Students' Stories
Emily Yip Yuen Ying (Class of 2020)
Offer received: PolyU - BNursing (Year 3)
Studying HHPA at HKU SPACE CC has enriched my knowledge of the health care sector and nursing. This programme was useful and interesting. It provided a positive learning environment and encouraged us to cooperate with each other. I have learnt more about the health delivery and health financing systems in Hong Kong from the healthcare and public health courses, which broadened my horizon and helped me perform better at the University interviews. I appreciate the College for providing an opportunity to achieve my goal, paving the way for a fruitful future!
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CUI Xunyu
Higher Diploma for Legal Executive - Distinction student
I think this programme is very practical. It contains 14 law-related modules, giving students more opportunities to get familiar with the law. Moreover, the teachers are very friendly. I originally thought that the lawyers would be very serious, but they are willing to get close to the students. They not only care about the students' grades, but also the students' mental health.
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2014-16 文學副學士(語言及人文學科)(中國語言、文學及文化)
記得一位老師說過:「走一條較遠的路不一定是壞的。」的而且確,入讀副學士不能保證你一定升讀大學,但這是一個機會。 在港大附屬學院這兩年,我讀過了一些中國語言文學的課程,例如經典文獻選讀、文學評論和語法學等等,打好了基礎,彷彿增添了一份文人的氣息。感謝附屬學院的每位講師,他們有着滿腔熱誠和深厚的文學根柢、知識,給予學生優質的教學。他們會耐心地回答你關於功課和升學的提問。所以我可以保證,中文組裡的都是數一數二的好老師。 除了講師,我亦想感謝一班有着共同目標的同學和朋友,我很慶幸能遇到一班投契的朋友進而建立一段長久的友誼。我亦不時懷念當時一起溫習、互相幫忙和為目標而奮鬥的時光。 現在我就讀於城市大學中文系三年級。我慶幸當年選擇了就讀港大附屬學院而非重讀。 希望大家亦有一段美好的時光,共勉之。
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Cheng Yee Shan Sarah
2014-15 Associate of Science, Year 2 (Biological Science Theme)
How much effort you paid, how well the result you will get! Just fights for your dream. Lectures in HKU SPACE Community College are all very nice and they are willing to help you and give you suggestions. Work hard and REMEMBER to read reference books about the chapters being taught.
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YIP Vanessa
2016-17 Associate of Social Sciences (Behavioural Science)
It was such a bittersweet experience studying in HKU SPACE CC. As a freshman, I decided not to participate in any ECAs as I wanted to to focus solely on my study. I suffered psychologically and physically, and I could not taste the joy of learning. My fear of failing overwhelmed me. On my teachers’ advice, I balance my life by planning my study schedule and time to relax. I learn to utilize the CC resources about university requirements and graduates' records to prepare for the non-jupas application. It is not a miracle that I could finally achieve my goal – entering HKU, it is the effort that paid off. Chances will only be given to those who are well prepared!
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Sit Wai Tang, Vento
2019-20 Associate of Science (Statistics) (Year 2)
比起DSE一試定生死,HKU SPACE CC提供了更多的升學機會!考試形式著重知識考驗多於應試技巧,只要肯努力,大學學位肯定有你份!HKU SPACE CC的特別之處是極有機會銜接上香港大學,提供一個最接近港大學習模式的機會,方便銜接各大學學位,入讀港大不再是impossible!
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