Students' Stories

Jackson Chan
回想起那個常常不發一語的自己,在港大附屬學院修讀的兩年間,令我脫胎換骨。修讀市場學的學生,往往能透過學院提供的不同機會,例如:專業人士講座、營商比賽及實習計劃等,發揮潛能。當中教我最為印象深刻的,是和組員一起經過一整年時間,以數不盡的心血完成的畢業作品。在製作畢業專題習作的計劃書期間,由構思產品特性、市場策略及宣傳廣告概念等,所運用的知識及技巧,都是從講師及課程中學到的。到最後能夠在一眾講師及學生面前報告及獲獎,實在令人鼓舞! 畢業後,我經由香港大學專業進修學院國際學位課程中心,升讀澳洲科廷大學商學士(廣告與市場學)課程,學懂更多市場學及廣告學的專業知識;我現時身處澳洲修讀碩士課程,認識很多來自澳洲本土、德國、馬來西亞等國家的同學舍友,擴闊眼界及社交圈子。 在此,我衷心感謝學院的悉心栽培,圓了我的大學夢。
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Aaron Chung
此刻的你,仍在猶豫嗎? 我曾經跟你一樣,一邊看着課程資料,一邊思索着未來的人生……公開試成績公佈後,出現很多不同的聲音,告訴你應該報讀各種不同課程,在面對那些意見,特別是當建議與自己的想法有差異時,我也會感到煩惱、迷茫。 認清自己的興趣,確立目標,然後實行,是走向成功的第一步。 最後,我決定跟隨自己的興趣,報讀了市場學及管理的高級文憑課程。由於中學是理科生,當初修讀這課程都感到有點吃力,但幸好專業和盡責的講師不厭其煩地解答我的問題;學院還定期邀請不同行業的專家舉辦分享會,令我更熟悉商業環境,了解市場的轉變和最新的趨勢。 而且,課程讓我在學兩年的暑假有機會到不同公司實習,實習的過程不只讓我把課堂上學到的學以致用,更讓我明白到課程備受社會各界的肯定。 感謝學院悉心的栽培,令我明白到大學夢不只是一個夢。儘管過程充滿困難,但只要堅持走下去,我相信屬於你的風景終會出現。 此刻的你,還猶豫甚麼?
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Jacky Cheung
Currently working at Hospital Authority
This programme has provided me with sound business knowledge and financial concepts as well as good generic skills. Such skills and knowledge will be extremely useful not only for my academic development but will also strengthen my confidence to compete in a globalized world.
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Richardson Cheng
Dealer in FX, Options, Commodities Department of a major bank
Studying in HKU SPACE Community College was my life’s turning point. I have learnt professional knowledge and concepts in business and finance, which will surely be useful for my further study and career development.
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Jimmy Leung
Student of the Higher Diploma in Product Design Technology, Year 1
I chose this programme because I want to learn the entire production process and the essential factors in today's product design industry so that I could make use of the knowledge learnt to design my own products in the future. The programme does not just deepen my understanding and knowledge of product design technology but also allows me to meet many new friends and lecturers who are very innovative and creative. The assignments and projects are practical such that we could apply the knowledge learnt to a very practical context. The programme also provides us opportunities to visit the design factories and companies so that we could learn more about the details of industry operation. I wish I could pioneer my own product design business after completion of the programme.
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Ng Ka Yue
回想起兩年間,從失望到迷茫,再重整心情、努力奮鬥,最終達成自己定下的目標。最初,只是因為對市場學感興趣而選擇修讀。但是,在修讀途中卻意外地有更多的得著,除了可以實踐理論、學以致用、發揮潛能外,透過專題研習更能加強溝通和與人合作的能力。當中畢業計劃書更是和組員用一整年的時間,由零開始,花了不少心血而完成的。 在港大附屬學院讀書,少不免遇上大大小小的困難,甚至會感到低落。不過,在這兩年期間,從講師、社工以及同學的身上,我明白到,每一段經歷的發生都有原因,每一項挑戰都能帶來豐富的得著。 感謝學院的栽培,令我的大學夢最終成真。追夢的過程雖然辛苦,但是只要相信和堅持,你,其實會比想像中得到更多。 只要付出努力,同學的收穫可能比我的更為精彩。
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Kristen Ng
還記得當年放榜,收到高考成績單後,心情十分焦慮。在短時間內必須選擇自己的路:到底應該繼續進修,還是找份長工度過餘生? 經過深思熟慮,最後選擇報讀港大附屬學院商業學高級文憑課程,除了可為工作做好準備,從不同課外活動及實習機會中找尋自己真正的興趣,亦再次測試自己到底有沒有能力考進大學。皇天不負有心人,得到講師的悉心教導和指示,同學之間的鼓勵和支持,最後有幸獲得兩間大學取錄,繼續修讀喜歡的科目。 這兩年高級文憑生涯,讓我尋回自我,上了人生寶貴的一課。「態度勝過高度」,是一位講師常常提醒我們的,亦從此成為我人生的座右銘。在此再次感謝所有講師和同學。
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Manessa Tam
作為末代會考和高級程度會考考生,我曾遇到巨大的壓力,進不了大學,當時十分懊悔,總想當初更努力就好了。 幸好我報讀了港大附屬學院商業學高級文憑(市場學及管理),講師以具體實例,和不同的方法講解課題,使學生能深入理解,這令我明白自己並非沒有能力,而是不懂竅門。剛入學的時候,我沒有想過能取得優秀成績,但講師讓我擁有多一次的機會去努力。而此時,我已準備好在大學中繼續努力,向夢想出發。 我衷心希望,曾遇到失敗的同學們不要放棄,要抓住每一個機會去努力,有朝一日,必能實現夢想!
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Yanki Wong
大學學位,真的是遙不可及? 曾經,我兩次被考試擊倒。會考後再重讀中五,好不容易升讀預科,卻要面對另一考驗:高考。憑著不俗的成績,以為可以歡天喜地迎接來年的大學生活,不料卻失望而回,因為JUPAS Offer 只有一個酒店管理高級文憑。 我曾想過放棄,但身邊朋友不斷鼓勵我,建議我到港大附屬學院修讀高級文憑課程,既可有一技之長,也可以報讀大學!當時,我真的一點信心也沒有,心想哪有這麼容易的事。現在回想起來,幸好我做了明智的決定。 於是我選了Sales, Marketing and Advertising,課程與生活息息相關,一份理論,九份實踐。兩年的生活很充實,令我愈讀愈有信心。畢業那年,最令我意想不到的是我獲香港城市大學錄取,還有兩個Offers呢!所以,「一分耕耘一分收穫」的確是千真萬確。 大家一定要記著「俾心機,有轉機!」
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Bernadette Tam
現受聘於香港國際貨櫃碼頭有限公司 (HIT)
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Tommy Chau
2013-14 Higher Diploma in Business (Financial Services), Year 2
I have learnt professional knowledge in finance and business which will be very useful to my future career. The lecturers provided me with a lot of advice and support while I was applying to different bachelor’s degree programmes of different universities. HKU SPACE Community College is absolutely a good platform for students to get into a university.
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Mos Kwan
2014-15 Higher Diploma in Business (Financial Services) (Year 2)
During my two years of studying in the programme, not only did I learn about finance and investment theories, I learnt about their practical use and how they relate to the latest finance news. The programme gave me a good chance to seize different career and further study opportunities, and to enrich myself.
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Law Hong Ting, Kevin
2014-15 Higher Diploma in Business (Financial Services) (Year2)
I would like to say ‘thank you’ to all the HKU SPACE Community College lecturers who gave me a lot of impressive lectures. I have not only acquired diverse and professional knowledge in the field of finance and business, but also broadened my horizons, especially world economic issues. I must say these two years of college studies will always be the most valuable chapters in my life.
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Wayne Kong
2014-15 Higher Diploma in Business (Financial Services) (Year 2)
This programme equipped me with much knowledge in the field of finance. It gave me a competitive edge when looking for university places. In addition, the fundamental principles of business I learnt in the programme is very useful in my daily life and will benefit my future career.
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Thomas Cheung
Currently working at a commercial bank
The Higher Diploma in Business programme has provided me with rich and practical knowledge about finance and banking. It has also broadened my horizons and heightened my interest in the business world. Apart from obtaining academic knowledge in this College, I really appreciate the lecturers who supported me on the planning of my future path.
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Cason Fung
2014-15 Higher Diploma in Business (Economics), Year 2
At HKU SPACE CC, I acquired much knowledge, analytical skills and independent learning techniques with the help of passionate lecturers. Thanks to my lecturers' teaching and caring nature, I now know that studying Higher Diploma in Business programme was the right choice.
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Stuart Lau
Currently working in HKU SPACE - Information Technology Service
This programme has equipped me with knowledge and skills that can be employed to manage the challenges in the fast-changing, globalized economy. My study experience is undoubtedly valuable and useful for my further studies and career development.
