a new learning environment and my poor habit of not doing school work, I performed poorly and could not complete the programme. In hope of continuing my study, I retook DSE in 2018, hoping to improve my results and get a place in a university through JUPAS. This unrealistic expectation turned out to be another failure.
Instead of giving up, I self-reflected and concluded that I should learn from my mistakes and improve myself. Self-discipline and time management are essential for success, and I developed a habit of keeping an organised schedule, urging myself to perform the duties of a competent learner.
HKU SPACE CC provided me a second chance. The courses that HDIT offers closely adheres to my interest, and I was able to choose my desired stream (Computing and Data Science stream). The CDS stream gave me insight into Computer Science fundamentals, such as data structures, discrete mathematics, and object-oriented programming. I also had the opportunity to take an internship, which gave me first-hand experience in using emerging IT technology and cooperate with colleagues.
CC also enabled me to meet some great people. Lecturers are friendly and caring, and help is always available whenever I needed. I have also made some fantastic friends, who helped me tackle academic problems and group projects. One of my friends, who is a senior, greatly inspired me to aim higher and work harder to achieve my goal of getting into a university.
The future may seem uncertain and you may feel lost; keep calm, carry on and you will eventually find the right path.
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Lui Lok Marco
2017-19 Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
在中學時期,我對新媒體相關東西已經有非常濃厚的興趣,但對升學出路卻沒有概念。在公開試後我選擇了入讀HKU SPACE Community College的「新媒體與傳播」高級文憑課程,這個課程令我了解到現今媒體行業的運作,使我對將來發展方向有了大概目標,並提供了一個平台讓我的興趣及創意得到拓展。
此外這個課程啟發了我踏入製作動態圖形(motion graphics)的領域,我在課堂以及功課上找到了製作動態圖形作品的樂趣,課程激發了我在課堂以外也自發鑽研技巧,希望得到進步。
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Chak Ho Wai
2017-19 Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
Before knowing about new media, I felt frustrated in study as I would never achieve a satisfying result no matter how much effort I made. Coincidently, I met New Media and Communication. I found it to be interesting for me and gave me fuller motivation to get deeper into it. This course emphasizes practical techniques rather than theories. In these two years, I have become familiar with market analysis, photography, video shooting, softwares such as Premiere, After Effect, Illustrator etc. The most impressive experience was the studying trip in Japan. Visiting Japanese TV studio and media school broaden my knowledge. Overall, New Media and Communication provides comprehensive new media knowledge which gives me a clear future direction and career path.
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Suen Pui Ka
2019-20 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
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Hui Shiu Lun
2019-20 Associate of Engineering, Year 2
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Chan Wing Hong, Anson
2021 Undergraduate, BEng (Hons) Air Transport Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
I am glad to have studied for the Higher Diploma in Aviation and Piloting at HKU SPACE Community College. I believed that many people had a dream like me, to pilot a plane and fly in the sky. When I was in the secondary school, I was certain that I wanted to become a pilot in the future. I love flying and believed this occupation would suit me well. After completing my secondary education, I struggled to find a suitable aviation-related course in Hong Kong—especially about flying. Finally I discovered HKU SPACE Community College, which offered the course on aviation and piloting.
2019-20 was my first year at HKU SPACE Community College. It was my most memorable year in which I took part in the Australia Aviation Study Trip. During the trip, we secured many precious opportunities such as a trial flight at Moorabbin Airport in Melbourne. I was allowed to sit at the front of the aircraft with my instructor, and I would never forget the excitement during my first take-off and landing. I was so energized because I knew it was one great step toward my dream, and it confirmed that I had chosen my future career correctly.
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Chan Cheuk Yiu, Jessamond
2021 Undergraduate, BBA (Hons) Aviation Management and Logistics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Growing up with many curiosities about the sky—how the clouds hang, how the heavy metal objects fly, why airplanes leave white marks in the sky and so on—taking the path of aviation study filled up most of the unknowns for me. Clouds go through atmospheric cycles to form and deform, aircraft wings are designed in sweepback shape like birds to produce lift against their weight, and a contrail is the form of cloud when hot humid air mixes with the exhausted fuel-air mixture. Each of these mysteries that have been answered remind me of my favourite motto, “Every expert starts as a beginner.”
