Students' Stories

Lau Lai Mei, Venus
2010-11 Graduate of Higher Diploma in Dental Hygiene
I love my job as a dental hygienist. The 2-year Higher Diploma course is a comprehensive course which provided me with dental knowledge, clinical experience and generic skills. All that I learned and gained from the course can be practically applied in my work as a Dental Hygienist. Without a doubt, I found Problem Base Learning (PBL) a new and challenging academic experience after secondary school. Nevertheless, it helps students develop their critical thinking through information searching, group discussion and tutorial. In the clinical sessions, lecturers not only encouraged us to bring the knowledge into practice, but also taught us effective patient management skills and demonstrated how to co-operate with other dental practitioners. I find this invaluable in my day-to-day work. The generic courses also gave us training on language and communication skills. In short , this course has given me everything I require to become a professional dental hygienist and lots more besides.
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Kwan Chun Hin, Kelvin
2010-11 Graduate of Higher Diploma in Dental Hygiene
During the two years of studies in the Higher Diploma in Dental Hygiene, I found it a very memorable experience. The unique "Problem-based Learning" teaching method has allowed me to develop logical and critical thinking which has enhanced my ability to analyse problems independently. These are important for me to work in the dental field. In addition, the clinical sessions have given me the opportunity to treat patients who have a wide range of oral health problems. It is very useful for my future career. And now, I am glad to have become one of the enroled dental hygienists in Hong Kong and I believe I can apply my knowledge and experience and contribute to the community.
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2010-11 應用科學副學士(實用中醫)課程畢業生
修讀應用科學副學士(實用中醫)課程期間,我得到了很多啟發,亦改變了很多。它使我由一個對中醫毫無認識的中學生,變成了今天立志要成為一個好醫師的大學生。當中最大功勞的當然是對我循循善誘的講師。學院的講師不但熱心教學,更關心學生,為建立良好的學習氣氛付出了不少心血。我本身的性格比較內向,所以在就讀中學時,我從來沒有在上課時發問過一條問題。但是當我接觸這個課程後,我終於體驗到學習的樂趣。而課後向講師亦成為了兩年學習的最寶貴時光。課程亦使我們有機會到不同行業見習及到國內中醫大學校訪,使我們體驗將來的學習環境,增加了和專業人士溝通的機會。 這兩年副學士的學習經驗幫助我們擴闊了不同領域的知識,亦為我們現在的學習打好基礎,使我們現在學習更順利,目標更清晰。
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2011-12年度應用科學副學士(實用中醫) 畢業生
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Fung Hiu Tung, Creamy
2010-12 Graduate of Higher Diploma in Dental Hygiene
I became a professional dental hygienist after this two-year Higher Diploma programme. This has provided me with clinical training sessions, problem-based learning and other generic skills. Problem-based learning (PBL) has given me a new learning experience and has encouraged me to analyse problems by information searching, self-reading and group discussions. The clinical sessions have provided invaluable opportunities for me to treat patients in the Prince Philip Dental Hospital. More importantly, apart from the clinical skills, I have learned how to communicate and to take care of my patients. I found these experiences were really applicable and helpful to my career. Besides this, the generic modules also provided me with opportunities to strengthen my language ability and presentation skills. Now I know more about the role and responsibilities of a registered dental hygienist in Hong Kong and I am proud to be one of them.
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Lee Katherine Ka Yan S.
2010-12 Graduate of Higher Diploma in Dental Hygiene
It is amazing to me that I have become a dental professional in just 2 years' time. I am happy to see people benefiting from the services that I have offered to them in preventing periodontal disease and dental caries. By virtue of this course I have found the right path. In addition to the programme itself, the resources provided especially those by the Prince Philip Dental Hospital (PPDH), where many local dental professionals are trained, are essential in making the comprehensive training successful. Things taught in the generic modules at HKU SPACE CC have also helped me a lot in completing my studies in both the generic subjects and specialism. This course has definitely provided a professional training for me to be a dental hygienist. I am sure that students who are determined to become a professional in dental hygiene will benefit a lot from this course.
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2011-12 年度應用科學副學士(生命科學)一年級
還記得高考放榜那天,從老師手上接過成績表後,我只感到徬徨、迷茫、絕望。當時,我根本不清楚除了大學以外,香港還有甚麼升學途徑,我只留在家中問問親友的意見,及後上網搜尋「副學士」相關的學院和課程。又親身聽了各院校的講座和學生分享,最後選擇了港大附屬學院,我最有興趣的科目是應用科學副學士(生命科學)。至今,我無悔當初所作的抉擇。 副學士的生活確實辛苦,因為你要有很強的意志力才能不斷堅持,繼續走下去。當時我在未開學的時候已熟習修讀課程的大綱,及計劃未來一年的方向目標。每天除了溫習,便是回家趕lab report或者project,又或要趕寫personal statement,準備大學面試。雖然辛苦,但當中亦有收穫。副學士的校園生活不再有「班主任」式的提醒,但慶幸我選擇了港大附屬學院,內裡有完善的升學輔導及自學中心,加上每位講師都滿腔熱誠,還有counselor的輔助,當遇到難題時,他們都願意助你,與你度難關,讓我感受到在學習以外的人間溫暖。事實上,港大附屬學院提供的Non-JUPAS升學資訊,是各專上學院中最齊全的,只要自己主動去接觸,這些資源都是屬於你的。 港大附屬學院是一個很好的學習地方,讓我學懂管理時間及自我,實為升讀大學的不二之選。希望大家都能尋找一條屬於你的副學士之路!加油!
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2011-12 年度應用科學副學士(生命科學)一年級
港大附屬學院關注學生的升學、就業及多元化發展。這裡有關升學和就業的資訊及輔導十分充足,幫助我們找到自己的目標。而且課程多元化,讓學生接觸不同範疇的知識,增廣見聞。 雖然生命科學的課程較深,但勝在與大學的理學士課程水平相若,讓學生於入讀大學前打好基礎。而且這裡的每位講師都用心教學、準備充足,課後仍會細心解答同學問題,更會用心聆聽及解答我們對升學和就業的疑問。就是這樣,我才能輕鬆升上大學,更認識了一班好朋友及好講師。高考的成績未如理想,未必代表與大學無緣!
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港大附屬學院擁有優良師資。講師教學認真,還主動關心學生。培養學生各方面的興趣,為升學或就業做好準備。 理科的課程經過悉心編排,即使內容較深,但也為大學的學習打下穩固的根基。在二年級時,部份理科的科目,需要到香港大學與港大學生一起上課,這讓我們體驗到大學的上課模式,也能嘗試大學的生活。最難能可貴的是我們能夠使用香港大學的資源。我們可以到大學圖書館借閱參考書和閱讀不少學術論文,對學習真有莫大裨益。 除了學習外,學院更悉心安排不少升學就業講座,即使學生成績各異,我們也能夠早日認清自己的路向。要成功考獲大學取錄,除了有優異成績,面試技巧也相當重要;學院提供不少有關大學面試的資訊,包括歷屆學兄學姊的面試心得和題目,這讓我們在面試時更能得心應手。 在港大附屬學院讀書,讓你體會到「先苦後甜」的道理,雖然競爭大,但辛苦後得到的收獲總是叫人再三回味的!
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在HKDSE放榜時,我見到自己的成績,徬徨之外,我也想不出有甚麼形容詞描述當時的心情,我知道自己升大學無望,又不知出路如何。聽友人介紹副學士,而且以理學學系來說,港大附屬學院最好,升學率亦高,既然無路可走,我只好硬著頭皮地報讀了。 開始時自己跟不上學習進度,不少課程的難度比高中更難,幸好學院的講師抽空指導我,而且還很有耐性地解釋每個重點,自己再每日溫習,最後用了一年時間便升上自己理想的大學。雖然學院的課程比較難,但不無好處,除了補充在中學學不了的知識外,當升上大學後,會更容易跟上大學的課程。 縱使有人說讀副學士是沒出路,但回頭望,我覺得港大附屬學院是我人生的里程碑,為我升讀大學前作最佳準備。
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猶記得公開試成績及JUPAS 放榜都不理想,而自己想修讀與理學有關的科目,於是選擇了港大附屬學院的理學副學士課程。 學院有很多優秀的講師,他們對同學的學習十分著緊,上課時會因應同學的進度而改變教學節奏,亦會主動向同學詢問是否明白課堂上所授知識,令我上課時能緊貼課程的教學進度。 修讀副學士期間所學到的知識及學習態度,令我現在升讀大學後得到更大的優勢,我十分感謝學院的講師。
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Lai Tsz Kiu, Lexie
2011-13 Graduate of Higher Diploma in Dental Hygiene
‘Practical’ is the word that I use to describe this 2-year Higher Diploma course in Dental Hygiene. I was surprised by the methods of training which have equipped me not only with the knowledge in dental aspects but also provided me with holistic development. The Problem-based learning (PBL) module is incredibly useful in training my critical thinking as well as my organising skills. Definitely, the experience that I acquired from this module can be applied and be very useful to my future studies and work. Moreover, the experience that I gained from the Clinical Training module, which was run side by side with the PBL module, can be applied in managing my patients as well as in other work situations. I am very proud of being a member of the dental profession after these two years.