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Vanessa Lau
2014-15 Higher Diploma in Business (Corporation Administration and Management), Year 1
I have learnt practical knowledge and skills in business management which can be applied in my future academic and career path. Lecturers were patient and caring about our learning progresses which enhanced our motivation to study. Overall, HKU SPACE CC is a good platform for us to pursue our targets.
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Matthew Yeung
2014-15 Higher Diploma in Business (Economics) (Year 1)
The Higher Diploma in Business programme provides not only specialized knowledge to the students but also the opportunity to explore one’s surroundings, and more importantly, the chance for one to improve oneself and get well prepared for the upcoming life. No matter what happens, please never give up. Working hard is always the key to success. HKU SPACE CC will definitely be a good platform for you to start a new chapter of life.
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Wallace Yau
在CC的兩年中,我有機會接觸市場學及管理學中的多個範疇,使我對這個學科具更深入和全面的了解。除了學習各種商業理論外,我們亦有機會在畢業專題習作中,把兩年所學習到的融會貫通,撰寫出一份屬於自己的商業企劃書,同時設計不同的宣傳攤位和店鋪陳設,有趣且具挑戰性! 在課堂上,經驗豐富的講師不但會分享不同的商界實例及自身工作經驗,亦經常主動了解我們遇到的因難,給予幫助。回想起我在首個大學面試的表現未如理想,幸得導師們給我鼓勵,我才有信心和動力繼續面對接下來的面試,最終獲得7家大學學位取錄。 作為商科學生,Hard Skills 和Soft Skills同樣重要。事實上,除了書本上的知識,領導才能以及團隊合作精神更是不可或缺。透過各個專題研習,除了讓我們的Hard Skills得以深化外,溝通技巧、待人處事等Soft Skills也得以提升。 作為2013公開試的重考生,我曾面對再次名落孫山的窘境,失去自信,迷失方向,沒有想過最終能滿分畢業,更沒有想過能考進心儀的大學。然而,在HKU SPACE CC修讀市場學及管理的兩年絕對是我人生中一個重要的轉捩點。在此,我感謝各位講師的教誨和指導。 “Chance favors only the prepared mind so plant your feet and stand firm!” 各位師弟妹,「搏盡無悔」,大學見!
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Ken Ng
公開試放榜後,我曾修讀不同院校的基礎課程及文憑課程,但因成績不理想,最終沒有完成課程。為了尋找自己的興趣,我報讀了港大附屬學院的高級文憑,主修市場學及管理。 在短短的兩年間,學院讓我裝備了不同範疇的商業知識,透過各式各樣的課外活動,例如實習計劃和海外交流團,大大提升了溝通技巧和自信心,也使我擴闊了國際視野。 在修讀課程時,總會遇到大大小小的困難和挑戰。最令我印象深刻的是我的畢專題習作演說比賽,從組員與組員之間的合作,到平衡各方的意見,以達成共同目標,在整個過程中都能夠讓我體會到團結一致和從錯誤中學習的重要性。 最重要的是,透過修讀學院課程令我能夠繼續升讀心儀的本地大學課程,追尋自己的夢想。 我衷心感謝每一位講師對我的教導、支持和鼓勵。謝謝!
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Lawrence Luk
在港大附屬學院修讀商業學高級文憑課程期間,無論是課堂上的生活化例子,參加實習和交流機會上得到的知識,均為我現在在大學的學習旅途奠下良好基礎。我尤其感謝講師在課堂上分享他們在相關專業領域上的寶貴經驗,確實令我獲益良多,亦為課程內容增添實用性。 我印象尤為深刻的,是畢業專題習作。畢業專題習作給予我們學以致用的機會,例如拍攝我們產品的宣傳廣告。 公開試失利的同學,一次的失利不代表整個人生的失敗,港大附屬學院為你們提供另一條向目標進發的道路。藉此機會,再一次衷心感謝學院講師的用心指導。
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Alison Fan
過去兩年在港大附屬學院的生活,雖然學業繁重,但樂在其中。專門的學科知識及練習助我為入讀大學作準備,亦提升我對市場學的興趣,同時也認識了不少志同道合的朋友,一起面對挑戰和難關。 我印象最深刻的是畢業專題習作,能與朋友一起發揮創意,發展獨特的商業計劃書,從中也學以致用。當初入讀學院的不習慣及不甘心,轉化成為了我奮鬥的動力,全賴學院的支持讓我完成大學夢。 這兩年有不少難忘的回憶,再一次謝謝學院、講師及朋友的鼓勵!
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Ashley To
在港大附屬學院的兩年,我在各方面都得到豐富的收穫。在修讀高級文憑的路上,成績是我最為著緊的。在學習方面,講師上課大多以互動形式教授,亦不時以分組討論來幫助我們應用書本上的知識,令我準備考試時能輕鬆面對,考取好成績,並於畢業後銜接到商科學士學位課程。 除了課堂,學院亦給予我在相關範疇的工作機會,在暑期實習中親身嘗試由設計到實踐宣傳計劃,並自行解決過程中遇到的問題,令我對Marketing這個行業有更深入的了解。 在課餘活動方面,學院十分重視同學的全能發展。在學校的支持下,我們的Rugby Team多次出戰大專賽事都取得獎項。同時,經過兩年的經驗,我現在更爭取到大學欖球代表隊的一席位。
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Kenneth Pang
現受聘於香港國際貨櫃碼頭有限公司 (HIT)
在物流及運輸高級文憑修讀了一年,經過一番努力,我順利升讀香港大學學士學位課程。在此要感謝高級文憑中的每位導師,他們不但分享在物流界中豐富的經驗,亦為我的升學及就業給予很多寶貴的意見和協助。雖然在香港大學附屬學院的學習只有短短一年,但期間所獲得的知識和經驗,絕對有助我確立未來的職業路向。 在大學暑期的時候,我到了香港國際貨櫃碼頭 (HIT) 實習。畢業後,我亦加入了HIT的操作部管理見習生 (Operations Management Trainee)計劃。在為期兩年的培訓期間,我累積了不少珍貴的工作經驗,除了獲安排到操作部門每一個崗位實習,亦能參與一些操作計劃。2016年7月我將完成培訓,並會擔任操作管理的工作。
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Carson Szeto
Year 1 student of Bachelor of Engineering in The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Failure is the first step towards success. I got a bad result in the HKDSE examination. University entry seemed far away from me. However, the Higher Diploma in Logistics and Transport programme helped me achieve my goal. In this programme, I found what I am interested in. The lecturers who are from different logistics backgrounds passed on a lot of knowledge during the lectures, which were relevant to what I am studying now. There are lots of internship opportunities and competitions for me to gain practical experience that goes beyond the knowledge from textbooks. After my first year of study, I received two offers, a Bachelor of Engineering from CUHK and a Bachelor of Engineering in Energy Science and Engineering from CityU. I am glad that I studied this Higher Diploma programme, which gave me a second chance to enter university.
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Sylvia Au-Yeung
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Mark Ng
2014-16 Associate of Business Administration, Year 2 (Finance Theme)
I am so lucky to have chosen HKU SPACE Community College to pursue my Associate Degree in Business Administration. Two years ago, when I was planning to choose Business as my major, many people discouraged me by saying that it is extremely difficult to get an offer from universities because the competition is too keen. Luckily, I insisted on my decision and the results turned out to be quite the opposite. Now, I have four admission offers from top universities in Hong Kong and most importantly, I can see my growth in the business studies. There are three elements in HKU SPACE CC that contributed to my success today. First, the lecturers are always willing to help. For example, they organised several mock interviews to help us prepare for the university interviews. We could also consult them with our personal statements writing and career development. With the help of several lecturers in HKU SPACE CC, my team won the champion of the ACCA Business Competition 2015, which definitely broadened my horizon and added more value to my resume. Second, the Student Development & Counselling Services (SDCS) is extremely helpful; they regularly organise talks about interview skills and university admission, and besides I can also check out the records on university admission and interview questions from the past years. With all this useful information, I understand more about the university admission and interviews. Third, school exchange and internship were also wonderful experiences. I joined school exchange to Beijing and Taiwan last summer, and an internship with Habitat for Humanity Hong Kong; these experiences not only allowed me to meet more friends from different cultures, but also strengthened my business-related skills.
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Chan Wai Wun, Bernice
2014-16 Associate of Business Administration, Year 2 (Accounting Theme)
Studying an Associate Degree provided me with opportunities to enrich my business knowledge and make my dream come true. I became an all-rounded person by learning through presentations, group works, projects, and discussion. Not only have I gained essential business knowledge but I also developed better presentation skills. All these had helped me overcome the challenges in university interviews and examinations. Moreover, various talks and activities held by the College had widened my horizon. From university applications to career development, HKU SPACE CC provided numerous sources and consultations that helped me to plan my own development effectively and efficiently. You may feel lost and hopeless. However, you can find your companions - lecturers and schoolmates. They will support and encourage you to overcome all the challenges. To sum up, I do believe that everyone who enters this College will find meaningful things in their lifetime and have a great future.