I am very thankful for every opportunity HKU SPACE CC provided for me—a wide range of experiences, airshows, internships at the airport, study tours, and, of course, the flying experience in Melbourne. Memories get washed off by time, but my first flying experience will stay fresh and exciting. From ground briefing to the Cessna simulator and climbing into the Sling2, to flying along the coastline and bringing the plane back onto the runway, feelings were beyond words!
The lecturers who have been or are still working in the aviation field provided the most updated and related sources for my study and career path. Staff were more than willing to help with any sort of problem, and they provided guidance for my study and career planning. Finishing the first year in HKU SPACE had broadened my vision and encouraged further learning in the field. I can’t wait for the next year to start!
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Ho Siu Wing
2017-19 Associate of Engineering
As a windsurfing athlete, it's hard to find a balance between sports and academics. I keep telling myself never give up when facing challenges. Tackle all the challenges and difficulties and you will have a wonderful time in HKU SPACE CC.
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Mak Chi Fung
2020 Year 2, Higher Diploma in Information Security
Information security is increasingly important nowadays. Under the current covid-19 pandemic, we go online in many aspects of our lives. Therefore the awareness for information security has risen.
In this programme, I learned to integrate different domains of information security such as audits, network security, and forensics. At the same time, I also learned two types of programming languages for my future studies and work. Apart from the hard knowledge, our lecturers also introduced the operations of the information security industry. For example, I learned when we should obtain an information security certification and the objective of different certifications.
If you wish to enter the information security industry in the future, this course can help you to understand it deeply. If you want to continue to study, it can also help you build a solid foundation in computing knowledge.
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Tam Hou Men Norman
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Computing and Data Science Theme Year 2)
Owing to my personal issues, I had interruptions in my academic studies in the past years. I have several years of experience working in the IT industry, and I like new technologies a lot. So I decided to engage fully in this industry and become a software engineer. I realized that in order to make my dream come true, I need to strengthen my caliber and competency in IT technology. In addition, I must acquire the appropriate qualifications. Therefore, I decided to resume my studies in IT.
I had applied for many local IT courses and programmes in 2019. Fortunately, HKU SPACE CC gave me a chance and offered me a place to study in the Higher Diploma in Information Technology programme. I treasured this invaluable second chance very much, therefore, I took every subject in the course very seriously.
The programme was very well structured--starting with the basics and progressing to the advanced computer theories including networking, data structures, and programming--which helped me to understand and enrich my computer knowledge. The part that I liked most was the proactive and warm learning atmosphere in the classes. The college encouraged students to work in groups. Also, students were willing to help each other when they encountered difficulties instead of competing with each other like enemies. With the sincere and passionate help from the lecturers and my fellow classmates, I was able to achieve satisfactory academic results in my first year and got a valuable offer from my desired university to continue my undergraduate study.
Dear fellow schoolmates, no matter what you plan to do--to work or to continue your studies--the HDIT programme is a perfect pathway. In two years’ time, I have been transformed from a hopeless youngster into to an enlightened student. And now I am full of hope. All of this would not have been possible if HKU SPACE CC had not offered me a second chance. All my hard work paid off. Please do not lose faith in yourselves, everyone is capable of success. If you have a dream and are prepared to strive for it, it will come true!
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Leung Mei Ching Ada
2018-20 Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
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Wong Man Ho
2018-20 Graduate of Higher Diploma in Engineering (Year 2)
Remembering how I chose HKU SPACE CC:
After 2018 HKDSE, I marginally missed out on a chance to go straight into university because of the Chinese Language requirement. I then decided to take a risk and go for HKU again by choosing HKU SPACE CC, since HKU SPACE CC students had the bigger shot getting back into HKU, and it was a hell of a journey!