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Lam Man Kit
在最後一屆高考放榜時,由於成績未達入大學的基本要求,感覺很失望。那時,不少中學同學和老師都稱讚港大附屬學院的課程設計,自己又喜歡科學,所以就決定入讀理學副學士。初入學時,不少的課程都較中學的程度深,需要付出大量時間溫習和練習,幸好我認識了一班好朋友一起努力。 學院有很多優秀的講師,每當我遇到困難,他們都樂於幫助及耐心教導,令我的成績飛躍進步。學院為我提供了一個學習的機會,增長知識,培養興趣,豐富我的人生。多謝港大附屬學院和各位講師。
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Wu Ming Ming
2013-14 Associate of Science, Year 1
雖然聯招結果不理想,可是我從來沒有放棄進大學的夢想。因為HKU SPACE CC升讀資助大學學士學位機會比較高,所以公開試放榜後就立即報名。讀了一年的建築學高級文憑,發現自己對這科目興趣不大,就轉讀了理學副學士,並決心一年後升讀大學。在這兩年,我學會很多,而且變得更加堅強,即使遇到挫折也不輕易言敗,認清自己的目標及方向後,便更努力前進。衷心感謝HKU SPACE CC所有講師,以及曾經幫助我實現夢想的朋友。
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Li Chung Hei
2013-14 Associate of Science, Year 1
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Lo Wing Yan, Winnie
Graduate of Higher Diploma in Dental Hygiene (2012-14)
Without a doubt, this two-year programme is a very comprehensive course, which has fostered my development as a professional dental hygienist. All the training I received from the course can equip me to practically apply in my dental hygienist career. The communication skills developed in the Generic Skills Courses improved my language competency and built up my self-confidence. At the beginning of the course, the Problem-based Learning (PBL) module was definitely a challenge to me because this learning approach was radically new to me. From the presentations in the PBL class, I gradually learnt how to address the compelling practical or theoretical problem, communicate information and ideas to my peers. Proper skills in solving problem were also developed through self-learning and group discussion. The Clinical Training sessions offered me invaluable hands-on practical experience in managing and treating authentic patients suffering from oral hygiene / health problems. With guidance from the clinical supervisors, I learnt the skills to build rapport with patients and properly deliver treatment to patients who suffer from periodontal disease, dental caries or other oral health problems. The professional trainings I got from the Higher Diploma in Dental Hygiene programme have undoubtedly been helpful to my career in dental health services. I am proud to be a graduate from this programme and to serve the community in Hong Kong.
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透過修讀中醫學副學士課程,讓我更快地實現理想。課程中不單是教授了傳統中醫理論,亦使我了解到古人養生的思維及理念。當中所學到的知識更助我在畢業後決定在健康推廣的方面發展。 在這兩年間,除了學習中醫知識外,最令我難忘的就是有幸成為中醫藥學會主席及獲得外展獎學金前往內地參加臨床見習。透過不同方面的培訓,使我成為一個全面發展的學生,更有助我升讀本地大學課程。
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在港大附屬學院這兩年,除了學習到中醫學上的醫學知識,亦可以了解各種中醫養生、保健的方法,不但有助同學繼續向中醫的道路發展,所學的知識也畢生受用。 此外,學院提供了不少臨床見習、實習機會,讓我們可以把書本上的知識學以致用;課程中不同的通識科目不單擴闊了視野,也為升讀大學打好基礎。
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Ng Hiu Kam, Catherine
Graduate of Higher Diploma in Dental Hygiene (2013-15)
I am so delighted for being a graduate of Higher Diploma of Dental Hygiene programme. The two years training from this programme supports me to handle and solve many big task of my job already, such as how to communicate with different patients. At the beginning of the programme, the clinical training session is very difficult for me, because I need to properly deliver oral health knowledge and treatment to my patients who suffer from periodontal disease. After two years training, I truly believe that the clinical training session helped me to build a good foundation of how to manage patients and treat periodontal disease. For the problem based learning (PBL) module, this is very new and interesting for me. All of us need to solve problems by ourselves and have sharing and presentation during PBL class. I believe that I have increased my originality and curiosity in the PBL class. The generic skills courses are also important that the diverse courses improve my language and communication skill. During the time I was studying in the programme, I met many good tutors who relieved an enjoyable and useful learning experience. I consider myself is lucky to have an opportunity to study in dental hygiene programme.
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Ng Wai Ting, Wendy
2014-15 Associate of Science (Chemistry) (Year 2)
With an unsatisfactory result in HKDSE, my university dream was seemly distant. Instead of being desperate, under the recommendation of my seniors, I chose HKU SPACE CC to achieve my dream again. Two-year college life flies, and what I acquired is not simply the bachelor’s degree offers from prestigious local universities, more importantly, the enlightenment and encouragement from my lecturers and companions; that enabled me to be a better person. Be conscientious, responsible and empathetic in the college, and you can eventually reach your goals for sure.
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Lee Ka Yau
當年文憑試放榜那種晴天霹靂的感覺,真是一生難忘。以我的成績,升上大學的機會只有一半。於是,我上網搜尋提供副學士課程的院校。起初我並無注意到港大附屬學院,但當向師長、友人查詢時,他們不約而同地推介這學院。於是我便報讀了港大附屬學院。 剛開始時,我對學院各方面都相當陌生。幸好,學院有完善的配套去支援學生,講師都關心我們。雖然對部分同學來說,學院的課程或會較艱深,但只要我們主動尋求協助,講師都會樂意為同學解決疑難,助同學跟上進度,打好基礎。除此之外,學院理科的課程經過悉心編排,配合實驗課,讓我們掌握相關的技巧 。 入讀學院之後我再次反思自己的興趣,認清人生目標,很快適應大學的上課模式及校園生活,可謂獲益良多。 其實,以前我不敢奢望能夠升上香港大學。所以,在港大附屬學院讀書,只要肯下定決心,奮發向上,絕對會有意想不到的結果!
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Wong Wai Ching
2014-15 Associate of Science (Year 1)
I am very glad that I could get into the university in the first year. At first, I felt desperate when I failed to get into a degree programme with my HKDSE result. Besides my hard work, HKU SPACE CC helped me a lot to reach my success; for example, programmes offered by CC are similar to those in universities, which familiarises us with university-life and helps in answering the professors in interviews. Of course, working hard is the most important factor to have a better chance to further your study. Thus, you should thoughtfully consider when selecting which programme to study. Ability always overrides your interest. Anyway, please do not give up even if you don’t perform well in HKDSE. There are many other channels that can lead you to a fruitful future. It is worth grabbing this chance, isn’t it?
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Lau Ka Yuet, Rachel
2014-15 Associate of Health Science (Biomedical Sciences) (Year 2)
HKU SPACE CC provides a wide variety of programmes suitable for most students with varied interests and preferences. Having chosen the Biomedical Sciences programme, I was exposed to more advanced medical knowledge, human biology and technological skills in science that I had never been taught in my secondary school. Studying the field that I like made learning enjoyable, even though there were hard times in chasing the deadlines of projects, assignments and presentations. It was initially quite challenging to adapt to dramatic changes in the learning style and the level of study at the Community College. However, with the readily available facilities and kind help from the lecturers, learning effectively is no longer mission impossible. Not only did I acquire knowledge from HKU SPACE CC, but also an indomitable character to deal with hardships in life.
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Wong Yu Ming, William
2014-15 Associate of Health Science (Biomedical Sciences) (Year 2)
The Associate of Health Science (Biomedical Sciences) programme provided me with a wide range of exposure to health and medical sciences, which laid down a solid foundation for my university studies. Learning environment at HKU SPACE CC was inspiring and encouraging. With my supportive and helpful classmates, I was able to enjoy my studies and complete my group projects. Although the learning life was challenging, it was very fruitful and rewarding. I am so grateful for the help from the College, especially from the biomedical sciences programme, and I am sure future students will feel the same way.
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Fung Chun Wing
2014-15 Associate of Health Science (Biomedical Sciences) (Year 2)
Being one of the students that came from a secondary school using Chinese as a medium of instruction, I faced some learning difficulties initially because my English standard was relatively lower than others. However, the problem became my motivation for improving my English; for example, I tried hard to look up the meaning of all English terms before my lessons. When I still did not understand those scientific jargons, I could ask the lecturers for help. I believe that genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. Finally, my hard work paid off and I got eight offers from six UGC-funded local universities. Everyone may have his or her own weaknesses, but success is waiting for those who can persist in their studies. I hope my story will give you some inspiration and all of you can enter your desired university in the future.
