Students' Stories
2015-16 Associate of Arts in Legal Studies (Year 1)
Studying AALS has helped me build a solid foundation in law as a preparation for my LLB studies.
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Ho Ming Hon Myron
2021-23 Associate of Nursing Studies
Studying at HKU SPACE CC was definitely a remarkable experience. HKU SPACE CC provided a nourishing environment for me to proceed with my goal. The curriculum was well-organized, and it provided me with great insights into the nursing field. The nursing practicum gave me a chance to apply the skills and knowledge learned from the lectures. I remember that I did wound care for a patient, although it was not a complicated procedure, their thankfulness was my great reward. Apart from academics, I met some friends who shared the same goal. They were encouraging and we worked hard together to achieve a good grade. We used to study in the common room until it closed. All in all, I didn’t regret studying ANS in HKU SPACE CC. Even though it was not always easy, the hard work paid off in the end.
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Pong Chak Fung
2021-22 Associate of Science (Earth and Environmental Science Theme) (Year 2)
In HKU SPACE CC, I sought help form lecturers whenever I didn’t understand the concepts taught, both face to face after lesson time or through email. So, don’t be shy when you have questions. I kept doing revision on the lecture materials after every lesson and therefore it didn’t take me much time to study before the exam. Good luck and hope you have a pleasant experience in HKU SPACE CC.
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Stella Wong
2020-2022 Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies
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Morris Ling
Higher Diploma in Information Technology (Networking Stream, 2010-2013)
This Information Technology programme arouses my curiosity in exploring networking technology and provides solid skills for the future job market. The programme’s curriculum is very practical for me to obtain relevant industrial certificates. I really enjoyed studying at HKU SPACE CC. The lecturers are willing to share their life experiences and interact with us more often. I am not only learned the concrete skills and knowledge but also the diligent working attitude from them. Moreover, the programme provided a lot of opportunities to broaden my horizon. For instance, I joined the 8th Cisco Hong Kong-Macau Youth Networking Skills Competition last year and won the 1st runner-up. That was my valuable experience at the College. In 2011, I was awarded the Principal's Honours List 2010-2011 and HKU SPACE Community College Scholarship 2011. In 2012, I joined the 8th Cisco Hong Kong-Macau Youth Networking Skills Competition 2012 (1st runner-up), also I was awarded HKU SPACE College Scholarships 2012. In 2013, I was admitted to the UGC-funded degree programme of Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and I was also awarded the Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme 2012-2013 from HKSAR. In addition to my hands-on achievement, I have also been successfully admitted to the UGC-funded degree programme at The Chinese University of Hong Kong this year. I hope everyone will enjoy their school life during their study at HKU SPACE Community College.
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