Life During my time in HKU SPACE CC:
In these two years of study, it was a bitter-sweet experience, but I did enjoy my time there. Even though the environment was not the same as those studying AD Engineering in KEC but flying from one campus to another makes our life in HKU SPACE CC more memorable, as I and my mates had left many memories on different campuses! Some lecturers were very passionate and helpful in helping me understand the academic knowledge, as well as supporting me to get into university! I wouldn’t have done it without HKU SPACE CC, so thank you so much to all lecturers, program leaders, and staff who have helped me along the way!
Message to fellow students in HKU SPACE CC:
Getting into HKU isn’t an easy ft., I tried twice (year 1 and year 2), the second try was a success, but the long wait of the conditional offer made me terrified to the point where I paid the $5000 deposit to HKUST as a backup route. I’ve seen some of my friends got unlucky and didn’t receive any offers, so to all the current students of HKU SPACE CC, please keep faith and give your all in every course! Don’t slow down, because every grade counts, one slip-up could cost you a good university offer! Keep fighting!
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LAI Chun Ki, Aldous
Student of City University of Hong Kong, Bachelor of Arts and Science in New Media (Year 3)
When it comes to the term eSports, most people have the perception of “teenagers playing online games”. As a matter of fact, playing online games was just a small part of knowledge under the Higher Diploma in eSports at HKU SPACE CC. Apart from the skills learnt in practical sessions, I gained valuable experience when working with professionals to handle eSport projects. I also got to know that there was a wide range of career opportunities after graduation, including event organizer, programmer, sports coach, and media production, etc., which allowed me to have better planning for my further career.
Lecturers of this programme were patient to help and always encouraged us to try new things. Not only were they professional in teaching, they were also willing to answer any question regarding our academic or career development. They provided me with valuable advice which enabled me to pursue my dream in eSports. I would like to express my gratitude to all lecturers who have taught me. Thank you very much!
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Reza, MD. Raiyan Bin
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Computing and Data Science Theme Year 2)
Right after high school, I made a decision to take a couple of gap years instead of going directly into higher education. Soon after discovering my interest in Information Technology, I joined HKU SPACE CC, where I was given a chance to learn more about IT and prepared for my future in this ever growing industry. Choosing HDIT at HKU SPACE CC was one of the best choices that I have made because it allowed me to touch on a vast array of IT domains which exposed me to various fields in IT. Apart from the robust IT courses provided at HKU SPACE CC, another great aspect of the College was the lecturers. Throughout my studies here, not only did they help enhance and develop my IT skills, they were also mentors who were willing to assist me outside of my studies. With their help and guidance, I was able to articulate to university studies.
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Lee Kwan Fai, Issac
2017-19 Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
Through studying in this program, I have gained a lot of knowledge and practical skills. The programme covers a wide range of courses, such as Visual Storytelling and Digital Photography Production. Before taking the course, I was amazed that photographers could take excellent photos. After taking the photography lectures, we learned something about composition, exposure triangle and so on. I could apply those theories when I took photos. Moreover, the assignments were not just written assignments. We did have other assignment liked motion graphics. We could develop our creativity by using the “After Effect”. It was so fulfilling when you were able to create your own masterpiece. Moreover, we had study trip to broaden our horizons. I did enjoy this programme a lot.
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Gayathry Manoharan
2019-2021 Associate of Engineering
I still vividly remember my first day at HKU SPACE CC. I felt a huge relief walking into the campus, knowing that I was given an opportunity to turn my life around. The associate degree I took in CC was Engineering, and it had fundamental courses that would prepare me well for other courses in university. I also received abundant help from the teachers, particularly from Sir Jeff, who was the program coordinator for Engineering. If there is any advice I can give, then it would be to ensure you are on top of your work. Last but not least, I hope you all can get into your desired university. Good luck, and I wish you all the very best!
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Kong Pak Lam Thomas
2020-2022, Higher Diploma in Information Technology –Networking and Information Security Theme
I used to be a science student, and I loved playing computer games during my leisure time. While playing the computer game, I understood how IT skills helped the gamers and the methodology that the gamers could gain access to the Internet. Also, I learned how to protect my computers from being hacked and could write a script to finish some tasks in the game.