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Ng Yu Hin, Brian
2014-16 Associate of Business Administration, Year 2 (Finance Theme)
HKU SPACE CC ABA is a place to realise your potential. It has changed my attitude, visions and more importantly, my destiny. I am thankful to my friends at CC who worked with me to come across different obstacles. I remember when I first entered ABA, I didn’t expect that I could reach so far. I appreciate the lecturers in ABA who inspired and motivated me when I needed help. I gradually built up my confidence with different practical trainings and assistance. The learning style at HKU SPACE CC is not only interactive, but also encourages discussions among classmates. Although the journey is tough, I feel the atmosphere and the community here are so supportive, which empowers me to move forward without hesitation. In a nutshell, ABA is a stage to unleash your potentials and stretch your wings. All your hardships will eventually pay off. Join us and let’s make things happen.
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Chan Shuk Yi
2014-16 Associate of Business Administration, Year 2 (Accounting Theme)
Studying in HKU SPACE Community College (CC) would be the most unforgettable memory in my life. Throughout the two-year all-rounded and intensive training, not only have I gained professional knowledge from lecturers, but I also built strong interpersonal skills and logical thinking while doing group projects. Besides, I have met some comrade-in-arms who went through the same experience and supported me in these 2 years. I have no regrets for choosing HKU SPACE CC as my stepping stone to university. Though, the courses here are challenging. I am sure that by frequent communication with the caring lecturers of the College and find the appropriate study partners, you can find the ways to tackle the difficulties. Tremendous help from lecturers and study partners would be your dawn in CC’s life! All in all, I ensure that HKU SPACE CC would give you an unforgettable experience in your entire life and you would gain far more than you expect!
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Chan Hor Shan
2013-15 Associate of Business Administration, Year 2 (Accounting Theme)
HKU SPACE CC的工商管理副學士課程幫助我重新訂下目標,為升上大學做好準備。在學院學習,使我對工商管理有更深切的認識,亦助我做好自己的生涯規劃,期望在此領域上有更進一步的發展。學院學術氣氛濃厚,同學間有著共同的信念,彼此扶持,為實現理想努力。在講師的幫助下,我的演說能力和面試技巧日漸進步,也令我更有自信,在待人接物的技巧上更趨成熟,對將來的發展有莫大裨益。
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Wong Chun To, Michael
2014-16 Associate of Business Administration, Year 2 (Applied Economics Theme)
要升讀大學,努力和運氣缺一不可。當初選讀HKU SPACE CC的時候,已決意要用功,希望能夠順利升讀大學。在課堂中,我很留心聽講師的講課,溫習考試時,往往事半功倍,比其他同學花更少時間去掌握考試的內容! 此外,在CC,我很幸運地遇上了不少好老師。在學習和升學上,或是準備大學面試,都給了我很多寶貴的意見。從第一年的面試失敗,到現在僥倖地獲數間大學取錄,他們的確幫助了我不少!尤其是Econ major的老師,給了我很多關於大學升讀經濟科的意見! 除了讀書以外,CC也有多元化的活動讓同學參與,而我有幸地加入了HKU SPACE Toastmasters Club,提供了很多演講機會,令我在匯報和面試時不會怯場及從容面對。CC提供的升學資訊絕對是數一數二的齊全,SDCS的「天書」對我們準備面試及升學有極大的幫助,裡面有齊全的升學資訊及過往的面試題目,能充份準備面試! 最後,在CC的兩年絕對是我人生的轉捩點。在此,我感謝各位講師的教誨和指導。 “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.” 希望同學面對失敗時不要放棄,努力面對每一個困難,改變自己,最終一定能找到自己理想的出路!
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Hui Yat Fung
2014-16 Associate of Business Administration, Year 2 (Applied Economics Theme)
我當初入讀HKU SPACE CC時,只抱着「過了這兩年,進大學便海闊天空」的心態,只視副學士為升讀大學的跳板,沒有想過校園生活會否愉快,也未想過在這裡會見識到甚麼,學到甚麼,得到甚麼,最重要是最後能進大學。我想,不少同學都和我有相似的想法。 兩年過去,我的想法改變了。Offer固然重要,但個人成長也同樣重要。這是一個很好讓我好好磨練一番的機會,得到的可能比大學更多。在大學,可以選擇去玩、走堂、燃燒GPA;但在這裡,只能專注讀書,做好時間管理,應付各種挑戰。 經過這兩年,我感覺到自己不再是一個聽從家長老師命令和容易受人影響的小孩,而是有自己想法和價值觀,懂時間分配,能夠自己處理問題的成年人。
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Ren Kong
現在的你是否如當年的我,手執文憑試成績單,同時看着形形式式的學院招生廣告,內心滿是忐忑以及迷茫?想起當初,我只是希望能夠接觸更多有關市場學及廣告方面的知識,卻從未想過會在這個課程內獲得這麼多。 修讀港大附屬學院商業學高級文憑(市場營銷及廣告)課程後,讓我對市場學有更深入的理解。課程設計注重理論與實踐,除了能在課堂上吸取知識外,亦有不同的講座、實習及交流機會,好讓我們能夠更全面地認識市場學。 今天,我有幸圓夢進升香港大學,這全賴各位講師對我的支持和鼓勵,他們有教無類,並且鼓勵每位學生主動學習,給予肯定及信心,讓我們更有動力學習。經過他們循循善誘而耐心的教導,對我無條件的支持,讓我慢慢地找回那股學習的興趣,以及人生的目標。在此衷心感謝各位講師悉心的教導。 若此刻的你仍在猶豫,我可以告訴你,只要你有夢想,這裡必定是個圓夢工場。
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Gigi Siu
2015-16 Higher Diploma in Business (Economics) (Year 2)
This programme enriched my knowledge in the field of Economics, which has helped me to build a solid foundation for further study in university. The lecturers are patient and caring. I had a fruitful learning experience in HKU SPACE Community College.
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Daphne Wong
2015-16 Higher Diploma in Business (Financial Services) (Year 2)
I am glad to have had a chance to study in HKU SPACE Community College. During this two-year period, I have learnt a wide range of financial knowledge and generic skills as well as got a lot of support and help from my lecturers. This has prepared me well for future study and career development.
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Minerva Lam
2015-16 Higher Diploma in Business (Year 1)
This programme equipped me with fundamental knowledge of business and established a firm foundation for my further studies. The teaching was practical, with real-life examples that broadened students’ perspectives of the contemporary world.
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Eugenia Lam
Currently working as a Branch Trainee at HSBC
I have learnt professional knowledge in finance and business that can be used in my future. The lecturers provided me with lots of advice and support while I was applying to different university bachelor degree programmes. HKU SPACE Community College is a good platform for students to get into a university.
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Suki Ho
2015-16 Higher Diploma in Business (Financial Services) (Year 2)
This programme enables me to develop advanced business knowledge and build a global perspective. Our lecturers are supportive and caring. I feel motivated to learn at HKU SPACE Community College.