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Ceci Chan
Two years studied in HKU SPACE CC, from the start of college’s life to the acquisition of bachelor’s degree offer, what I took away is not only an offer in HKU or knowledge, but also the knowledge and attitude in being a nursing student and the relationship between my classmates, lecturers and tutors which help me to being a better me. Nursing study in CC is never an easy job, assessment, skill test, practicum, a large amount of information and knowledge need to remember. However, even the high workload or stress to us, it never diminish my enthusiasm in being a nurse and continue my study. It may due to the support and encourage giving by our lecturers. They taught us with their knowledge and experience patiently even we were doing wrongly, practiced the skills and went to the practicum with us. Before I had received the offer, I always felt scared and worried about my future. In that time, I always felt sad but my lecturers had given many support to me and tell me be confidence and never give up. They were finding a lot of methods to help us continue our studies in the university. Apart from the lecturers, in CC I found many comrades and friends that we are sustaining each other. We are fighting together towards the same target even now we study in HKU, the relationship between us is never a false appearance. We are relying on each other regardless happy or sad. Finally, we are studying HKU nursing degree together to continue our study. In CC, it is not just obtained an offer and then finished. We received the knowledge and skills from the class lecture and lab session. We learned what is empathy and other attitude of nurse through the practicum and lecturers. Our lecturers and tutors just like our friends that give us many support and advice. The friendship that I had in here is never end till now. What we gained in CC have enriched my life, and make me having more confidence in facing the new life in HKU and every trouble in the future to being a better me. Nothing is impossible, like getting an offer in the university, but it really needs to work hard.
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Rachel Chan
2 years in AHS programme was not a cakewalk for me, but it was worth it. All the courses, practicum were very intense as it provided various opportunities to equip students to step in nursing field. Nursing is not only about practicing skills, but also requiring your evidence based, professional knowledge. Apart from the theories and human physiology, practicum in different health care settings was also provided to every student. This valuable experience inspired and motivated us to be more proactive in learning and caring. Challenges, difficulties and frustrations are unavoidable, but it is blessed to have many supportive companions and lecturers along these 2 years. The new journey in HKU has started, I am still grateful to have this precious memory in AHS.
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Tsui Wai Sum
2013-2015 Associate of Science
當初報讀HKU SPACE CC的理學副學士是因為希望自己繼續修讀科學,但又擔心自己文憑試的表現失準,加上HKU SPACE CC的課程是香港大學編制,有一定認受性。 在過往一年,我除了學習到科目的知識,更加透過大小的Project學習到與人相處技巧。另外,在密集式的學習裡,我明白到自律的重要性,包括時間管理和在學術上自我要求。我相信這些都是畢生受用的技能。
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D M Thrimendra Kaushika Dissanayake
2013-14 Associate of Science, Year 2 (Biological Science Theme)
Despite my HKALE grades not being what I hoped it would be, I continued to study what I was interested at HKU SPACE CC, and I was not disappointed. To be honest, I had no great reasons to study at HKU SPACE CC. All I knew was that it will enable me to continue my studies. However, now I can say that studying at HKU SPACE CC has been a great experience. Not only I was able to continue my studies but also I was able to get to know individuals from different backgrounds during my studies. Most importantly, by studying at HKU SPACE CC, I was able to get into a local university.
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Yip Cheuk Lun, Stephen
2015-16 Associate of Science (Year 1)
When I received my public examination result last year, I was upset and I didn't know what to do. Finally, my friends suggested me to study in HKU SPACE CC. After studied a year in CC, I got a lot of changes. Tertiary education is totally different from secondary education. After a whole day of lessons, I would go to the library to do revision on what I had learnt. If there was anything I wasn't sure about, I would check and read reference books. In this year, I started to enjoy learning rather than just learning for the public examinations. Admittedly, life in CC is extremely tough; we had to do a lot of assignments and even attend examination on a Sunday, but I still enjoyed it because there are nice lecturers who will help you if you seek help. What I want to say is nothing is impossible as long as you have a dream.
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Chow Ka Wai
2015-16 Associate of Science (Year 1)
After the release of the HKDSE results, I entered HKU SPACE CC with sorrow and despair. But I felt grateful as well because I was given a second bite at the cherry to get into university. Personally speaking, hard work is of the utmost importance to attain fruitful grades. In order to be considered by universities, it is crucial to have high GPA, especially in Semester 1. Although the programme is not easy to handle, it is still manageable if you invest time and effort. So try your level best and see you in the university next year.
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Hung Man Chun, Key
2015-2016 Associate of Science, Year 2 (Chemistry Theme)
在2014 年DSE 放榜時,當我收了滿科紅的成績單後,已知不能透過JUPAS 的方法進入 學位課程,於是我選擇了進入「太空」,希望能以這兩年的成績降落「地球」,進入學士課程。在HKU SPACE CC的兩年生活中,很感謝這兩年內遇到的人同事,尤其是HKU SPACE CC 這裏的講師,他們在你碰到難關時,不管是學業上或是其他問題,他們都能專業地助你解決問題。 在這裏的兩年生活,還認識了一群「戰友」,我們「並肩作戰」,面對不同報告的死綫,到最後,我們都能進入不同的大學繼續我們的學業。 在這裏勸勉各位,不要因為DSE成績的挫折而覺得進入「太空」開展asso 生活是你的恥辱,在這裏生活並努力學習,定必能得到你想得到的東西。
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Hon Wing Han, Hannah
2014-15 Associate of Science Year 1
Work hard is the basic element while work smart is more important. Don't let the same stone stumble you twice. We have to know why we failed in DSE/any exam taken, and try a new study method with the change in study mode in HKU SPACE CC. What's more, be open to any subjects you have to study and try to enjoy it. Do what you love, love what you do. Once you choose this way (studying in HKUSPACE CC), do your best and make no regrets!
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Chan Oi Ling
2015-16 Associate of Science (Earth and Environmental Sciences) (Year 2)
Studying at CC was a tough but rewarding experience. I had to adopt to the change of using English as the medium of instruction and also took many courses which were not directly related to Science. However, after studying these subjects, my interest to other academic fields were developed, including Philosophy, Psychology and Visual Art. It is a surprising result! I found my dream in Year 2 - Earth Science. This realisation had triggered my thirsty of knowledge about our Earth. I didn’t mind spending extra time outside class time to research and read books as well as asking lecturers questions, as I believe there is no shortcut to success, except hard work. CC is memorable for me because there are lots of passionate and helpful lecturers and I am thankful to them. All I can do is to keep learning and work hard to reward them for their teaching and time.
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Chan Ka Ho, William
2015-16 Associate of Science, Year 2 (Chemistry Theme)
Working hard is the most important key studying in HKU SPACE CC. In here, everyone wants to get into the university, I studied very hard, read reference books, asked teachers for help and luckily, I have a lot of friends who are willing to teach me to get good results in exams. Besides, the relationship between students and lecturers is good not only in academic but also for some daily activities. Lecturers are willing to listen what difficulties you faced and help you to success, so studying HKU SPACE CC is the best choice to learn and get into the university.
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Cheng Tsz Fung, Koster
2015-16 Associate of Science (Physics) (Year 2)
一切全因緣份的指引,入讀HKU SPACE CC實乃無意之選。所幸在此我學會了和人的相處之道,亦結交了不少戰友,一嘗中學未能如願的心願。中學時期的勤學苦練在DSE時無法展現出來,最終在此處嚐足甜頭,使我可不需花太多時間在主科上,而把時間花在其他科目中學習更多元化的知識。各師弟師妹或有疑惑,中文中學的學生會不會受授課語言影響?其實會的,但在Year 2升上大學的中文中學學生也不在少數。切記勤能補拙。至於學習,只要抱有好奇好學之心,用心鑽研,必能有所成就。其次壓力一定會有的,只要緊記順其自然,不驕不躁,對學習和人際關係的發展才會有益無害。
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Tai Suet Ying
2015-16 Associate of Science, Yr 2 (Biological Science Theme)
In the DSE, my result was not satisfactory, so no offers were given in the JUPAS. I decided to choose HKU SPACE CC to further study because the chance of getting into the HKU is higher. Also, the science subjects are quite outstanding among all the community colleges. At first, I found it a bit stressed and hard since people around me were quite diligent and ambitious, and the syllabus was in a completely advanced level. Much time was put to catch up and adapt the new environment than expected. However, all would be overcome after the first 2 months, and everything would be on the right track.
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Ng Chun Lok
2015-16 Associate of Science (Chemistry) (Year 2)
HKU SPACE CC has a great reputation. It ranks one of the top institutions in Hong Kong and has a high university enrolment rate. We can find friends with the same goal and work hard to achieve it. We work together and help one another in studies. It definitely provides us a good learning atmosphere. Lecturers are all nice and are always willing to give us a helping hand when we find them. But the premise is that you need to be active. It is an essential element in learning, no matter in CC or in university. Don't hesitate to find lecturers and they will surely help you. The CC is another path for you to success. It is just a matter of time you will graduate from a university.
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Lee Kwan Nam, Christopher
2015-16 Associate of Science (Chemistry) (Year 2)
The study atmosphere in CC is great; lecturers are kind and are enthusiastic about teaching. I still remember when after a Chemistry class, the lecturer still stood outside the classroom answering our questions for a long time. I also met many friends in CC as I joined many activities held by CCSU and became a coordinator in Film Society. The study life in CC was diverse. I transferred from Associate of Business Administration to Associate of Science. Although the road was a little tougher than others’, but I don't regret choosing HKU SPACE CC as a place for me to study and fight for my dream, which was to get a university offer.