Even though I didn’t have particular IT knowledge before joining the programme, our lecturers were enthusiastic about teaching us the basic theory. Besides, this programme was well-structured; I’ve learnt the fundamental of networking, python programming, scripting in the Linus operation system, and basic network security concept. I believe that the knowledge I’ve learnt in this programme could be helpful in my future career.
If you doubt your future study, please think about your goal of success. I was not a good student academically in secondary school while I achieved CGPA 4.0 in year 1 at HKU SPACE CC.
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Lai Wai Yee Tyra
2022 Year 2, Higher Diploma in Information Technology - Networking and Information Security Theme
I had studied a higher diploma programme and a bachelor's degree programme before applying for this IT programme at HKU SPACE CC. Before joining CC, I had doubts about my career path in the future. After two years of study, I've learnt about IT knowledge throughout various assignments, group discussions, and projects. I have met many excellent lecturers, and also some great classmates. Lecturers helped me to enhance and develop my IT skills in networking and programming, they always encouraged me to strive for the best. I changed my attitude towards learning and made a great progress. This college provided me with a wonderful learning environment and atmosphere and I’ve achieved my goal at last. Future is always being unknown, do your best and cherish your opportunity to find your way eventually.
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Chan Shuk Ying, Yumiko
2021 Undergraduate, Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and Language Applications, The City University of Hong Kong
I ardently love aviation. The Higher Diploma in Airline and Airport Services programme enables students to acquire aviation, airline in-flight knowledge, etc. Lecturers are professional and enthusiastic about sharing experiences and guiding students to analysis from all perspectives. The programme offers a variety of experiential activities like visiting the HKIA restricted area and taking helicopters, etc. At the same time, the programme provided students with the opportunities to have overseas study trips in Singapore, Korea, and Australia. I was pleased to participate in the Australia Study Trip which I could interact with the local pilots and learn more about the Australian airport operations. It was a memorable experience that helped me take a big step closer to my career goals.
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Hui Ka Chun
2020-22 Student of Higher Diploma in eSports
Honestly, I thought eSport was just gaming before studying this programme. This programme introduces a lot about the eSport industry. It includes theory aspects about analysing the environment of the global eSport market. It also includes practical aspects e.g. how to organise an eSport event.
In addition, the programme offered some placements that giving us experience in handling eSport projects in real world. It was a valuable opportunity for me learn from the professionals.
I hope the negative perception towards eSport could be changed in the future. eSport is more than just gaming!
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Pang Ka Ho
2021-22 Student of The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, BJC (Hons) (Year 3)
假如你在文憑試後感到前路茫茫,我希望你像我一樣找到適合自己就讀的課程。新媒體與傳播是一個廣泛的學科,包括拍攝和剪接短片、網頁設計和市場學等。課程內容豐富,學生容易找到自己喜愛的範疇 ,從而開拓自己的未來。
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Saad Mahmood
Flight Operations Officer, SATS HK LTD.
First of all, I developed a passion for the aviation industry at a young age. I believe that passion plays a very important role in one's career, and it has fueled my enduring interest in joining the industry. Right after completing secondary school, I knew I had to study at HKU SPACE CC, majoring in Aviation Studies, due to its expertise in this field. During my two years at HKU SPACE CC, I became familiar with the aviation field.
Although I had been to many site visits and joined programs as a delegate while in secondary school, I still had very little knowledge of the day-to-day jobs available inside airlines, apart from Cabin Crews, Pilots, and ATC. Courses like Aircraft Weight Balance and Dispatch, Air Traffic Management, Human Factors, Statistics, Risk Management, and Safety Awareness allowed me to become familiar with the jobs and options that I can have after graduation.
If you are interested in aviation and don't know what you want to be or are not familiar with your career path, this course is a good starting point for you. After finishing the course, I can assure you that you will have a clear pathway with the guidance of the teachers and internship opportunities.
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Chuen Fung, Roger
Client Services Director - VistaJet
Have been in the aviation industry for almost 7 years, choosing to study in the HDAS programme was one of the most correct decisions I have ever made.
Back in the years, “Aviation” was not a common subject for study, but with the potential development in Hong Kong's aviation industry, HDAS became the very first choice on my list. The lecturer in this program are coming from the industry front line so their connections and knowledge could benefit not just your academic result, but also the career path in the future.
