Students' Stories

Li Chung Hei
2013-14 Associate of Science, Year 1
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David Ng
香港大學附屬學院給我一個進修的機會,更提升了我各方面的才能,為將來就業作好準備。 市場學的課程非常專業及實用,每位講師都十分用心授課。每個學期,我都能夠接觸不同的市場學及管理等知識,一步一步為我建立進修或就業的穩固基石。而且,每當我遇到疑問,講師們都必定耐心解答。 在CC的兩年中,除了學懂專業的市場學知識,我更獲得不同的獎項,例如HSBC Vocational Education Scholarship 和畢業專題習作演說比賽冠軍。對我來說,香港大學附屬學院就是一個提供寶貴機會的保育瓶,只要你投入、努力,它必定能夠幫助你達到目標。
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Bosco Chan, Leo Chan, Kevin Chan, Maisie Cheung, Mike Cheung, Kate Cheng, Abby Yip
Graduate of Higher Diploma in Library and Information Management
I gained fruitful practical and theoretical knowledge that an information professional should possess. With the informative lecturers and friendly classmates I have unforgettable two years.
I have many different opportunities to experience and perform different library activities. Work placement let us enrich ourselves and prepare us for future career or university life. Lecturers are very willing to share their own experiences with us.
This programme gives us chances to work in different organisations to equip us with soft skills for working in a real-life situation. The work placements have played a crucial role in paving my career path.
This is a unique programme. The internship opportunity is beneficial for my future career. Lecturers look after students with great care. Enjoy the remarkable two years studying in this programme.
This programme provides the fundamental theories of library and information management, which are extremely useful when applying for jobs in the library field. Professional work placement enable us to have a deeper understanding of the operations of different libraries.
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Franky Wong
2015-16 AALS Year 2
HKU SPACE is a good place for students to realize their shortcomings while at the same time prepare them for their university studies. I learned it in a hard way that confidence is a good thing which guides me to my goal, but overdoing it will usually lead me to the otherwise. Treasure every opportunity to learn since you will never find out what you may miss. Diligence and persistence are always the key to success.
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Charles Sit
2016-17 Higher Diploma in Business (Economics) (Year 2)
This programme equipped me well with knowledge in the field of economics and finance. It certainly gave me a competitive edge when applying for university places.
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Joey Leung
Graduate of Higher Diploma in Library and Information Management in 2015-16
Studying HDLIM was enjoyable and I am delighted by my choice. I am grateful that the lecturers and senior students were always there to help when needed. Besides lectures, this programme also provides site visits and work placements for us. I did my placements in international school and university libraries, as well as a special library. I highly recommend this programme to those who are interested in information industry as it facilitates future study and career development.
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