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Philip Chung
Graduate of Higher Diploma in Marketing in 2016
考畢文憑試後,手執5科四級的成績單,我心有不甘。我決定報讀港大附屬學院商業學高級文憑(市場學及管理)課程,立志要在這裏獲得本港大學的取錄。 這兩年,除了獲得大量的市場營銷知識外,講師對每一位學生的關心猶為貼心。每一堂下課後,講師會主動關心每一個學生的學習進度及人生規劃。每當有同學將要接受大學面試,講師都會用私人時間提供意見。 今天,我有幸圓了升讀香港大學的夢,全賴各位講師對我的支持。他們鼓勵每位學生主動學習,給予肯定及信心,讓我們更有動力學習。
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Dominie Sit
修讀港大附屬學院商業學高級文憑(市場學及管理)課程,使我可以順利升讀大學。在這兩年,我接觸市場學及管理學知識。在課堂上,講師會給予同學討論的時間,使我們對知識了解得更透徹。另外,講師亦會把課本知識應用於日常生活例子,不但使我們加深印象,更令學生能活學活用。我每次考試能考取好成績,確實有賴講師們的悉心教導。 HKU SPACE CC不但關心學生的成績,亦著重我們的課餘活動。我曾代表院校出席欖球比賽,豐富了我的大專生活,更使我認識了一班好朋友。
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David Ng
香港大學附屬學院給我一個進修的機會,更提升了我各方面的才能,為將來就業作好準備。 市場學的課程非常專業及實用,每位講師都十分用心授課。每個學期,我都能夠接觸不同的市場學及管理等知識,一步一步為我建立進修或就業的穩固基石。而且,每當我遇到疑問,講師們都必定耐心解答。 在CC的兩年中,除了學懂專業的市場學知識,我更獲得不同的獎項,例如HSBC Vocational Education Scholarship 和畢業專題習作演說比賽冠軍。對我來說,香港大學附屬學院就是一個提供寶貴機會的保育瓶,只要你投入、努力,它必定能夠幫助你達到目標。
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Dana Suen
「HKU SPACE CC 的學生有很高的質素」這句話,到現在我升讀理大後依然深信不疑。回想兩年多前,懷著重新開始的決心報讀港大附屬學院商業學高級文憑(市場學及管理)課程。雖然我的公開考試成績不算理想,但這課程的面試官著重評核我的態度和個人特質,讓我感受到這所學院對學生的重視。 這課程教授內容實用,講師有著豐富的專業知識及經驗,讓學生們能夠理解和應用所學的理論。課餘時他們亦樂意解答學生學習上的問題。這些元素讓HKU SPACE CC的學生在就業或升學都能發揮所長。
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Christine Wong
由於公開試成績未如理想,所以我跟入讀大學的機會擦肩而過。當時,我感到短暫的迷失,也不知道該何去何從。然而,在朋友的推薦下,我最終選擇了報讀HKU SPACE CC的商業學高級文憑(市場營銷及廣告)課程,抱著隨遇而安的心態開始我另一段學習之旅。 HKU SPACE CC的講師熱誠教學,不但教授課本的理論,而且不時分享有關工作經驗,讓同學對實際市場環境有更深入的了解。另外,老師十分關心學生,不時給予鼓勵和建議。這一切,讓我尋回自信。 我非常感謝講師對我的支持。
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在HKU SPACE CC 的兩年時間轉瞬即逝,這段時間除了學習物流及各種運輸系統的知識外,這個課程還提供了管理課程,因此我對不同公司的運作以至背後的原理也能有所了解。除此以外,不同課程會提供各種小組研習,經過不同的研習和講師的循循善誘,我們具備了優異的分析技巧。再者,這課程有很多參觀的機會,我曾到過不同公司實習,並能於工作上將所學知識運用自如。最後,我獲得了獎學金,更有幸到香港大學再續學習生涯。
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Alpha Chan
2016-17 Higher Diploma in Business (Economics), Year 2
The programme provides me a precious learning experience which enables me to build a good foundation of business knowledge for further studies. The lecturers are supportive to students' future career and education affairs.
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Ivan Cheung
2016-17 Higher Diploma in Business (Economics), Year 2
This programme offers specialized knowledge of business and practical skills. It equips students for their further studies and career development. The lecturers are supportive and I had a fruitful learning experience here.
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Tommy Chan
2016-17 Higher Diploma in Business (Financial Services), Year 2
Throughout these 2 years, I acquired lots of practical knowledge on my academic study as well as to prepare for my future career.
HKU SPACE CC have provided a conducive learning environment to enable us to grow and excel in our studies. It is not the end of our study journey after DSE, but a brand new start to reset our target and to look for a path to get into university.
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Joanna Lam
2016-17 Higher Diploma in Business (Financial Services), Year 2
This programme equipped me with knowledge of business discipline and generic skills, which helped me to build a solid foundation for my further studies. The lecturers are supportive and always available for inquiries. I felt inspired to learn at HKU SPACE Community College.
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David Yeung
2016-17 Higher Diploma in Business (Financial Services Stream), Year 2
This programme provides fundamental knowledge in business and finance such as those in the field of insurance and investment. It prepares students for further studies in university and enhances their competitiveness in the job market.
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Jerry Leung
2016-17 Higher Diploma in Business (Financial Services), Year 2
This programme enhanced my knowledge of finance and business, which allowed me to be well-prepared for my further studies. The lecturers are caring and helpful as they provided great support when we needed help. I am delighted with my choice of studying in HKU SPACE Community College.
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Victor Li
2016-17 Higher Diploma in Business (Financial Services), Year 2
This programme not only enriched my knowledge in the field of business. During my time at HKU SPACE, I had the opportunity of joining different extracurricular activities e.g. ACCA Hong Kong Business Case Competition. All of these learning experiences broadened my perspective and enabled me to prepare for my further studies.
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Vivian Leung
2016-17 Higher Diploma in Business (Financial Services), Year 2
My time at HKU SPACE Community College shaped my career in many ways. Our lecturers are helpful and gave us useful advice for our further studies and careers development. The curriculum is practical helping students to explore business knowledge and employability skills.
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Annie Chan
2016-17 Higher Diploma in Business (Economics), Year 2
This programme enriches my knowledge in business and finance, and lays a solid foundation for my university studies and future career development. Our lecturers are professional, supportive and caring. I enjoyed my two years of study at Higher Diploma in Business. I am glad that I chose HKU SPACE Community College.
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Suky Li
2016-17 Higher Diploma in Business (Financial Services), Year 2
This programme enables me to develop advanced business knowledge and build a global perspective. Our lecturers are supportive and nice. Not only did they teach me business knowledge, but they also provided suggestions when I had any difficulties. I feel motivated to learn at HKU SPACE Community College.
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Ben Kong
2016-17 Higher Diploma in Business, Year 1
This 1-year study at HKU SPACE was fantastic and extremely valuable. The Programme provided courses to develop my logical and problem solving skills on finance and business. When I look back, I find that going to HKU was a wonderful choice.
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Carol Ho
2016-17 Higher Diploma in Business, Year 1
This programme provides me with sound knowledge base in business field on both practical and theoretical aspect. It allows students to better equip themselves and become a capable leader to encounter future career and further education challenges. HKU SPACE also provides me with a favourable learning environment and teachers are supportive especially on Non-JUPAS application.
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Sze Chun Kei, Kanice
2015-2017 Associate of Business Administration (Year 2) (Accounting Theme)
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在HKU SPACE CC的這段時間,我學習到不少關於供應鏈 和交通運輸的知識,並有機會到相關的機構參觀,例如香 港國際貨櫃碼頭、城巴和新巴的巴士廠。此外,本課程提 供不少比賽和實習機會,把課堂上所學的概念和理論付諸 實踐,令我累積不少經驗。助我完成大學夢。
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在HKU SPACE CC就讀兩年高級文憑課程期間,涉及交通運 輸的科目非常多元,當中包括航空的科目,由具備多年航空業 經驗的講師教授,提升我對航空業的興趣,更選擇以航空管理 作為升讀大學的主修。
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能夠升讀理工大學對我好像一個夢。我知道我對物流的認識 不深,因此最後能升上理工大學,我真的很感恩,同時亦 覺得不可思議。當初收到DSE成績,我以為跟「大學」無緣 了,從來讀書都不太有幹勁,對升學沒有太大希望。因著種 種的偶然,我入到HKU SPACE CC升讀物流及運輸,而這個環境令我改變了不少。 我相信在HKU SPACE CC的同學,都十分迷茫。而這裡的老師總是不斷鼓勵我們。 對我而言,在這裡學習到的不只是關於供應鏈的知識,最重要的是這裡教導我一個 關於學習的態度,重要的是有好學的心,好讓我能把握機會去好好學習。
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Charles Sit
2016-17 Higher Diploma in Business (Economics) (Year 2)
This programme equipped me well with knowledge in the field of economics and finance. It certainly gave me a competitive edge when applying for university places.
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Liz Kwok
2017年商業學高級文憑 (市場學及管理)畢業
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Hilary Tam
2017年商業學高級文憑 (市場營銷及廣告)畢業
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Noel Liu
2017年商業學高級文憑 (市場營銷及廣告)畢業
接過文憑試成績表,我決定修讀HKU SPACE CC商業學高級文憑 (市場營銷及廣告)課程。兩年間,老師無論在學業或升學上都給予 同學指導,師生間關係和諧,有融洽的學習環境。在學習方面,老 師亦會以生活例子,令同學更明白市場學的概念。
學院提供豐富的課外活動,我曾擔任商學會副主席,為我的大專生 活增添色彩,同時亦學會不少課本外的知識。今天我能夠完成夢 想,除了感謝老師外,身邊的戰友亦功不可沒,大家互相扶持,為 兩年的大專生活劃上完美的句號。
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Jeff Chan
2017年商業學高級文憑 (市場學及管理)畢業
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Justin Wong
2017年商業學高級文憑 (市場營銷及廣告)畢業
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Tim Wong
2017年商業學高級文憑 (市場營銷及廣告)畢業
DSE後,拿着不太理想的成績,我決定修讀HKU SPACE CC商業學 高級文憑(市場營銷及廣告)課程。 在這兩年,老師對同學主動關心,使我對將來人生規劃的目標更堅 定。課堂上,老師以實際的例子講解,使同學更容易掌握市場營銷 的知識。
此外,我還認識了一班好戰友,大家互相鼓勵,奮勇向 前。 最後鼓勵每個有目標的人,不要怕跌倒,反而要繼續努力,向着理 想奮鬥。
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Ivan Lin
2017年商業學高級文憑 (市場營銷及廣告)畢業
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Peter Chow
2017年商業學高級文憑 (市場學及管理)畢業
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Suki Sin
2017年商業學高級文憑 (市場營銷及廣告)畢業
兩年前我毅然決定重投學習生涯,選擇入讀HKU SPACE CC,這決 定終使我成功升讀本地大學。 在CC修讀高級文憑課程的兩年,我獲益良多。
在課堂上,講師不但 教授書本知識,更會提供生活實例讓同學能活學活用,幫助同學學 習。此外,當同學對升學或就業有疑問時,講師亦會提供意見,為 我們分憂。我今天能成功升讀大學,實在有賴各位老師的幫助和支 持。這增強了我學習的信心,助我在學業路上繼續拼搏。
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Wong Tung Fai
2016-2018 Associate of Business Administration (Year 2) (Applied Economics Theme)
Studying at HKU SPACE CC was undoubtedly the most memorable experience in my life. After encountering setbacks in public exam, HKU SPACE CC gave me the second chance to reach my goals. Life is full of ups and downs. HKDSE results may not truly represent your abilities and exertions. In HKU SPACE CC, your efforts will always pay off. You should not be hindered by the difficulties and now it’s time to move on again. It is your attitude, not your aptitude that determines your altitude.