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Doong Hoi Lam
2014-15 Associate of Science Year 1
我在HKU SPACE CC一年比在中學六年所學到的還要多。我每天都留校溫習至十時才離開,沒有多餘的功課,下課後全是靠自己看參考書、wiki。測驗考試範圍廣泛,但難度比公開試低,讓我自由地根據自己興趣而溫習。讓我獲益最多的一科是學習與人溝通,做group project遇上不同程度的組員,因而結識了許多不同背景朋友,最後還得到港大錄取,遠超乎我入學時的期望。
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Cheng Yee Shan Sarah
2014-15 Associate of Science, Year 2 (Biological Science Theme)
How much effort you paid, how well the result you will get! Just fights for your dream. Lectures in HKU SPACE Community College are all very nice and they are willing to help you and give you suggestions. Work hard and REMEMBER to read reference books about the chapters being taught.
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Chan Ting Ho, Horace
2014-15 Associate of Science, Year 2 (Chemistry Theme)
After failure in DSE examination, I was determined to study in HKU SPACE CC since more chances would be given to get into universities in Hong Kong when compared to other CC. I feel grateful with the good teachers in SPACE who helped me achieve the learning outcomes. All the concepts developed in Yr 1 (e.g. IGC, IOC) are essential to deal with the courses provided by HKU in Yr2. I believe that the ways to succeed in AD are to study the subject that you like and pay effort on it.
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Li Yuen Yi, Winnie
2014-15 Associate of Science, Year 2 (Earth and Environmental Sciences)
Through out these two years, I have not only learned how to study well, but also have developed precious relationship with group mates. I have worked very hard in these two years to achieve my goals in studying in HKU. I cherished the time studying in HKU SPACE because I finally realized that I am very interested in Science especially Earth System Science. In HKU SPACE CC, I met true friends and caring teachers and the most important was that I found my goals ! Always work hard with a positive and relaxed attitude, you will finally make a success.
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Yau Hei Tung, Haston
2014-15 Associate of Science, Year 2 (Chemistry Theme)
Studied in HKU SPACE CC can definitely provide science students with opportunities to study highly-qualified courses in HKU. This experience gave me inspiration that I should study hard and get into HKU. Most of the teachers are nice and helpful. They are willing to help if you seek help from them. Although I failed to get into local University in the first year, it did not dispirit me as I believed my determination and passion could let me overcome the challenges. Finally, it's grateful to receive offers from HKU and PolyU. These experiences allow me to understand nothing can stop me to pursue my own goal if I truely love and want it. Working hard is the most important factor to succeed.
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Yu Hiu Fung, Anson
2015-16 Associate of Health Science (Biomedical Sciences) (Year 2)
The study in Associate Degree of Biomedical Science provided me with opportunities to have a deeper exploration into the field of Medical Science. The courses provided by this programme are diverse and covered most of the essential knowledge in health science which is useful for the further study in healthcare professionals such as Nursing and Medical Laboratory Science. Apart from the academic life, the Community College also provides various activities for us to join. For example, I have joined the Tainan study tour and Voluntary service organised by the Student Development and Counselling Service. Last but not least, the failure in HKDSE is not equal to desperation. I appreciate that the HKU SPACE Community College gave me a second chance to pursue my goal to study in university.
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Suen Siu Leong, Amy
2015-16 Associate of Health Science (Biomedical Sciences) (Year 2)
Studying Biomedical Sciences at HKU SPACE CC was a precious experience to me after HKDSE. This programme equipped me with a broad-based education and generic skills that helped me build a solid foundation in pursuit of university studies in pathological and microbiological sciences. Throughout the two years, I was not only provided with an in-depth study of advanced medical knowledge but also granted many opportunities to sharpen practical skills in laboratory sessions that strengthened my technological skills and health science specialism. Besides, the learning environment at HKU SPACE CC was very desirable; teachers were supportive and also classmates were enthusiastic and diligent about learning. Although the learning process was demanding and challenging, it was valuable, worthwhile and rewarding. The two-year student life at HKU SPACE CC will be engraved in my memory forever.
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Chan Man Yee Cara
Graduate of Higher Diploma in Dental Hygiene in 2016
Time flies. I have successfully completed this intense and challenging training programme. Being a student of dental hygiene is totally different from a secondary school student. There is no choice but to comply with the instructions during the clinical training sessions. However, it is full of great satisfaction and an unforgettable memory in my entire life. Clinical training is an integrated part of the whole programme. I have to practise clinical skills and apply dental knowledge when treating patients. Besides the clinical treatment, I found that persuading patients from changing their habit and attitude is the most challenging mission. Nevertheless, when I observed a positive change from a patient, I am very delighted with my efforts. In addition, to searching for information and having group discussions are the major ways to acquire knowledge in this problem-based learning (PBL) atmosphere. Compared with the traditional learning, PBL is more inspirational and easier to understand theories and practices. Besides, generic skills courses provide a balanced development for my study and I learned cooperate with team members and it greatly improved my communication skills. Last but not least, what I have learnt in this course is not only the dental knowledge but also working and interacting with different people. This course provides a great foundation for my future career and I am grateful to be one of the graduates in dental hygiene.
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對許多人而言,HKU SPACE CC是人生另一階段的中轉站,於我亦然。面對文憑試的挫敗迷失,HKU SPACE CC為我提供了一個歇息整頓的機會。 要分享在學時的種種事情很難。從自卑懵懂,到擔領羽毛球會大旗,再到協領校刊重整,到最後獲兩所全國中醫藥首府取錄,在HKU SPACE CC中的經歷實在難以三言兩語概括之,但可以肯定的是,只要不放棄,這裡總有機遇。
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選讀HKU SPACE CC的中醫學副學士除了因為興趣外,更多的原因是想升上大學。然而在修讀副學士這兩年令我對中醫學有更多認識,更讓我明白到「預防勝於治療」的重要。修畢這兩年副學士後,我有幸升讀中大的社區健康理學士課程,可以繼續在改善社區醫療服務方面實踐中醫的精神。
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Gloria Lau
2017 Graduate of Associate of Science (Earth and Environmental Sciences)
My efforts on the studies in CC have been paid off. Studying at University is no longer an unreachable goal. Thanks CC for giving me meaningful and brilliant student life. The two years of study here is absolutely worthwhile.
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Joyce Kwan
2017 Graduate of Associate of Health Science (Nursing Studies)
HKU SPACE CC gave me an opportunity to achieve my university dream. I am grateful that I can be one of the members in HKU SPACE CC & HKU. In the two years of study there, the programme gave me a lot of chances to develop my strengths, build up knowledge, clinical skills and enhance my passion in nursing. Although the workload in all of the courses and practicum are quite enormous, the lecturers there are very supportive, and they gave a lot of advices to me about how to overcome those workloads. I really feel delighted that I can meet them in HKU SPACE CC as they made my road become easier. I hope I can keep my passion up in my future study. Good luck!
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Henry Chan
2017 Graduate of Associate of Health Science (Nursing Studies)
This programme provides a good articulation route to chase my dream in nursing. Lecturers are professional, caring and friendly. It equips me with the fundamental nursing skills and knowledge. HKU SPACE Community College is a good choice to strive the best for a place in university. I had the chance to experience the clinical routine of a nurse and practice nursing skills on the real patients while having clinical placement in different settings like community setting, elderly home and sub-acute hospital ward. Through the placement, I’ve learnt more about the roles and responsibilities of a nurse. The experience laid a good foundation to my nursing academic and career path.
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Konrad Lau
2017 Graduate of Associate of Health Science (Nursing Studies)
Everything happened just like yesterday, the two years in the college was worthwhile. The courses in nursing studies enable me to acquire the core elements of nursing theories such as critical reasoning, evidence-based practice and holistic care. They are intense since we were learning not only knowledge but also lots of nursing skills to become a humanistic, passionate and decent student preparing for the voyage in the university’s nursing programme and career in nursing.
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Chan Yuk Chuen
2016-17 Associate of Science (Environmental Science) (Year 2)
The Associate of Science programme provided by HKU SPACE CC is definitely a good choice for students who are eager to study science.
One special reason that I chose HKU SPACE CC is that students can choose a specific science major to study in their second year of the programme, and there are many available options for them to choose as well. Therefore, it means that they can select their own study path based on their interests. Besides, students studying this programme are eligible to apply for many UGC-funded degree programmes in different universities. They are also very competitive in striving for a place at university because CC provides a lot of trainings to students to enhance their chance to get an offer from university.
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Lam Hoi Chi
2016-17 Associate of Science (Food and Nutritional Science) (Year 2)
After secondary education, I felt frustrated in study and was confused with future career path. I chose to study Associate of Science programme in HKU SPACE CC since the College allowed me to choose to study in two main areas: Biology and Chemistry that I was interested in so that I gained a firm foundation for further study. Studying in the College is a rewarding journey.
It further develops my passion for food science. The College provided me with a platform to explore and pursue my dream. Learning resources are plentiful. College lecturers’ dedication and enthusiasm for teaching motivated my study a lot. By seeking advice from lecturers and counsellors, I overcame academic challenges. Apart from that, meeting new study partners made my school life more delightful. Career talks and interview workshops have equipped me with crucial skills for preparation for future study and career.