With overseas' studies experience, I worked as an officer in the flight operation field after I back to Hong Kong, and moved to a more customer service related side as I enjoyed facing to the customer / passengers. Don't think the airport check in staff will be your only option when doing the customer services related job. With the potential expending business aviation in Hong Kong, there is a lot of role which you could work and enjoy with!
Aviation keeps changing and keeps you improving!
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Au Yeung Wai Chun Jason
2022 Higher Dipolma in Data Science Year 2
I am truly grateful for the amazing individuals and opportunities that I encountered at HKU SPACE CC. It was an honor to be a part of such a supportive and academic community during my continuing education. The strong academic atmosphere at HKU SPACE CC provided me with an ideal environment for studying and learning. The lecturers were always willing to assist and foster my academic progress, and students were determined to achieve bachelor’s degrees and better career prospects. I was able to find supportive study partners throughout my journey at HKU SPACE CC.
The Data Science (DS) programme was a highlight of my life experience. This programme not only deepened my knowledge in data mining and data visualization, but it also kept me up to date with the latest trends in the field, particularly in the hot topic of big data. One of the reasons I chose this programme was because of its affiliation with the engineering department. It offered courses such as “Machine Learning” and “Data Structures and Algorithms”, which gave me the confidence I needed to pursue further study at the university majoring engineering and science.
Overall, my experience at HKU SPACE CC was unforgettable and I am grateful for every aspect of it. Being a part of such a “Big Family” has been an incredible experience and I am proud to have been a student at such a prestigious institution.
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Chan Wai Man Sam
Advancement to HKUST B.Eng. in Civil Engineering
Every failure is a valuable experience for us to move forward. The HKDSE is not the only path for you to study at a university and you should never give up. I am more motivated to study at HKU SPACE CC since I really love the programme that I studied. I am grateful for the teaching and help from all the people involved in this programme. The knowledge that I learned is highly related to my future career which encouraged me to put effort into study. Moreover, the industrial placement arranged by the College that enabled me to sharpen my skills in a professional manner. With sufficient knowledge and understanding of it, I have determined the career goals and path that I should pursue.
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Fung Tsz Ho
2022-23 Student of Higher Diploma in eSports
The programme allowed me to have a better understanding in eSports ecosystems and developed my skills in event management, eSports business start-up strategies etc. Moreover, the programme gave me opportunities to connect with professionals in the field and gained valuable experiences.
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Wong Yan Tung
2020-22 Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
I equipped myself with storytelling skills, software and digital marketing knowledge during the past 2 years. The pandemic has changed our school life, with the support given from lecturers and friends, I am now a university student.
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Mok Hok Man
2020-22 Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
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Leung Pak Hin
Graduate of Higher Diploma in Engineering (Year 2) in 2022-23
In 2021, I was disappointed to get my DSE transcript, as it did not satisfy university admission requirements. At that moment, I couldn't imagine myself being unable to enrol at any university. Luckily, I applied for the Higher Diploma in Engineering at HKU SPACE CC. HKU SPACE CC has provided me with a great learning environment, facility, and resources in the past two years. HKU SPACE CC not only laid the groundwork for my engineering expertise but also expanded my social circle.
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Kwok Chun Kin, Anthony
2021-23 Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
NMC offers a diverse range of courses that go beyond just photography and videography. It also includes various other courses such as animation, where students learn how to create animated content that can be applied in video editing. These practical courses provide a solid foundation and serve as a starting point to develop my skills. The course structure is practical and hands-on. The teaching quality of this course is excellent.
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Chan Hau Tim, Melody
2021-23 Higher Diploma in New Media and Communication
因為對剪片感興趣,所以選擇了 NMC,入讀了這科才發現 Media 不單單是影片剪接,還有很多其他的範疇。雖然我只接觸過簡單剪接,但是對於其他新的知識,例如動畫製作、影片製作、網頁設計、聲音設計等等都因為導師們由淺入深的教導而能夠好好掌握。記得當時Year 1 完結,我的感想是“今年學咗好多嘢”。
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