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Yeung Tsz Wing
2016-18 Higher Diploma in Business
This programme enables me to acquire advanced business knowledge and build a global perspective. Our lecturers are supportive and caring. I feel motivated to learn at HKU SPACE Community College.
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Cheung Ho Yim
2016-18 Associate of Business Administration
The score I obtained in HKDSE was not satisfactory. I took Physics and Chemistry as electives in my secondary school but later I recognised that science was not my interest. Therefore I decided to study ABA in HKU SPACE CC and had finally obtained satisfactory results. HKU SPACE CC offered me another chance to admit to university and has provided me with a lot of opportunities to learn and grow.
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Martin Chan
2018年市場學高級文憑 (市場學及管理)畢業
中學文憑試後,由於成績未如理想不能升讀大學,所以我決定報讀港大附屬 學院市場學高級文憑課程。希望實現理想、成功銜接大學。
在上課期間,我發掘了自己的興趣。老師在上堂時悉心教導、又會耐心地給 予指導和講解。課程設計由淺入深、令我容易掌握學科的理論;又會以生動 有趣、貼近現實的例子去闡述,使我更得心應手。下課後,老師們亦樂意解 答我們學業及升學的各種問題。
今天,我終於能一嘗升讀大學的滋味,有賴所有老師的循循善誘教導和幫 助。我十分慶幸兩年前報讀這個課程、遇到一班很好的老師。在此,我衷心 感謝他們,多謝他們的用心教導。
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Antonio Chan
我因為一分之差,大學夢便落空了,於是決定報讀升學率高的港大附屬學院 市場學高級文憑課程,立志要延續我的理想。
這兩年全靠講師們的悉心教導,同學們的互相勉勵,自己的堅持不懈,在良 好的學習氣氛下,學習的確事半功倍。學院會舉辦升學分享、學術講座和實 習機會,為同學的前途鋪路。
現在我終於升讀大學,入讀心儀課程的三年級。回想這兩年的時光,十分慶 幸自己能比別人有更多的經歷和在HKU SPACE CC認識了一班良師益友。
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Michael Yu
修讀港大附屬學院市場學高級文憑,助我完成了自己一直以來的目標 - 升讀本 港大學。
這兩年間,透過一班專業及資深的講師在課堂上悉心教導,我獲取了豐富的 市場營銷知識,更加深了我對市場學的興趣。而且他們給予同學討論時間, 希望我們能融會貫通,將知識應用於日常生活之中。
此外,講師們非常關心每位同學的學習進度及人生規劃,課餘時間更為同學 們提供各種升學及就業意見。
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Lauren Ho
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Beryl Lai
今天,我有幸能升讀本地大學,全賴得到HKU SPACE CC各位講師對我的栽培和鼓勵,他們的支持都給予每位學生信心和力量,讓我們更有動力學習,使我們在NON-JUPAS的路上並不孤單。
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Stitch Chow
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Chan Tsz To
在HKU SPACE CC讀書,不單獲得課本裏的知識,還可以透過暑期實習,了解供應鏈實際操作的流程。此外,亦有機會參與一些聯校比賽,從而擴闊我的眼界。
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Tang Ho Yan
現就讀香港理工大學全球供應鏈管理 學士四年級
完成修讀這課程,除了成功升讀心儀大學, 更令我有機會參觀不同企業的運作,掌握到物流行業的第一手資訊,例如機場貨運站和港鐵公司控制中心。我十分感激老師在兩年間的悉心指導下,給我贏得大 專物流業比賽和獎學金的機會。直至今年我有機會在香港飛機工程有限公司 (HAECO)當暑假實習生追尋夢想,一切都由我報讀這課程說起。
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Reborn Chan
HKU, Bachelor of Economics / Economics & Finance (Year 3)
During my two years of studying in the programme, not only did I learn about finance and investment theories, I also learnt about their practical use and how they relate to the latest global changes. The programme gave me a good chance to seize further study opportunities, and to enrich myself.
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Toto Chu
HKU - Bachelor of Economics / Economics & Finance (Year 3)
Studying in this programme has given me a lot of useful knowledge about economics and finance that will definitely help to prepare me for further studies and career development. The lecturers were very helpful and friendly. I was motivated by them and my confidence has been strengthened by studying here
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Winky Wan
HKU - BSc (Hons) Information Management (Year 3)
This programme equipped me with fundamental knowledge of business and laid a firm foundation for my further studies. The teaching was practical, with real-life examples that broadened my perspectives on the contemporary world.
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Grace Chan
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, BSc (Hons) in Financial Technology (Year 3)
This programme enabled me to develop advanced business knowledge and build a global perspective. Our lecturers were supportive and caring. I felt motivated to learn at HKU SPACE Community College.
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Jackson Au Yeung
HKU - BSc (Hons) Information Management (Year 3)
The HD in Business programme has provided me with rich and practical knowledge about economics and finance. It has also broadened my horizons and heightened my interest in the business world.
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Kelvin Yip
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, BSc (Hons) in Financial Technology (Year 3)
The HD in Business programme has provided me with rich and practical knowledge about business and finance. It has also broadened my horizons and heightened my interest in the business world.
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Law Lok Hin Jason
2017-2019 Associate of Business Administration, Year 2 (Accounting Theme)
Try your best to stay focus in class and take every assignment seriously. Remember no pain no gain. The more attention you have in class, the less time you need to spend on revision. In my opinion, time spent is not equivalent to the result. Therefore, study hard is merely the minimum, study smart is something you should master in your study in associate degree.
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Cheung Wing Fu
2017-2019 Associate of Business Administration, Year 2 (Accounting Theme)
In the two-year college life, hardly ever have I felt alone on this journey. Studying together, organising the orientation camp, being crazy in the common room, countless slices of life with my schoolmates having the same goal embellish my life. Our lecturers not only do support us academically, they also act in the role of peers and counsellors. All those relationships and experiences are my unique treasure which I believe that they are irreplaceable and always precious to me.
To those who propose to get articulated to university, please do not let your determination fade out and remember what you have promised yourself at the moment.
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Kong Pui Yan, Tracy
2017-2019 Associate of Business Administration, Year 2 (Accounting Theme)
HKU SPACE CC provides a pathway to enter into the university after two years of study. With the assistance from the experienced and supportive lecturers, I have gained back the confidence in academic. Using the resources wisely and paying as many efforts as we can would be the only way to succeed. Though GPA does not mean everything, it shows how hard you have studied. These two years were not easy, but I enjoyed it very much and I am thankful of having this “door” allowing me to continue my study.
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Wong Kai Ho, Alan
2017-2019 Associate of Business Administration, Year 2 (Management Theme)
Studying in HKU SPACE CC helps to develop me to be an all-rounded person. The experience that I had at HKU SPACE is meaningful to my further studies and my future career. When I was preparing my examinations, I would usually review my lecture notes and make my own notes to consolidate what I had learnt. For the university interview, I usually went through the past interview questions and read lots of recent news to get well-prepared. Hope these can bring you a new view to study in ABA Programme.
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Yue Ho Yin, Daniel
2017-2019 Associate of Business Administration, Year 2 (Management Theme)
For the two years that I’d spent in HKU SPACE CC, I am glad to have met many new friends; we spent lots of time studying together. The ABA Programme not only provided me a solid business knowledge, I was also having more chances to interview some successful real-life managers and do research on Hong Kong companies. These valuable projects strengthen my presentation skills and analytical skills comprehensively. Lecturers in this college are helpful and supportive; they are willing to provide useful information about our further studies and giving advices in our academic work.
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Alan Wong
HKU - Bachelor of Economics / Economics & Finance (Year 3)
This programme provided me with a lot of practical knowledge about economics and finance, which broadened my perspectives in the business world and helped me prepare for further studies at the university. I appreciate the ways my lecturers supported me during the learning process.