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能到HKU SPACE CC讀副學士課程十分感恩。比起純粹書本知識, 我獲得的更豐富。老師的用心讓我心頭溫暖,繼續努力不懈。與同 學的合作讓我增廣見聞,渴望與人交流。我沒有破釜沉舟的決心, 但只要對自己有所交代便可。感激有這兩年時間讓我沉澱自己的任 性妄為和跳躍思維。每個人都需要不同的鍛煉,而每條路都不可能 平坦。祝願各位和自己步步得著,收穫滿滿。
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Ho Ching Yi
2017 Graduate of Associate of Health Science (Nursing Studies)
I only got 21 marks for the best five subjects in 2016 DSE. Though I received an offer from HKBU BBA, my dream is being a nurse. I knew 21 marks was not enough for me to get admitted to any UGC-funded bachelor’s degrees in nursing. Therefore, I chose to decline HKBU’s offer and study in HKU SPACE CC.
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Chan Hiu Ching, Stephanie
2016-18 Associate of Health Science (Nursing Studies)
Studying the Associate of Health Science – Nursing Studies in HKU SPACE CC was definitely a rewarding and delightful experience for me. The lecturers were very approachable, knowledgeable and caring. They encouraged me to participate in this life-long nursing journey.
Courses offered in this programme provided fundamental nursing knowledge and skills training for me to get wellprepared for further nursing studies. HKU SPACE CC provided different kinds of facilities and equipment for us to perform skills practices in order to let us familiarize with the ward setting and get used to the equipment. Besides, I have met a group of good friends as my study partners. We paid so much effort and tried our best to strike for better academic results.
The nursing programme in HKU SPACE CC also offered a lot of opportunities to put our acquired skills and knowledge into practices. I had a chance to experience the daily routines and work in real-life setting as a nurse during my practicum.
Overall, the two-year studies in HKU SPACE CC has equipped me with deep knowledge and broad nursing skills which allowed me to continue my new nursing journey in HKU and get one step closer to my future career.
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Hung Sum Yee, Sammie
2016-18 Associate of Health Science (Nursing Studies)
I had learned a lot in HKU SPACE CC. There were lab sessions for us to practise nursing skills based on what we had learned in the lectures. I was most impressed by the comprehensive assessment, measuring vital signs and wound dressing, etc. The lecturers always interacted and shared their experience with us. They always provided extra resources to me.
The programme also provided students with practicum opportunity, which took place in community settings, nursing care homes and rehabilitation units. I could apply the skills and knowledge that I had learnt. Patients also interacted with me so that I could understand more about patients’ need and how to provide nursing care interventions. I also had the opportunities to observe treatments and nursing care interventions for the patients which was not able to learn in class. It enriched my learning experience as well.
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Wong Kwan Yuen, Jaden
2017-18 Associate of Science (Year 1)
太空就好像一個大家庭,同學之間互相扶持,老師亦會給予很多支持。老師耐心的教 學與中學的是完全沒得比,我上堂經常問很多問題,他們都不厭其煩地解答。這裏 給了我很多鼓勵,提供了一個機會,讓我挽回在中學裡犯過最大的錯誤。現在我能夠 再上征途,全因為太空讓我重拾信心。還記得上年暑假,我完全沒想過自己能走到今 日,如果你願意,或許下一個就會是你。
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Tang Tze Tung
2017-18 Associate of Science (Year 1)
Trust me. You would be grateful to study here before studying a degree. Here, you will study courses that are similar to the ones you will study in a bachelor’s degree. Teachers in HKU SPACE CC will ensure you really understand the things taught in class. After class, you may email lecturers for any problems. They are so nice and patient. You will build up better foundation and be well prepared before studying a degree (competition is really keen in degree studies). I'm sure you will all do a great job here. Wish you all the best!
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Siu Yiu
2017-18 Associate of Science (Year 1)
I wanted to learn from the best and that's why I chose HKU SPACE CC to prepare myself for university studies. I tried my best in every subject because I had to fight for my future. People may worry that science subjects are difficult but I think the most important factor is enthusiasm. Your ardor will encourage you to overcome the challenges. Lecturers in HKU SPACE CC are kind and caring. They will always be there when you need support. Remember, DSE is just a part of life, which is not the end but a new beginning.
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Fong Cheuk Pan
2017-18 Associate of Science (Year 1)
After I received my DSE results, I was so disappointed because I could not pursue my dream anymore as I couldn’t identify a school which provided the science subject I wanted. One day, when I searched for that kind of school, I found HKU SPACE CC. I chose to study in HKU SPACE CC because it provided a chance for me to learn science and they had high articulation rate to universities. On the first school day, I was very shy and worried about whether teachers were willing to answer my questions. Surprisingly, during the class, my teachers encouraged us to ask questions and did practices. Through reading the recommended reference books and raising questions, I understood more about the subject I studied. I also made some friends who worked hard. We studied together and helped each other. HKU SPACE CC is like a family. I hope that you can enjoy your life here and get into a university.
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Wan Kin Fu
2017-18 Associate of Science (Year 1)
當初選擇HKU SPACE CC的原因是希望能升上三大,而SPACE CC亦是最多人能升上三大。我只是因為中文未及格而升不上八大。雖然我只有一年經驗,但當中也學到不少,印象最深刻的是chemistry和statistics課堂,想不到chemistry也能夠那麼有趣,而statistics亦令我對數學更感興趣。祝大家早早從太空升上八大。
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Luk Pak Hei Jason
2017-18 Associate of Science (Year 1)
Choosing to study in HKU SPACE CC is a decision that I have never thought of before. I received an offer from JUPAS but I determined to study in HKU SPACE CC. It was obviously the toughest decision that I have made in my life, and the most significant one at the same time.
The lecturers in HKU SPACE CC have top academic qualifications. They don’t simply provide us with knowledge, they also care about our future pathway and learning progress. In ASc programme, we were exposed to extensive hands-on practical experiences which strengthened our knowledge. Apart from the specialism courses, the generic courses have shaped myself into an all-rounded person. More importantly, acquiring knowledge in CC is not only about memorizing answers but understanding the important concepts. CC is a place for you to search for your goals and future pathway, which all of you can achieve what you want by your own way.
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Tam Ming Yin, Sirius
2017-18 Associate of Science (Physics) (Year 2)
Studying in HKU SPACE CC was not as easy as in the high school. The subjects and contents were very different. I was glad that I was not alone. Teachers were so friendly that they offered help whenever we needed. I still miss the classes in humanity. Teachers not only helped me overcome my weakness, but also opened up my mind. The real benefit of choosing ASc in HKU SPACE CC is that we have chances to study HKU courses with HKU students. The courses are not particularly stressful.
"People seldom succeed except they enjoy it." Please do enjoy it, and wish you all the best.
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Yu Tsun Hin
2017-18 Associate of Science (Biological Science) (Year 2)
I chose HKU SPACE CC because it provided a high chance for students to enter into universities. Apart from the good learning and study atmosphere in HKU SPACE CC, I actually learnt a lot with the guidance of the teachers. Every lesson in CC ensured that students could learn something which they had missed in secondary school.
Besides, I appreciate teachers' patience a lot for their quick responses to students' questions.
Activities organised by the College also enriched students' college life. They were very different from the events organised when we were in secondary school.
I hope that all of you will obtain excellent GPA in HKU SPACE CC and find your way to go!!
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Cheng Wing Shan
2016-18 Associate of Health Science (Nursing Studies)
With 19 marks obtained in HKDSE, I studied in Associate of Nursing Studies in HKU SPACE CC. I wanted to be a truly competent person before admitting to the university. During the 2-year journey, I explored part of the nursing world and understood more about my strengths, weaknesses, as well as personality. I realised that I was more interested in Occupational Therapy, which I chose to study finally. Studying in HKU SPACE CC gave me a second chance to explore my career path and myself, so that I could choose a more suitable path.
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Ho Po Yi, Hana
2017-18 Associate of Science (Biochemistry) (Year 2)
I received offers from both HKU SPACE CC and another community college, and got into a dilemma of choosing either one of them. Providentially, I decided to study in HKU SPACE CC, and that should be a right choice. Almost all lecturers in HKU SPACE CC were very patient. The lecturers gave us clear instructions and were very attentive to our study. They helped us understand every topic. Not only did they help us to get a high grade in the courses, they wanted us to get something useful for our future studies. HKU SPACE CC lecturers prepared everything for us. What we needed to do was to work hard so that we would not disappoint our lecturers for their efforts and sincere teaching. Besides, I’ve made a lot of friends in HKU SPACE CC. I considered them as study partners and buddies as we supported each other. I enjoyed my study in HKU SPACE CC, where there was pleasant learning atmosphere.
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Christine M Lee
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Ann Wong Sin Yi
2018-19 Associate of Health Science (Biomedical Sciences) (Year 2)
The two-year learning journey at HKU SPACE Community College (CC) helped me to get prepared for studying in the university. The skills that I learnt at CC are useful for my undergraduate studies and even help me stand out from other students. For example, the diverse courses provided by the ABMS programme deepened my understanding of the biomedical science field and helped me complete advanced courses in occupational therapy more easily and effectively, comparing to a fresh secondary school graduate. Also, the helpful lecturers at CC (especially in this programme) not only provided me with a comprehensive explanation of the important concepts in biomedical sciences, but also made a lot of useful recommendations for my assignments and future planning. Thus, I was able to make great improvement and choose the path which I really love.