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Jacky Tse
HKU - BSc (Hons) Information Management (Year 3)
The Higher Diploma in Business programme has provided me with a chance to further develop my knowledge in all aspects of business. Not only am I well-prepared and ready to start my journey in university after two-years of study, but I also have built up a solid foundation of knowledge to support my career ambitions.
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Kyle Lai
CU - BSSc (Hons) in Economics (Year 3)
I learnt a lot from the programme and the knowledge I gained laid the foundation for my career and further studies. The lecturers are helpful and kind and proactively provided me with support when I was applying to universities.
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Mike Lai
2019 -2020 Higher Diploma in Business (Financial Services Theme), Year 2
The programme equipped me with fundamental knowledge and skills in the financial field as well as enhanced my passion for working in a financial institution. Lecturers here are kind and helpful, always responding to our enquires based on various needs.
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Lorraine Sheh
2018-2020 Higher Diploma in Marketing (Marketing and Management Theme)
I am thankful that I met a group of friendly and supportive teachers at CC who provided so much help for me throughout the years. Moreover, the counsellors of Students Development & Counselling Services (SDCS) offered tons of useful advice during the non-JUPAS application process, providing a myriad of workshops to assist students perform better in interviews and numerous internship opportunities. You will not regret choosing CC as your stepping stone to university.
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Jasmine Galenzoga Cua
2018-2020 Higher Diploma in Marketing (Marketing and Management Theme)
As a former Higher Diploma (Marketing) student, HKU SPACE Community College not only provided me with solid foundations in marketing, but also equipped me with valuable experience, such as ways to collaborate effectively with groupmates and deliver professional presentations, which enhanced my practical skills. My initial intention was to have a better start for my career as my unsatisfactory DSE results hindered and discouraged me from pursuing studies at local UGC universities. However, the lecturers gave me the support and knowledge that stimulated my learning interest and motivated me to acquire further knowledge. In the end, I was overwhelmed when I received offers from universities. Consequently, I realized that no matter how disappointed you were with your public exam, you could still have a fresh and equal start at CC to get into universities.
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Katherine Man
2019 -2020 Higher Diploma in Business (Economics Theme), Year 2
My two years at HKU SPACE CC have been very fruitful. The Higher Diploma of Business programme gave me insights into the fundamental aspects of business, such as accounting, banking and marketing. At first, I was unsure about my career path when I was choosing my major. Thanks to the supportive lecturers and the mentorship programme, I was able to receive practical academic advice, as well as refine my interpersonal skills, which will be undoubtedly crucial for my personal development. I am now moving onto the next stage of my life, but my years in HKU SPACE will always have a special place in my memory.
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York Tam
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, BSc (Hons) in Investments Science (Year 3)
Through the Higher Diploma in Business programme, I learned a lot of interesting and practical finance and economics concepts.
The knowledge I have gained through the programme will lay a strong foundation for my further studies and career.
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Szeto Man Kin
2018-2019 Associate of Business Administration, Year 2 (Finance Theme)
My performances in HKDSE were not satisfactory, which resulted in no university offers. However, my outstanding GPA at HKU SPACE CC allowed me to obtain my first-time scholarship and the chance to get into HKUST. Although you might be frustrated at this moment having to study an associate degree, I’d like to remind you that if you work hard, it would be a fruitful experience that may lead to many more opportunities in the future.
“Astronaut”, keep empowering yourself! I wish you all the best in the future!
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Tang Wing Sum, Daisy
2018-2019 Associate of Business Administration, Year 2 (Accounting Theme)
Studying at HKU SPACE CC was a meaningful and interesting experience for me. Not only did I acquire useful knowledge from lecturers, but also built up friendships with my schoolmates. During my 2 years of study, lecturers provided lots of advice and helped me when I faced difficulties in my academic studies and career development. Also, there were different societies and clubs for students to participate in. I was glad to be one of the executive committee members in the Business Society and tried to help newcomers adapt to the College life. I have no regrets in choosing HKU SPACE CC as the stepping-stone to university, and assure you that you will gain much more than you expect by studying at HKU SPACE CC!
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Cheung Ka Man, Dorothy
2018-2019 Associate of Business Administration, Year 2 (Accounting Theme)
My experience gained here, with my UGC-offers tell that choosing HKU SPACE CC is definitely a wise choice to make. All lecturers are nice and friendly, they are always happy to help if I have any questions about the study. During these 2-year time of study, not only have I gained knowledge from lecturers, but I also enhanced my interpersonal, communication and organisation skills. Most obviously when organising activities of Caring Angel, which is a scheme organised by SDCS of the college. Both extra-curriculum activities and study time in HKU SPACE CC have made my life becomes fruitful.
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Monique Villasin
2018-2019 Associate of Business Administration, Year 2 (Accounting Theme)
Pursuing my Associate’s degree in Business Administration at HKU SPACE CC was a memorable and valuable experience. I had always been frustrated about which business course I was truly interested in before I applied for ABA. Fortunately, in my 1st year, I was able to build a strong foundation on the numerous business courses before choosing to undertake the Accounting theme in Year 2.
In addition, HKU SPACE CC offered me different kinds of support I wanted, ranging from further study inquiries to maintaining my mental health. Some of the highlights of my 2-year education was the Student Development and Counseling services provided by the college. They arranged countless talks and activities relating to career development and university studies. Moreover, lecturers were also very helpful. Since I was pursuing ABA, my business lecturers would send us seminars and events relating to our course (HKICPA, the Big 4).
Overall, HKU SPACE CC has benefited me and others in various ways. These two years were not easy, but with the help of the college and the lecturers, I have enjoyed my time and managed to finish my programme.
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Gu Xin Yi, Lucy
2018-2019 Associate of Business Administration, Year 2 (Finance Theme)
During my HKU SPACE CC study, I have gained 13 A+ and 2 A out of 15 courses in my first three semesters. Sincerely, I was glad to meet a group of lecturers who encouraged me to ask questions actively, even the less skillful ones, which helped me a lot in my digestion of knowledge in depth. Meanwhile, thanks to the English Enhancement Courses prepared for mainland students in the first semester, I was exposed to multiple incredibly effective learning approaches. I'm convinced that both the business knowledge and the study skills I attained in HKU SPACE CC could benefit me a lot in my future study.
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Zheng Xuerou
2018-2020 Associate of Business Administration, Year 2 (Accounting Theme)
During the study in HKU SPACE Community College, I learnt effective individual and interpersonal skills. In attending accounting courses, I was equipped with basic accounting, taxation and auditing knowledge and applied it in solving business-related problems. Besides, I made a lot of new friends and took part in various extracurricular activities, which made my college life colorful and meaningful.
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Chu Ho Fai
在兩年HKU SPACE CC學習生活,除了在老師循循善誘下獲得專業知識外, 在升學方面,老師也提供了很好的建議,以至今天能在科技大學修讀心儀的課程。
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Ng Cheuk Ping
2019-2021 Higher Diploma in Marketing (Marketing and Management Theme)
Although we might get failed in the DSE exam, this is not the end. We need to be brave to face our fault and think about how to improve. DSE exam is only a process in our life, we still need to work hard for our future. After studying at HKU SPACE CC, I think I found my life goals. I used to be very unclear about what I like to do or study. However, the teachers in HKU SPACE CC are patient to teach us, during the learning process, I found what I like most.
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Chan Hon Leung, Howard
2019-2021 Higher Diploma in Marketing (Marketing and Management Theme)
I am grateful to be a student in HKU SPACE CC as I met a group of great friends and lecturers. I have acquired academic knowledge in marketing and learnt practical skills through this programme. Besides, with the support of student counsellors, it clarified my questions of non-JUPAS application and career aspects. They provided useful information through different workshops and talks. HKU SPACE CC will be a good choice for you!
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Elise Ng
Currently studying at HKU – BA (Year 3)
This programme has enabled me to grasp new and crucial business concepts to pave the way for my future studies and career development. It has given me a unique and enjoyable learning experience, as the learning environment is good, and the lecturers are especially friendly and caring.
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Henry Ngai
Currently studying at HKU - BEcon/ Economics & Finance (Year 3)
This programme has equipped me with sound fundamental knowledge that can be applied in the business world. With clear teaching in classes, I was able to learn effectively and efficiently. During my time in college, I have received a lot of support from the lecturers regarding my studies, university application, and future career planning. HKU SPACE Community College is an important stepping stone towards my future study and career.
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Jason Law
Currently studying at Poly U – BBA Financial Services (Year 3)
The Higher Diploma in Business programme has brought me a lot of interesting, and useful business knowledge. The programme greatly enhanced my interest in and knowledge of real-world financial issues, such as investments and insurance. Also, the lecturer always gave us a lot of encouragement and help, both outside and inside the classroom. This all gave us greater motivation and a sense of success in our learning.
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Ka Yan Szeto
Currently studying at Poly U – BBA Accountancy (Year 3)
I have learnt professional knowledge about business in the programme, such as Accounting, Marketing, and Finance. The lecturers gave me many suggestions for applying to university and helped me to broaden my horizons.
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Chan Tin Ho, Tony
2019-2021 Associate of Business Administration Year 2 (Accounting Theme)
HKU SPACE CC not only acted as a stepping stone for me to get a place in UGC university, but also as a truly inspirational academy from which I grew and derived a great sense of achievement. The teachers here are approachable and supportive, and the teaching model of the ABA programme is also pretty much in line with the UGC universities, which I believe would help me to adapt to the university school life in future.
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Ip Chak Yan, Taylor
2019-2021 Associate of Business Administration Year 2 (Applied EconomicsTheme)
All roads lead to Rome. This sentence has been proved by my study and life in the HKU SPACE CC. My DSE score was completely out of my expectation, and I did not meet the entrance requirements of university. You may feel frustrated at this stage, but I'm sure you'll change your mind once you try. HKU SPACE CC offers me another chance to start over. In addition to fruitful courses and helpful teachers, there are also students with the same goal. Astronauts, see you in university!
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Wong Wing Yan, Michelle
2019-2021 Associate of Business Administration Year 2 (Marketing Theme)
I was once a journalism student, yet later I realized that business is where my true passion lies. HKU SPACE CC was undoubtedly the first option coming to my mind, because of its excellent learning atmosphere as well as enviable reputation in the field. After two years of hard work, I was genuinely grateful that I received admission offers from HKU, CUHK, and HKUST.
I’m sure you are now under immense academic pressure trying to get a place in university, but I’m confident that HKU SPACE CC can offer you what it takes to get into a reputable one. Assert yourself and keep working hard. Best of luck in your journey to university!
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Cheung Chun Yuen
2019-2021 Associate of Business Administration Year 2 (Accounting Theme)
「太空」的每位講師都充滿教學熱誠,絕對不會hea 教。我遇過20位講師中,無一個hea教。另外,「太空」有很多成績優異的學生,有些同學們抱著競爭的心態讀書,在這氣氛中學習,無形中令自己更上進。如果你有清晰目標,例如誓要入「三大」,太空是你不二之選。
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Janice Ling
2020 -2021 Higher Diploma in Business (Financial Services Theme), Year 2
This programme not only teaches the concepts of economics and finance but also practical knowledge such as technical analysis and financial modelling that can be applied in real life. In addition, the teachers provide helpful advice for my future studies and career planning.
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Wong Hei Man
2019-2020 Higher Diploma in Marketing
Before studying at HKU SPACE CC, I got lost at that moment. After receiving encouragement and suggestion from my family and friends, I continued my study journey in the Higher Diploma in Marketing programme in HKU SPACE CC. Although we have suffered hardships of learning as the pandemic wears on, my study within this year is fruitful. The passionate and inspiring lecturers were practically equipping me with the skills and knowledge necessary for my career and advanced studies. Simultaneously, the school offered substantial academic and non-academic supports to me which gave me the push I needed. After a year of hard work, I am admitted to the Bachelor of Arts at The University of Hong Kong.
At this moment, some of you may be confused about the future. However, I believe that you will figure out it in HKU SPACE CC later. Just work harder and smarter. With the effort, you can achieve anything.
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Lai Ching Yee, Hilary
2020-2022 Higher Diploma in Marketing (Marketing and Management Theme)
HKU SPACE CC had offered me a chance to further my studies and created a better me. There is a saying “Success is not an accident; success is a choice”. I chose HKU SPACE CC because of the high admission rate to UGC-funded bachelor’s degree programmes and its good reputation.
During the past two years, I had been working very hard towards my goal of getting high GPA and receiving offers from local university. Now, I am well equipped with the marketing and management knowledge and had obtained the opportunities to progress to university studies.
I would like to express my gratitude to the teachers who had taught me enthusiastically and patiently. The school have provided different resources in helping us better prepared for the future. I have made a good choice to study at HKU SPACE CC. Now, I am excited about my future school life at university.
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Chong Kwan Ho, Kenneth
2020-2022 Higher Diploma in Marketing (Marketing and Advertising Theme)
我的DSE考得很差,當時對未來感到迷惘。完成毅進文憑後,我入讀了HKU SPACE CC的市場營銷高級文憑課程。
一開始我對全英文的學習感到非常不習慣,但幸好每一節課堂結束後老師都很願意提供幫助。我在HKU SPACE CC這兩年有非常精彩的學生生涯,例如參加電影學會和學校提供的講座,這些經歷都令我成長非常多。這兩年的成長和經歷,讓我終於獲得理工大學的學位,真的非常感激這兩年在HKU SPACE CC遇到的人。
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Jane Ho
2020-2022 Associate of Business Administration
I used to be a mediocre student who struggled to do revision properly. With all the support and assistance from fellow classmates and teachers at CC, I started improving myself from mistakes and laziness. 'You reap what you have sown.' It's never too late to mend. I truly believe all of us have the potential and ability to get a satisfactory result. We just need to manage our time properly and go extra miles for our goals.
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Billy Mak
2021 -2022 Higher Diploma in Business (Economics Theme), Year 2
During these two years of higher diploma experience, I have learned solid finance and economic fundamentals, although I had not studied these disciplines before. The lecturers are always supportive and keen to respond to students' needs. Their enthusiasm helped me get into my ideal university.
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Rico Lee
2021 -2022 Higher Diploma in Business (Financial Services Theme), Year 2
Studying HD in Business was very beneficial to me, as it offered me good insights into the financial services industry, including banks, asset management, and investment houses. The College also supported my study thoroughly via talks, workshops, and one-to-one consultations.
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Barry Yau
2021 -2022 Higher Diploma in Business (Financial Services Theme), Year 2
Not only did this programme help me build a solid academic foundation, the unique challenges in various group projects also brushed up my collaboration skills. The lecturers were also very informative on coursework and university applications. I am glad I chose HKU SPACE CC as a stepping-stone in my academic journey, as my time here was very fruitful.
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Hilda Tse
2021 -2022 Higher Diploma in Business (Financial Services Theme), Year 2
HKU SPACE CC provides me with a platform to enter the university. I learned a lot of knowledge theoretically and practically, with the help of lecturers who are nice and helpful, met friends with whom I can work hard and study, and gained useful information for future studies through the SDCS website. Each opportunity makes me grow and feel fulfilled, so I am grateful that HKU SPACE CC gave me a chance.
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Liz Li
2021-2023 Higher Diploma in Marketing (Marketing and Advertising Theme)
很慶幸我在兩年前選擇了港大附屬學院 市場學高級文憑課程,現在我終於能銜接上大學,這有賴學校提供的資源和講師對我們的支持。
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Kelvin Chung
2021-2023 Higher Diploma in Marketing (Marketing and Management Theme)
Studying marketing at HKU SPACE CC has been an incredible experience for me, especially because of the new friends I made and the good teachers who guided me throughout the course. One of the things that made my learning experience memorable was the opportunity to work on group projects with my classmates. It was exciting to collaborate and learn from their perspectives.
I failed my DSE 2 years ago, and felt terrible and lost at that moment, but serendipitously I found that there's a marketing programme in HKU SPACE CC. Although I had never exposed to marketing or studied business before, I chose to study it because of curiosity and interest. Eventually, I found my goal in these 2 years, studying marketing taught me the importance of staying updated with the latest trends and technologies in the industry, and motivate me to continue learning and exploring new ideas even after completing the course. If you are confused and lost, HKU SPACE CC Marketing could be a good choice!
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Hong Xiaokun Ben
2022-2023 Associate of Economics
I am glad to be a SPACE student which there is no regret with me. HKU SPACE CC is a reputable institution that provides engaging and enriching knowledge to students, which I can greatly benefit from. As a student of AECON, I learnt more exhaustive knowledge about Economics than secondary that explored my mind Economics is an abstruse topic. Besides, the college also offers various services to help you to bridge university programs, such as academic advising, tutoring and career counselling. I wish you all the best in your studies at HKU SPACE CC!
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Tsang Tsz Ho
2022-2023 Associate of Economics (Year 1)
Studying at HKU SPACE CC is a non-regret decision. The Associate of Economics (AECON) programme is intended to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of economics, covering microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics. It goes beyond what is taught in secondary education, providing students with a deeper understanding of economic principles and their practical applications. With experienced and attentive lecturers, students can benefit from a supportive and engaging learning environment. The programme is an excellent choice for students interested in pursuing future studies and careers in fields. By taking advantage of this outstanding program, students can lay a strong foundation for their future success.
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Maurice Cheung
2022 -2023 Higher Diploma in Business (Financial Services Theme), Year 2
This programme has given me the most valuable opportunity to learn Economic and Financial knowledge, given that I have no business background from DSE. I am very thankful for the supportive lecturers and programme structure that became my key to getting multiple university offers.
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Sophie Leung
2022 -2023 Higher Diploma in Business (Financial Services Theme), Year 2
The Higher Diploma in Business provides a wide range of business knowledge and is a solid foundation for my future studies. The lecturers were very friendly and helpful, allowing me a pleasurable learning experience.