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Jason Lee Chung Yin
2018-19 Associate of Health Science (Biomedical Sciences) (Year 2)
Studying at HKU SPACE Community College (CC) did change me a lot. I was lost after the DSE results were released, but my destiny has been changed since then. I no longer considered the DSE experience a failure once I stepped into CC, because I had ANOTHER CHANCE. It was not necessary to be on the same path as your classmates. Life would be a lot easier if you have made the right choice after DSE. In fact, studying at CC was more relaxing than at the university - with like-minded friends, trust-worthy teachers and modern facilities around. There are not many differences between CC and a university in terms of learning experiences. Just treat this place as a new start after your secondary education and move on to your next destination!
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Lai See Wing, Michelle
2017-2019 Associate of Science (Biochemistry) (Year 2)
Apart from equipping students well knowledge in the field of science, this programme provides us a chance to prepare ourselves for future university life. Even if one’s HKDSE results may not be desirable, there are many other channels that can lead you to a fruitful future. The lecturers are professional, supportive and caring. They are willing to help us in all aspects of academics, and the notes provided are carefully selected and tailored for the students. As such, this encourages us to learn and break any learning boundaries. HKU SPACE CC offers students a good platform to explore and learn outside the classroom. The inter-disciplinary learning appeals to students as it allows students from different majors to exchange ideas from their own subjects. This facilitates a deeper discussion of topics and unique perspectives on problems and concepts. Be brave, gentle and sincere in CC, and you will reach your goals eventually.
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Graduate of Higher Diploma in Dental Hygiene (2017-19)
I started my career in dentistry as a dental surgery assistant before being enroled into the Dental Hygiene programme. It is indeed my luck and pleasure to have the opportunity to further my study in the dental field. I still remember how excited I was on the day I received the offer.
HKU SPACE Community College, with the support of the Faculty of Dentistry of HKU, provided a qualified and complementary course. Throughout these two years, my life has been significantly enriched and enlightened. The instructors were very knowledgeable, approachable and caring, and they taught from a problem-based approach, which enabled us to gain in-depth understanding of the topics and develop advanced reasoning skills. I am certain that the clinical experience and guidance acquired in the programme will lead me to a successful and rewarding career.
Dental Hygienist is a career more than earning a living. It is interesting because we perform a wide variety of tasks to prevent oral diseases and promote oral health. In addition to enhancing one’s quality of life, it is a wonderful adventure to communicate with different people from all walks of life.
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Mandy Chan (Class of 2019)
Offer received: CUHK - BSc Public Health (Year 2)
Studying Healthcare & Health Plan Administration at HKU SPACE CC has fostered my knowledge of the healthcare sector. The teachers here are welcoming, which allows me to ask questions and learn in a comfortable atmosphere. The Programme courses are diverse, interesting, and useful. They broaden my horizons on society and the causes and impacts of diseases in broader historical and comparative contexts. There are also sociology and positive psychology courses, and I have learnt a lot about the different healthcare delivery and financing systems from my coursework assignments. In addition, my internship provided a precious opportunity for me to understand my potential and strength. I participated in a community centre and earned health promotion experiences, which are advantageous for my future career. I will enter the university soon and I thank HKU SPACE CC for offering me the opportunity!
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Jack Lee (Class of 2019)
Offer received: HKU Bachelor of Nursing
Studying Healthcare and Health Plan Administration at HKU SPACE CC has exposed me to a broader spectrum of healthcare issues, ranging from health planning to the structure of the medical system in Hong Kong and other countries. As the number of the aging population has rocketed, the healthcare demand for elderly service and organizations is increasing. This Programme enriches my health sciences knowledge, while helping me understand the factors behind the demand and supply for elderly services. All these help students think more thoroughly about their interests and future decisions. During our internship, students were assigned to different community centres or clinics, where they experienced, or observed first-hand, the routine tasks and duties of a community nurse or counsellor. This was a brand-new experience for most students. I really appreciate the college for giving me a second chance to achieve my goal to study in the university.
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Tyler Chan (Class of 2019)
Offer received: EduU - Bachelor of Education (Primary) in General Studies (Year 1)
文憑試放榜後,雖然與大學夢擦身而過,但我立下決心繼續裝備自己,希望能夠完成大學夢。最後我修讀了HKU SPACE的「醫護及健保行政」高級文憑課程,課程中包含了跨學科的內容,鞏固了我對不同範疇的知識,為進入大學打下基礎。另外,課程中需要完成實習,令我熟習到實際的工作環境,認清自己的就業方向。老師除了在課堂上能夠維持良好的教學氣氛,課餘時也十分熱心地抽出時間教授同學們入讀大學的面試技巧,令我十分感激。學院還會舉辦很多入讀大學的講座及提供資訊予同學,令我們在升學中裝備得更好,提升入讀大學的機會!
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Ivan Fok (Class of 2019)
兩年前考文憑試成績不理想,於是決定報讀港大附屬學院。由於本身對醫療行業有興趣,碰巧「醫護及健保行政」高級文憑課程又剛推出,所以便報讀,又因這決定,才有幸踏入醫療行業。兩年間講師們耐心教導,他們優秀的教學方式,使我更用心學習。同學之間會互相鼓勵及交流,學習過程並不孤單,更營造良好的學習氣氛。課程提供講座及實習機會,令我不只在知識上進步,實踐上亦有增益。 現在我已正式受聘在診所全職工作,踏入醫療行業第一步。全因入讀這科,我才可以找到前路。
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Tam Man Ying
2017-19 Associate of Science
Lecturers in HKU SPACE CC are definitely caring and patient. With the guidance and support from the teachers, I have built up a better foundation and have prepared well for my future study.
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Inoceno, Denise Nicolete Ilustrisimo
2017-19 Associate of Science
Studying at HKU SPACE CC has allowed me to look at my academic life in a more holistic view and allowed me to explore what I would really like to study.
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Leung Lok Tin
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Ng Suet Yi
能到HKU SPACE CC讀副學士課程十分感恩,比起書本知識,我獲得的更豐富。老師的悉心教導使我對中醫方面的理解及知識不斷加深,而
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Chan Pei Chi, Bigi
2018-20 Associate of Nursing Studies
The ANS programme has been a stepping stone for me to achieve higher and get closer to my destination - to be a university student.
The experience at HKU SPACE CC was fruitful and rewarding. The programme comprises me different courses such as Nursing Foundation, Health Promotion, and Languages, which equipped me with nursing knowledge and skills. Besides, my communication and problem-solving skills were also enhanced through working on projects with my fellow classmates. Facing various kinds of challenges was unavoidable during the two years’ study. However, the lecturers were extremely caring and helpful. They gave me a helping hand such as offering mental support and professional suggestions when I was under stress and had obstacles in my studies.
I was blessed to have completed my practicum during this hard time (Covid-19). It was a unique and golden learning opportunity for me to shadow the nurses in an Elderly Home when the epidemic was alleviated. It provided me a chance to put the theories that I learned in lessons into practice like nursing assessments, vital signs measurements, and insulin injections. I also learned more about the management and measures that were adopted during this period so as to prevent the outbreak of Covid-19 in the healthcare setting.
To conclude, HKU SPACE CC has nurtured me to become a well-rounded person, and has equipped me with the knowledge, skills, and strength to become a competent healthcare professional in the future - one who will help the patients to achieve their optimal health.
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Lei Mei Suet, Iris
2018-20 Associate of Nursing Studies
I obtained 20 marks in DSE, which was not enough for me to get an offer of my favorite subject. Fortunately, HKU SPACE CC offered me a second chance to achieve this goal. During the 2 years at CC, I equipped myself with professional knowledge and skills that a nurse required. HKU SPACE CC also provided a lot of resources and facilities like the nursing laboratory, which aided my learning. Furthermore, the teachers were supportive, and I also got to make some good, like-minded friends! Although the life of studying ANS was not an easy one, I am grateful for having this memorable journey.
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Ng Hoi Lam, Jasmine
2018-20 Associate of Nursing Studies
I was desperately hoping for changes, seeking a place where I could discover my strengths and unleash my potential after experiencing a setback in my life - the HKDSE. Luckily, studying at HKU SPACE CC enabled me to pick myself up from where I fell. The programme equipped me with the skills required for becoming a better learner, and the guidance from lecturers showed me to the right path.
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Chan Tsz Ying, Elaine
2019-20 Associate of Science (Biological Sciences) (Year 2)
It has been an amazing journey studying at HKU SPACE CC.
During my time here, I gained first-hand experiences of doing different experiments, such as plant tissue culture and mapping DNA using electrophoresis. These experiences not just strengthened my knowledge of biological sciences but made me a better candidate when applying for universities. When we were in year 2, we studied science courses offered at HKU together with the university students. It was a precious opportunity since we could directly learn from some of the best teachers in Hong Kong. Also, our social networks and horizons were broadened, which are beneficial to our future studies. Academic and mental support were provided by teachers at CC, and we received many heart-warming messages from our teachers to help us release our pressure. If you are passionate about science and want to learn from the best, do not hesitate to apply.