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Ringo Chan
2022 -2023 Higher Diploma in Business (Financial Services Theme), Year 2
During my two years of study in the Higher Diploma in Business programme, I have learned many business-related subjects, preparing me for my future pathways in universities and jobs. Also, some courses like Practical Chinese, English in Business, and Information Management have helped me connect with workplaces more for my future. The lecturers' support and helpful advice motivated me to study hard and apply for university entry via Non-JUPAS.
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Carson Chan
2022 -2023 Higher Diploma in Business (Financial Services Theme), Year 2
The two years I spent at HKU SPACE CC were exceptionally fruitful. I acquired an understanding of the essential facets of business through the Higher Diploma in Business programme. I have gained knowledge of professional economics and financial ideas that I may apply in the future. The teachers gave me a lot of guidance and encouragement while I applied to several university degree programmes. Students intending to enrol in a university might consider HKU SPACE Community College a solid starting point. I am now moving on to the next phase of my life, but I will always cherish the time I spent studying at HKU SPACE CC.
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Lee Chun Man, Terry
2020-2022 Associate of Business Administration (Accounting Theme)
As the saying goes, “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you will land among the stars.” HKU SPACE CC is a great place to equip myself with the knowledge required for my future studies in the university. There are lots of experienced and supportive lecturers who are willing to provide considerable assistance while having difficulty in academics. The provision of SDCS activities has helped me do much more preparation for a university interview. It is undeniable that your hard work will pay off when you devote all your energies to studying here.
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Bull Rachel Ellen
2020-2022 Associate of Business Administration (Accounting Theme)
I felt lost regarding my future in the past. However, I have met many classmates and we worked hard together and helped each other during studying the 2-year associate degree programme. With lecturers’ encouragement and advice, I became more resilient and goal oriented. The study experience in HKU SPACE CC was enjoyable and unforgettable.
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現就讀教育大學小學教育榮譽學士一 年級
在兩年的大專生活中,我在老師的悉心教導 下,學習了許多供應鏈的專業知識,實在獲益 匪淺,亦藉此不斷發掘自己的潛能及確立人生 目標,順利入讀心儀的大學。
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現就讀理工大學全球供應鏈管理學士 三年級
環球供應鏈管理課程內容實用,導師經常引用 實例來輔助說明理論,使課堂內容充實又富有 趣味;又為學生提供寶貴的實習機會,使我們 可以學以致用,為繼續升學作準備。
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Jason Jung
2023-2024 Associate of Economics (Year 2)
After the release of my public examination results at my secondary school, I believed that they underestimated my full academic potential. It was clear to me that I was capable of more and deserved to achieve higher scores. Then I decided to study Associate of Economics at HKU SPACE CC. It not only allowed me to realize my potential, but also provided me with new and enriching experiences, whether it be through being a Student Ambassador for the college or taking additional courses external to the program I was studying. I am confident that the insights and successes I gained from my time at HKU SPACE CC will serve me well in my future academic pursuits.
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Ho Shing Hang
2023-2024 Associate of Economics (Year 2)
I am proud to have been part of the inaugural graduating class of the Associate of Economics programme (AECON). My passion for economics started in high school, and I knew that pursuing it in my higher education was the right decision. The programme provided me with the perfect platform to develop my quantitative and qualitative skills through its holistic approach to mathematics and specialized economics courses.
Lecturers of the programme were compassionate and patient and supported me in areas ranging from academics to life planning. The workshops and field trips expanded my knowledge and gave me practical exposure. Also, I made many friends who pushed each other to excel and grow, creating a rich and dynamic learning environment. All in all, my experience at AECON was enriching and unforgettable.
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Tsoi Chun Hei James
2022-2024 Associate of Business Administration Year 2 (Finance Theme)
During my studies under the ABA programme of HKUSPACE CC, I’ve acquired abundant knowledge and skill sets in the business domain and it certainly helps me develop the right perspectives and insights in the business field. Moreover, the curriculum provides me with an adequate foundation of various business aspects to gear myself comprehensively. That is crucial for my transition to university studies.
Besides, what differentiates HKUSPACE CC from other schools are its extensive learning resources, first-rate lecturers and multicultural student groups. Studying in such a cosy setting enables me to pursue my passion without apprehension. I will not hesitate to say that enrolling in HKUSPACE CC’s ABA is one of the wisest decisions I’ve made.
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Chen Danyan
2021-2023 Associate of Business Administration Year 2 (Finance Theme)
Embracing uncertainty and embark the first step. The methods of learning in HKUSPACE CC are different from those in secondary schools. Independence sets the baseline while companions determine the boundaries of achievement. Study in here, fortunately, I found myself, formed friendships and began to genuinely savor life’s pleasures. When youth is on your side, just try and step out.
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Chan Yee Ming, Bonnie
2021-2023 Associate of Business Administration Year 2 (Marketing Theme)
HKUSPACE CC is the place that gave me a second chance. The teachers, the classes, and the overall atmosphere at the college were all very effective in pushing me to improve. Although there were many setbacks and occasional disappointments, my friends and mentors were always there to help me the most. I feel I am not alone in my struggle, but we are progressing together.
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Chloe Hui
Currently studying at HKU, Bachelor of Economics / Economics & Finance (Year 3)
Studying the Higher Diploma in Business has given me a lot of useful business knowledge that will definitely help prepare me for further studies. The lecturers were very helpful - they gave me great advice for university applications and supported me during my studies by broadening my horizons, like arranging guest talks by university lecturers and visits to leading financial institutions.
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Rex Fung
2023-2024 Higher Diploma in Business, Year 1
Studying at HDBUS has been a unique journey that pushed me to grow. The insights and support from the lecturers made learning both engaging and enjoyable. It’s been a rewarding experience that has set a solid foundation for my future endeavours.
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Vanessa Leung
2023 -2024 Higher Diploma in Business (Financial Services Theme), Year 2
My study at HKU Space CC was invaluable. The passionate teachers not only taught me valuable professional knowledge, but also inspired my personal growth by encouraging me to explore different opportunities . This well-rounded approach has cultivated my interest in business, especially finance, and provided me with practical guidance for my academic and career goals.
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Lui Sze Yeuk, Matthew
BBA Finance (Year 2), City University of Hong Kong
Unsatisfactory HKDSE result seems to be a barrier on the path of pursuing my dream and career, but there are always other ways.
HKU SPACE Community College offered me a second chance to build up my knowledge and continue my studies. The Higher Diploma in Marketing programme allows me to gain insight in different aspects of the business field in operation, besides the courses also enhanced my hard skills and soft skills required in the future through hand-on experience and groupworks. This experience has helped me build a concrete foundation for my further studies and establish my future pathway.
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Law Hoi Ching, Mika
HKUST, Year 2, Business and Management
As my DSE results was not satisfactory, I enrolled in the Higher Diploma in Marketing (Marketing and Management Theme), hoping to successfully progress to the university with a good GPA. At the beginning of the course, it was a bit difficult for me to adapt because the teaching language suddenly changed from Chinese to English. The teacher knew this situation and taught very patiently, they will also supplement it with Chinese, so I could master and learn knowledge faster and easier and get a high GPA. In addition, studying marketing requires good communication, creativity and being innovative most of the time. For example, there is a group project that requires us to design a promotion plan for a brand. Forming group with classmates who are creative, imaginative and good in communication will have lots of fun!
I am very glad that I signed up for this programme. I have made many new friends and benefited a lot from it! I am very grateful to all my teachers for their careful guidance which enabled me to have the opportunity to study at university.
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The University of Hong Kong - Bachelor of Science in Information Management (Year 3)
After HKDSE, I enrolled into the Higher Diploma in Marketing program at HKU SPACE Community College to explore a new career path after some guidance from my family members.
Throughout the last two years, I had gained an increased awareness of my strengths and weaknesses and for another pathway to university. The programme has covered extensive marketing concepts and theories, practical skills for today's world, and useful elements such as group projects and presentations which hones my creativity, critical thinking and communication skills.
All my lecturers were knowledgeable and supportive, they made lessons engaging with real case studies and their own experiences in the industry. They were also enthusiastic to help students with any questions or difficulties. Overall, I'm grateful for the holistic education I received throughout this programme. I would recommend it to anyone who is keen to pursue a career in marketing and related fields.
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Bruton Boo
2023-2024 Associate of Economics (Year 2)
Hard work and good mentoring are crucial for achieving the goal of attending university. I'm grateful to have met many exceptional teachers at CC who offered invaluable guidance in preparing for my university interviews and further studies. I sincerely thank them for their passionate teaching and kind support.
The academic atmosphere at CC has been outstanding. My "comrades in arms" and I have formed strong bonds, encouraging and supporting each other throughout our two years of study. This experience has been immensely beneficial, helping me to be well-prepared for university. Studying at CC has truly been a turning point in my life.
You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” Together, let’s continue to overcome challenges and embrace our bright futures with determination and optimism!
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