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Chow Ching Kiu, Kristie
2019-20 Associate of Science (Biological Science) (Year 2)
It was wonderful to be a student at HKU SPACE CC. The Science Division in HKU SPACE CC offered us a precious chance to get first-hand experience at HKU. We were able to learn, study and do experiments in a large-scale university. Not only did this provide me with the exposure to one of the best universities, but also helped me to familiarize myself with the university style of education for the future. During my two years at CC, I felt the warmest encouragement from my teachers. They provided all we needed to get into a university, from guidance and reference letters to emotional support. I am very grateful and highly recommend my fellow peers who love science to choose CC. If I were given another opportunity to choose again, my choice of HKU SPACE CC would undoubtedly remain unchanged.
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Sit Wai Tang, Vento
2019-20 Associate of Science (Statistics) (Year 2)
比起DSE一試定生死,HKU SPACE CC提供了更多的升學機會!考試形式著重知識考驗多於應試技巧,只要肯努力,大學學位肯定有你份!HKU SPACE CC的特別之處是極有機會銜接上香港大學,提供一個最接近港大學習模式的機會,方便銜接各大學學位,入讀港大不再是impossible!
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Ada Wong Yee Yuet (Class of 2020)
Offer received: CUHK - BNursing (Junior intake)
Studying HHPA at HKU SPACE CC helped me acquire a deeper understanding of the Hong Kong healthcare system and its upcoming challenges. I also learned more about theories and various problem-solving skills. Internship provided the learning environment for me to practise what I learned at the College. This precious experience helped me develop both academically and personally. Students could also join different clubs at HKU SPACE CC to develop humanistic values and interpersonal skills. These prepared me for the future. I am grateful for the learning experiences and thank the College for helping me progress successfully to the University.
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Eunice Po Ka Ki (Class of 2020)
Offer received: CUHK - BSc Community Health Practice
Studying HHPA at HKU SPACE CC was a fruitful experience for me. It provided a diverse range of healthcare knowledge, and a solid understanding of the healthcare system fundamentals, enabling me to pursue further education at university.
The internship was a valuable opportunity, in which I applied the knowledge learned in the lessons. I became more aware of the issues in the primary care sector, and I found my interest in ameliorating the problems in the healthcare sector. I would like to extend my gratitude to the lecturers as they always advised and encouraged me.
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Jaden Chung (Class of 2020)
Offer received: THEi - BSSc Sports and Recreation Management in Sports Therapy (Year 3)
I was so confused when I got my DSE results two years ago. Fortunately, I noticed that there was a Programme called Healthcare & Health Plan Administration at HKU SPACE CC. These two years of studies helped me understand the spectrum of issues in the medical system in HK. It showed me the different social institutions and broadened my understanding of healthcare systems around the world. It enriched my understanding of pathophysiology and the related studies, and provided me with the experiences of back-office work in the healthcare delivery system. These really helped me to fully realise my interest and to decide what I want to do in the future. Moreover, my classmates were positive and competitive. We worked together and fought together. I also really appreciated the teachers and HKU SPACE CC for giving me this opportunity to further study in the degree programme.
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Emily Yip Yuen Ying (Class of 2020)
Offer received: PolyU - BNursing (Year 3)
Studying HHPA at HKU SPACE CC has enriched my knowledge of the health care sector and nursing. This programme was useful and interesting. It provided a positive learning environment and encouraged us to cooperate with each other. I have learnt more about the health delivery and health financing systems in Hong Kong from the healthcare and public health courses, which broadened my horizon and helped me perform better at the University interviews. I appreciate the College for providing an opportunity to achieve my goal, paving the way for a fruitful future!
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Leung Kwok Yee
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Chan Sum Yee Kristie
在HKU SPACE CC讀書對我來說,是一個轉捩點,故我十分珍惜這個機會。但當我愈緊張想爭取好成績時,考試狀態反而愈差,故及後學懂調整自己心態,才能有健康的身心靈應付挑戰。作個比喻,你愈抓緊手中的一把沙,沙子愈快從你手上流走;相反,你懂得放輕手,沙子才不會猛的流走。學懂這個道理有利你們日後走更遠的萬里路。還有,到你們畢業時,或許會覺得自己還有很多不足,如你能有這個覺悟,我反倒要恭喜你,因為你有好學不倦的精神,這是要成為醫者其中一個重要的態度。
另外,在HKU SPACE CC讀書學到多少,就靠自己的主動性有多高。當遇到不明白時不用擔心,虛心問老師就好了,他們會非常耐心地為你們解說。問得愈多,意外收獲愈多。在此,我也想多謝老師們的教導和鼓勵。
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Hon Sing Yu Felix
2019-2021 Associate of Biomedical Sciences
時光荏苒,兩年的旅程不經意間到了尾聲。回想過去,經歷了多次人生的挫敗,一度很想放棄大學夢,但HKU SPACE CC 這個親切的校園讓我看到了轉機。起初家人反對,認為修讀副學士課程不切實際,坊間不太認可。但事實上,其評核模式與大學類近,課程內容亦能充分銜接大學課程,為學生打下良好的基礎。而且,學院致力為我們營造有利和積極的學習環境和氣氛,例如新設的自修室,我很喜歡到那裏溫習和討論習作。更重要的是,老師悉心的教導和栽培,讓我沒齒難忘。他們不惜犧牲自己的休息時間解答學生的問題,在空餘時間,更會和學生打成一片,閑話家常,亦師亦友。最後想借此機會感謝媽媽、HKU SPACE CC和我們的programme coordinator Dr Ng Sai Ming。
給師弟妹的話: 每一次的挫敗都是讓自己成長和變得更加堅強的好機會。所謂「山窮水盡疑無路,柳暗花明又一村」,當我跌至谷底、前面看似無路時,HKU SPACE CC 給予了我出路。當你走出深淵、重見天日之時,你會由衷感激那些磨難讓你更有底氣面對前面的挑戰,一切的付出都是值得的。
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Sharon Chui
2018-2020 Graduate of Higher Diploma in Dental Hygiene
I felt an overwhelming sense of relief and joy when I finally graduated with a qualification of High Diploma in Dental Hygiene.
Before I joined this programme, I’d always been inspired to become a healthcare professional. It was not until I realised dental health plays an important and indispensable role in our well-being did I decide to apply for this programme.
In the grand scheme of things, this programme not only provided useful textbook knowledge about dental health, but also hands-on clinical sessions that took a holistic approach to treating patients.
The teachers of the programme were extremely kind, helpful and knowledgeable. They brought a lot of experience and skills to the table. I was pleased and grateful for their help and support. I was also glad that I met some friendly peers who were truly my staunch friends and allies during my study journey.
Now that I’m a qualified dental hygienist, my experience and skills have been honed to the next level. The skill set I acquired over the past few years allows my patients to get the most out of my dental service.
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Chan Ho Chun
2020-21 Associate of Science (Year 1)
During my study at HKU SPACE CC, I met many friends of different backgrounds . At first, I was nervous at learning new subjects, I overcame the difficulties with the help from my friends and college lecturers. The key of success was studying hard, putting more effort on doing homework and past papers.
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Yung Pui Kwan Sandy
2019-21 Associate of Nursing Studies
During the two-year studies I got chances to learn various professional nursing knowledge and clinical nursing skills, human anatomy and physiology, health promotion. I could also understand the pathophysiology and etiology of various diseases. Through group projects like nursing care plans, I became familiar with the different nursing diagnoses and corresponding nursing management. Moreover, participating in Nursing Practicum strengthened my nursing practical skills and became familiar with the hospital and nursing home settings. When I faced some obstacles in my learning, lecturers were willing to give me guidance and resolve my concerns. I sincerely thank them for helping me to progress to the university.
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Leung Wing Yi
2020-2022 Associate of Biomedical Sciences
I am particularly grateful for the opportunities provided by CC which allow students to clean up their mistakes, embark on new journeys, and pursue their dream jobs.
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Angela Lee On Ying
2019-2020 Associate of Biomedical Sciences (Year 2)
Being a medical laboratory technologist has always been one of my goals. Although I did not perform well in my DSE, HKU SPACE CC reignited my hope. I was deeply inspired by the lecturers in the college. They are professional, helpful, and friendly. With their enormous support and experience sharing, I have learnt from my mistakes in DSE. I studied hard and learnt how to study effectively and happily. Without the assistance from college lecturers, I would never succeed.
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Pauline Wong Po Ling
2019-2021 Higher Diploma in Dental Hygiene
Being one of the clinical patients for more than ten years in the Prince Philip Dental Hospital, I am very used to sitting in the dental chair. Yet, it’s a completely different experience sitting behind it as a dental hygienist. It was not as easy as it seems, with the responsibility of maintaining the periodontal health of patients, it’s essential to acquire relevant knowledge and apply it clinically. The most challenging condition was that some oral conditions of the patients were beyond or ahead of the theoretical syllabus, which means that I might need to study in advance under the supervision of tutors and instructors in order to manage the oral health of my current patients. I think this is one of the very important qualities to study dentistry or to be a dental hygienist, to be responsible to the patients by learning actively and continuously.
Bounded by the scope of dental hygienists, I always require prescription and help from the dentists to treat the patients comprehensively, so I am very pleased that the dental hygiene program provides me with the opportunity to learn dental knowledge from different aspects to understand how a hygienist could maximize his or her role to cooperate with the dental team and to optimize the dental health of patients.
Finally, I would like to give my greatest gratitude to all the teaching staff under the dental hygiene programme. Without their help, I could not meet the standard of a qualified registered dental hygienist.
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Graduate W. L
Higher Diploma in Nutrition and Food Management
The Higher Diploma in Nutrition and Food Management programme has dedicated teaching staff and a well-structured academic curriculum which prepared me with a solid foundation in nutrition. This has enabled me to join the third year of the BSc in Food and Nutritional science at the University of Hong Kong. After graduation I had the opportunity to further pursue my study in the Post graduate Diploma in Dietetics (Ulster University) at HKUSPACE and finally realized my dream to be a registered dietitian with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), UK.
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Graduate H. S
Higher Diploma in Nutrition and Food Management
I am now working as a community dietitian. After finishing my Higher Diploma in Food and Nutrition Management, I had the opportunity to further my studies at the University of Newcastle in Australia, where I enrolled in their Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics programme and became a registered dietitian.
One great advantage of the HD programme was its transition into university-level studies. The solid foundation in nutrition provided by the programme made it much easier for me to catch up with university courses. Another fantastic aspect of the HD programme was the support and guidance provided by our dedicated lecturers. Not only were they highly knowledgeable in the academic aspects of nutrition, but they also offered valuable advice regarding career paths and development opportunities. Their guidance helped me navigate my way in the nutrition field successfully.
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Graduate E.H
Higher Diploma in Nutrition and Food Management
Currently, I hold the position of a full-time research assistant while also pursuing a part-time Master's in Philosophy (MPhil) degree at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HK Poly U). As an applicant who was not under the Joint University Programmes Admissions System (non-JUPAS), I received valuable support and information from my teachers during my time studying the HD Nutrition and Food Management programme, which helped me secure offers from local UGC universities, namely, CUHK and HK PolyU. Ultimately, I chose to pursue my studies in the BSc Food Safety and Nutrition programme at HK PolyU, where I was able to transfer certain courses taken in the HD NFM, such as Physiology and Biochemistry. The HD NFM programme provided a solid foundation in nutritional sciences and prepared me for the challenges of university education. Additionally, the skills learnt during the programme, such as conducting diet record interviews and anthropometric measurements, have proved useful in my current job centered around nutrition research.
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Graduate D. L
Higher Diploma in Nutrition and Food Management
As a fourth-year PhD student at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, I am pursuing my studies in the field of medical laboratory science within the Department of Health Technology and Informatics. My academic journey began upon my graduation from HDNFM in 2016. Building upon this foundation, I pursued a top-up bachelor’s degree in human nutrition at Ulster University in Northern Ireland. Following this, I won a vice-chancellor's scholarship to pursue a PhD at Ulster University. However, due to personal reasons, I made the decision to relocate back to Hong Kong and start a new doctoral study at HK PolyU. As I approach the culmination of my research, I reflect on the significance of my time at HDHFM. Not only did it provide me with a solid educational grounding, but it also presented invaluable opportunities and scholarships for personal growth and the pursuit of ambitious goals. Joining the HDHFM program has proven to be a pivotal turning point in my academic journey, and I have no regrets about my decision to be a part of it.
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Mandy Kong Man
2020-2022 Higher Diploma in Dental Hygiene
Before studying the Dental Hygiene Programme, I was a dental surgery assistant. Although I have some basic dental knowledge from my previous work experience, it was an entirely different experience from a chairside assistant to be an operator. The programme comprehensively trained my ability to become a qualified dental hygienist.
The clinical training was way more comprehensive than just cleaning the teeth. Motivating patients to perform good oral hygiene daily is an essential routine. It also allowed me to have more opportunities to communicate with different types of patients, such as, patients with special needs/ mental health problems. Although it was challenging for me, it built up my patience in treating patients. And I really get satisfaction when I know patients who have improved their oral health status.
Other than attending classroom seminars/ lectures, the problem-based learning module requires critical thinking and analytical skills which also helps me to gain motivation in learning. It also gives me a deeper understanding of the content of knowledge that I can immediately apply to treat patients with different oral and medical conditions.
The tutor and instructors from the programme are knowledgeable and passionate about teaching. I am so grateful for all the support and guidance given by them. It has been an incredible learning journey and the skills I gained in this programme have made me become a better and a more confident professional in the workplace.
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Ho Ming Hon Myron
2021-23 Associate of Nursing Studies
Studying at HKU SPACE CC was definitely a remarkable experience. HKU SPACE CC provided a nourishing environment for me to proceed with my goal. The curriculum was well-organized, and it provided me with great insights into the nursing field. The nursing practicum gave me a chance to apply the skills and knowledge learned from the lectures. I remember that I did wound care for a patient, although it was not a complicated procedure, their thankfulness was my great reward. Apart from academics, I met some friends who shared the same goal. They were encouraging and we worked hard together to achieve a good grade. We used to study in the common room until it closed. All in all, I didn’t regret studying ANS in HKU SPACE CC. Even though it was not always easy, the hard work paid off in the end.
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Wong Cheuk Lam Andria
2021-23 Associate of Nursing Studies
My experience at HKU SPACE CC equipped me with professional nursing knowledge and clinical skills. The exposure of different subjects such as human anatomy and physiology, health promotion and clinical nursing skills and nursing practicum provided me with an all-rounded nursing education. HKU SPACE CC also offered lots of resources such as career planning, academic advising and counseling services. The supportive learning environment enabled me to complete my programme more easily. I am really grateful for the chance to articulate to university through studying at HKU SPACE CC.
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Pong Chak Fung
2021-22 Associate of Science (Earth and Environmental Science Theme) (Year 2)
In HKU SPACE CC, I sought help form lecturers whenever I didn’t understand the concepts taught, both face to face after lesson time or through email. So, don’t be shy when you have questions. I kept doing revision on the lecture materials after every lesson and therefore it didn’t take me much time to study before the exam. Good luck and hope you have a pleasant experience in HKU SPACE CC.
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Lam Ka Ling
2022-23 Associate of Science (Physics Theme) (Year 2)
The teachers in HKU SPACE CC and HKU are friendly. They were willing to answer my questions patiently. Also, the summer bridging course is very helpful for my study. I appreciate it!
About the tips in studying, it is crucial to make friends and form study groups. Friends will give you emotional support. During the pandemic year, all courses were taught through Zoom. I felt afraid and lost at that moment. Luckily, my friend encouraged me and studied with me every day. Eventually, my friend and I got high GPA that semester!
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Leung Ka Long
2022-23 Associate of Science (Year 1)
In the past year, HKU SPACE CC offered me sufficient learning opportunities. The library and computer centre let me learn more efficiently. Even though I was not an active learner, my lecturers still encouraged me to study. My classmates assisted me in solving academic issues because we all had a mutual target university admission. The failure in HKDSE was just a part of the learning progress. The associate degree gives you another chance for compensation.
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Jenny Wong
2022-2024 Higher Diploma in Dental Hygiene
As a recent graduate of the Dental Hygiene Programme, I am filled with gratitude for the incredible journey I have experienced. Before enrolling, I worked as a dental surgery assistant, where I encountered many patients suffering from periodontal disease. This exposure ignited my passion for oral health and solidified my desire to advance my career in this field.
The programme provided an abundance of practical training opportunities, seamlessly integrating theory with hands-on experience. The comprehensive curriculum not only equipped me with the technical skills necessary to perform as a qualified dental hygienist but also emphasized the importance of patient education. I learned that my role extends beyond cleaning teeth; it involves motivating patients to maintain their oral health and prevent dental issues.
One of the most remarkable aspects of this programme was the dedication of our tutors. Their enthusiasm for teaching was evident in every lecture and practical session. They generously shared their knowledge and experiences, making complex concepts accessible and engaging. Additionally, guest speakers, including experienced dentists, enriched our learning by providing insights into real-world practices and patient care.
Completing this programme has been a transformative experience, enabling me to become a professional dental hygienist and share vital oral hygiene knowledge with the community. This journey has strengthened my confidence and instilled a deep sense of purpose, and I look forward to making a difference in people’s lives through my work.
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Chau Wing Hei Chris
2022-24 Associate of Nursing Studies
HKU SPACE CC provided comprehensive studies to all ANS students, from theoretical knowledge to clinical skills. The well-organized curriculum helped me to have a perfect articulation with my university studies. Also, with various opportunities for Practicum, I was able to experience what was like working in a community centre, rehabilitation centre, and hospital. To me, HKU SPACE CC is not only a school that provides great opportunities and nursing knowledge for us to articulate back to university, but it is also a brilliant opportunity to examine what we want to achieve now, later in university, and the future. For new comers, I hope you all can find your own path, pursue your academic pathway, and don’t regret your efforts in these two years of studies.
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